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Cindy, the same thing happened to me and my brother when my parents went out of town. My parents ok'd for us to both invite 2 friends each just to hang out. Well, word spread and before you know it, our lawn was full of kids. Some of the boys were drinking and tried to kick our door down. My parents were very upset, but they knew that it wasn't our fault. I'm glad your DD used good judgement and didn't let any of them in.

Tami, I'm sorry to hear about your billy goat. Poor little thing. I hope he didn't suffer too much. I can relate to you about your GM. Mine is the same way. She is 85 and thinks she's going to out-live all of us. Her DH died 5 years ago and she's been miserable ever since. She likes to make all of us miserable also. It is really hard for me to be around her because she complains constantly.

Juli, you're welcome about the SB info. It helped me a lot when I read it. I hate you still have that migraine. Those are no fun. When I get one, it just has to run its course. I can take a million pain pills and the pain will still be there when the drugs wear off. I normally have to go get a shot from my doc. Take care and get better.

Shae, I went ahead and measured this morning. I lost 1.5 inches in my abs (my worst spot) and .5 inch in my waist. So, at least I'm losing inches even though the scale is not moving. :D

Thanks everyone for your encouragement!!!
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My migraine finally went away! Boy - that went on for five days! I guess it just had to run it's course. I do need to get into the doctor and see if we can come up with something else. We don't have insurance right now so I am trying to wait for that, then I will go see my doctor.

I did lousy at eating again yesterday. I even have a huge salad in the fridg and didn't eat until dinner and that wasn't until around 9:00pm! I have got to do better. I did drink more water yesterday, but I still am not drinking enough. Off to get more water.

Shae - thanks for the idea about the carmel. When my headaches come on I will frequently get a diet pepsi because the caffiene in them seem to help at times.

Tami - Sorry to hear about the baby goat. Glad to hear you have 4 others that are thriving. How many goats do you have?
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Juli--have you tried Imitrex? My husband gets migraine cluster headaches--same time every year, can last off and on for about a month and this is the only medication that works. When you feel one coming on (if this is possible) you take a pill and it's gone. If you have to wait until you have a headache, you take a pill and within 20 minutes it's gone. My hubby's doctor told him he could take another pill after the 20 minutes if he didn't get relief but then no more. It's worth asking your doctor about, my boss also get migraines and he uses Imitrex too. It's expensive but our insurance covers it. Glad you're feeling better now though.

Sheila--Congrats on the lost inches, you cares what you weigh if you look good!

Tami--sorry about you little goats, that's sad.
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We weren't able to do our scheduled excursion in St.Thomas because of rough seas.Seems like that has been the theme for this entire cruise.

My pants are fitting about the same so I think I've done pretty well so far.
Today however,seems to be a different story as we enjoyed a champagne breakfast which kind of threw me off,not because of the food but because of the early timing.

Had some heavenly chocolate mousse for lunch which was quite filling and not something I need if I am in training for tonight's big Lobster night formal.
I currently have a record of 13 tails eaten at a single seating and am attempting to try and break that record.

Don't think I'll be able to but one never knows.They tell me if I eat them all,I won't have to pay for them.Ha Ha...

So far,the only weight I've really lost is the $1500 from my wallet that I spent on my wife's ring!
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Hi all- It's been a busy weekend. Grandma was back in the hospital and we had a set of triplet goats born. One of them didn't survive but the other too are doing well. We had to bottlefeed one for a couple of days because the momma's milk took a long time to come in. Now however, he's doing really well and has a full belly every time we check him.

We had a little superbowl party last night with the kids. I fixed chicken skewers and my coleslaw for dinner and a low jello cheesecake for dessert. I've just about got my nut flour crust perfected! Yesterday it tasted right but stuck to the pan. I think that was my pan though as I'm using stoneware and it takes a while to get seasoned enough.

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Tami, I was sorry to hear about your GM and the additional trouble with the baby goats. I hope things settle down in a positive way very soon.

Shelia, congrats on your weight loss! The tape measure doesn't lie, and you can see that that is weight you really did lose. Keep up the good work.

DH and I have decided to do a bike tour in Alaska this June as one of our shore excursions, so I've been busy trying to get in shape for that. Even though the trainer had said to limit aerobic work to 45 mins. I didn't feel like 60 mins. was over the top. What I didn't figure on was feeling so guilty about it being such a nice day. I HAD to take the dogs for a walk so they could enjoy the afternoon after I got home. DH was busy on the phone in his office and couldn't get away, so I had to take 2 walks since I can't handle all 3 dogs at one time too easily. I can do it, but I'd rather go twice instead. As soon as the weather settles we'll get our bikes out of the basement and really start using them again.

Thanks to the gorgeous weather on Saturday I got a jump start on spring cleaning my iris gardens. I've also come to the realization that my iris hobby has outgrown my ability to keep up with them. All that time and I only got 3 of my 10 iris beds done! Since DH just isn't a gardener, I may have to hire someone to help me. Besides the iris gardens I have several other flower beds, too.

We made yummy little pizzas on low carb tortillas during the Super Bowl. The trick is to bake them on a wire rack so that the "crust" gets crispy.
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Shae, it sounds like you've been busy doing fun work. ;) I like to garden also, but it can be a pain at times with all of the weeding, etc. that you have to keep up with. I agree, I don't think 60 mins is too much aerobic activity. BTW, thanks for the encouragement!
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Tami - So sorry to hear about your GM. She is really going through a tough time. Sounds like you are getting a lot of kids!

Shae - You are quite the gardner! We can't stand yardwork so we live in a townhouse community where we pay someone to take care of everything. We also have a cabin in the mountains, but everything up there is natural. We don't do anything to it at all.

John - Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Report back and let us know all the details!

The headache did finally completely go away on Friday, then Sunday afternoon at the Superbowl party it started to come back. We were at a friend's house and he had percocet. It knocked it right out. Haven't had any problem today. I know that I need to go to the doctor and check into some migraine medicines, but we are currently without health insurance and I know that the migraine meds are expensive. Vicodin and Percocet are rather inexpensive and as long as they work until we can get some health insurance that is the way to go right now.

This weekend was pretty lousy. Saturday was my only good day. The scale also seems to be stuck. Not sure what I am doing wrong! (Of course I say that after admitting to a bad weekend!:rolleyes: )

I have been in front of this computer all day long and am ready to go stare at something else. Everyone have a good night.
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Shae- You can come up here and garden too! I find it to be torture! Oh sure I get all excited about it in March and put out my garden in late spring but by mid-July it looks like an Amazon rainforest because I hate to weed! :rolleyes: I limited myself this year to a 5x5 patch of veggies. I figure that a new baby isnt going to help the situation either.

Ok, Ya'll I'm starting to feel like I'm in the movie Groundhog Day. (banging head on desk) This morning the doctor felt like GM was better so they removed the NG tube and ran tests including an ultrasound. By this afternoon she was vomiting again. Her ultrasound shows thickening of the gall bladder and she has sludge in her bile duct. The nurse said she wouldn't be surprised if he felt that she needed to have the gall bladder removed. I know she has to do it because she won't stop vomiting if she doesn't but I wonder how much more she can really take.

My brother did call to say that he was leaving Iraq though. He should be in Germany by now. I'm hoping that he calls.

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Tami, Oh my! Will it ever end for your GM? Poor thing! My GM fell last night and broke her shoulder. She's in assisted living or she wouldn've been laying for hours...like last time she fell. She's very stubborn and won't live with any family. Sound familiar? Take care!

Juli, I'm glad your headache is finally gone. I get them almost daily, but they are not migraines, just sinus. I do have migraines from time to time and they are a killer. Get better!

I'm back on Phase 1 to see if I can jump-start the weight loss again. I'll only do it for a week though. BTW, Jell-o is now making sugar-free pudding cups that are only 60 calories!!! :D Also, if you live near a Winn Dixie, go by and buy their brand of part-skim ricotta; it is so much more smoother than any I've tried.
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Just talked to the doctor about GM. He thinks that the gall bladder is not such a big deal but feels that she may have diverticulitis. They're running tests today and the surgeon will see her. He hopes to knock it out with antibiotics but said that sometimes senior citizens can't kick it without surgery. Her bloodwork is looking worse which is why he suspects it. They had to get all the other things fixed before they could get down to making that diagnosis which it has taken him so long to come up with this. He said she's really begging for food today (which kills me to hear) but he's not going to let her eat for 2 reasons. 1 is that he's afraid it's going to come back up and the other is that if the surgeon decides it needs taken care of surgically then they don't want to have to wait a day because she ate something. Understandable, but doesn't make it any easier to tell her no.
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Tami, I'm so sorry to hear that your GM is doing so poorly. I'm sure it's hard on your whole family that she feels so miserable. My M-I-L suffered from diverticulosis and diverticulitis repeatedly when she was in her 60's. She had surgery to remove all the polyps they could, and after that followed a restricted diet and never had any more major problems with it. I hope your GM will be healthy enough to withstand whatever surgery she may need.
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[color=blue][i]Hi everyone!! I will be starting SB on Valentines Day, wish me luck!! I tried Atkins and did well while I stuck to it, but gained back the weight afterwards!! Oh well, live and learn! While on Atkins, I used their supplements, are the any that are recomended on SB? Thanks in advance for any help :) [/i][/color]
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Hi Connyo! Good luck starting on Monday!!!! I'm not sure if there are any "suggested" supplements on SB other than a good multi-vitamin. I also take Calcium plus D. There is a wealth of information on prevention.com on the South Beach Diet. There is also a message board. I suggest you look it up and read as much as you can about it. The SB message board has really helped me a lot. Good luck again!!! :)
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Morning all,

Well,I'm back from 10 days in the Caribbean and although I am sad it's over,it's always good to be back home,plus we are in the process of buying our first home so all kinds of excitement is going on.

The cruise was great and so was the food.I managed to do good by staying away from the sweets and the starches for the most part and only gained about 4 lbs which should all be gone after settling back into the normal routine.

Managed to pound down 18 lobster tails to smash my old record of 13.Of course,they are small tails (about 3-4 oz. each) but still,that's about 3-4 1/2 lbs of lobster so for one sitting,that's till a pretty good number.I felt pretty good afterwards too.

The food was fantastic,especially the fish dishes,the low-calorie salad dressings,the soups and of course the excellent pizza & calzones which we only ate one time.

Good to be back.
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Had a rotten day yesterday and not much time to post today. There is stuff going on with the family and for some reason everyone downloads on me. It hit me hard last night and I went for comfort food. Ended up at Fuddruckers. Have a 1/2 pound burger with beer and onion rings. Came home and had one truffel. Not wanting to get on the scales and just wish all of this BS going on would go away! Had another doosie of a headache last night. Am headed to the phone to call the doctor!
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Juli, I hope you start to feeling better real soon. I definitely agree with you that you really need to see your doctor pronto! Good luck.

Everyone, I am totally discouraged right now. I've been on Phase 1 all week and have gained 1/2 pound. :mad: I'm ready now to move onto Phase 2 and just take one day at a time. I'm beginning to think that South Beach is not for me and maybe I should just modify my diet to include good fats, whole grains, and protein. I don't know if this yo-yoing is causing my metabolism to be non-existant or what. I've been real good and exercising 5 days a week. I'm going to up it to 6 days this week. Am I the only one that feels this way? I'm also ready to give up the scale. All it is doing is ticking me off. Thanks for listening.
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I got to the doctor. He gave me some 'wonder drugs'. I was wondering who I was last night.:D Seriously, I feel much better. I have managed to go all day without a headache. It was wonderful!

Shelia - Don't give up. I too am struggling. I just think that it is the ups and downs of weight loss. Stay the course and things will work out. Make sure you are eatting properly and not just fooling yourself.
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