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Just back from Miracle Western Carib 4/9-4/16

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OK, Just rolled in from Tampa after the 13 hour drive back home.


I will post what we did and some of my feedback on the events of the cruise. I will add more over time as it will take some time to type it all.


Bellybutton and I were first time cruisers.



Stayed at the Double-Tree about 8 miles from the port. Nice hotel and a very friendly staff. The stay was hectic due to a teenage conference that was being held there. Reservations were messed up, due to the conference? THey worked with us and a little smoozing with the clerks neeted satisfactory results. Other than this it was great.


My mom drove up from south of Tampa and stayed the night so she took us to the port on Sunday. Signs to the port are less than they should be. If you drive and park, follow Tampa Blvd until it ends and thrn left. Others who stayed took the shuttle and had no problems.


The sign and sail pre-boarding helped greatly. We were checked-in in about 10 minutes. Then we waited longer to board then I expected. We got to the terminal at 11:30a and didn't board until after 1:00p. We met up with some other "roll callers" so we had a good time waiting and getting to know one another. Boarding was painless. Before you board ships photographers will snap a picture of your group.


Once on board we went straight to the cabin. The stewards were no where near done. We introduced ourselves to Saphot who was our steward. He's from Thailand. I tipped him $20 and asked him to take good care of us. He did. I will provide more detail later. We were in cabin 5289. Aft on the starboard side (back right for non-nautical types). This was a "GREAT" cabin. We paid for a guarenteed ocean view and got a balcony. Great uplift for free. Cabin was big enough for four, comfortable and I have no complaints. My bed was comfortable, I'll have to ask the kids how theirs were. They sleep like logs so I don't imagine there will be any complaints.


Then headed up to the Lido for the drink of the day. Yummy. All the buffet lines were open. Good pizza and hamburgers, 1/4 lb hot dog, steak sandwiches, etc. you won't go hungry. Kids were in the pool right away.


Luggage showed up in the room as we were pulling away, around 4:30. We missed early seating on sunday because we got unpacked and watched the sites from the cabin. I recommend the late seating if you can get it. You will see why on port days.


We walked the ship to learn where everything was and took some pictures. That's about it for day 1.


I will post a link to my pictures once I get them label and sorted.


Hint, more money, less clothes.

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Mon-Fun day at Sea.

Got up whenever, that was nice. Had breakfast in Horatio's. Omlette I think. Worked my way up to the Sun deck (10) to meet Bellybutton. Had chairs setup and hung out with OSP320 and Shotzy. I brought a bottle of rum witm me in my luiggage so I mixed with fruit juice all day. This was great. I had a 20oz, insulated mug that I kept filling up. I took my rum up to the sun deck in small water bottles.


Took part in the belly flop contest with Shotzy's husband. I think I should have one, I had the biggest belly and after reviewing the video I had a perfect flop. I got a medal for my effort so I felt rewarded enough to go have anoter drink.


I did get beat fair and square in the hairy chest contest. A biker from Tenessee won. Loads of fun.


It was a fantastic day. Lots of sun and fun.


We attended the Captains cocktail party. Free booze. Bellybutton and I had the whiskey sours. You can order anything you like but it takes longer. The finger food wasn't anything worth writing about.


We had the early seating at dinner. Lobster and Prime Rib. Lobster was a little over done and the gravy? on the prime rib stole it's flavor.


The flourless chocolate cake was to die for and I'm not a chocolate lover. The taramisoue (sp) was good too. Order both if you have the stomach room.


The show was good, a Vegas type of song and dance. My son liked the girls costumes for one of the closing acts. I said it was a Vegas show didn't I?


Late night on the Lido for a rueben and pizza. The deli is nice.


Tuesday - Grand Cayman


Ordered room service the night before, cereal, coffee, fruit and muffins. They knocked on the door promptly. The coffee was a little better than the Lido deck.


We arrived before sun rise and it was fantastic sitting on the balcony drinking coffee and watching the sunrise.


The tender into Georgetown was painless and took less than 10 minutes. They put you right downtown. Island time is an hour behind ship time and nothing was open. We booked a tour with Captain Marvin's and headed to his office. a 5 minute walk, maybe. We checked in and shopped in a few of the local shops that were open. Picked up 4 bottles of hot sauce right on the main drag.


Met Capt. Marvins bus and drove to the dock. Maybe a 15 minute ride. Drove along 7 mile beach. Fantastic westward facing beach. The charter was small, maybe 20 people. We selected the three dive package. The trip out to the first dive might have been 25 minutes. This was a dice in 9-10 fet of water. Lots of fish and small coral formations. The dive lasted 30 minutes or so.


Then we left for the second dive spot. Upon arrival the boat captain did another count of passengers. Well, we took up anchor and headed back to dive spot 1. The videographer told the captain that all were onboard but he didn't beleive him. No abandoned divers were found so we headed back to dice spot 2. Time wasted: 40 minutes.


The second dive spot was fantastic. The boat captain who can't count could feed a morey eel and some nurse sharks. Soe we spent 30 minutes diving with 3 nurse sharks that love to be petted and one very hungy eel. He felt I owed him some food the way he kept coming up to me. Don't panic, it can be intimidating. The first rule of diving is not to panic. I can't tell you how many times I was kicked in the head with flippers.


The third stop was Sting Ray City. We jumped in an the rays swim right up to you. The will swim right over you ffet and rub against your legs. They are very smooth. We were given squid to feed the rays. They swim up to you and suck the squid from your hands. In in all they are very gentle, again, don't panic. The videographer took movies with every family on the boat. You get to hold and kiss the ray. I even got may bald head polished by one.


We purchased a video of the trip. I think it was $60 US. This wa the first time my kids and wife snorkeled in the ocean and the memory will last forever. We were able to preview the video on the boat so we saw what we were purchasing.


We barely made one of the last tenders. This was due to the lost time going and looking for our lost, er, not lost boat mates. I'm glad he went back to look but I wish he had a proper count of the passengers. So the only Cayman shopping we got to do was very early.


Advice. Take a diving trip, but make sure is is as early as possible and two stops if you want to shop.


The water was beautiful but I can't add anything about the rest of the island.


We had dinner in the main dinning room. I commented to the family that it was weird that the ship was turning around and a few minutes later the matri d announced that we were returning for a medical emergency. Later that night the cruise director confirmed this and let us know that Cozumel's schedule would change. Dinner was good. Stay away from the lobster bisque. Nasty. My son had a filet that was fantastic. I think we had some sushi that night as well too. It was good.



Wed. - Cozumel


Got up around 8. Had breakfast in the Bachhus. Not great. The buffet breakfast is better.


Got in line for a tender number. Got 7. If this is the norm in Cozumel get in line early. OSP320 got tender 3 and he was in port at least 90 minutes before us. First tenders out were for Canival booked tours. We arrived at 12 and we were originally scheduled at 9. This may be why tender tickets were needed. We got to the dock at about 2:30. My son and I went to Paradise Beach. $12 cab fare for the both of us. We meet Shotzy and OSP320. He got a wrist band and trampolined and kayaked. The chips and fresh guacamole were remarkable, get some! The kids rode the water dog for $14 each. The had a good time and a long ride, probably because they wiped out.


There is no drinking age in Mexico. There are stories here but I will protect my friends by not telling them.


My wife and daughter stayed to shop. They took a taxi into town to get better deals. On there way in the cab they were in was sandwiched in a slow speed accident. No one was hurt but where is that personal injury lawyer when you need him?


My wife had the fresh guacamole at Fat Tuesday's at the tender pier and said it was very good there as well.


My shopping consisted of a cowboy hat in the market at the tender pier. The local guy wanted $45 when I walked in. and was down to $10 as I walked away. I went back a few minutes later and picked it up for $10, but this was only after he tried to take it back up to $20.


We missed dinner because the tender we took got us back at 6:00. We could have gone in because we noticed throughout the week that people who came as late as 6:30 were served.


The show this night was a balancing act. He was fantastic, go see this show. There was also a comedian who was funny.


Late night rueben at Horatios.


More later.

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Love your great review...


Some one posted that some of the menu


items had changed...


Did you keep copies of the capers


and menus?


Would love to see them, as we are


on the Miracle in Oct.


Also, how was the slide?




The Moore Gang :)





See our Mariner pics at:




May your seas be Flat...


And your tummies be fat...

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The wife does all the research, hooks up with everyone on roll call, and now you get to post the review..... so typical;). It was great meeting the 'fantastic Belly Roll'.:) Yes, I think you should have won. Great meeting everyone. Did you see Binney's review? Was she on the same ship?

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The wife does all the research, hooks up with everyone on roll call, and now you get to post the review..... so typical;). It was great meeting the 'fantastic Belly Roll'.:) Yes, I think you should have won. Great meeting everyone. Did you see Binney's review? Was she on the same ship?


HeHe, He's a better writer than me. We had a great time and the kids are ready for next year, maybe the new CARNIVAL LIBERTY for 2007 Spring Break.

It was great meeting you all even though the meet and greet didn't go to smooth!!

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Crisp1, thanks the vote on the belly flop. I did win!


Thursday - Belize


Arrived to very dark grey clouds. Got on the first tenders with the Carnival booked excursions. No problems here. It started raining as soon as we got to port. This was a long tender, the ship anchored out far this day. Seas were rough but bearable.


We booked the cave tubing with Tom ++ Green++wood. He was waiting at the head of the pier for us. The second family of the excursion arrived two tenders later and we headed straight to his van. It started to pour and we thought the day would be a wash, literally. Tom was very informative, answering any questions we had on local customs, history, politics, etc. All total we had 13 plus Tom. The ride to the caves wasn't bad and the skies cleared as we drove. Tom has his own equipment on-site, quality dive lights and ski vests (better than the orange horse collars everyone else had). The walk to the caves took about 45 minutes, through the jungle. This isn't bad but its not like walk around your block. Get water shore with thicker soles. Once at the river we got in and were given the choice of being connect or free floating. We allchose free floating and once you figure out how to manuever it is much better. The other groups looked like cattle being hearded through the caves. Tom stopped us and explained many of the Mayan religous symbolisms present in the caves. Once we got back to the village we had lunch at the little cafe near the entrance to the cave path. It consisted of 1/2 of a BBQ chicken, rice and beans with a black bean relish, fruit, pasta, fresh bread and juice. We also were treated to a chocolate rum muffin that was heavenly. I recommend this if you can book with him.


The only drawback was the timing. The extra time in the cave and a leisurely lunch go us back just in time for the last tenders. We never worried about missing them but we didn't have any time to shop. Tom dropped us off right at the Carnival tender pier.


We got back and dressed for dinner. Nothing fabulous this night. Beef Wellington was the main red meat and I made the mistake of ordering a filet. Well I think I got one that had the liver removed. Yuk. I had a roast beef and swiss baget at Horatios later.


Tonight was the hypnotist. We left about 25 minutes into it. It took that long for him to select his subjects and to put them into a trance or what ever he does.


Friday - Costa Maya


Pier side!!!! This is nice, Disembarked with out pain. Shopped in the crusie ship market. No real deals but you can work them if you have the time. The best selection of any of the port we had been to yet.


We were heading to the Cat's Meow to meet OSP320 and Shotzy. Go out the gate and get a cab 100 yards down the road. It's a dollar cheaper per person ($2) if you hold your ground. OSP320 was there already and we rented two lounge chairs in the sun and took over a 4 top under a cabana. There we stayed.


OK, if you go to the Cat's Meow you must do the following. Fist find Hugo, he is "the" waiter, then you must tell him the Jaime (Hi-May) sent you. I'm Jaime and I told him that I was going to send cruisers his way. If you are wondering why I am doing this, well I'll tell you. Hugo was the best waiter I have ever had. He was very personable, he hooked me up with the correct beach vendors. I mean he walked down the beach to bring them back to me. He also pointed out to me which shop owners to avoid. You know when something feels right, well Hugo was an honest man working hard to make a living. He hooked me up when I needed ice for my beers, or more rum in Bellybuttons pina colada. If you look him up and tell him I sent you I'm sure he will take of you as well. Remember, tip him well.


The coconut shrimp is great.


This is the place to shop for bargins. Sombreros, Cuban cigars, t-shirts, silver, etc. I spent more here but the negotiating was the best. I love to haggle and a small amount of spanish will go a long way. Introduce yourself to everyone and tell them your name. This is a great way reduce the tension of the negotiation. I got the big box (5 long ones) of Cuban Cohiba cigars for $15. Never thought about customs when I bought them. I use this example because most vendors wanted $30-$45 for this box of cigars. Customs will be your problem.


Crisp1 and Shotzy showed up later and had some beers and sun with us.


The taxi ride back was quick and we had time for the pier shops but we got everything we needed at the beach. Well almost everything. If anyone reading this is going to Costa Maya and they are from Virginia Beach, VA. please reply, I need a small Mayan temple, this we forgot, I'll pay you for it and will meet you upon you return.


Dinner in the dining room, second formal night. Had something, not memorable.

Sat - Fun Day at Sea


Deck 10, rum and beers, sun and fun. Sat around with OSP320 and Shotzy. Good conversation, not a cloud in the sky.


I had lunch in the dinning room, thought the fish and chips would be good, wrong. Big fish sticks from Gortons. Should of had the BBQ ribs, they looked and smelled great.


Diner in the dining room. One of the kids ate with her friends and my son showed up for dessert. i had the Chateaubriand and seafood newburg, the meat was a perfect medium rare. Too rage for Bellybutton so I had hers. The newburg had a sauce similar to the lobster bisque from Tuesday, I didn't really like it either but I had the seafood anyway.


Had the last rueben and pizza at Horatios and then packed. Luggage outside at 10:30.


Sunday - Bummer!!


Cleared on-board customs at 7:15, no problem with my 4 liters of rum purchased on-board. Omlettes at Horatio's and out of the room. Thought we were going to make it out without buying the towel animal book. Saphot had one to us in 2 minutes and we also broke down and kept a Carnival bathrobe.


Don't rush to get off the sip. Waited on deck for almost an hour. Got off at 9:15, picked up the luggage and were on the sidewalk waiting for the DoubleTree van by 9:30. Got packed and on the road at 10:00. 12.5 hours later we were home in VA Beach. :(

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If anyone reading this is going to Costa Maya and they are from Virginia Beach, VA. please reply, I need a small Mayan temple, this we forgot, I'll pay you for it and will meet you upon you return.


First off I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your review. Secondly, I live in Hampton and am going on the Miracle in 10 days from now. I would be glad to pick up that piece for you if you want. I have done that before for some people on here and even shipped it across country. You are a lot closer and all we have to do is negotiate or favorite headache the HRBT!

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Hi Folks,

I really liked reading your review. I will be on Miracle June 11-18th. Five staterooms with my familey of 13. Eight audults and five kids. Looking foward to it very much.

I live in

Chicago now, but I went to College in Virginia Beach in the early 80's

Virginia Wesleyan. I worked at the beach at a restraunt called Worrell

Bros. for a few years and loved VB. I lived down in VB for almost eight

years and learned as you know, we will never be a tourist. HA HA

Thanks again,


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