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South Beach Dieters Group Meet Here!


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Okay, Some of you know me from the other thread, but today begins a new day. Today, my dh and myself began the South beach diet. I figure 2 weeks I can do. Since I am only looking to lose around 6-7 pounds. Of course it would be good to take it into the other phases to have a more lifestyle change but today is day one so it is one step at a time.

Any helpful advice?
Is it really true we can eat as many eggs as we want until were full for breakfast? Same with snacks. Is it only 1 cheese stick or as many as we want to fill up? I am not talking about over full but today I was still hungry after my snack.

Thanks everyone,
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I'm a big snacker, although I've been very good lately and I haven't eaten ANYTHING after about 7:00 or 7:30 pm. But, I really like the laughing cow herb and garlic cheese. I eat it on rye crackers or celery on Phase 1. I bought some low fat dry salami slices and snack on those with reduced fat cheese slices. I also eat 2 pieces of "smart bacon" a soy bacon in the morning. Cook it in the microwave 30 seconds on each side. It doesn't taste like real bacon but I like it anyway. Hmm, let's see, hummus with fresh veggies, low fat cottage cheese, low carb or sugar free yogurt. Not much to snack on in Phase 1.:(
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Hi everyone!

Bleh! I took my monthly measurements today and I didn't do a DARNED THING this month! Ok, I took off a few pounds for the flu but inches wise nada, zip, zilch! UGH :mad: I started a new exercise program last weekend and tomorrow I'm going to have to go back on phase 1. I just need to get this ball rolling again.

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Cobra - Wonderful idea to package the nuts the night before! Do remember to eat all the snacks that are available as it will help you to not be hungry.

Tami - Join the club. I haven't had anything change this past month. I have started exercising and I am hoping that will change.

Christy - There are lots of snacks that you can do on Phase 1. Nuts (15) Cheese sticks, celery with cream cheese, jello, ricotta cheese. There is always the trick of drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry. Then wait 15 minutes and see if you still need something. Do eat all of the snacks and meals and you won't be hungry. There are 3 meals a day and 3 snacks. Way to go on day one! You can do it. Come here frequently for support.
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Cobra, you are doing so well! Your exercise sounds great. I can't even jog for 30 minutes straight. Yesterday's menu looks good also. Please don't forget your snacks. It really helps fight the hunger. You might want to fix some ricotta creme with added peanut butter. This really fills me up with just a 1/2 cup serving. I eat it every day for a snack while at work. You can find the recipe in the SB book. If you don't have the book, let me know and I'll post the recipe that I use. I think everyone makes it different.

I did find the cookbook yesterday at Amazon for around $5.25; with shipping, it was close to $9.00. I should have it by next week and I'll let y'all know how I like it. I'm getting really tired of the same ole, same ole for dinner. ;)
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Hi Christy! I'm so glad you decided to join us over here. :)

For those of you doing Phase 1, don't forget that crackers of any kind are not allowed. Sorry! :o

Tami, I'm the opposite of you. I've been losing inches, but no pounds. Drives me batty. DH said that who cares how much you weight; it's the size that's important. Why does he always have to be right? LOL

I didn't lose anything again this week. I don't think I've lost inches either. My measurement day is Saturday.
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Hi everyone- Well, it's back to phase 1 or 1 1/2 today. I can't completely call it phase 1 because I have to have a little "bread" in the diet or I start havign ostomy troubles. I made a huge "christmas casserole" yesterday because I was feeling pouty. Since I spent all day at the hospital on Christmas I didn't get any this year. It has 6 slices of low carb bread in it but I think I could leave it out and it would be fine. Otherwise it's eggs, turkey bacon, milk and dry mustard. I'll write the recipe down for ya'll later. I like it cold as well as hot. I did use regular eggs because my chickens are finally laying again but if you wanted to keep it lowfat you could easily use eggbeaters.

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Good Afternoon everyone!

Thanks for all the snack suggestions!

I have a question about quantity though. How much steak, chicken etc can you have at a meal? I know it has to be lean but for instance if I were to have a Filet mignon is that lean? then how much can I have? I know a usual serving is 4-6 ozs but I could definitely eat more!
Thanks everyone,

Oh I lost a pound on day 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:
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Hi, all. I've been in bed with the flu, but wanted to welcome the newcomers to this thread. I'm sure you'll find it as helpful as I did for losing the weight and keeping it off.

DH got sick on Monday, but insisted he was well enough to go to main office today. He usually works there 2-3 days a week and the rest from home. I realized I was getting it Tuesday evening even tho' I've been sleeping upstairs since Sunday when he first started suspecting he was catching something. I broke my wonderful winning streak of more than 10 years of not getting the flu or anything more serious than allergy troubles. I eat so much citrus on SBD and take vitamins, green tea extract, etc. regularly, so I have to admit I'm surprised I succumbed this time. I don't think I'll end up losing any weight during this time, since the only thing that feels good and doesn't taste horrible is vanilla ice cream which we happened to have in the house because of DH's birthday party this past weekend. I've got my fingers crossed that none of the kids or my granddaughter will catch this from us.

Keep up the good work, and I'll check back in tomorrow.
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Shae, I'm so sorry you have the flu!! Take care and eat a scoop of ice cream for me. I haven't had any in a long time and I miss it! ;) Feel better!!

Christy, I normally only eat a small piece of meat. DH will grill me a steak and I normally cut it in half and only eat one half of it. A good rule of thumb is a serving is the size of a deck of cards. However, I normally eat just a little more than that. Hmmmm, maybe that's why I'm not losing any weight. Seriously, I do need to watch my portions.

Congrats on losing the one pound!! :D

Tami, please post the recipe when you can. I love casserole!
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Christy - I don't remember the book limiting the amount of meat or any food for that matter except for nuts. I wouldn't go 'wild' with the meat, but fresh veggies and salads have no carbs in them so you can eat as much of that as you need to be full.

Shae - So sorry to hear that you have the flu! That is no fun. I haven't had the flu in forever and (cross my fingers) won't be getting it anytime soon. DH started his new contract today so he is back 'in the public' so he might bring something home, but since I work from home there is little chance that I will get anything other than from him.

Shelia - I know that during Mardi Gras you had a weekend where you forgot about the WOE and just ate whatever you wanted to. Then you came back and got serious about the WOE again and started losing weight. I had a girl at Safeway today tell me that she has been on SB for 1 year and lost 50 lbs. She hit a plateau and said the best thing is to eat a bunch of carbs for a few days to shock the system and then go back to the WOE. I have decided that I am going to do that for the next couple of days. I'll let you know how it goes. Do you think that your Mardi Gras weekend helped to restart your body?
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Cobra, you are doing so well! Your exercise sounds great. I can't even jog for 30 minutes straight. Yesterday's menu looks good also. Please don't forget your snacks. It really helps fight the hunger. You might want to fix some ricotta creme with added peanut butter. This really fills me up with just a 1/2 cup serving. I eat it every day for a snack while at work. You can find the recipe in the SB book. If you don't have the book, let me know and I'll post the recipe that I use. I think everyone makes it different.

I did find the cookbook yesterday at Amazon for around $5.25; with shipping, it was close to $9.00. I should have it by next week and I'll let y'all know how I like it. I'm getting really tired of the same ole, same ole for dinner. ;)[/QUOTE]

Hi Shiela..I actually made it to the gym again this morning and did 30 minutes on the stairmaster and hit the abs again...but not too hard..not enough time..I had to get to work.

Today acutally went very well. I'll post my saga seperately. I do have the SB book and I'll look for the recipe. I love peanut butter but I'll have to make sure I have the right kind or else buy it.

Sometimes Amazon doesn't charge for shipping, must only be around the holidays.

You always sound so positive and enthusiastic. I bet you are doing much better than you let on!!!
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First, I would like to say welcome and hi to Chris3169 and welcome to phase one. We are starting off in the same week! I share some of your same questions about portion size. In the first week I figure as long as I stick with the approved phase one foods and eat until I'm full as the book recommends..(not stuffed) I should be just fine. I eat more than one serving of meat for sure if it's only supposed to be the size of the palm of my hand or a deck of cards. Yesterday my sirloin steak was 8oz. !!!

Well, it's getting a little easier here on day 3. I wasn't hungry once and that was probably due to portion size. American supersizes portions you know and I ate out today..again. Carabba's this time..an Itallian grill. I was still good.

B-2 boiled eggs, sliced ham (30 calories a slice and I ate 3) and yogurt (light kind)
no snack..I forgot and was working like a dog
L-grilled chicken salad with red a green peppers and grated mozzarella sprinkled over the top. (pretty big salad..could have fed 2 people I bet and I almost finished it)
no snack..rough day at work and so busy I almost forgot about my child (uugghh!!!!)
D-2 small chicken breasts with mushrooms and brocolli

Again, I had coffee, my traditional diet soda and a couple bottles of water and now I am drinking green tea.

I have to say that I really already like SB better than Atkins. On Atkins last year by day 3 I had horrible headaches and my body ached everytime I would try to work out. It was crazy..I actually kept doing it too. So, that's just my plug for SB. I feel great and I'll step on the scales tomorrow..

One interesting thing is that today my sweet tooth totally subsided and I was ok.

I hope everyone is sticking to their plans and doing well. I love hearing your success stories!! Keep them coming!
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Shae- that flu bug is a B :eek: ! I had it too and I NEVER get sick. I bet it's been 30 years since I had the flu. This bug though caused me to lose 10 pounds in about 3 days because I got it twice. Each time only lasted about 12 hours though. DS and I got it at the same time and then DH got it.

Hi to all the new people. I usually post alot but have been having Grandma drama the past couple of months. Hopefully this too shall pass. She's getting better every day and has been walking with the physical therapy people for the past 3 days. She is up to 8-10 feet now. :D We hope within the next two weeks to move her back home but of course, we've been to this point before. Still things are better.

My exercise is going well though my right knee is really sore. It's wierd because that's not the one I goofed up running. Oh well, tomorrow is a "just 12,000steps" day so hopefully that will give it some rest.

I did pretty good on my "mostly phase 1" today. The egg casserole that I had for breakfast had low carb bread in it so I figure I got about half a slice. I had an Arby's turkey and swiss without bread for lunch, a protein bar and string cheese for my snacks and salmon, sweet potato( with smart balance and sugar free syrup) and some raw spinach with salad dressing for dinner. I'm contemplating a snack now because I'm hungry but can't decide whether I want string cheese or ricotta cream. Salty sounds better though.

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[QUOTE]Shelia - I know that during Mardi Gras you had a weekend where you forgot about the WOE and just ate whatever you wanted to. Then you came back and got serious about the WOE again and started losing weight. I had a girl at Safeway today tell me that she has been on SB for 1 year and lost 50 lbs. She hit a plateau and said the best thing is to eat a bunch of carbs for a few days to shock the system and then go back to the WOE. I have decided that I am going to do that for the next couple of days. I'll let you know how it goes. Do you think that your Mardi Gras weekend helped to restart your body?[/QUOTE]
Juli, actually, I only lost 1.5 lbs after that "cheat" weekend. I don't think it did a thing to jump-start my "loss." I think what did that was the added exercise. I found out that when I stray just a little from SB, that I gain at least 2 lbs. I'm getting kind of scared of that because what's going to happen when I go on my cruise? :eek: I've decided to not go off of SB, but to try to incorporate and more balanced diet with whole grains, veggies, fruit, and protein, AND limit the calories. It will be Phase 2 actually. :D I've been basically on Phase 1.5 forever and I think it is not helping. So, time to move on! ;)

Cobra, what is your real name? Anyway, you are doing great!! I'm really proud of you. I tried Atkins also about 5-6 years ago and I lost around 10 lbs, but that was it. My doc made me get off of it. BTW, Amazon does have free shipping if you spend over a certain amount and then there is restrictions.

Tami, I hope things get back to normal for you soon. I really miss your posts.

Shae, how are you feeling today? I hope better.

Christy, how are you doing today?
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Shelia- I just read somewhere that you shouldn't stay in phase 1 or 1 1/2 for more than 2 weeks or your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism drops. Can't remember where I read that though, sorry.

We finally got word today that our homestudy has been mailed to the agency! Hopefully we'll have a new baby in a couple of months. In the mean time I'm really stepping up efforts. I'm going to go buy a copy of my cardio sculpting routine book as soon as I can get to Half Price books. It's really making a difference if the sore muscles are anything to judge by. It's too soon to really see a difference on the scale or measurements but I did lose a couple of inches last month so I am making progress.

I have to go make a salad. We're eating at pizza hut :eek: for lunch today so I want to eat a big salad. I can't eat their lettuce though because they only use iceberg so I'm going to put together the good lettuce and low carb dressing before I go and then I'll just get toppings off the bar. I'm going to get some veggie lover's pizza slices and peel the toppings off the crust so I can enjoy a slice or two of pizza. I also have to figure out dinner for tonight. Maybe just another salad.

Does anyone have a recipe for a salad dressing that is similiar to Western dressing (the thick red stuff?) I have one but it uses ketchup. I'm looking for something that starts with the actual tomato paste so I can substitute splenda for the sugar in it. Western is my favorite dressing and I know I'd eat alot more salads if I could have it.

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Tami, thanks for the tip! Great news about the homestudy!! One of my co-workers just got back from Russia with adopted baby #3. He's one years old and adorable. His name is Mikha Andrew. Good luck on getting the new addition soon. I know you are thrilled!
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Shelia - I just red your reply to me. My network was down all day and I have already eaten fairly rotten. I'm just gonna go ahead and continue the carb cheat until tomorrow night. Then on Monday I will go back to Phase 1 for either a few days or for the week. I am hoping this will help me start losing again.

Tami - What you said was very interesting. I wonder if my weight has been stuck because I haven't ever really moved onto phase 2. Well, I am eating rotten today and then tomorrow and it will be back to SB. Congrats on the homestudy. Did you ever get your kitchen finished?
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HI Everyone,

My mom had day surgery today so I've been at the hospital and then at her home all day. Whew, I'm tired and all I did was wait most of the day. My sister and I are taking shifts tomorrow, I've got the 1:00 to 6:00 pm shift. I was just too tired to exercise today but I have every day this week. I have to admit I had 2 ice cream sundaes this week.:eek: The first one was low fat frozen yogurt with fat fee chocolate sauce but I don't know about the one today, my sister broght it to me at my moms house.

Tami, glad you're feeling better and good luck on the baby. You sound like a wonderful mom so I'm sure all will go well.
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I'm back..I had a long day at work yesterday and I went out for happy hour and committed my first cardinal mistake. I drank 3 bud lights. OK, so now I'm going to get on the treadmill for an hour today and try to make up for it. But I'm not quitting..I'm going to avoid happy hour until I can get rid of the urge to fall to peer pressure.

Yesterday (Fri) morning I did do 40 minutes on the treadmill. And I did weigh myself this morning (Sat after beer) and I have actually lost 1.5 lbs. I'm sure the exercise is a big part of that because I think, although I've only cheated this once, my portion sizes have been too large. My one week mark is Tuesday morning and I'll weigh myself again then.

I did good on my food selections yesterday.:o)

How do you make your egg casserole? Is the recipe in the SB book? I didn't review the recipes too closely. If you haven't noticed, I eat out a lot but I will have to change that habbit.

My name is Ann. My screen name is my car...a 2001 Mustang Cobra. I love Mustangs and I love to drive...when there isn't a lot of traffic. I also have a motorcycle..dangerous I know, but I just ride for fun on the weekends with my husband when the weather is nice...more like a hobby...I don't ride for daily transportation.

I hope I can refrain from falling off the wagon again...I must have a little more will power!!!!!
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Hi!! I've done really well this week. We went to a bar last night for a benefit for a guitarist who got his arm cut off in a car vs. train wreck. He doesn't have insurance and his medcial bills are very high. Anyway, I didn't drink anything but Diet Coke. ;)

I got on the scales this morning and I'm finally down 2 lbs. I added back carbs on Wed. so I think it helped. I lost 1/4 inch in the waist & hips..so down 1/2 inch this week. I can live with that!

Ann, thanks for telling us your name. I'm sure you'll get back on the program. We all have to cheat. I do it about once or twice a month.

Juli, don't worry about your cheats either. Get back on SB when you feel you are able and move on. Hopefully, your carb feast will help you.
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This is a wonderful thread and I am so glad I found it. The only thing that keeps me motivated to stay on track is my cruise, which is still 9 months away. I have tried WW in the past, and did lose 30 pounds, but regained most of the weight in the last 3 years. Now, for some reason when I try to go back on WW I cannot stick with it. So far, I am enjoying SB, and I really feel that it is doable. I don't particularly miss the bread as long as I don't have to smell it. Made chili for dinner last night using all approved SB foods, and the DH wanted cornbread, so I made it for him. The smell was heaven, but I didn't break.

I start my work day by getting up at 4:45 am, and am working by 5. I do work at home. I normally would have 2 cups of coffee (Celebrity glass mug, which must be a normal mug & half). I am still having this, but am mixing the coffee half decafe & half regular. I will not give up my diet coke, but am limiting myself to one a day, which on work days I have with my morning snack. I do not eat breakfast on a workday til 7-7:15, so I hope this is not jeopardising my weight loss. I am, however, drinking between 4-6 bottles of water per day. I must lose at least 28 pounds by our cruise in November. My favorite snack, is the pistasios - you can have 30 of these suckers. Also love the blue bonny fudgsicles - I can only find those at Wal-Mart, I think Copra asked about where to get them. Hope I am not cheating on those, but since we are allowed 75 calories for dessert - i have 2.

Once I set my mind to dieting, I am normally very successfully - if anything stubborn. My problem is when I lose the weight, I have a tendancy to bounce right back to "old eating habits." This is something I hope to break as well. When I cruise, I will eat what I want, but try to follow the diet as well, if that makes sense.

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