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Juli, I'm glad to see your back. Sorry you've been so busy....isn't it a pain when our real lives interfere with our computer time? The nerve of it! LOL

I promise, I'm not going to give up...I'm not a quitter! :D I think what Holly posted is right...SB is really not a diet, but a way to eat healthier for life. Dr. Agaston developed SB just for that reason. From what I understand, the losing weight part was a side affect.
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I seem to be a little stuck too. I've been eating well, drinking water (maybe not enough?) and doing exercises nearly every day. I haven't been walking on my treadmill so I'll try doing that 3x times a week. I just keep thinking time is slipping away. We leave March 26 and I'm not even half way yet! Gosh, this is the most stubborn 10 lbs ever! I do have to keep in mind I'm 49 now and it's harder but wow:eek:
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Cindy, I've decided to do Oprah's 12 Week Boot Camp. The diet is a lot like SB's Phase 1, but you can have fruit twice a day. I leave for my cruise in 13 weeks from Thursday so I hope I can get at least 20 lbs off. Good luck!

Here's a link to Oprah's Boot Camp if you want to read about it.


I know a girl that was stuck on South Beach and started the boot camp around Feb. 14th and she's dropped 8 lbs since then. :eek:
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The boot camp kinda sounds like a good idea. Will I have to check it out further and see if I can make the commitment. I am at a stuck point also and getting pretty tired of it. I lost the couple pounds I gained on my cruise, but other than that, I haven't lost anything all year!

Do you think it is a good idea to be on Phase 1 for 12 weeks?:rolleyes: Just wondering what everyone else thinks.
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Thanks for the link Sheila. I think I'm pretty much already eating that way, but boy that looks like a grueling workout schedule! I'n honestly not sure if I could stick to it. I'm going to try adding more cardio,as opposed to virtually none :o and see if that helps first. Good luck!
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Cindy, it is a grueling workout schedule, but I've got to do something. Just doing SB and exercising some is not working.

Juli, I'm not a big fruit or veggie eater. However, I've been eating a small Granny Smith apple with a TBSP of peanut butter every day. It is sooo good!
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I had server problems for a few days, and then even after it was back up and running I couldn't get any responses to this thread to actually post. It was weird, since I was able to respond to a different thread. Hopefully, the technical difficulties are behind me now.

Shelia, it wouldn't hurt to try another healthy WOE for a while and then come back to SBD for maintenance. Of course, we want you to stay active on this thread to give and get support, and share what new methods are working for you. As Holly and I have "proven" SBD can work to get rid of those last 10 pounds, but it may not work as efficiently for some people. I know in my case while my total calorie count was pretty low, my carb consumption before SB was quite high for what I've found my body can actually tolerate. I don't know enough about Oprah's boot camp plan to comment on it, but I do know that some doctor's feel that plans such as The Zone can be as good or better than SBD. I would just caution you to make sure you don't drop your calorie intake too low or you could throw your body into its "fat retention mode". A fairly widely accepted theory about this is that we're all equipped to try to keep from starving to death, so if our calorie intake falls drastically our bodies actually slows its metabolism rate to conserve its reserve of fat, and in some people it works hard to produce more body fat to store. That's why so many women fall into the yo-yo dieting trap.

We got some exciting news earlier this month that I'm now free to share... we're going to become grandparents for the 2nd time in October. DIL and DS are expecting baby #2 in early October. DH and I have already adjusted our planned fall vacation schedule accordingly! Our granddaughter who is now 6 is so delighted with the idea of having a baby brother or sister.

Gotta run. I've got a hearing test scheduled for today. I've had some hearing problems due to nerve damage since at least the early '80s, but it does seem to be getting worse. I thought I had an appt. with someone named Dr. Filch... that's how I wrote it down, but when I got some prelim. paperwork to fill out I read that her name is actually "Fields". I'm glad I saw that ahead of time... I would have been searching for Dr. Filch's office (lol).
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Hi Shae! I wondered where you were. Sorry to hear about your hearing loss. That is tough. I have a co-worker that just got hearing aids and I'm so glad! Now I don't have to repeat everything. I hope your hearing isn't bad enough for hearing aids. If so, they are pretty small now.

I'm not getting off of SB to do the boot camp. I am basically doing Phase 1.5. I'm also still eating every 3 hours and keep track of my calories so I won't go into starvation mode. Thanks for keeping tabs on me. You are always so helpful. BTW, y'all won't get rid of me so easily. ;)
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Shae - I needed the reminder about the eating enough food. I am the worst at eating throughout the day. That is probably why the scale has not been moving. Congrats on the new grandbaby and I hope they can do something about your hearing. My dad just got new hearing aids and they cost $5000!

Shelia - Good luck with the boot camp. Keep us up to date on how you are doing! I do enjoy Granny Smith apples, also like fuji apples. Just never been a big fruit eater. It isn't so much that I don't like fruit, I just don't think about eating any, but then I don't always think to eat.

I made a really good bean soup yesterday. Before it was finished cooking I added some ground beef to it. I usually add ham, but didn't have any. It completely changed the soup with the beef in it. I think that I like it better although DH said that he liked both.
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[QUOTE]We got some exciting news earlier this month that I'm now free to share... we're going to become grandparents for the 2nd time in October. DIL and DS are expecting baby #2 in early October. DH and I have already adjusted our planned fall vacation schedule accordingly! Our granddaughter who is now 6 is so delighted with the idea of having a baby brother or sister.
Shae~wonderful news!! I can't wait to become a grandmother...my DS is 16 so I have a long time to wait. Congrats to you and your family.

Juli, do you think our not eating much fruit is from growing up in the South? I grew up on meat and potatoes. What about you? I also make a bean soup, but I add shredded chicken breast. I love it!!!
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Hi. Shelia, I'm so glad you weren't thinking of leaving us... even for awhile.

Juli, I have to remind myself to eat during the day when I get busy doing other stuff. Even today I put off having lunch til after my appointment, not really thinking about how late it would be when I got out of there. At least I did have a decent breakfast and ate some cashews and sunflower seeds that I keep in my car.

I LOVE fruit, but really watch now which ones I eat. The citrus fruits all seem to be okay for me, but I have to avoid grapes. I find they can start the carb cravings back up. I was raised up north... so maybe there is something to your theory about eating fruit and geographical location (?).

I got good news after my hearing test. My hearing actually seems to have improved since the last test. I'm now in the "just below" average category with my left ear and slightly below that with my right. I think my allergies greatly affect my ability to hear clearly. Right now my allergy level seems quite low. I've had ringing in my ears for as long as I can remember, but it it's at a low level for me right now which is why I think I scored higher. I asked if the improvement could be another positive side effect of the SBD. The audiologist said she didn't know about such a link, but since I've had such an improvement with many other nerve issues that it very well could be. The only downside was that she was concerned about my latest bout of vertigo (labrynthitis) that I woke up with Monday morning. It was one of the mildest, briefest episodes I've had, and responded within 90 mins. to Bonine, the same ingredient in the prescription version I used to have to take. If I have any more episodes she wants me to see an specialist. We'll cross that bridge when the time comes. I went years between the previous bouts.

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Hi everyone- I'm back for a minute. Things have been so crazy for a while. Granddad didn't end up having pneumonia, just bronchitis. Grandma is holding steady. DH had the stomach bug yesterday but seems to be better today, although he's a total crab butt! :mad:

My weight is doing ok. I only managed to regain 2 of the 10 pounds I lost from being sick. Yah! I started back in with some weight training today so I'll probably need to be rolled out of bed in the morning. :rolleyes: My 16Ws that I just bought are loose around the waist so apparently I'm making some progress even though it isn't showing so much on the scale.

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Shae, I'm so glad to hear your hearing is better. Hopefully, you won't have any vertigo episodes anytime soon.

Tami, gland your grandparents are better. Congrats on those 16's being loose. I judge my progress by the inches and how my clothes feel. :D

I'm happy to report that I've finally gotten off of my plateau. I lost 1.5 lbs this week. I'm sure it is all of the exercise I've been doing. My metabolism is S-L-O-W so I know lots of exercise helps. I'm happy for now. ;)
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Okay how can this happen? I have been exercising--did a 2mile hike on our trail around the lake so lots of climbing, continuing my spot toning, treadmill 2 -3 times a week, eating the same or better than most weeks, and the scale says I've gained back my 4 lbs:confused: What the heck? Am I retaining water? Geez, I'm disappointed. I know you're not supposed to weigh every day but I'm addicted. I think my clothes are fitting a little better in the legs and butt. I just started antibotics again for my tooth would that have anything to do with it?

Shae, one of the ladies I work with has vertigo and she's having a bad bout right now. They found the vertigo was caused by calcium deposits in her inner ear. She goes to physical therapy and they turn her upside down and all around trying to dislodge the deposits and put her in an neck brace:eek: She also has to sleep sitting up in a chair. I sure hope this doesn't happen to you.

Tami congrats on the pants, doesn't that feel good? Glad the grandparents are okay for now.

Sheila, I'm so glad you're not leaving! Yee haa on your breaking that plateau
:D but I think I got it :(
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Shelia - Congrats on breaking the plateau! That is SO exciting. I can't wait to join you. Unfortunately, some friends called and invited us out for beer and hot wings on friday night. Not good at all for SB, but atleast we get the wings naked and drink low carb beer.

Cindy - I agree with Shelia on the weight. Antibiotics do weird things to our bodies. I am not sure if my weight stall isn't from the pain killers that I have been on for my headaches. I am sure that it slows down the metabolism. Atleast the scale is not moving in the wrong direction. It just isn't moving.

Shea - Good news on your ears! Sorry to hear about your vertigo.

Cutting it short today. I am fighting another headache today. This has been going on for 26 days that I have had a headache. I did get one day off this week, but right now it feels like there is a vise grip on my head.
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Cindy- Antibiotics can do wonky things to you like make you gain weight, but so can an infection. Especially if it's in an area that can swell. It may not seem like much to look at but it sure enough shows up on the scale. This too shall pass. (I chant that phrase instead of "Ohm" when I meditate. :D )

Juli- Sorry to hear about your headaches again. Are you getting any of the weather they are having on the West Coast? Might be that weather fronts are affecting you. I don't get migraines but do get killer sinus headaches from weather fronts. I'm working on trying to find a good combination of herbal suppliments to deal with it. If I get something worked out I'll let you know. There is something called Querciten (or something like that) that's supposed to be great for headaches but I can't take it because of my crohn's. It's not cheap but it's not prescription expensive either. Wild Oats carries it.

Well, I'm off to bed.

Talk to you all over the weekend.

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Well I went to the endodondist today and sure 'nuff I have a killer infection that requires surgery. The abcess has grown so large it is now a cyst and will have to be cut out. The infection has destroyed so much bone that he is going to do a bone graft with, of all things, cow bone:eek: . If I moo instead of laugh you'll know why:D . I can't get in until March 14th for the surgery and we leave on the cruise on the 26th, hope it will heal quick. He said the infection is very close to the base of my nose so I'll get nose bleeds for about a week and I might have a black eye for awhile. Gosh, I'll be the prettiest girl on the ship:o .

Juli, hope those headaches go away soon!

Tami, you are doing so great, especially considering all your challenges with relatives. I admire your strength!
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Cindy, oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to hear that you're going to have surgery. It is the best thing though. My aunt just went through this right before Christmas. They didn't catch the bad infection in time and now her left eye nerves are damaged and she can't hardly see out of that eye. Good thing you took care of it right away and they are able to fix you. My aunt was suppose to have a follow-up surgery today, but they had to cancel it. Good luck and please keep us posted. You have such a positive attitude and that will help you tremendously with recovery. I'm sure no one will care what you look like on the cruise. Besides, they make great concealers now and you can cover up that black eye. You can also tell everyone that you DH punched you. ;)

Juli, do you think your headaches could be stress related? Also, have you had a CAT scan? I hope they let up soon.
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Cindy- Wow! That does not sound fun. :( Hopefully you'll be able to get it done and then you'll feel better. If you're a little swollen for the cruise at least you'll have a conversation starter when you meet new people.

I'm getting my haircut today! :D Ok, I've had it cut before including just 3 weeks ago but I've been going to a walk in place and their quality has gotten terrible in the past year or so. So I'm going to a real place where you have to make appointments. I'll probably faint when they hand me the bill. :rolleyes: But if I get something I can deal with it will be worth it. I need to do something with the color too because it gets a bit dull this time of year but I didn't have time to do that today. That will have to wait until next time.

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Cindy - Oh My! Goodness it sounds awful. I must have missed what is going on. Is it on your face and was it sinus related? My best friend has had a sinus infection for 3 months. I think I have finally convinced her that she needs to go to an ENT and not just her general practioner. I am really concerned for her.

Shelia - I agree that I need a CAT scan done. I am just waiting for us to get insurance. Will hopefully occur within the next 2 months. In the meantime, I just put up with it. I'll try not to complain so much.:)

Tami - Thanks for the suggestion. I will go to Wild Oats and check it out. We also have a Whole Foods and Vitamin Cottage that are closer to me and I might see if they have it.
Tonight is my 'bad' night. If my head feels alright we are going out to dinner with some friends. It won't be the healthiest meal, but it will be fun.
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