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Morning all,

Hope everyone survived the dreaded holidays.Haven't stepped on a scale recently but I've been a good boy.We set sail in only 23 days so whatever happens between now & then concerning weight loss happens...I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Nice and sunny here just as long as you're not in the shade.Can't wait to be on the water.

Take care,

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Shelia, good for you getting 5 lbs off so quickly. Sure, it was most likely water weight if you lost it that quickly, but so was a good part of the 9 lbs you gained so quickly.

I guess since we cruised in October I'm having trouble truly realizing that we'll be cruising again next week. We've only cruised once a year before this, but DS really wanted to take a short cruise in Jan. while she and B-I-L had some time off. The cruise fare was so cheap and our air fare and hotel costs were really reasonable. Dh and I felt that we really needed to go with them. I pray B-I-L feels good enough to actually enjoy it. His new chemo regimen has been really rough on him. I hope the sunshine and warmth of the Caribbean will make him feel much better. I hope I don't blind anybody with my pasty white arms and legs!

We haven't had as much rain as California, but the few inches we've had added to the 2 feet of snow that had been on the ground has caused some localized flooding. We have more rain in the forecast til Thursday, I think. Our temperatures fluctuated 73 degrees in a week's time from the minus 11 on Christmas Eve to the 62 this weekend. Ridiculous. The good news is that the roof repairs seem to have been a success. When we get back from our cruise the contractors will come out and repair the water damage to my laundry room ceiling.

DH and I ran up to WM yesterday. On impulse I grabbed a bag of spice drops on my way to the register. Luckily, they were a cheap off-brand that taste terrible and have a weird texture. I threw the bag out, but I'm annoyed that I wasted my money on them. Oh, well. At least I won't be tempted next time.

I'm going to try out the "new" Air Dyne for a little bit while I do some laundry.
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John, good for you for being so good over the holidays. Your cruise is close!

Shae, I also hope your BIL feels good on the cruise. I know you are excited about cruising again.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that most of the 9 lbs I gained was water because I gained it so fast. That is one drawback of SB; you gain real quick! I'm going to be good now until I get the rest of the weight off.
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I didn't realize that you gain back weight quickly on SB. Guess I need to be good the rest of my life.:eek:

I was real good yesterday and kept my carbs extremely low. Now to do that for the next four days. I would like to drop a couple pounds before Saturday.
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Juli, yes, you do gain back weight easy on SBD. That is why it is a lifestyle change instead of a diet. You have to follow Phase 3 to maintain what you lost. It does work.

I lost another pound yesterday so my total is 6 pounds of the 9 I gained. Three more to go to get the Christmas weight off. Then I will have 23 lbs to lose to reach my overall goal. I'm determined to do it this time!!! :D
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Tami, y'all need to send some rain and colder weather here. We haven't had rain in a while and our high temp yesterday was 78 degrees! :eek:[/QUOTE]

Shelia- You don't want what we're getting tonight. We're supposed to have freezing rain. I'm guessing that would shut your state down. :D

Deb- I don't need more rain! We're floating away as it is so I feel your pain. At least here we have enough swampy land left to help drain it off.

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Tami, I just saw the weather report for your area this morning. I hope you can stay in and stay safe. They're predicting quite a mess up there!

Deb, I heard it's been unseasonably cool as well as rainy in many parts of CA. Are you getting chilled as well as soggy?

John, before the holidays I saw a magazine article about the carb counts in various types of alcohol. I'll try to track it down for you and pass on some info before your cruise.

Shelia, if you're going back on Phase 1 for awhile, try "hiding" your Phase 2 and 3 foods by putting them in plastic grocery bags in your cabinets or pantry. For me the bags were a reminder that those foods weren't allowed yet. Since I don't normally wear much jewelry I also wear a bracelet on my right hand when I do Phase 1. When I reach for a food product, I see the bracelet and that reminds me to think about whether the product is legal or not. It's kind of like tying a string around your finger so you won't forget something. It probably sounds really silly, but my girlfriend finds it works well for her, too.

Juli, I don't think there is any scientific explanation that's universally accepted yet for why people tend to gain weight faster after any kind of lower carb eating plan. In fact some "experts" deny that's even the case, but it sure seems there are a whole lot of people out there who have experienced it. We all have natural 1-2 lb fluctuations of our weight due to water retention, but many people notice much bigger fluctuations while on or after SB or other such WOEs. I think maybe it's because many of the foods we avoid on SB are not only high in "bad" carbs, they're also high in calories. When we slip off SB we don't realize just how many more calories we're actually getting.

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Thanks,I'd be interested in reading that article.

Stepped on the scale this morning (1st. time in about a week) and it amazes me that I haven't lost more weight considering all I've given up.It looks like maybe another pound of two but after being on this diet for a month and being REALLY good and exercising daily as well,I've only lost a total of 14 lbs.

I mean I haven't had a piece of bread in over a month and I'm Italian...that's not easy!

I'm kinda baffled and even though I will continue to work hard on my cruise,I can tell you that I won't scrimp and will certainly eat more than I am currently eating.Drinking too.

Will just have to resume after the cruise,just like everyone else.

Take care guys,

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John - First off 14 pounds is not to shabby! That is almost 4 pounds a week! And you need to remember that with your exercising you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Sometimes it is best to measure yourself to truly see how much you are losing. Clothing and measuring always tell that facts that the scale can't always tell.

Shae - I would love to also have the list. I am a big red wine drinker, but there are times when I want something else. I would love to know how much damage I am doing with the something else.

Tami - I guess our stuff is headed your way. We had snow that started Monday night, went all day yesterday and is suppose to taper off today. I shoveled the back patio this morning so I could get out to the office and I need to shovel it again. I would guess that we have had 8" or so. I know that the west end of town ended up with about a foot or so. We are on the east side of Denver and usually don't get as much as the burbs out west.

I did really good eating yesterday. I only ate Phase 1 food. I didn't eat much of it, but I did eat good. It showed on the scale with a 2 pound lost. Now if I would just drink all of my water I would probably lose a couple more pounds before the cruise. I leave in 3 days!
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[QUOTE]John - First off 14 pounds is not to shabby! That is almost 4 pounds a week! And you need to remember that with your exercising you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Sometimes it is best to measure yourself to truly see how much you are losing. Clothing and measuring always tell that facts that the scale can't always tell. [/QUOTE]John, Juli is right!!! 14 lbs is AWESOME! You don't want to lose more than 3 lbs a week or it won't stay off. You are building muscle with the exercising also. I bet your clothes are falling off of you!

Juli, I bet you are going to have a great cruise! Congrats on losing those two pounds. :D
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You guys are right,my clothes are fitting more loosely and I know that muscle weighs more than fat.My mid-section (just like the SBD book states),has lost the most.But I am just dissapointed it hasn't really continued.

Oh well,I'll just keep pluging along...

Are we crusing yet?
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I would kill for a 14 lb weight loss in one month. I echo what the others are stating. I can't seem to lose my midsection even tho I am on the SB. I am losing in the neck, legs and arms, but the butt and the tummy have gone down a tiny bit compared to the rest of me.


P.S. I love Montery, expecially the aquarium. But then, you hear that all the time. Do you get fresh seafood from the local fishermen?
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Tami, yep! That would shut our state down. I need another day off work. :D[/QUOTE]

Ahhhh! suspicious motives, I see! :D I used to work for a company that was based in Spartanburg, SC and we used to just laugh hysterically everytime they'd get the tiniest bit of snow. They'd just freak.

Shae- luckily the play auditions for DS got cancelled so we are staying put. I was out earlier taking him to the DR and for xrays (growing pains) but by 2pm I was in for good. It's sloppy here. Ice on the trees and wires but so far the streets are pretty good. We live on a main truck route so it's kept pretty well clear. There's not alot of traffic out but what's there is going pretty fast. DH had to work tonight so I hope it's ok in the morning. If not he'll just stay there as it's a 20 minute drive. He can get OT and nap at his desk between calls. Not the best situation but better than driving.

Juli- I'm hoping that this system is dumping lots of snow onto Southern Michigan. We're supposed to go ski this weekend but the resort has been closed the last 3 days due to unseasonably warm temps. It's funny. I lived in Colorado Springs for a year but never learned to ski until I came back here and went to Michigan.

Well, I'm off to hibernate until the ice storm is over.

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I live in the Chicago N suburbs and we currently have about 12 inches on the ground. I am not even going to try to leave for work until after 8:30 (maybe the plows will be thru by then) and I usually leave between 5:30 and 6:30 am.

Probably will only work 4-6 hours today. If I can do the 5-6 hours I will not have to use any vacation time, so that is my goal. Most of our schools are closed, the tv/radio list of closings is as long as my arm. Since about 33% of our employees have school age kids I suspect we are in for a "Chinese Proverb" (may you live in interesting times) kind of day. Since I am trained to do just about everything the department I am quality control officer for I suspect I will have no trouble doing the time I need not to waste vacation time.
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OMG! All of the snow y'all are getting! :eek: It is currently 66 degrees here and misting. Our high for later in the week is suppose to be 80 degrees. :rolleyes: This hot winter weather is driving me nuts. My DH said last night that he didn't care if it was 78 degrees year-round. Not me! I like cold weather.

John, how much weight do you need to lose? That could play into why you are no longer losing. Have you switched from Phase 1 to Phase 2? If so, how many good carbs are you eating a day? Are you eating enough calories? If you are exercising a good bit and aren't eating enough, your body will hold onto anything it can get....forget losing at that point. And again! 14 lbs is [font=Arial Black][color=blue]AWESOME[/color][/font]!!!!
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I just wanted to let you know - I added more "good" carbs back into the diet like you said and I feel tons better - not sluggish or tired at all. In fact, I feel better today than I have for months.

Thanks so much for the suggestion!
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Morning all,

Deb in Cali,

I've been eating local crab like it's going out of style this season!Was just on Fisherman's Wharf last night on my long walk and wanted to try some nice,hot Clam Chowder samples but resisted.

Weird Eyes,

I'm 6' and currently weigh 235.I'd sure like to be closer to 200 but I don't know if that'll ever happen.I had a huge caesar salad w/flank steak for lunch (no croutons) and was so full,I didn't want to eat any dinner which I know isn't good but I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat.Besides,I didn't get back from my walk until 8:45 and that's too late to eat anyway,unless you're on a cruise!
Been pretty much sticking to my egg beaters for breakfast,a salad with some chicken for lunch,a piece of stringcheese in the afternoon,and a salad and either a piece of fish or chicken for dinner.No coffee,soft drinks,or sweets at all.I really haven't introduced any other carbs into my diet besides the ones I already consume.
I also drink some wheatgrass in the morning from Jamba Juice.For those who don't know what this is,it supposedly contains 2-5 lbs. of veggies in only a 1oz. serving!Also,it supposedly "cleans" you out real well,if you know what I mean.
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[quote name='ekerr19']Shelia-

I just wanted to let you know - I added more "good" carbs back into the diet like you said and I feel tons better - not sluggish or tired at all. In fact, I feel better today than I have for months.

Thanks so much for the suggestion![/QUOTE]Laura,
Oh, I'm so glad!!! :D I know the first couple of days I'm on Phase 1, I feel so tired. Those good carbs really make a difference...even if they are just beans. LOL

John, my son is 6'2" and weighs 230 so I can picture about what size you are. I think, by what you've posted, that you are doing everything right...except skipping meals. ;) You might want to try eating six small meals a day to keep the metabolism moving. I think that you've done great though. I mean, you've lost 14 lbs!!!!! If you lose 2 lbs a week, you are lucky. :)
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Had another wonderful day yesterday until...DH called and said that he was headed home and it was only 7:00pm. (This is very early for him because he is a workaholic). I got so excited that I decided to cook a 'special' meal. Unfortunately the 'special' meal contained pasta! What was I thinking! I really need to find someone to give all of my pasta to so it isn't even available.

Laura - so glad that you feel better today. It really is unhealthy to stay on phase 1 longer than 3 weeks. All sorts of weird things start happening to your body. Adding the good carbs back in is really good for your system.

John - stop being so hard on yourself! You really should start adding some good carbs to your WOE. It will slow the weight loss down, but in the long run it is much healthier for your system. I still suggest getting the SB book if you haven't and read it. You can get all sorts of wonderful recipes so you can spice up your meals and not eat the same thing all the time.
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As usual, lots of good advice from everyone. That's what makes this thread so helpful.

Tami, I'm glad the ice wasn't any worse than it was.

John, I have to agree with the others. Congratulate yourself on your good work so far, and realize that you didn't put the weight on overnight, so it's not going to come off over night if you are truly losing fat and not just water.

We've had public service announcements running on the local channels this week telling people that giving up the healthy carbs found in whole wheat and many fruits and some veggies is NOT a healthy way to lose weight. The ad states to remember that the main purpose of weight loss should be to be healthier, not just skinnier.

The alcohol info I was looking for was actually in a Calorie, Fat and Carb counter book that we bought when we got the SB book. It's a great book for anyone interested in keeping their counts down. It lists not only most common food items, but has a whole section on fast food and chain restaurants, as well. It has the calorie and carb (and fat... tho none in most drinks) count for brand name beers, generic types of wine and most cocktails. It says the same thing the article said, which is basically, that while most alcohol itself may be no-carb to low-carbs it is high in calories. The bad part about alcohol consumption is that those are empty calories, and that your body works first on consuming the alcohol calories rather than burning any other kind. Red wine, which contains beneficial resvertrol, is also low in carbs at 2-3 g per 4 oz. glass. White wines are also low carb, especially the dry ones vs the sweet ones. No mention of their resvertrol content.

Gin, rum, vodka and whisky have about 62-84 calories per ounce, but no carbs. The carbs can really add up if you have those with a mixer, tho. An average cocktail probably will contain about 250-320+ calories, 15-50 g. of carbs. I'm sure the super-size, fancy DOD's onboard run considerably higher. A margarita is listed as having 25 carbs for just 8 oz of the mix alone (no alcohol) and a pina colada mix has 35. Liquers and cordials range between 3 g of carbs per oz up to 15g. per oz.

Hope this helps.
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Hey Shae,

Thanks for the alcohol info.I'm surprised about Rum having no carbs since it's derived from sugar.I will be drinking Maker's Mark Bourbon whiskey on my cruise,as I've stated earlier.I won't be shy about the red/white wine consumption either and will stick to low carb/light beers as needed.

I am munching on some pea's in pods as we speak.
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