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Shae - Thanks for asking. It just drives me nuts when I type out a reply and then for no reason it disappears! It isn't even when I am submitting it, it happens while typing the message! Anyway - I am doing fine other than putting up with a PMS DH! I would bet my life that men get PMS! (sorry John). DH has been very difficult to live with the past few days.

I have been eating very well and haven't cheated. I haven't checked my weight since Thursday so I don't know how I am doing. I did start a new savings account on Friday and am putting my 'weight' money in there. I actually have it separate from my vacation account because I am not sure what I will do with the money. Our 13th anniversary is in September. I might do something special for that. We had some 'friends' tell us that we would never make it past 7 years. We like to celebrate 'on their behalf' each year just to rub it in their faces that we are still together. (Even with DH's PMS ;) )

Shelia - I have heard from other people on SB that cheating every now and then seems to help. I don't know why, but we have done the same thing. I stay very faithful through phase 1 and then do a variation of phase 2.5 with cheat meals. Only one per week or less. Once a month (on communion Sunday) we go all out and eat tons of carbs. (We figure that communion is not very carb friendly so we would just go crazy that day.) I usually have a burger, fries, and desert. It is a real treat and seems to keep the weight going down. Sounds absolutely crazy, but it seems to work.

John - I hope you are still having a wonderful time on the cruise!

Everyone take care and I will check in later.
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Juli, I'm glad to hear that you are doing well! You go girl!! :D Thanks for the advice. I'm definitely going to have a cheat weekend this weekend. I'll start back on Phase 1 on Monday and see if I can drop at least 5 lbs. I'm with you...I haven't weighed since Thursday because the scale was driving me crazy. I'm going to try and keep myself off of it until Thursday. Let's keep our fingers crossed that both of us show a loss! :)
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juli- I think you are absolutely right about men and PMS! They may not call it that but that's what it is! :D

Hi everyone. I'm SO FRUSTRATED! :mad: I'm stuck and I can't seem to do anything about it. I had bounced back up 3 pounds this week so I went back on Phase 1 and lost those but can't seem to get past this. I've started into a horrible cold but have been watching my cold meds really carefully so that I dont' get anything with sugar. I've been getting 10, 000-12,000 steps a day but haven't been able to do anything else since Saturday. I hurt my shoulder throwing hay over the fence to the goats. I have a hard time turning my neck or sleeping.

Also Grandma is driving me crazy! Every time I go in she asks 10 times when she can go home. I know it stinks to be in a nursing home but I don't know when she can go home. She has to be able to help herself and right now she can't do that. She's not even allowed to touch the floor with her foot on the broken hip side. We were told 30 days when she first went there but more than half of that has come and gone and there's no way she'll be ready by then.

On the baby front, the social worker FINALLY got the last reference letter to the person so hopefully the homestudy will be done this week. Once that happens it could be any time. I'm ready, well except for the fact that we have almost nothing. :rolleyes: I got rid of alot of our stuff like carseats, crib mattress, and swing because ours were too old or worn out. I'd planned on being able to set all that stuff up after Christmas but that time to do that has been sucked up by taking care of Grandma. I guess I'll be doing alot of panic shopping when the time comes. :D

Well, I'm off to get something accomplished.

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Tami, it sounds like all of us are stuck. :mad: Sorry you are having problems with your GM. I hope she gets better soon and can go home. My GM is a pain in the butt also....she is now in assisted living and calls it prison. She won't live with anyone though. Great news about the homestudy!!! :)
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Sorry to hear about the stalls. It is frustrating. Are you watching your salt intake? Are you logging everything you put in your mouth to see if there are some things you're not aware of having? Stay off the scales for 3-4 days at a time or you'll drive yourselves crazy.

I saw an article recently about how to break a stall. I'll see if I can find it an post any additional tips.

Tami, do you have a Once Upon a Child store by you? D-I-L brought much of her gently used baby stuff to the store in Evansville and swapped it for other stuff as my granddaughter got older. They had talked about having another baby, so I kind of wondered why she got rid of some of the stuff she did. She said it was because they're always coming up with "new and improved" things.

Juli, I've been married for 34 1/2 years. DH still has moments of male PMS. I wouldn't trade him in for anybody else, though, even if he didn't pay me $100 per pound!
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I was just half listening to the news this morning and I thought I heard that some study found that eggs and meat had some cancer causing agents in them when cooked at high temps.
Anyone heard this?
My breakfast 4-5 times a week is an omelet. Aghhh!

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Tami - It sounds like things are really tough right now. I am sorry. My Grandmother had alzheimers and we eventually had to put her in an assisted living facility that had locks on the doors. She would get very mad at us and started beating up on us. It was really hard to take. It may sound mean, but we were very grateful when she passed on. The time was very hard on both her and us. I do understand the frustration you are going through with Grandma. Sounds like things are finally moving along with the adoption. Keep your mind on the excitement of the new little one and things won't seem so rotten right now. Take care of your shoulder & neck. Have you heard of Tiger's Oil? It comes in a balm and oil. The oil seems to work much better than the balm. It is great for strains.

Does seem like all of us are stalled. I had told myself the other day that I was not going to weigh myself for awhile. That didn't happen. I weighed this morning and it was depressing. If I can just stay off the scales, eat correctly, and not be so obsessed about losing my weight before my birthday. I think that I will do better. I wonder if we hold onto weight more when we stress over it so much.

I found a recipe in the Better Homes & Garden cook book for a crustless quiche. I bought the ingredients on Sunday, now I just need to make it. It is suppose to taste just like Quiche Lorraine. I will let you all know. I am pretty sure it is very SB friendly. It does call for swiss cheese and I didn't find any low-fat so that would be the only 'bad' thing.
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Tia, I remember year's ago that there was a warning about cooking meats like bacon in a pan at high temperatures. Something about the nitrates/nitrites breaking down and possibly being a cause of cancer. That fear sort of went by the wayside...probably after further studies. They also warned many years ago about how charbroiling caused cancer. I wouldn't worry too much about the bacon and eggs right now except for their impact on your cholesterol. Moderation in nearly all things generally keeps you pretty safe.

Juli, the Swiss cheese probably has enough nutritional value to be just fine in that quiche.

Girls, just relax. These stalls are NOT going to last if you don't throw in the towel and forget to concentrate on eating healthy foods that you enjoy. Instead of beating yourselves up over a stall, congratulate yourselves on how well you've done so far. Hang in there!
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Well, I couldn't resist so I weighed this morning. I am UP one pound! I've been soooo good on SB and exercising for a month! Am I destined to be on Phase 1 until I lose all of my weight? I mean, gosh, it is the only phase that I actually lose on! :mad:
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I'm working hard trying to stay on point. I haven't weighed in yet but I'm just trying to keep up with Phase 1. I do feel better not having as many carb cravings. Last night my DH had a plate of home fries and I wasn't tempted that's a major accomplishment for me.
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Raytownlady, great news! Give yourself a pat on the back. :D BTW, what is your name? I'm sorry if you've mentioned it before. I'm awful with names. :o[/QUOTE]

No I haven't my name is Nekita and I'm very happy to be a member of this board. I know that it will be helpful with reaching my weight loss goals.

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I lifted this off of the South Beach board. It really makes sense to me and it has helped me.

Phase I is NOT the diet; it is "detox" from sugar, it helps you lose the cravings for the "bad carbs;" it is for losing insulin insensitivity if you have it.

You should not be afraid of carbs. Carbs are not the enemy; [u]only the "bad" carbs are![/u]. It may be less frightening to just go slow at the beginning. Find the "Phase 2 Newbies and Non" group over in the "on the beach" forum. They can give you plenty of help and adivice.

Understand that a lot of what is lost during Phase I is water. Typically that's due to the fact that people often choose a diet that's high in protein and fat and low in carbs when they're picking foods from the "foods to enjoy" list. When they transition to a more normal proportion of protein, fats and carbs when they enter Phase II, they may see a small weight gain--but it isn't real. It is because the body NEEDS additional water to metabolize carbs. So if this happens to you, do not panic. Just continue to follow the Phase II guidelines.

Your weight is going to fluctuate up and down by several pounds if you weigh daily, due to fluctuations in water balance, salt intake, hormones, time of the month, and other factors. What matter is the long-term average. Do not get discouraged by these little ups and downs. Pay more attention to how your clothes fit.

Phase II is a lot of trial and error for many of us. We try a "new" food and see how we feel. If it causes cravings we learn to be careful with that food--to limit portion size, or to have it rarely or in combination with other low-GI foods. There is no right or wrong way to re-introduce fruits and grains. Some people "jump in with both feet" and have 2-3 servings of each per day; others prefer to go slowly. Different people can tolerate different amounts and react differently to different foods. So you have to learn for yourself what works for you.

Remember, too, to cut back a bit on the protein and fats you were eating during Phase I so that overall your calorie intake is about the same.
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I've always believed the right way to measure your weight loss is via a tape measure and not the scale. As you lose fat and tone your muscle you are going to become a smaller person... and the tape measure will show you that.

Remember, too, to think healthy and not just weight loss. Once your overall health and fitness level improves losing the weight becomes easier.

I got my test results back today. Cholesterol was much improved over last year...LDL (bad) was down, HDL was up, Triglyc. down. Sugar was also way down. I know that genetics play a big role in those numbers, but my improvement showed that a healthier way of eating can really help even with bad genes and even when you're "over the hill" like me!
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Hi everyone! I'm a goaty grandma again! I just went out to shut the barn for the night and we have a new set of twins. 1 Nanny and 1 billy. They are so cute and already cleaned up and nursed. Just the way I like it to happen.

We made the decision to move Grandma back south this today. Her Dr, the social worker and I all agree that what she loses in physical therapy she'll more than make up for in emotional health. She should be moved by Tuesday at the latest. I'll have to cut back to visiting once a week since it is about 2 hours from my house but as long as she's comfortable I guess that will have to do.

I'm really sluggish today. I have a funky cold and had to be up and at the nursing home at 7:30 this morning to meet with the doctor. He of course didn't make it in until almost 10 but I got some other business done and walked over half my steps while I was waiting. Good thing since I crashed on the couch for most of the afternoon. :rolleyes: We had Pizza Hut for lunch so I'm sure all the carbs didn't help but I wanted something I could actually taste through the cold.

Shae- I live for Once Upon a Child! We have several stores in the area. Actually they mostly specialize in younger kids' clothes so I've been going to Just Kiddin' Around in Westfield. Same idea but they carry up to size 14. Resale shops are the only way my kids get any namebrand stuff other than "Walmart" or "target." I can't see the need to be all worried about brand names when they're going to grow out of it in 3 months or go through the knees in a week. One of the side benefits of homeschooling is that the kids have no idea at all about status or brands. It would be bad if my son went to school. He's very fashion oriented. He already walks around doing the Danny Zuko (from Grease) combing the hair walk trying to be cool. It's pretty funny considering that he is a 7 year old black boy with a closely shaved fade in cowboy boots. :D

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Okay, I'm really getting down. My husband and I went to Reno this weekend with some friends and I[i] thought[/i] I was being pretty good. I did go overboard the first night--we went to a buffet, major mistake. I was good about the no carb thing but portion control was horrible! I even felt sick from eating too much. The next few nights I watched it more and never finished my entire meal. I didn't drink enough water (only had 2 margaritas though) and of course didn't exercise. To make matters worse I had tooth that absesed on Sunday, the day we came home and it's been hurting ever since. We left our 17 yr old home alone with warnings, etc and guess what? She had a party and our neighbor called the police!:eek: They just made all the kids leave but it was a big disappointment to me. She called at 1:00 Sat. night to tell me about it but I didn't hear the phone in the casino. However my sister did call me crying to tell me about a fight she had with my brother. This all has to do with my elderly mother which I won't even go into --it would take a whole thread page. Yikes, can't I even get away for some relaxation?
Anyway, the scale shows I've gained back the 4 lbs I lost last week and I've been feeling so sick with this stupid tooth I haven't exercised since we've been back. That + the stress is getting me down:mad:
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Cindy, I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. Just take a deep breath and try to relax. Stress does affect our weight loss...some hold onto weight and some lose it during stressful times. Are you on Phase 1? If not, go back on it for at least 4-5 days to get your cravings under control. BTW, I have a DS who will be 17 in June. I will not be leaving him alone any time soon. ;) I remember what it was like when my parents left us alone at that age. Too many temptations and kids that age cannot handle. I hope nothing was broken at your house and that your DD is very apologetic.

Tami, congrats on the kiddies! I bet they are adorable. Your DS strutting around like John Travolta has me LOL! How cute! Glad your GM is getting to go home. She'll heal faster because she will be happier.

Shae, I'm glad your "report card" came back with such positive results. Isn't SB great for improving those numbers? :D

I didn't lose any weight this week, but I swear my stomach doesn't stick out as much. I "feel" thinner. I hope the tape measure shows a loss on Saturday so I won't feel so discouraged.
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Well, despite 2 fastfood meals including pizza hut buffet I had a good weighin today. Nothing lost but nothing gained either. We did lose our baby billy goat last night. I think he was a bit to rambunctious and got squished by a bigger goat. :( The nanny is doing great though. She's a cutie.

Cindy- Ugh- I don't have a 17 year old yet but I can imagine! I do relate to the elderly parent thing although in my case it's my grandmother. She outlived both her sons so in a way I get to be the "daughter." I'm the only one of us within a reasonable distance. It's very wearing and stressful but at least I'm the only one who gets to make decisions. Sometimes I wish my cousins were closer (my brothers are too young to be useful) but then we'd probably take forever debating every decision too. Maybe not. She's an RN so she's seen alot of drama with the elderly before.

Hopefully you can get your tooth dealt with and that will help. Stress is bad enough when it's not compounded by pain.

Shelia- I'm not 100% convinced that grandma is campaigning to go home to do anything other than die. Ever since my dad and grandpa died she's really not cared about anything. To be honest I've been surprised that she's fought this hard to recover. She has no hobbies, no interests nor is she inclined to find something. She's outlived her husband and 2 children and now she's terrified that she's going start outliving grandchildren. That's an especially big fear with the boys in Iraq. I could be totally wrong because she is a very determined woman but it really wouldn't surprise me. I guess I sort of understand but I can't imagine it. We have totally different personalities and I rarely run out of new interests. I can't see myself willing to just give up. Hope I still feel that way in 50 years.

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Thanks for the kind words. What actually happened with DD is this: she invited a few girls over for a slumber party type thing (which she HAD cleared with me first) and I think the cell phone tree got started. A group of boys showed up with beer and DD wouldn't let them in the house so they proceeded to drink on our lawn, sidewalk, street etc. The word must have spread because DD didn't even know those kids. As soon as one kid finds out parents are out of town, the whole senoir class shows up! Our 75 yr old neighbor said he called the police because he didn't want a fight breaking out. I'm actually glad he did because I certainly don't want underage kids drinking on my lawn. I guess the policeman spoke to my daughter and he made everyone leave. Sooo the house was fine, nothing broken but a good lesson for DD and us.
I'm home from work today with that damn tooth going to pick up some Darvocet. The only good thing about it is I don't feel like eating!

I can certainly relate to anyone trying to juggle their own family and an elderly parent. It really gets me down sometimes. We have to take comfort from any small success or acheivement I guess.

Thanks for all your support and I'll pray for each of you--we all have challenges and burdens to bear.
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Shelia - Thank you so much for the post from the SB board. I have been getting frustrated because I have been sticking to Phase 1 and haven't lost anything, BUT I will admit that I have not been eating much. I am sure that my body is holding onto the little bit that I have been feeding it. I need to make food on the weekends that I can eat during the week. It is just easier for me to not eat anything than to try and find something to eat. Speaking of that...I haven't had anything to eat or drink yet today.

I am on day #5 of my migraine. It does seem to be better today, but I need to get in and see the Dr. The vicodin that he gave me is doing nothing for my head. I laid in bed for several hours last night with continuous sharp pounding pain in my head. Took two vicodin and it still didn't do anything.

I am going to go into the kitchen and find something to eat. Drink a glass of water and get my diet pepsi.
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Tami, it is so difficult to deal with an elderly loved one who has lost interest in life. You can make all the suggestions you want to her to develop new interests, but until she decides that she needs to make changes she won't listen to you. I think my M-I-L did so well and lived so long was because she had so many interests. It was sad to see her friends pass on one after another, but she just stayed positive about life.

So sorry about the loss of the baby goat. I think they're just so cute. There's a farm not far from here that has about 4-5 dozen goats. They're guarded by 2 of the biggest dogs I've ever seen!

Juli, have you tried any of the newer migraine drugs? DD and D-I-L both suffer terrible migraines several times a month. Sometimes the new drugs help, sometimes the girls just don't get relief. I guess timing is crucial. DD has had some relief by staying on anti-seizure medication and a blood pressure med. By the way... both girls find that the caramel coloring in foods, particularly soft drinks is one of their major triggers.

Cindy, I've heard of that situation with a gang of kids showing up happening around here, too. It was a problem even before cell phones were so popular. I remember my DD calling from a friend's house because a bunch of guys were hanging outside and trying to persuade DD & friend to let them in. The girls had no idea how the boys found out that the parents were out of town. I drove over there, and the boys took off. I made the girls come stay at our house, though. That was years before everybody had cell phones.

Shelia, bet you see a loss with the tape measure this weekend since you've been working out so much.

Nekita, isn't it amazing how long it can take to peel and then eat those 15 pistachios? I'm glad you've joined us.

John should be getting back pretty soon, shouldn't he? I hope he had a wonderful time.
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Juli- Wow! I can't believe you took 2 vicodin and still have the headache. I took them for post surgical pain and they made the whole room spin. I think I still had pain, I just didn't care. Different kinds of pain I guess. I've only ever had one migraine and that was from trying out a tanning bed. My sister gets them all the time though. We're beginning to think that she has a food allergy. Corn, MSG and sulfites are really bad about causing migraines for some people.

We're up to 4 baby goats now. Two more were born this afternoon and they're both doing well. They're so sweet.

Cindy- Hopefully your daughter will use this opportunity to make it clear to her friends that when they come to spend the night they don't get to invite everyone!

Talk to you all later. I have to finish e-mail and then go do another 100 steps or so to finish my 12,000 for the day. At least I'm managing to keep that going. I'm on day 34 of my 100 days of exercise!

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