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Bear Viewing: Katmai


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Does anyone know what companies offer overnight packages?


The first one below is the only one I could find for overnight packages, which would be

$960 double per person

$803 quad per person



OR just the viewing for $549 round trip Anchorage per person


Other bear viewing I found to Katmai


$659/person (10 hours)



$599/person (8-10 hours)



$699 per person



Has anyone done this? I saw a post from "Katmai" that said they did overnight stays. Did you do a package from somewhere? What are the best ways to book this?


Thank you!

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Does anyone know what companies offer overnight packages?


The first one below is the only one I could find for overnight packages, which would be

$960 double per person

$803 quad per person



OR just the viewing for $549 round trip Anchorage per person


Other bear viewing I found to Katmai


$659/person (10 hours)



$599/person (8-10 hours)



$699 per person



Has anyone done this? I saw a post from "Katmai" that said they did overnight stays. Did you do a package from somewhere? What are the best ways to book this?


Thank you!


This was one of the highlights of our trip. We went with Bald Mountain Air out of Homer. http://www.baldmountainair.com We landed via seaplane on a small river near the ocean in Katmai Park. Wearing waders, we exited the plane in the water, and walked to the riverbank. There, we put on our regular shoes and walked about 1/2 mile along the riverbank and our pilot/guide set us along the bank on a small hillside. Brown bears were all around, and the scenery was awsome. Several grizzlies came within 30 feet. Along the riverbank, there were huge bear paw prints in the sand. I wish I would have known, and planned to bring a quick drying plaster to mix up and bring back the paw prints as a souvenir. We were on a day trip. On the flight back to Homer, our pilot flew over glaciers, zig zagging back and forth across the glacier from the top of the mountain, down to the bottom. We flew very close to glacier, seemed like you could reach out an touch. We were not expecting this flyover so it was a big bonus. I can't wait for the opportunity to do this again. The evening before, and the day of the Bear adventure, we spend the nights at the Ocean House Bed and Breakfast. The B&B is along the shore, and very near the pier where Bald Mountain's sea planes take off.


Where ever you stay, and with whom ever you take a bear tour with, it will be one of the most exciting and awsome adventures you could ever experience. Have fun with this fantastic adventure.

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Wow, thank you for the information. It's good to know that seeing the bears is worth all that money!


I'd like to not have to leave out of Homer if it's possible. Has anyone actually done an overnight?

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Try Katmailand at 1-800-644-0551. They do the bookings for the cabins in the Park. They can also offer air. If you spend at least two nights there, you can do the day trip to the "Valley of 10,000 Smokes", which is very interesting.


Be careful of the dates that you would be out there. The bears gather for several weeks, usually in July and again in early September. I spend several days there and saw many many bears. Had a friend go out a few weeks later, and she only saw one in three days. The folks at Katmailand can advise you of the best dates to go out. If you aren't at the right time for that, consider the day trip described above.

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We went last July, using Rust's Flying Serivice. We saw a LOT of bears - pictures here if you want to see.




We didn't spend the night at Katmai, but saw the cabins. If we did the trip again, I would definitely try to stay in one of those cabins in Katmai. It is really an amazing place! Even more than we expected.

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Is the last week in June / early July good?


NO-the bears in the Katmai are salmon eaters. The salmon don't start making a big run until mid-July. In fact, the best time to go is late August-early September. The bear do NOTHING but fish. They pack on about 60% of the weight they need for winter in a 4 week period. In June/early July, they are feeding mostly on berries and sedges.


Don't waste your money going to Brooks Falls-the place of the cliche picture of bear catching salmon in the waterfall. You have to walk to a viewing platform, wait in line, maybe get 15-30 minutes on the platform, then go back to the end of the line and wait your turn again. Waste of money and permits are hard to get.


I have done Brooks Falls, Emerald Air out of Homer and been to Hallo Bay 4 times and am going again in August. Hallo Bay is by far the best of the lot, IMHO. http://www.hallobay.com/


PRIVATELY OWNED camp in the Katmai. The only privately owned camp and they LIVE there from mid May to mid September. They are on the ground everyday, not like the fly-in companies that have to "guess" where the bears are. That was the problem with Emerald Air. Even though they tried, we only saw two bears all day. At Hallo Bay, I have seen bears on the beach just flying in from Homer.


All other overnight accommodations are owned by forest service or forest service concessionaires. We have stayed for one night and three nights at Hallo Bay. Truly a once in a life time experience (that's why I go almost every year). Go to Homer and fly to the Katmai. You will have a much better experience than flying from Anchorage.

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@ CSloan: I really like those pics, they are great. How much of a zoom did you have on your camera?


@ greatam: As I was reading other posts for Katmai, for some reason I saw that July 1 is prime viewing time. Also, one of the companies I called said the same thing. I guess that's wrong?


I'm more concerned with my timing to get to Homer for another full day. I see it would be possible with the shuttle service from Anchorage to Homer and Homer to Seward. (That would be my route.) Does anyone know who offers the service?


Which company would you recommend to Hallo Bay? I see the link you put in, that company only does 2 night stays. Would you recommend even staying or are the 5/8 hour tours enough?

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@ greatam: As I was reading other posts for Katmai, for some reason I saw that July 1 is prime viewing time. Also, one of the companies I called said the same thing. I guess that's wrong?


Please read the info on the Hallo Bay website. Very good info on what the bears are doing when IN THE KATMAI. July 1 may be prime time in Southeastern Alaska (where the cruise ships go), but it certainly is NOT in the Katmai. They are scattered out in the forest in July. Remember, they are fish eaters and the fish aren't running much in early July.


I'm more concerned with my timing to get to Homer for another full day. I see it would be possible with the shuttle service from Anchorage to Homer and Homer to Seward. (That would be my route.) Does anyone know who offers the service?


Homer Stage. http://www.homerstageline.com/

To use the Homer Stage (great service, by the way), you leave ANC in the afternoon and don't arrive until about 9:00PM. Make sure you plan enough time in Homer. It is often foggy and you may not be able to fly every day. I personally would give up most of the rest of Alaska to spend time in Homer and with the bears.


Which company would you recommend to Hallo Bay? I see the link you put in, that company only does 2 night stays. Would you recommend even staying or are the 5/8 hour tours enough?


There is only one company-HALLO BAY. They OWN the property. PRIVATE CAMP. They live there all summer. Owned by two people who live in Homer in the winter. They also own a B&B in Homer.


I have stayed and I have done the day tours. Sure, I like staying overnight A LOT. But if you don't have much time to stay, the 8 hour day tour is very good. If you go in late August-you may see 30-50 bears feeding in the tidal flats. And that is what I go for.


If you want to see some pictures, with all of us (8 people-4 daytrippers, 3 overnighters, and Smyra the guide) sitting on the beach 30 feet from 2 4yo females for more than 1/2 hour, you may email-greatam@earthlink.net- and I will send you the pictures. NO zoom-we were 30 feet away. I have actually been within 15 feet of a large male-Teddy. I was close enough that I could smell him, A LOT.


That same day, Andy the pilot from Homer Air-actually had to "buzz" the beach twice, as he couldn't get the bears to leave the beach to pick us up. He finally had to land about 1/2 mile away, in very soft sand, and we all had to push the plane so we could leave. One bear, very large male, had made himself a bed in the sand and there was nothing we did that was going to disturb him. We had to walk right (30 feet) past him to get to the plane.

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I spend 3 days last july (19 to 22, 2005), WENT EVERY MORNING AND EVENING TO THE FALLS, see an average of 20 bears at the same time, never need to do any line or go back, stay about 3 hours every time at the platforms.


Make all reservations with Katmailand, stay on cabin 28, last of the front line looking to the river full of young bears, one day 4 of them run in front of my door, stop, play and continue, I stood there and watch one of the best moments of my life.


The best times are late july and early september, but if You are looking for an overnight, be advise, I do my reservations 18 months in advance, space within the high season is premium.


Good luck and enjoy Your bear encounter, is more safe than We can imagine and a better experience also.

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I spend 3 days last july (19 to 22, 2005), WENT EVERY MORNING AND EVENING TO THE FALLS, see an average of 20 bears at the same time, never need to do any line or go back, stay about 3 hours every time at the platforms.


Make all reservations with Katmailand, stay on cabin 28, last of the front line looking to the river full of young bears, one day 4 of them run in front of my door, stop, play and continue, I stood there and watch one of the best moments of my life.


The best times are late july and early september, but if You are looking for an overnight, be advise, I do my reservations 18 months in advance, space within the high season is premium.


Good luck and enjoy Your bear encounter, is more safe than We can imagine and a better experience also.



Wow, that sounds fabulous!


I'm just not sure if late June/early July will actually work. I'm hoping either will though! But, I'm going to find out!

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I spend 3 days last july (19 to 22, 2005), WENT EVERY MORNING AND EVENING TO THE FALLS, see an average of 20 bears at the same time, never need to do any line or go back, stay about 3 hours every time at the platforms.


Make all reservations with Katmailand, stay on cabin 28, last of the front line looking to the river full of young bears, one day 4 of them run in front of my door, stop, play and continue, I stood there and watch one of the best moments of my life.


The best times are late july and early september, but if You are looking for an overnight, be advise, I do my reservations 18 months in advance, space within the high season is premium.


Good luck and enjoy Your bear encounter, is more safe than We can imagine and a better experience also.


Overnighters get priority for the platforms, as you are allowed to go early morning and later in the day, as you are STAYING there. Daytrippers do not get those special viewing times. Hence, you wait in line. And the OP was initially posting about a day trip.

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We loved Brooks Falls... guess we had a different experience than greatam. We had to wait a few minutes for one of the platforms, but saw plenty of bear while we waited! There is also another platform down the river, where we saw a lot of bears. Also saw some where our plane landed and when we crossed the walking bridge to the Visitors' Center. They were all over the place. We never felt crowded or rushed. The Ranger said there was about 70+ active bears while we were there.


My camera is a digital, with a 10x optical zoom. Didn't need to zoom in 100% for most of the pictures!

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@ CSloan: Your pictures look great. I can't believe how close you got.


How long do you think the walk was from the plane to Brooks Lodge and then each of the platforms?


I am seriously considering an overnight at this point. It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up!

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@ CSloan: Your pictures look great. I can't believe how close you got.


How long do you think the walk was from the plane to Brooks Lodge and then each of the platforms?


I am seriously considering an overnight at this point. It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up!


The distance to the platform really depends on where your plane lands. And that depends on the conditions at the time. The walk from the lake we landed on was about 20 minutes - a very easy walk. Before we were allowed to start on the trail, we had to attend a "bear etiquette" school, presented by the Park Rangers. Mostly just telling us what to expect, what to do if we encounter a bear on the trail, and advising us not to "cheer the bears on" as they try to catch the salmon (hard not to cheer!).


While on the platform, bears also walked underneath. The mom and cubs you saw in the pictures were right below the platform. Most of the trail is a dirt path. Eventually you come upon a raised, wooden trail. I'll never forget the first bear we saw... we were on the wooden trail and heard loud breathing and could almost feel the presence of the bear. She had just caught a fish and was heading up a hill right above us with her cubs behind her. It was really a surprise. It's amazing how massive the bears are. If you have a chance to spend the night there - I'd do it!!

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We have been to both Brooks Falls & Hallo Bay...completely different experiences. We flew from Anchorage to Brooks Falls in early July where there were many bears all over the area. We had to stay on our float plane for 45 minutes while a mama and 2 cubs nursed and played. After 2 hours in the air our bladders were "hurtin" when we couldn't get off the plane. Our photo opportunity was once in a life time watching the cubs play and nurse, milk dripping off their fur, with mama on her back. Our flight back to Anchorage was delayed once again by a bear under our plane and on the beach for over an hour! Bears rule the beach!!!


I HIGHLY recommend Brooks Falls for photographers and bear lovers. The hike out to the falls is very scenic and a nice, pleasant easy walk. We were also stalled in returning to the lodge when bears were on the trail and around the cabins but it was definitely exciting.


We did Hallo Bay a couple days later for 4 nights. It was ok but in early July the bears are in the meadow and not fishing for salmon. They do dig for clams and eat specific grasses. It was quite a walk to the meadow through heavy brush, sometimes with heavy rain as well. We were very disappointed with the owners of Hallo Bay and wouldn't go back. The guides tried to make up for the promises made to us by the owners that they couldn't do anything about. Several other people expressed the same sentiment.


Hope this helps.

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@ CSloan: That sounds amazing. It makes me realize that I'm doing the right thing!


@ LuvCruzin2: This does help, thank you. More and more, I'm realizing that the time I'm going means Brooks. Although, Hallo looks great, I think I'm deciding on Brooks.


I'm going to try and get in touch with Katmailand as soon as I can. Does anyone know the fastest way to get from Denali to Anchorage? Maybe there are planes that do the transfers? I'm going to see if Katmailand will do that the morning of as well. (Maybe they leave late enough for me to get there?)


Thank you everyone for your help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really thank everyone for your opinions and help!


I'm now booked with Katmailand for an overnight at Brooks lodge leaving around 7am and getting in the next day at 9pm.


I'm REALLY excited!


I didn't realize that my trip doesn't include food. For those of you that have been, how is the buffet they provide (for a charge)? Should/Can I bring my own food?

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You cannot bring your own food. No travel company in the Katmai wants food in the cabins, as it can attract bears. Their noses are VERY good. And no company wants ANYTHING (including gum, mints, etc) that the bears can associate with humans. Human food (or snacks or gum) can rapidly turn a good, people tolerant bear into a cabin tearing apart, people stalking bear. Bears that "turn" are usually moved to another area. If they come back, they are killed.


Also, MAKE SURE you buy travel insurance NOW. Weather really does play a role in these trips, more so than a lot of excursions. If the plane can't fly, due to fog mostly, the trip is off. Katmailand has some pretty steep cancellation penalties (like NO refund at all for not being able to fly). You will need cancellation insurance. This from Katmailand website.


Weather can occasionally affect the scheduled flights or tours. If due to weather or any reason beyond the control of Katmailand Inc. or Katmai Air LLC you are unable to complete your itinerary, no refund will be made. Should you have to spend an additional night, you will be responsible for your own hotel and meal costs. Neither Katmai Air LLC, Katmailand, Inc. or the travel agent will assume any additional expense.

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Tapia :


Great ¡¡¡¡¡


The buffet is standard fare, good but nothing special, remember that You are there for the Bears not the food.


Enjoy Brooks falls at every time You can, and remember to bring or buy there insect repellent and a head net for killer mosquitoes.


You are going to have a great trip, the 2006 milepost has the famous Brooks Falls Bears in their front page, I just buy it yesterday on amazon, only for the memories.


After the Park Ranger introduction to Bear country do´s and don´ts, You will see that any kind of food is not permited outside of the dining hall, so You don´t have easy options, so enjoy Katmai and forget about food for 2 days, just put the buffet cost on Your bill and think of an all inclusive vacation.

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Thanks--the first thing I did after I saw the posting was look for the cancellation insurance. Since I couldn't find it on the website, I e-mailed Katmailand to get the information. I really apprecaite it.


Good thing about the food--I'll just buy when I get there :-) (or before) I'm REALLY excited! Thanks!

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Thanks--the first thing I did after I saw the posting was look for the cancellation insurance. Since I couldn't find it on the website, I e-mailed Katmailand to get the information. I really apprecaite it.


Good thing about the food--I'll just buy when I get there :-) (or before) I'm REALLY excited! Thanks!


There is not really a separate policy to cover "bear viewing cancellation". You will need to buy a good trip insurance policy, with cancellation coverage. Katmailand won't be much help for trip insurance. They are an NPS concessionaire. Their business is not selling insurance. They may recommend a company, but you need to check the policies out yourself.


Try this. http://www.insuremytrip.com/


I like the Travelex Lite policy. I have had to make two bear viewing claims, one with CSA and one with Travelguard. CSA paid off within 3 weeks. Travelguard required a LOT of extra documentation.

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I actually just found that out as I called.


They recommended travelguard actually.



Do you find Travelex to be about the same price-wise? I guess I would be looking at about a $3000 cancellation fee per person when I add in the bear viewing and other non-refundable excursions (+ the cruise of course).

I won't quote the price they gave me, as I think that's a no-no, but it wasn't terrible.


I will call insure my trip as well.


Thank you so much for the suggestion!

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Tapia :


Great ¡¡¡¡¡


The buffet is standard fare, good but nothing special, remember that You are there for the Bears not the food.


Enjoy Brooks falls at every time You can, and remember to bring or buy there insect repellent and a head net for killer mosquitoes.


You are going to have a great trip, the 2006 milepost has the famous Brooks Falls Bears in their front page, I just buy it yesterday on amazon, only for the memories.


After the Park Ranger introduction to Bear country do´s and don´ts, You will see that any kind of food is not permited outside of the dining hall, so You don´t have easy options, so enjoy Katmai and forget about food for 2 days, just put the buffet cost on Your bill and think of an all inclusive vacation.


@ mozart1999: I was just re-reading things..............Bring a head-net? Huh? Please tell me that's not like a body-net I sleep wearing!

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@ mozart1999: I was just re-reading things..............Bring a head-net? Huh? Please tell me that's not like a body-net I sleep wearing!


A mosquito headnet. Pick up at sporting goods stores.

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