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infant on cruise


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I think most parents, us included, take great pains for their kids to be respectful and not to disuturb others while on board...especially those parents with infants.


ITA. We took a backpack carrier and used the stroller only for the dining room since he was too little to sit on his own. He was a very easy going baby at that time and didn't cry. The point it, just because there is a few parents out there that don't care, doesn't mean most of us don't. I'm not taking my kids on my next cruise, because they are more active now, and it would be a disservice to them and others. Every kid is different. Parents need to decide for themselves whether their child is the type that would do well in that sort of environment.


As long as the baby is being breast fed, the baby has the same immunities it's mother has


This was why I couldn't leave him "home with grandma". My breastfed son, who went on the cruise, didn't get sick until he was over 9 months old! We went on an Alaskan cruise so I can't say anything about the health factor there. However, I did take my son to the pediatrician for a full checkup before we went. I got the go ahead from him and we also outlined a plan to keep him healthy and minimize risk.


Well said.... VERY well said. Methinks your comment hit a little too close to home for some people


WELL, ME THINKS it has nothing to do with the comment itself that's upsetting but the simple fact that it was a completely tactless and inflammatory response. I'm getting so tired of reading post after post of every tiny little thing getting turned into an arguement. I read a post about tanning - it turns into a debate about how bad the sun is for you. I read another about jeans - it turns into name calling. Honestly, if I would have stumbled upon these boards before I booked my cruise, I would have never chosen Carnival, because I've seen too many posts of people treating each other like crap. I didn't think this was a debate board, but somewhere to go where you could get advice, look for tips about cruising, or share your trip with others. It's a vacation board for crying out loud! Unfortunately, I've found just the opposite. I think it's so sad when I see post after post of comments like "don't flame me for asking but", "please don't start a debate on this" and IT STILL HAPPENS. Instead, some people think of it as a prime target for knocking them to the ground.


He/she does? Must have learned them from mom.


Because I called you out on a rude statement? That what you wrote was offensive? I am just appalled that you have no sense that what you say has nothing of merit value but is just snotty.

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I didn't think this was a debate board, but somewhere to go where you could get advice, look for tips about cruising, or share your trip with others. It's a vacation board for crying out loud! Unfortunately, I've found just the opposite. I think it's so sad when I see post after post of comments like "don't flame me for asking but", "please don't start a debate on this" and IT STILL HAPPENS. Instead, some people think of it as a prime target for knocking them to the ground.


NurseAngela, I completely agree with you. Unfortunately, I have participated in some of the pointless debates on here myself :o . In the future, I hope to make a comment and leave it at that. I also emailed LauraS about the excessive flaming on here . . . the silence has been deafening. I can only assume that the moderators and staff have absolutely no problems with the current tenor of this board.

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Life goes on. There's stuff here that the baby could get exposed to. I'm not sheltering my kid based on "what if's".



no kidding, how funny is that! Just as much exposure anywhere else.


Babies are fine, all I could add is all must simply follow the rules of the ship; pretty simple imo.

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This thread started out asking for an answer to a question---a very good question regarding bringing an infant aboard a cruise ship. What's wrong with that?

Contrary to what may be a popular belief, this is NOT a slam-dunk issue. Babies are not little kids, tweenies, or young adults, who are able to communicate, understand expectations, assume some levels of responsibility, etc. etc.

Babies present a whole plethora of problems that parents of same need (sometimes, I think) desperately need, to consider BEFORE they commit to the rigors of a cruise. Among these concerns is the fact that just because they believe that their child is the apple of their eye that that viewpoint just may not be shared by others---and that is a very valid concern.

It's distinctly possible that the child may indeed be totally "off form" in the environment and schedules required by the nature of what a cruise happens to be.

I think that for the most part what you've read in the thread consists of replies that you may not agree with, but that doesn't change the fact that they are real and still valid.

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We had no problems with Princess because the guys walking around said it was O.K...


Carnival has saltwater pools... I thought Princess had freshwater pools??? If you didn't have a problem on a ship that had chlorinated pools, there is your answer.

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Well I do appreciate the clarification on your "customary" photo op...the way it was worded originally it sounded as if the princess staff let the baby in the pool all the time...things can get mixed up on the boards


however, after reading this I did go look at the "family" board...where it seems there are many young parents who have a real attitude of entitlement about bringing little babies on board....going so far as to sort of help each other or encourage each other that swim diapers are OK in the pool


Some of the parents are taking a truly defiant, so what attitude on this, and to me this is about health/safety, not just about esthetics or protocol like jeans in the dining room


IF parents want to include the infants/toddlers on cruises I really think they would be wise to NOT try to push the boundaries and not bring their kids in any pool whatsoever


I also do not understand when someone says things like "and quite honestly no one in my family really uses the pools".... since you do not use pools *or hot tubs, why would you even bother to chime in??


I do think that the cruise lines have these rules for health reasons, I hope they are enforced. The more you all share your "tips" for how to sneak untrained babies into the pools, the more you will have concerned people begin bugging the cruise lines, the cdc etc on this matter


to me this is too far>> a good example is the mother who wants to sneak her kid in cause he has "good control">>>ewwwww


quotes from toddlers and swimming thread on family board



"My son will be almost three when we're on the Carnival Inspiration in a few weeks. He's not potty trained, but he does have good...control. He's never "dirtied" bath or pool water. If I put him in a swim diaper and covered it with a bathing suit, I don't think anyone would be able to tell that he was in a diaper. And even if he did have an accident, it would be contained. Does this sound like a bad plan?"



"The carnival miracle had a small kiddie pool up on the top deck by the smoke stack that had a lot of swimmy diaper kids in it.It only had a few inches of water in it and our daughter did just fine in it."



"While on Navigator I saw a number of kids in the pool with diapers. I just let my daughter walk around the shallow part where the water would splash up and she was just find doing that"


(referring to childs pool on Miracle)

"This is a children's pool which is 1 foot deep and 9 feet in diameter. It is for small children. The Carnival Rep told me swim diapers are not a problem here, and they have never enforced this rule in the children's wading/splash pool "


"Thanks, kaki, for the info on the kiddie pool. We, too, will be aboard the Miracle in May. (May 21st to be precise). Our 1 year old LOVES the water so it'll be nice for her to enjoy some quality splash time. "


~~~~ and for the rest?? You paid for your cruise, so the baby will be able to be in the dining room or buffet...but places like the supper clubs that clearly state "12 and older' or whatever, why even bother to try to take a baby there?? I think other people who are paying for an adult experience should NOT be subjected to kids there?

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Well, not necessarily.


However, you already indicated you'd skip the pool, at least partially for health reasons. Presumably you're also going to avoid the malaria risk, raw sewage, asbestos, lead paint, etc. Basic common sense. It's the people who aren't just ignorant, but know what the CDC says about swim diapers and still insist on risking the health of their children and other people's children.


e.coli in the pool could make me sick, but isn't likely to do more than that. It could kill my friends' 2 year old. I have a little bit of a problem with that. Don't you?



There's always a risk in public pools or public anything. Doesn't matter if its aboard a ship or otherwise. If the pool rules say swim diapers are ok so be it - swim at your own risk like everything else in life. Everything has a certain amount of risk, each must weigh that.


As for the original poster, I would say absolutely bring your baby and enjoy being with your family especially on a family type ship!

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no kidding, how funny is that! Just as much exposure anywhere else.


Babies are fine, all I could add is all must simply follow the rules of the ship; pretty simple imo.


I think what has been suggested is that on a ship, there is more probability... doesn't mean they will get sick, but definitely know what you are getting into. Your risk of Noro and other viruses are likely higher on a ship just due to the concentration of people... so "just as much exposure as anywhere else" probably isn't 100% correct. Some people are very protective (as they should be) about their infants, especially so young, and try to keep them out of higher risk situations... nothing wrong with that at all. Having to have a baby treated in a Mexican hospital, doesn't interest alot of people... nothing wrong with that. There is indeed higher risk on a ship, in a foreign country, with several thousand people in a small space. That is all that has been suggested in regards to illness and infants.

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I think the problem lies in the fact that Carnival is the main venue for "cheap cruises". Let's face it, a $499 6 day vacation is not a luxury vacation for most of us. I spend more than that on two days in NYC and that's just for lodging. These people are getting three square a day (plus all the junk food they can eat), a roof over their heads and first rate service for dirt cheap. On top of that they expect everyone to cater to their whims, including other passengers. Give me a break. If you want to be treated like Trump go to Trump Towers and quit trying to bully those of us looking for an affordable, relaxing, family vacation.


And remember... most of the people asking questions here are looking for answers, not advice on child rearing. Many are first time cruisers and just need a point in the right direction. I get it that you don't want my kid in the pool with swim diapers on. Point taken! You don't have to be nasty about it. I'd be willing to wager that many of these people have no idea the pools aren't chloronated. I'll also tell you that swim diapers do not leak. I suppose there is an exception to every rule but how many have you tried out lately? So a parent asking about the use of swim diapers is not trying to "break the rules and endanger others" they are trying to make sense of something that makes little sense to them. A swim diaper is not the same as your garden variety pamper.


We wonder why there can't be peace in this world when we can't even communicate nicely on a VACATION MESSAGE BOARD! Like I said before... if you want to avoid families and children check out the more luxurious lines/ships. There will be fewer of us pesky families there.

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I'm not taking my kids on my next cruise, because they are more active now, and it would be a disservice to them and others. Every kid is different. Parents need to decide for themselves whether their child is the type that would do well in that sort of environment.


Hey nurse,

That is the same reason why we aren't taking our son as well. With a toddler we decided to not make it a family thing. It's time for a nice getaway with just us. Finally got a situation where we could leave our son with his god-parents for a few days and decided to take advantage of it. Only 7 days to Ecstacy :)


Someone, earlier, said that there is a difference between a family vacation and an adults only vacation...doesn't family usually refer to "with kids"...?They too are totally correct IMO.


I guess, in short, there are plenty of opportunities to find adult only cruises...there are several posted on this site. Not that families should rule the roost, so to speak, but in reality there will be lots of kids on cruises. It is probably the best big vacation value available. We have thought about doing an adults only cruise but leaving a 2-yr-old for a week is pushing our luck.


I also think the condom remark was uncalled for, although probably (hopefully) made in jest. It's the personal remarks after that would get me steamed.


Cheri, noticed it too on the family boards...kind of scary.

Hope, I get it too.

Whoever said something about the pools being chlorinated on Princess, I say to myself, DUH! Must be "old age" setting in on my part!

Whoever said something about bringing my dog in to swim...I say the more the merrier! My kid loves to swim with her! HA



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There's always a risk in public pools or public anything. Doesn't matter if its aboard a ship or otherwise. If the pool rules say swim diapers are ok so be it - swim at your own risk like everything else in life. Everything has a certain amount of risk, each must weigh that.


As for the original poster, I would say absolutely bring your baby and enjoy being with your family especially on a family type ship!


Well, on Carnival, swim diapers are not allowed.... it's stated very clearly. So anyone that decides to put a diapered child, in a pool, on a Carnival ship, is clearly violating a CDC rule... I make no bones about it, I will say something in a minute to the parent, and I will alert security. This is a health hazard and could cause an outbreak. It's not something anyone should take lightly.

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I'll also tell you that swim diapers do not leak.


Do you know something the Center for Disease Control doesn't?? Because they would beg to differ with your expert opinion :p This is from the CDC's website. http://www.cdc.gov/healthyswimming/faq/swimmers3.htm

SO, is there something you know that they don't??



Do swim diapers or swim pants prevent fecal matter from entering the water?to_top.gif

Not likely.

Swim diapers are unlikely to prevent diarrhea (which may contain germs) from leaking into the pool. Even though diapers or swim pants may hold in some feces, they are not leak proof and can still contaminate the pool water. Therefore, it is recommended that you change your child often and make frequent trips to the toilet. Swim diapers or pants are not a remedy for frequent diaper changing

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This thread started out asking for an answer to a question---a very good question regarding bringing an infant aboard a cruise ship. What's wrong with that?

Contrary to what may be a popular belief, this is NOT a slam-dunk issue. Babies are not little kids, tweenies, or young adults, who are able to communicate, understand expectations, assume some levels of responsibility, etc. etc.

Babies present a whole plethora of problems that parents of same need (sometimes, I think) desperately need, to consider BEFORE they commit to the rigors of a cruise. Among these concerns is the fact that just because they believe that their child is the apple of their eye that that viewpoint just may not be shared by others---and that is a very valid concern.

It's distinctly possible that the child may indeed be totally "off form" in the environment and schedules required by the nature of what a cruise happens to be.

I think that for the most part what you've read in the thread consists of replies that you may not agree with, but that doesn't change the fact that they are real and still valid.



True but that goes back to the judgement of the parent, and as long as babies are allowed their within their right. Each must weigh that, you can say the same about teenagers or college kids, or people in general.


If people have bad judgement, then you must look to the ship personnel to intervene; especially if their disturbing someone else. We were on the Spirit last December, and it was a wonderful cruise. However directly behind us in the dining room 3 couples put all their children all at one table, no kidding! Now many were very young, older ones were fighting with the young ones and so on. Quite a disturbance. All the parents were at the table next to them enjoying their peaceful meal. The diners all around them kept giving them dirty looks, and the waiters were kept running from spilled drinks and so on! I even video taped it!


By the third night one of the little kids started choking, I mean bad and finally a parent was over there. Long story but the kid was ok, and every night after there was at least one parent sitting with them that looked miserable. lol I believe they were also told by the waiters an adult would need to sit there.


So in the end you must abide by the rules, and if someone is truly a disturbance or breaking them then either complain or let the ship personnel handle it. Other then that, if no rules are broken its difficult to get worked up.

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I get it that you don't want my kid in the pool with swim diapers on. Point taken! You don't have to be nasty about it.

Not our rules, the CDC -don't you get it yet???


I'd be willing to wager that many of these people have no idea the pools aren't chloronated. I'll also tell you that swim diapers do not leak. I suppose there is an exception to every rule but how many have you tried out lately? So a parent asking about the use of swim diapers is not trying to "break the rules and endanger others" they are trying to make sense of something that makes little sense to them. A swim diaper is not the same as your garden variety pamper.

Trying to make sense out of something that doesn't make sense to them?? Have YOU tried a swim diaper lately? Yes they do leak.

I live in an area that requires plastic pants over the swim diaper - too many children with swim diaper leaks.Too many children with E. Coli.-Do you get it yet?


We wonder why there can't be peace in this world when we can't even communicate nicely on a VACATION MESSAGE BOARD! Like I said before... if you want to avoid families and children check out the more luxurious lines/ships. There will be fewer of us pesky families there.


Most cruise lines allow children, we just need considerate parents. Please note "Sharecruisers" post regarding "parents" trying to get around/ignore the rules.


Also, take a look at Goingcrusin's post regarind the CDC. Do you get it, yet??

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however, after reading this I did go look at the "family" board...where it seems there are many young parents who have a real attitude of entitlement about bringing little babies on board....going so far as to sort of help each other or encourage each other that swim diapers are OK in the pool


Some of the parents are taking a truly defiant, so what attitude on this, and to me this is about health/safety, not just about esthetics or protocol like jeans in the dining room


IF parents want to include the infants/toddlers on cruises I really think they would be wise to NOT try to push the boundaries and not bring their kids in any pool whatsoever


I do think that the cruise lines have these rules for health reasons, I hope they are enforced. The more you all share your "tips" for how to sneak untrained babies into the pools, the more you will have concerned people begin bugging the cruise lines, the cdc etc on this matter


quotes from toddlers and swimming thread on family board


(referring to childs pool on Miracle)

"This is a children's pool which is 1 foot deep and 9 feet in diameter. It is for small children. The Carnival Rep told me swim diapers are not a problem here, and they have never enforced this rule in the children's wading/splash pool "


"Thanks, kaki, for the info on the kiddie pool. We, too, will be aboard the Miracle in May. (May 21st to be precise). Our 1 year old LOVES the water so it'll be nice for her to enjoy some quality splash time. "


~~~~ and for the rest?? You paid for your cruise, so the baby will be able to be in the dining room or buffet...but places like the supper clubs that clearly state "12 and older' or whatever, why even bother to try to take a baby there?? I think other people who are paying for an adult experience should NOT be subjected to kids there?


How DARE you cut and paste a quote of mine (bolded above) - - out of context - - and then suggest that I am offerring advise and tips on how to "sneak" a toddler into the toddler splash pool with swim diapers!


I was commenting on my experience, what I had just learned, and how strange I thought it was that they had a pool designated for those who WEAR swim diapers yet say they can't use the pool.


No where in my post did I provide tips, encouragement, or give off a sense of "entitlement." AND NO WHERE DID I SAY I WAS GOING TO LET MY KID SWIM THERE!!


I will say it again, HOW DARE YOU!


Boy you sure spent a lot of time compiling those quotes, I wonder how many others you manipulated to make your point.


Nurseangela is right, these boards are out of control. The rudeness to eachother is at an all time high and I for one am DONE! Mainly because of people like you.


Here is my original post - - read it CLOSELY:


On the Triumph they had a designated VERY SMALL "kids wading pool" on the entrance to the slide deck (deck 10 I think). You really had to go out of your way to get there.


There was also a play area here with slide, play toys. Clearly a kids area. That pool was 1 foot deep and 9 feet in diameter - a small circle/splash pool. My then 2 year old non-potty trained son used it, wearing his super duper swim diaper (never had a poop leak yet), along with many other toddlers under 3.


Don't flame me though...


I never knew about the non-chlorinated issue (and apparently neither did the other parents!), there wasn't any signage up there and we rarely (if ever) made it down to the main pool. I just didn't notice. After reading about it here I called Carnival to ask because the Miracle has a similar wading pool.


They told me the kids wading pool on deck 10 is definitely for toddlers. Children with swim diapers are allowed here in a kind of a don't ask/don't tell policy. Personally, I just don't get it. I mean, why would Carnival designate a pool for toddlers who are likely not potty-trained? This all confused me, and the PVP I talked to was equally confused.


Will I let my kid swim (wade) there? Honestly I don't know right now, but if I did, I would not be answering that here. I don't want to get into a debate about my personal decisions one way or the other, but thought I would share what I found out recently. (Also, I do understand it may not be my "choice" and someone from Carnival might hang out there enforcing the rules. That is fine)


He won't be in the main pool or hot tubs though, so don't worry!

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Well, on Carnival, swim diapers are not allowed.... it's stated very clearly. So anyone that decides to put a diapered child, in a pool, on a Carnival ship, is clearly violating a CDC rule... I make no bones about it, I will say something in a minute to the parent, and I will alert security. This is a health hazard and could cause an outbreak. It's not something anyone should take lightly.



Well then thats a no brainer, no swim diapers allowed so I would expect that rule to be followed and enforced.



Its certainly up to another cruiser if they so wish to alert staff. imo there's a reason for rules.

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Well then thats a no brainer, no swim diapers allowed so I would expect that rule to be followed and enforced.



Its certainly up to another cruiser if they so wish to alert staff. imo there's a reason for rules.


Seriously... you would think it would be a no brainer!! But I have seen it on every cruise!!!! And you point it out to parents, point out the sign, and they get offended!! But you just wait until THAT child comes down with an illness... I just don't get the mentality of it all.

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Kaki, I do hope you don't go. Seriously, If you stay out of the "hot topics" I think you will see that it really isn't that bad, and certainly not as bad as many forums out there (I visited a BAD one today, LOL!!!) All message boards are going to have their times. If you see a post that offends you or breaks the guidelines, rather than posting here and losing your top, report the post and the hosts see fit, they will remove the post. Just don't go away!!!! It really is great around here!!!

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I get the whole swim diaper thing...but isn't having a wading pool on a ship that allows toddlers to just "wade" like telling them not to splash the water out of the tub when you're giving them a bath? It's just not going to happen. Honestly, and in all seriousness, did I miss something?

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Kaki, I do hope you don't go. Seriously, If you stay out of the "hot topics" I think you will see that it really isn't that bad, and certainly not as bad as many forums out there (I visited a BAD one today, LOL!!!) All message boards are going to have their times. If you see a post that offends you or breaks the guidelines, rather than posting here and losing your top, report the post and the hosts see fit, they will remove the post. Just don't go away!!!! It really is great around here!!!


Thanks GoinCruisin, I appreciate that. I really like posting with you...and many others, but the way she/he manipulated my post and then suggested it's meaning really ticked me off! Did you see my original post?! The person who cut and pasted part of it only cut the part that helped him/her make her point, then used my NAME!


What was up with that?


I guess I didn't think about reporting the post as I didn't want to spend that much time on it. But it did get under my skin - not sure why! And maybe, just maybe drawing it out in public gives me some closure as I didn't want others to take my meaning out of context.


Ok, I am cruising in 3 days folks, gotta focus on the good mojo

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I get the whole swim diaper thing...but isn't having a wading pool on a ship that allows toddlers to just "wade" like telling them not to splash the water out of the tub when you're giving them a bath? It's just not going to happen. Honestly, and in all seriousness, did I miss something?


From what I understand (according to the Carnival documentation), ALL pools on the ship, require the child to be potty trained... no swim diapers, period. I have never heard an exception, regardless of what type pool it was. I know that a few ships have these "wading pools", but I have never heard that the rule was different there, so I don't know. I would think ALL would mean all...

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I get the whole swim diaper thing...but isn't having a wading pool on a ship that allows toddlers to just "wade" like telling them not to splash the water out of the tub when you're giving them a bath? It's just not going to happen. Honestly, and in all seriousness, did I miss something?


No, you didn't miss anything. As I said many posts ago, I don't get the purpose of that wading pool. It's designated a "children's pool" and clearly for kids under 3 (I have 2 boys and didn't experience potty training success earlier than 3).


Strange indeed

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Thanks GoinCruisin, I appreciate that. I really like posting with you...and many others, but the way she/he manipulated my post and then suggested it's meaning really ticked me off! Did you see my original post?! The person who cut and pasted part of it only cut the part that helped him/her make her point, then used my NAME!


What was up with that?


I guess I didn't think about reporting the post as I didn't want to spend that much time on it. But it did get under my skin - not sure why! And maybe, just maybe drawing it out in public gives me some closure as I didn't want others to take my meaning out of context.


Ok, I am cruising in 3 days folks, gotta focus on the good mojo


Sometimes, you really just have to let it roll off your back... hey, if that is the worst thing someone does to you, be happy... and remember there is one member on these boards that wished cancer on another member... so be glad you didn't have a run in with that person... some people do things to prove a point, and some are just evil. I don't think that poster was trying to be evil, and I think your name was used only because he copied the reply. He may have meant to be that way, I don't know... but consider yourself lucky it wasn't worse. Some people are way mean on message boards.


And you are cruising in 3 days!!!!! So keep your focus, and don't sweat the small stuff. Those that are familiar with your posts know that you are considerate... have a FABULOUS cruise!!!!!!

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From what I understand (according to the Carnival documentation), ALL pools on the ship, require the child to be potty trained... no swim diapers, period. I have never heard an exception, regardless of what type pool it was. I know that a few ships have these "wading pools", but I have never heard that the rule was different there, so I don't know. I would think ALL would mean all...


I guess I'm wondering out loud why they would even have a "kiddie pool' or wading pool when, by nature, kids want to just get in and play! Kind of a contradiction don't you think? I can just see all of us parents standing there saying, "It's O.K Billy, you can walk around in the water but just don't get your butt in the water"...That would be something to see! Then you would have all of the kids crying and then all the other people would be upset because all of the babies are crying and then the upset people would be complaining to the staff about the crying babies and people would be getting kicked off the ship...yada yayda yada:p

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