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South Beach Dieters Group Meet Here!


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OK, the princess has gotten up. She is so funny. If I am on the couch she thinks she must be on top of me.

Patti - Sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work. I work from home doing internet marketing, what do you do? I don't get going as early as you do because I am NOT a morning person. You are very lucky if I am up before 9:00am.

Shelia - So glad to hear that the scale is once again smiling in your favor. This is my final day of cheating. I had some buttermilk pancakes this morning. I think I am through cheating as I am not finding as many things that I want to eat as I thought that I would. Anyway, it is back to Phase 1 on Sunday.

Cindy - Good luck with your surgery. Let us know how you are doing. I will say a prayer for you.
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Hi Patti!! Welcome to our thread. I'm with you; I find it so easier to follow SB. I was always hungry on WW. I've lost 13 lbs since January and I need to lose 15-20 more. I definitely think you can lose 28 lbs before November. :D

I wish I could work from home. So far, I haven't found anything that I can do from home and make the same amount of money. :(

Juli, the last time I cheated, I ate b-b-q, baked beans, potato salad, and ice cream. Guess you can tell I'm Southern by those foods, huh? LOL

Cindy, please let us know how you do on Monday with your surgery. We'll be praying for you. Take care and good luck!
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[quote name='ColoradoJuli']

Patti - Sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work. I work from home doing internet marketing, what do you do? I don't get going as early as you do because I am NOT a morning person. You are very lucky if I am up before 9:00am.[/QUOTE]

Colorado Juli - I am definitely not a morning person, however, I do like the work that comes in if I get up early plus I like being done with work by 12/1, and having the rest of my day free. I am a medical transcriptionist for a national transcription company. I've been working at home 5 years now and love it.

Day 7 today and I weigh myself tomorrow. I am scared to death. I know I need to add exercise to this mix, but the weather has been so yicky. I prefer to get out and walk. I have a treadmill, but it bores me and so far I have not been able to force myself to get on it and I know I should.

Sheila - I agree with WW. Those points were used up much too fast. Though they do have a similar program now called Core. First few days of SB were a bit rough, but it is definitely much easier now. Only problem I had last night I stayed up later than usual and wanted a snack. Almost went and got a cheese stick, but resisted. Would this have been okay? My 2 designated snack times were long past. lol. To tell you the truth if it wasn't for the upcoming cruise I don't know if I could diet at all. My friends who have never cruised have no clue what I mean.

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Hi all!

Starting SB tomorrow, trying to lose 25 pds before our cruise in June. Any advice for someone starting out? Any great recipes to try? I am working mom with a very demanding job and 2 small kids, convenience is key! Looking for any suggestions.

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Hi everyone! I'm feeling fabulous today because we had a game night last night and I didn't gain weight! :D We had roasted pork, cabbage, sweet potato chips with dip and a fruit tray with berries, cantaloupe and peaches. I ate alot so I figured I'd be up today but I'm not. WOOHOO! I'll post the recipe for the egg casserole and also the pork loin I made last night after I get home from DD's soccer game.

Julie- we did finish the kitchen. There are a few minor things to do but it looks done so I'm happy. It turned out awesome!

PAfamily- Do you have a crockpot? I'm a "SAHM" and a homeschooler. I put that SAHM in quotes though because I'm NEVER home! My crockpot is my knight in shining armor though because I can toss chicken, roast, or soup in it, turn it on and let it go. If you look back through our archive here there are a ton of recipes. I also always reccommend the going to [url]www.Foodnetwork.com[/url] and checking out the Low Carb and Lovin It homepage. George has tons of recipes and he's been on a low carb/low fat kick lately so they really work for SB.

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I've been doing a version of SB for about a year now. I lost about 50lbs and have kept it off through 2 cruises. One terrible one on NCL to Hawaii, try to avoid if possible. I find that some quick substitutions work great - speghetti squash for the real thing. I also find that you have to really check the calorie count on most of the low carb products and also the real carb count. The net car thing is too good to be true so I would be careful with that. Also, if your an ice cream fanatic like me try sugarless Edy's or Turkey Hill rather than the low carb versions. A few more carbs but alot less fat and calories.:)
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Hi everyone! Here's that egg casserole recipe I promised. If you're doing phase 1 just make it in a smaller pan, leave out the bread and call it a Frittata. Tami

Christmas Casserole-

1 lb of cooked, crumbled sausage, bacon or ham. (we like turkey bacon)
6 eggs or 1 ctn egg beaters
2 C skim milk
1 tsp salt (I never use this but it's on the recipe.)
1 tsp dry mustard
2 slices of low carb bread cubed
1 Cup grated cheese of your choice (you can use more but it gets greasy.)

Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray. DO NOT FORGET THIS PART even if you have a nonstick pan, Cook meat and drain. Beat eggs, milk and mustard together. Layer bread, meat and cheese in the baking pan and pour egg mixture over the top. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Bake, uncovered, at 350 for 35-45 minutes. It should pass the toothpick test.

This is good hot, but I like it better cold the next day.
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Ok, here's a pork roast I made last night for game night. I think it would be great for the spring holiday meals. You could always use a beef tenderloin instead of pork to keep Kosher. When you put it on the table it looks really hard to do but it's not. I'll post an alternate filling for those on phase1 at the bottom.

Stuffed Pork tenderloin-

2-3 lb pork tenderloin
Kosher salt
1 cup finely diced onion
1 cup finely diced celery
2 cups dried cranberries
2 pears, diced fresh or canned in juice and drained
Olive oil

Place the cranberries in a small saucepan and add water just to cover the berries. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the cranberries plump and the mixture becomes very, very thick. Meanwhile, in a skillet over medium low heat add 2-3 Tbls of olive oil and cook the onion and celery until translucent. This will take a while and you don't want them to get color so keep the heat low.

Once the onion-celery mix is translucent and the diced pears. Continue to cook until the pears are cooked through. Add the cranberries to the onion mix and stir. Continue to cook until the whole mixture is very thick. If it's loose it's hard to stuff into the roast. Stick into the freezer to cool for 10 minutes or so.

Meanwhile, prepare the pork tenderloin. Using a large knife at one of the ends CAREFULLY cut an X down into the center of the meat. Cut as deep as possible. Next go to the other end and cut another X down the center. The goal here is to try to meet up with the hole from the other end. Use a long handled wooden spoon to make sure the holes connect and enlarge the cavity if needed. Remove the cranberry mixture from the freezer and stuff if into the cavity you created. If you stuff from both ends you should be able to get a uniform ammount all through the roast. When you're done you could toothpick the ends shut. I didn't and not too much fell out.

Once the meat is stuffed place it in a well oiled baking pan and brush a light coat of olive oil over the top. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Make a tent with foil to cover. I baked mine at 300 for about 3 hours but you could easily crank up the temperature and bake it faster. Mainly you want to hit an internal temperature of at least 170. Let the roast stand 15 minutes before carving. When you slice it the meat should have a ribbon of cranberry mixture somewhere in the middle.

For Phase 1-

Make the same as above except substitute a couple of small boxes of frozen spinach, chopped broccoli or swiss chard for the cranberries and pears. Just make sure to squeeze all the excess moisture out. A half cup of grated parmesan or other cheese stirred in after the mixture cools would help hold the spinach together for slicing.
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HI to everyone,
Welcome newcomers, it sounds like everyone is doing fantastic!

I got on the scale this morning and I'm down another 2 lbs. for a total of 6! I have been exercising 6 days a week and I think it's paying off. I go in this afternoon for my oral surgery so I did 30 minutes of toning exercises with weights since I probably won't be up to doing much in the next few days. I have three weeks left before I cruise, think I can lose the other 4 lbs?:confused:

I'm really interested in the Walk Away the Pounds DVD, I'm going to send my daughter out this afternoon to try to find it here in town. We live in a pretty small town so hopefully Hastings or Borders carry it.
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Well, the cheat days were suppose to end on Saturday, but I woke with a cold and an awful cough on Sunday. Ended up sucking on cough drops all day long. I know that the sugar content in those things are awful. I also felt rotten and just needed comfort food so I had chicken noodle soup. I feel a little better today, but am going to lay down in a bit and take a nap. Haven't been hungry today so I haven't had anything to eat, just some warm tea for my throat.
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Juli- Hopefully you get over your bug quickly. I lived on sugarless coughdrops for a week or better. Bleh!

I'm so excited. I've been doing that Cardio sculpting workout one rep through for 2 weeks now and I noticed this morning that I don't have jiggle under the arms anymore. :eek: Makes me glad that I went up to 2 reps each on the arms and chest yesterday! I'm still having trouble with the lower body workout though. It really kills me knees. I'm going to have to do some substituting I think.

WOEwise I'm doing ok too. I'm still within spitting distance of having a 1 in front of my weight so I'm really going to work hard to get there. You'll hear me screaming when it happens! :D

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Hi, everybody, and welcome newcomers.

I think I'm finally over that NASTY flu. It was a doozy. I'm one of those lucky people who never catches anything, so was quite surprised to get knocked off my feet like that! Very little food tasted good this past week, so we lost weight despite eating "white" carbs this past week. So far no return of carb cravings, so I don't think we'll have to "detox".

Our TA called yesterday afternoon and said some pre-cruise docs have come in from Princess. I was a little surprised since we still have over 2 1/2 mos. til our cruisetour.
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Shae, glad you're feeling better. I had that flu a few months ago and I was literally in bed for 3 days. Seems everyone at work are just getting now and some for the second time, yuck!

Keep going Tami, we all so proud of you.

I'm home today after my surgery yesterday. Had a rough night but I'm feeling pretty good today, I just look like I lost a big fight--pretty swollen. My stitches are poking me quite a lot though, can't they use softer cotton? If things don't get any worse I'll go back to work tomorrow-not that I want too.

Sheila I found a VHS tape of Leslie Sansone 3 mile walk, I'm hoping I can try it our by the end of the week.

Good luck everyone!
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Cindy - You sound like you are doing great! So glad to hear.

Shae - Glad you are doing better. I too have heard that this year's flu is a doosy. My folks came down with it and a nasty cough that they are still trying to get over 3 weeks later.

I do feel better today and most of my voice is back. I think I had coughed so much on Sunday that my vocal chords were swollen. All better now and back to eatting correctly. Even though my 3 day 'shock' turned into 5 days I haven't gained any weight.
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Hi everyone, I'm checking in here and every other board I've ever checked in on tonight because although I'm not hungry I'm craving ice cream. :mad: I know it's just stress so I'm not going to eat but it just irritates me that I still get these stress cravings.

Today was kind of a bummer though. We had to put one of our dogs down. We thought that she and been trying to dig under the fence to get to the chickens and scuffed the top layer of skin off her face. However, it turns out that it's some kind of autoimmune disease that's hard to treat and very costly. Plus, inspite of monthly treatment she tested positive for heartworm. I'm SO glad that I talked our oldest DD out of going with him. I just had a feeling something else was wrong because we'd been treating the "scrapes" on her face since summer. DD went with me once when we had to put a kitten to sleep because that particular dog got hold of it. (She wanted to retrieve anything that moved.) She did ok with that and is kind of interested in being a vet, but we'd had the dog for 7 years so she was more attached.

So now we're down to just 2 dogs. One is a 13 year old border collie and the other is a 3 year old aussie sheppard. The BC is starting to slow down but she's a sweetie. I can't imagine that the aussie is ever going to slow down. She's such a bundle of nervous energy. :rolleyes:

Ok, I'm gonna go to bed now. I have to be up early and I can't eat if I'm sleeping.

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Good morning everyone!

Tami: I am so sorry to hear about your dog. That is such a difficult process.
Losing a pet is never easy.:(

I haven't been around last week. I had a surprise party and guests for my dh. He was promoted to major in the Army on Sunday! So, it was a crazy week. Not to mention starting SB the same week. Okay here is my question.

My first week I lost only 3 pounds. This was a struggle. What am I doing wrong? I have stuck to the schedule and I don't even have dessert/snack, I felt full. Could I be eating to much at the meals? I try not to over eat but that is the only thing I can think of.

Hope all is well with everyone.
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Good morning, everyone! I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon for my 6 month check up. I told him about my slow weight loss and he looked at my chart. Seems I've only lost about 13 lbs in two years! :eek: He said from what I'm doing as far as eating and exercise goes, I should've lost a lot more. So, he took some blood this morning to test me for everything. I've never had my cholesterol tested either so he did that. I'm pretty sure everything will be normal though.

Cindy, I'm glad to hear you made it through your surgery ok. Take care!!

Christy, we've missed you! Did your DH enjoy his party?

Tami, I'm so sad to hear about your dog. That is really tough. I hope your DD is okay.

Juli, glad to see you didn't gain any weight on your break. :D
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Tami, I was so very sorry to hear about your dog. I've got 3 Aus. Shepherds that are like my "fuzzy kids", and know how hard it would be to lose one of them. Our oldest girl will be 14 in May. The vet said Monday that he is amazed how strong and healthy she is.

Shelia, I'm glad the doctor is looking into your slow weight loss. Even if your thryoid test shows nothing this time be sure to have it checked again in 6 mos. or so. I had a couple of friends who had "normal" thyroid levels when first tested.

Chris, calorie intake and portion size is still important even on WOE's like SBD, so you might want to keep a strict, honest food diary for at least a week or so and see if you can spot a trouble area. Don't estimate your portion sizes... measuring tells the true story. So many times when we eat what we think is one serving it's actually 2 or 3 of the manufacturer's serving size.
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Shae, thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind for my next 6 months check up.

Chris, I watch my calories and portions also. When I don't, I really don't lose any weight and I gain. :eek:

Like Juli, I don't have anything to report either. Just doing what I've been doing. Oh yeah, I did receive my new cookbook yesterday that focuses on eating low on the glycemic index. I think the title is "The Good Carb Cookbook." Anyway, is was written by a registered dietician. I haven't even had time to look at it though. I'll keep y'all posted.
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Okay you all are correct portions still matter. I made it down 3 pounds the first week so 5 overall. On the right track but boy are there temptations out there.

Yes, we enjoyed the party and for me it was okay not to eat any of the "normal" food. I made up some turkey rolls, and cut up cheese for my dh and I to munch on when everyone else was eating. Plus I was so busy I didn't have time to think about it.

However the vanilla wafers in the pantry that my dd got yesterday are calling out to me, "Christy, Christy, Christy, you know you want me" I just keep on ignoring it! But geez, sometimes are more difficult than others.

Anyway, everything else is going well. I went to an Easter Pageant at an extremely large Church here in Louisville. WOW it was amazing, there are probably 4,000=5,000 people everynight for 2 weeks.

Otherwise, I need to go and read my dd a book. "The Selfish Crocodile" interesting choice!

Have a great day everyone,
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Christy, we lived in Louisville for 10 years... that's where my kids grew up. It's still one of my favorite towns in the whole world. We lived up near Prospect. When we moved here in '87 my son was stunned to find out that the schools here don't close on Oaks Day. He thought that was a national holiday. We do miss Derby Week and all the festivities.

PS... put the Vanilla Wafers in a plastic bag and tie it shut. It'll make it harder for you to give into temptation and "sneak" a few out of the box.
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