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[QUOTE]I just looked in mine and it doesn't specify cranberries but blueberries and strawberries are in there and they should be about the same GI as cranberries as long as you get the unsweetened. Cranberries are listed as "good" under the fresh fruit column in the back.[/QUOTE]Tami, what you stated is the reason why I told Judy that the dried cranberries were allowed. I am going to post it on the prevention.com South Beach board and see what answers I get. I will post them here. BTW, good luck with the play. I know how much hard work they are. I was a thespian in high school and now my son is in drama and was the Asst. Director for their high school play. Hard work!!!! Let us know how it goes.

Judy, like I said above, I'll find a definite answer about your cranberries & bananas. I'm glad you are doing so well.

Juli, how's the math work going? I HATE math and am horrible at it. If I didn't have a calculator, I'd be up the creek. LOL Good luck!!! Also, if you see something interesting on the South Beach web site that we might like, post some of the info here. Thanks! :) Give yourself a pat on the back for getting back on program. ;)
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shelia- tonight is our last technical rehearsal. It's a mixed emotion thing when a play ends but many of the same kids will be right back in January for the next one so that helps. Next play probably won't be as hectic for me because I've told them that I'm not signing up for anything because of the baby. If' I'm there I'll step in and help but I don't want to be responsible for anything that I might have to drop in the middle.

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Hi, Everybody,

Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been busy trying to put my gardens to bed for the winter and doing my fall housecleaning. (Anybody know how many calories you can burn raking millions of leaves and cleaning out closets, vanities, etc.??) One of my sisters from NJ is coming out with her family, and my daughter & son-in-law will be coming up from KY and also staying here overnight. My son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter live fairly close by and will coming just for the big meal. I'm not going to try to fix just a SB friendly meal. DH and I will just have to stick with mostly turkey and veggies and leave the carbs to the others. Okay... I'll admit it... I know we'll both have dessert, too. Actually, after the cruise I'm not worried about what one meal will do. I'll just have to send all the "bad stuff" home with them on Saturday.

DH heard Paul Harvey say this week that to lose weight one should really cut back on the carbs, but to maintain the weight loss one has to really cut out the fat. Anybody else hear that... or know what study he was quoting from?

Chris, I think the more fiber a low-carb bread has the less likely it is to create carb cravings. I don't eat much bread, but I have noticed that the higher fiber ones (3 g per slice) seem to keep me satisfied for longer. Our grocery stores never seem to carry the same low-carb breads from one visit to the next, so I constantly have to read the labels to decide which one to buy. Some definitely taste better than others.

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I stayed on track yesterday! I got carb cravings, but I stayed on track. I guess that I have been cheating so much that my body has become accustomed to carbs again. So here I go through detox again!

I have been so busy that I haven't even had the time to really check out the SB site. I am going to complete my math final exam today and then post it to the assignment folder. Then I will take some time and check out the site. I will definately post any useful information to you all.

Take care!
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Juli, good luck on your exam!

Hi Shae! Glad to see you are back. Sounds like you've been very busy. I am like that on the weekends. Fun! I read a study the other day that said that you can cut carbs and fat to lose weight, but the people that cut fat have the most success at keeping the weight off. South Beach is the best of both worlds. We eat good carbs and good fats. It is not a low-carb diet. ;)
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Found these recipes on the SB site. They are for Phase 2. Thought they sounded really good for Thanksgiving.

Whipped Sweet Potatoes [url="javascript:history.back()"][color=#800080]Return to Previous Page[/color][/url]

[b]Serves 2[/b]

1/2 pound sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons low-fat buttermilk
1/4 tablespoon trans-free margarine
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon white pepper
pinch of nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon allspice
2 tablespoons chopped pecans (optional)

Peel potatoes and chop into medium-sized chunks. Cover with water in large pot and boil until pieces are easily pierced with a fork. While sweet potatoes cook, toast pecans on rimmed cookie sheet. Remove sweet potatoes from water, add buttermilk, margarine, and spices and mash together. With hand mixer or immersion blender, whip potatoes until smooth. Transfer potatoes to serving dish and top with chopped pecans. Serve immediately or keep warm uncovered in a 200-degree oven.

And here is an idea for Stuffing. It is also for Phase 2

Bulgur Stuffing[url="javascript:history.back()"][color=#800080]Return to Previous Page[/color][/url]

[b]Serves 2[/b]

1 cups chicken broth
dash of salt
3 2/3 tablespoons cracked wheat bulgur
2/3 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup chopped mushrooms
3 tablespoons chopped celery
1 tablespoons chopped onion

In small saucepan, bring chicken broth and salt to boil; add bulgur. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 20 minutes, or until broth is absorbed and bulgur is tender. In small skillet, heat olive oil. Add vegetables and saute until onion is tender but not brown. Stir in cooked bulgar.

The other ideas for turkey dinner are:

[color=#ff6600][b]Phase 2 recipes:[/b][/color]
[url="javascript:goRecipes(1513);"][color=#0000ff]Roast Turkey with Herbs[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:goRecipes(1514);"][color=#0000ff]Shallot and Walnut Gravy[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:goRecipes(1515);"][color=#0000ff]Roast Green Beans with Toasted Almonds[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:goRecipes(1518);"][color=#800080]Bulgur Stuffing[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:goRecipes(1516);"][color=#0000ff]Jellied Cranberries[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:goRecipes(1519);"][color=#800080]Whipped Sweet Potatoes[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:goRecipes(1524);"][color=#0000ff]Individual Pumpkin Souffles[/color][/url]

[color=#ff6600][b]More Phase 2 recipes:[/b][/color]
[url="javascript:goRecipes(1517);"][color=#0000ff]Whole-Wheat and Sage Stuffing[/color][/url]
[url="javascript:goRecipes(1520);"][color=#0000ff]Sweet Potatoes with Roasted Fennel and Tarragon[/color][/url]

Let me know if you want any of these recipes.
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Tami, what play are y'all doing? I'm sure the kids are having a great time doing it. About the baby, when are you suppose to get him? Did you say he was an AA boy from Texas? When is he due? I know you are excited!!![/QUOTE]

Shelia We are doing [I]Shining Princess of the Slender Bamboo[/I]. It's a Japanese folk tale. Very sweet, but kind of sad too.

As for the baby it will be an AA boy but we're not sure of much else. We expect to have the paperwork completed in Early January and from then it's anyone's guess. Something less than 6 months would be the best guess. Adoption is something of a hurry up and wait game.

I was on the low carb and lovin it site today and George has recipes for cranberry relish, gravy, stuffing, and greenbean casserole if anyone is looking for lower carb alternatives to Granny's giblet gravy. As for me, I used to pick the giblets out and leave the gravy. :rolleyes: I didn't know I low carbed as a kid. :D

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Juli, the recipes sound wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing them. Also, AA means African American. Sorry for using that abbreviation. I should've known that most people wouldn't know what I was talking about.

Tami, the play sounds like it will be a lot of fun and a definite learning experience for the kids. How old will the baby be when you get him or do you even know? Do they usually match you up with a birth mother? I'm just really thrilled for you!

Chris, I use the Hodson whole wheat flour. I usually only make muffins with it as I have no clue how to make bread. It is good, but you usually have to put the muffins in the frig because they will go bad fast.

Judy, I posted the question about the dried cranberries on the SB message board and they said that you shouldn't eat them if they have added sugar. Most dried fruit has added sugar so look out for it. You can always dry them yourself if you have one of those machines.

I'm definitely going to have to go back on Phase 1 after next weekend. I'm not losing on Phase 2 and I know that I'll cheat like crazy over the holidays. Are all of you planning on sticking to SB during the holidays?
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I am going to try very hard to stay on Phase 1-2 during the holidays. I am planning on indulging a bit on Thanksgiving Day, but will go back to phase 1 for a few days....hopefully not doing too much damage..
I dont think I have lost much of anything this week, but feel so much betterr with this way of eating.....
I barely got hungry the first few weeks of SB but my hunger seems to have returned.....Anyone else have this happen??
My biggest problem is snacking in the afternoon. I get home from work around 2pm and sit down for a snack of a few nuts but before I know what hits....out come the fudgepops, peanut butter....all the snack are SB friendly but I fear I am indulging way toooooo much....
Another problem is getting down enough water.....How do you all do it?? I am such a diet coke addict.....trying to cut down....but yikes....giving up everything is just too much.
I am off today....well at least from work.....doing house chores, taking my mom to the dr....and whatever else comes up.
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Chris, you just have to be very disciplined with the snacks. You can eat SB friendly snacks, but too much of them is not a good thing. That probably is why you aren't losing that much. Try cutting back on your portions. When you pull out the nuts, count them out and put the can/bottle away so you don't sit there and eat more than you're allowed. It is called willpower. You can do it!!! :D
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I am currently detoxing through Phase 1 right now. I got off track too much and need to get back on track. I do plan to enjoy Thanksgiving day. The meal is being prepared at another persons house. I am responsible for the sweet potatoes, so I thought that I would make the SB recipe. I might add some bourbon into them. The alcohol cooks out and leaves a really nice flavor.

After Thanksgiving, I will have been on Phase 1 for two weeks, then I will go back to Phase 2. I am still hoping to lose at least 10 pounds before the cruise in January. 20 would be better, but I don't think that is going to happen.:o
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Juli, I really need to get back on Phase 1 after Thanksgiving also. I plan on doing it for two weeks and then slowly re-introduce good carbs. Of course, I'll be eating whatever at Christmas, but plan on watching it until then. Last year, I gained 10 lbs between Thanksgiving and Christmas and I will NOT do that this year.

Chris, you can do it!!!! Remember that. ;) Good luck.
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[quote name='ColoradoJuli']Sorry for my ignorance, but what does AA mean?[/QUOTE]

African American. I have a son and daughter who are AA and a daughter who was born in Calcutta India. My husband and I are both caucasian. We make quite a sight going down the mall. :D

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Chris, When I bring home something that I know is going to be a problem stopping eating I put individual servings into baggies as soon as I get home from the grocery store. You could even keep out a day or two's supply and store the rest in the freezer. Nuts freeze really well.

Shelia- Our little guy should be a newborn. I met my DS's birthmom but not our youngest daughter's. She wouldn't show up when we were supposed to meet. Couldn't take it I guess. I have full info on both of them though. Our oldest daughter was abandoned at a maternity home. Unfortunately that's pretty common in India either because the baby is a girl or because the mother is unmarried. Their families sneak them off to the city to have the baby and then sneak them back. It's very dangerous to be unmarried and pregnant in India. Heck, it's dangerous to be a woman period. Things are changing over there but very slowly.

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Tami - I think that is wonderful. We only found out 2 years ago that we are unable to have children. Then financial problems arose and we couldn't support ourselves let alone someone else. We are getting close to 40 and even when our finances turn around I think we have become to set in our ways to adopt. Truth be known, children scare me. I don't know what to do with them. We have a good friend that has a 2 year old and I really don't know what to do around Josh.

I am certainly hoping to lose 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas and not gain 10 pounds, but I was starting to put together our calendar for December and in the first 4 days we have 3 parties!

I had a really bad emotional day yesterday and topped it off with Pizza. I at least did not have the beer, but still Pizza is not on the WOE. I really have a challenge staying on my WOE when I get emotional. I think that is the one thing that I need to get a hold of. As long as things are going good I can resist almost anything, but as soon as things get rough I start eating. Guess I need to redevelop my comfort food into healthy comfort food. Any suggestions?
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Juli- There are advantages to both parenting and not. I will say, however, that there's a difference between dealing with other people's children and your own. There's a kid in our play right now that makes me understand why animal mothers eat their young. :D He's 14 but my 7 year old is more mature than he is.

We made it through our first night of production and had a great success. The kids were thrilled and we had one of our biggest crowds ever for opening night. We had a couple of minor technical difficulties like a malfunctioning microphone but no one fainted, puked or fell off the stage so it was a good night. We have 2 shows tomorrow then one on Sunday and then we can rest. YAY! At least until January.

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Tami, I'm glad to hear that the plays went well!

Juli, I'm sorry that you are still feeling so blue. Do you like pudding? Why don't you make up some Jell-o pudding (sugar-free, fat-free)? I bought those little 1/2 cup Glad plastic containers and I make up some pudding and keep those in the fridge. It helps me when I want some comfort food. I also mix ricotta, splenda, jell-o pudding, vanilla flavoring, and peanut butter together. Man is that good!
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The play went really well. We had our biggest crowd opening night that we have had since our bitter split with civic theater about 6 years ago. (Don't know what happened there but having met some of the CT people I can imagine. Way too political.) Now I'm bummed though because it was such a good group of kids and parents to work with and we probably won't see any of them until January.

Now I'm back to phase 1 until TG and then Sunday I'll start again. My menu for Saturday is mostly SB friendly but I can't vouch for Thursday since I'm not cooking. My guess would be no though.

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Tami, I'll be heading back on Phase 1 after Thanksgiving also. Hopefully, we'll have lots of turkey left over.

Glad to hear all of the plays went well. My DS is in drama and he is always sad when the plays end. I guess because it gave him something fun to do after school. You can always have the kids over for a lunch one Saturday. I'm sure they would all love that. However, you'd have to wait until your kitchen is finished. ;) When are you going to be finished? I bet it is looking great.
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My biggest problem is snacking in the afternoon. I get home from work around 2pm and sit down for a snack of a few nuts but before I know what hits....out come the fudgepops, peanut butter....all the snack are SB friendly but I fear I am indulging way toooooo much....

I am having the same problem. One of the things that helps my cravings is cottage cheese. I know it sounds weird, but it works for me. For some reason the nuts are cutting it for the afternoon snack. They work for the morning snack, but definitely not the afternoon.
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