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Had my ulcer bugging me yesterday so I ate some bread because I really have to stay away from any acidic food when it flares up. Anyway, didn't do so good because of it. I am now headed out of town for the next four days and will be eating out all the time. The next four days will not be that good either. Oh well... I know that when I return on Monday things can get back to normal. Not sure if the hotel I am staying at has internet access. I will bring my laptop just in case. Otherwise I will 'see' you all sometime on Monday or Tuesday. Take care!
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Juli, sorry your ulcer is bothering. Have a fun trip!

Christy, back up and stay away from the vanilla wafers!!! (I love them also!)

Shae, John and I went to Lexington in Sept. for the first time and had a good time. I didn't realize there were so many horse farms up there. Wow!

My doctor's nurse called me earlier today and my test results were normal. She also said that my cholesterol was FANTASTIC! :D
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Week 1 ended sunday. Monday morning I weighed and was scared to death to get on. Was convinced I had not lost a thing. Woot! 4 pounds gone. Looking in mirror, I can see the difference, slight mind you. Only have 3 more days of phase 1 and then I start phase 2. That scares me. Also, Dr. A says regular oatmeal not instant. Anyone an oatmeal eater who is eating the instant? I have a huge container of the instant and hate to have to go and buy another one. I love oatmeal with a little bit of honey (which I suppose is a no no now) and some walnuts.

I think that is the hardest thing about this diet is the preparation it takes. I eat a lot of salads as I suppose everyone does, and it must take me 30 minutes to fix one. I don't like it unless there are a ton of stuff in it. Also, because M-F I get up at 4:45, i tend to go with what is easy to fix and thus don't get a lot of variety. I should do some cooking over the weekend and freeze.
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Hi Everyone!! This is a really active board. It sounds like everyone is doing fantastic.

Welcom Patti, I was new to this board too and I find it very interesting, helpful and really supportive. Plus all the great recipes are awesome.

Hi PAFamily!!

I'm going to check out the foodnetwork link you posted and thanks for the recipes. It sounds like you've found an excellent upper body work out too!! I'm was so sorry to hear about your dog. I know you must be going through a tough time.

Cindyrella...losing weight too!!! And inches!! That's really exciting.

Well, as for me, I'm sticking to the program. I'm doing ok, but not perfect. I worked out this morning...30 min. on the treadmill. If I could just eat normal portions I would probably see much better results. I only lost 2 lbs the first week but I'm actually pretty happy about that because I cheated twice.

After I bought the popsicles and a bag of sugar free candy I was ok. Just one or two sugar free jolly ranchers really satisfies the sweet tooth. I also read the small print about over indulging on the sugar free treats. It says it acts as a laxative if you eat excessive amounts. I'm a little concerned about that so I think that helps me stick to the small portions. I think 3 pieces is like 40 calories...I was concerned with the carb count though and the whole "net carbs" thing. Is it ok to eat the sugar free stuff as long as you stick to the 75 calorie rule weather it has net carbs or not?

OK, well, maybe I'll do better on week two....When I think about it I'm only 8lbs from my goal. The tough part will be maintaining!!!

Super job on the weight loss and inches. I'm sure I've seen pictures of you on one of your cruises from a link you posted and you looked great. Keep up the fantastic progress!!

I'll be back soon...midterms this weekend.
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HI everybody,

Wow, I can't believe how good I feel just 3 days after my surgery. I was barely swollen today at all and I actually can chew a little on my left side which hasn't happened for at least a month. I'm a bit coincerned though because I'll be able to bite down on stuff soon and I'm worried I'm going to start gorging on stuff I haven't been able to eat.

Tami, sorry to hear about your dog. My husband had a cat for 18 yrs and when he was on a business trip overseas I had to put it to sleep. I was amazed at how I cried in that Vet's office. My daughter was about 9 or 10 and she had drawn a picture to be placed in the cat's "coffin". Well, I forgot to take it with me and she insisted I drive all the way back so it could be buried with the cat!

Cobra, I used instant oatmeal in Phase 2. I had the flavored pakcets and I just scooped all the sugar out of it.

Sheila, congrats on the cholestrol! That was one reason for my starting back on SB, my doctor said I had to get mine back in line. I'll have it re-done before we cruise, it was 240:eek:
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Hi all,
Sorry I've been out of touch, thanks for all the great advice! I haven't cheated at all this week....well... ok, a glass of wine with dinner, but not with food! The first couple of days the carve cravings were unreal.... showed me how many carbs I was eating!

Thanks for the tips- especially the crockpot, I have one and have never used it. Would love to find some great recipes that are diet friendly. Thanks everyone for your support!:)
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Good morning!! :D

Patti ~ I'm so happy for you!!! 4 lbs is AWESOME!! Keep up the good work. You really aren't suppose to eat instant oatmeal as it is higher on the glycemic index. However, it doesn't seem to have stopped your weight loss. I also think that the preparation is a pain in the butt. I cook enough at night to have leftovers for lunch the next day. Makes it so much easier. I've also started eating low-fat, low-carb yogurt with Fiber One mixed in for breakfast and I love it! I hate fat-free yogurt so I eat the low-fat. It has 3 grams of fat per serving so that is really not too bad. The one I eat is made with Splenda. When I was on Phase 1, I made crepes the night-before to have for breakfast the next day. I posted the recipe on here somewhere.

Christy, glad you are still feeling better and can chew. Didn't you have sinus surgery? I guess they went through your mouth?? I've heard that surgery is painful.

One of my friends called me last night that is cruising with us to remind me to make my final payment. This is her first cruise and she is trying to lose weight also. She got her lab results back this week also from her doc and her cholesterol and triglycerides were very high. Now, I need to convince her to do South Beach. ;)
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Good morning!! :D

Patti ~ You really aren't suppose to eat instant oatmeal as it is higher on the glycemic index.

When I was on Phase 1, I made crepes the night-before to have for breakfast the next day. I posted the recipe on here somewhere.

One of my friends called me last night that is cruising with us to remind me to make my final payment. This is her first cruise and she is trying to lose weight also. She got her lab results back this week also from her doc and her cholesterol and triglycerides were very high. Now, I need to convince her to do South Beach. ;)[/QUOTE]

Not eating oatmeal yet. Guess I could return the instant oatmeal (since it hasen't been opened) for regular oatmeal. Oatmeal comes with Phase 2. I will have to look for the crepe recipes. Amazing how we diet before we cruise, and then we eat all that wonderful food! Bet after my cruise (which is still 8 months out) I go back to phase 1.

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Patti- You can cook regular oats in the microwave pretty quickly. I do it all the time. Be sure to throw a paper plate under the bowl though. For some reason they almost always boil over. I really like Irish oats, which take even longer to cook. So, I have a micro cooker (from Pampered Chef, but I'm sure you could find something similar out there) and I make a large pot of it at once. Irish oats are very filling so one recipe will last me 3-4 days.

Also, try replacing your honey with some sugar free log cabin syrup or whatever kind you like. (I don't reccommend the Atkins kinds though. It's watery and rather vile) I use that and craisins on mine.

Hi everyone! We doing fine here. The play is this weekend so it's a bit crazy. We have 2 shows today and one more tomorrow. Jacob and I are both fighting hideous colds AGAIN! but other than that we're cruising through.

We got notification that our baby documents are being sent out to various agencies so hopefully that means we'll be having a new little guy soon.

WOE is horrible this weekend but I'm going to detox starting Monday. I'm only up a pound which is proof that running around like a chicken with it's head cut off all day is good exercise. :D

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OK, I've done horrible over the last two days. I almost want to cry because I really want to lose weight and get in shape...
Tomorrow I'm starting over. I'm still on phase one and back to day one. I'm going to keep a food diary as well to help me see what I'm eating and hopefully it will help me stay on track this time.
I'm very disappointed with myself. Even after exercising yesterday morning, I just totally screwed up last night...my husband brought home girl scout cookies and I broke. Then today while i was doing laundry, bills and homework I ate strawberry twizzlers...and now I feel absolutely horrible!!!! I need to do a carb sweep in my kitchen and just dump all the tempation in the trash can.
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Don't beat yourself up, it's happened to all of us. Last night we went out to dinner with friends and I had shrimp kabobs but they were on a bed of jasmine rice and I ate the whole thing. I'm kinda doing my own thing now which I guess is similier to Phase 2. One thing thathelps me is to keep busy at night after dinner--my snacking time. If I exercise after dinner, I drink a lot of water while excercising and it fills me up and leaves little time for anything but maybe one TV show and then bed. Everybody is different but the nice thing about SB is that you can always go back to Phase 1.

My goal was t lose 10 lbs and I have lost 6, but the excercise is what makes a difference for me. I've lost inches and my clothes look and feel better and I can get into some stuff I wasn't able to awhile ago. Good luck, you can do it!!
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You are so sweet. Thanks for the encouragement. That is my goal too..to lose 10 lbs. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I'm really short. Congratulations on losing 6!!! That is fantastic. You are over halfway to your goal. I'll be there soon.
Exercising in the evening is a good idea. Maybe if I just walk at night. I'm really an a.m. person so I like to get my workouts done in the mornings, but if I just walk for 15 or 20 minutes and drink a bottle of water in the evenings...that should get my metabolism going in the right direction. When I was drinking a cup of tea after dinner and posting on this board I was doing just fine too....Hmmm....
Well, thanks again..and like I said I'm going to write everything down this time. Especially in these first two weeks.
Be back soon.
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Ann- Also remember that those people who post big losses on Phase 1 generally have alot more to lose. Plus, people who were eating a basically healthy diet before tend to not lose as much in the short term because their body doesn't have as much to detox. Other things such as PMS, a cold, beginning to exercise, or an injury can cause you to retain water so weightloss might not show up on the scale, even though you're losing fat. Remember, all of us have bad days. (Heck, I've been having a bad day for the past 2 weeks! :D )

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[quote name='Cindyrella']Cobra,

Don't beat yourself up, it's happened to all of us. [/QUOTE]

It must be catching then! Last night I had 2 days left of phase 1 and what do I go and do, but read in forums & the book that popcorn is okay on phase 2. I really love popcorn & I really love those mini bags as they stop you from overindulging. It feels like I have the beginnings of my husband's cold. That weird sensation in the back of your throat before it is a full blown sore throat, and last night just felt tired with no energy. I convinved myself that it would be okay to have that popcorn just a wee bit early. Sigh! Hopefully it has not sabbotaged my wieght loss for week 2 of phase 1.
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Hi. Bill and I are going back on Phase 1 for a few days, just to de-tox and break the carb cravings so we can get back to our maintenance phase. We find if we've cheated enough for the carb cravings to come back the only way for us to have success again with truly limiting carbs and not minding it, is to go back to Phase 1 til the cravings leave. We both ate sugary carbs while sick, then had company this weekend. No weight gain for either of us, but it's bound to come if we don't get back to our better WOE. I don't know if it's the same for the rest of you, but after a few days on a strict Phase 1 we really don't have carb cravings anymore. Of course, along with that I clean out the cabinets again, and go back to shopping for just healthy foods. While we were sick we both noticed how awful anything with any artificial sweetener tasted... even Splenda, so we ate regular popsicles, chicken noodle soup, etc. that we don't normally have around.

Tami, I know you must be so excited about getting a new baby. I hope the adoption procedure works really smoothly, and you have your new little guy soon.

We're going to be grandparents for the second time in early October! I'm excited, but it seems so very far away right now.

I've lost track of when everyone is going on their cruises. Cindy, I think yours is the next one, right? Who's going where and on what cruise line? Ours (Alaska, Island Princess) isn't til June 4, but we'll go to Vancouver the day before. We've been going back over our excursion choices and will once again change our plans for Ketchikan. We were going to do a bicycle thing, but then remembered that it rains in Ketchikan like 90% of the time. We lucked out last time and had a gorgeous sunny, day. Odds are we won't be that lucky twice!

Keep up the good work, everybody.
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Today is the day I start over. Thanks to everyone for your support.

I was trying to eat healthy before I started SB, but I know I have plenty of Body Fat to lose. My BMI is probably around 30 or 32 I bet and I think it's supposed to be like 24 for someone my height. I need to go look it up again because I haven't been to the doctors office in a while and they have the chart on the wall.

I hope you aren't getting a cold. The last time my husband got sick he started using these little strips that disolve in your mouth and make your throat feel better. They are called Chloraseptic sore throat relief strips. It's much better than spraying that awful stuff in the back of your throat that has a taste that reminds me of glue!!! Child hood memories..ha ha.

Well, this morning I did the coffee, low-fat cottage cheese and scrambled eggs with ham for breakfast. I've drank a bottle of water and I took a Chromium picolinate and L-carnitine. Do any of you use supplements? Any opinions or suggestions?

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[quote name='01 Cobra']

I hope you aren't getting a cold. The last time my husband got sick he started using these little strips that disolve in your mouth and make your throat feel better. They are called Chloraseptic sore throat relief strips.

Well, this morning I did the coffee, low-fat cottage cheese and scrambled eggs with ham for breakfast. I've drank a bottle of water and I took a Chromium picolinate and L-carnitine. Do any of you use supplements? Any opinions or suggestions?


Shae - Bet my cruise is the furthest out. We don't sail til 11/26/05. I actually booked it over a year in advance so I am thrilled that it is now 8 months out. Once spring gets here, the time should fly by.

Ann - I know I am getting a cold. I will have to look for those Chloraseptic sore throat strips. Your breakfast sounds yummy.

Moving on tomorrow to phase II. The book really confuses me on the menu selections. For Day 1, it has 1 cup fresh strawberries, oatmeal for breakfast. Then midafternoon snack a fresh pear with laughing cow cheese (light), and for dessert Choc dipped strawberries.

I thought, I was only suppose to add 1 good carb to my diet? Not to sound really dumb here, is Oatmeal a starch? Am I allowed to have oatmeal & strawberries? After 2 weeks of phase 1, breakfast tomorrow sounds HEAVENLY! Bout sick of eggs. Also, has anyone had the cottage cheese pancakes?

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Yaahoo!!! I got on the scale this morning and 1 more lb. down, that makes 7 and 3 more to go. We fly in a day early on the 26th and set sail on the 27th. I just might make it yet!

Patti--I swear by echinacea. Even if I'm already sick, if I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night I don't as sick as I would have been. If I feel something coming on, I start taking it right away. BTW, Shae gives really good advice, she's got this diet and healthy lifestyle stuff down. I think she's absolutely right about getting rid of the cravings by doing Phase 1 over.

Shae-That's so exciting a new grandchild! I can hardly wait for my daughter to give me grandchildren, of course she IS only 17 LOL! She's my only child so I told her I need at least 5 grandchildren, she has to make up for being an only :D

Tami-Good luck on your adoption, I'm sure everything will turn out just the way want it.

Well, I'm going for a hike in my quest to excercise every day until the cruise. We truly do live in a beautiful area. Did any on you catch "The View" last week? Our city was featured on the show as one of five "best places in live in the US" or something like that. Anyway, there is a hill right here in town with trails on it. It sits above our beautiful lake and the city park, with views to die for. It's been unseasonably warm for the past 6 weeks so the wildflowers are out early. Ther are several small beaches you can hike down to also.

Well, talk to you later, here I go...
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Ok, everyone take a minute and dance a little jig with me. :D The play is OVER and we all survived. I don't think any of us got through without some kind of bug. Mostly respiratory junk but some of this is lasting 6 weeks. Yuck! I have to take DS to the allergist first thing in the morning because he sounds like Sh :eek: ! He is still on antibiotics from 2 weeks ago and he still has a raging sinus infection. I lived on cough drops for the past 3 days. Bleh! I'm even sick of the good rootbeer ones now.

In the mean time I'm up a pound or so. SO, I'm going back on phase one for at least a few days. I'm hoping this sinus thing I've got going on will be cleared enough to tolerate eggs in the morning. I'm posting my menu as I seem to do better when I have to report back.

My meal plan for tomorrow:

AM- Scrambled eggs and healthy choice sausage or a low carb bar if I can't cope with eggs
Noon- lunchmeat rollups with pickle and cheese or a low carbys sandwich if I'm still out with DS at lunch time. There's an ARby's on the same lot as the DR.
Dinner- low carb sloppy joe and my favorite cole slaw recipe.
Snacks I'll have to figure out because I need to go to the grocery.

Exercise - at least 10,000 steps plus upper body cardio sculpting.

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Hi Ladies!! Wow...y'all have been busy! :eek: I was busy this weekend working around the house so I didn't sign on.

Cindy, congrats on the 7 lbs lost....only 3 more to go!! I have 10 more (at least) and need to get it off in 10 weeks. Gasp! I'm really proud of you!

Patti, I hope you aren't getting sick. I HATE the tickle feeling in the back of the throat. About Phase 2: it really is confusing! I think you just need to add back one carb a day at first to see how you react to it. I, for one, need my good carbs so I normally have at least two. I eat low-fat yogurt for breakfast and add FiberOne cereal to it for something crunchy & fiber. I usually eat a whole grain for lunch also. Good luck!

Tami, I'm so excited for you about the baby!!!

Shae, we cruise on May 28th on RCCL Navigator of the Seas. We actually leave home on the 26th...10 weeks from Thursday.

Ann, I take supplements (when I can remember) such as CLA. I used to take L-carnitine, but read that it really didn't do anything. I've only read positive things about CLA. I just have a hard time remembering them. :o

I measured on Saturday (my normal measure day) and I lost one inch in the bust and 1/4 inch in the waist. My size 10 swimsuit top now fits great...now for the bottoms....I hope I can get into them by the cruise.

I finally got to read my new cookbook...The Good Carb Cookbook and it really has some good info and recipes in it. There is a recipe in it for Mexican Lasagna and I'm making that tonight. I'll let you know how it is tomorrow.
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In the book, Dr. A says 8-13 pounds in the first 2 weeks. I lost 4 pounds week 1, but only 1-1/2 pounds week 2. Total I want to lose is 28, but it is kind of frustrating I didn't lose the 8. Should I go back on phase 1 for another week?

That tickle in my throat today is a full blown sore throat. Going to the store in a bit to buy ingredients to make broccoli & cheese soup. It is very hard to get my water in today because of the pain to swallow, so I am trying to drink decaf hot tea. Also, I hope it is okay to gargle with salt water, because I am doing it. At this point I just want to swallow without agony. :( Going to stay on the diet though!

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[quote name='patti2297']In the book, Dr. A says 8-13 pounds in the first 2 weeks. I lost 4 pounds week 1, but only 1-1/2 pounds week 2. Total I want to lose is 28, but it is kind of frustrating I didn't lose the 8. Should I go back on phase 1 for another week?

That tickle in my throat today is a full blown sore throat. Going to the store in a bit to buy ingredients to make broccoli & cheese soup. It is very hard to get my water in today because of the pain to swallow, so I am trying to drink decaf hot tea. Also, I hope it is okay to gargle with salt water, because I am doing it. At this point I just want to swallow without agony. :( Going to stay on the diet though!

Patti, I'm so sorry you are so sick. Get better soon! Since you only have 28 lbs to lose, you aren't going to lose 8-13 lbs on Phase 1. You are going to lose very slowly because you really don't have much to lose. I know in your eyes it might be a lot, but not compared to a lot of people who need to lose more than 50 lbs. I didn't talke me long at all to lose 40 lbs. It is taking FOREVER for me to lose the last 30 though. Good luck!
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Patti- Ugh! I don't have the sore throat, but I sound like "Froggy" from little Rascals! I'd say go ahead and do the saltwater. You need to heal the throat problem. Also, there are some good herbal teas out there. You can buy "sore throat" blends or just get something soothing like chamomile and drink it luke warm. I bought some chlorosceptic strips too. They're like the breath strips but with numbing medication in them like a lozenge. They have no calories or carbs though.

My WOE went to heck in a handbasket yesterday. Didn't really eat anything horrible but just ate. I didn't gain any weight but I didn't lose any either. Not sure whether to chalk it up to stress of DS's sinus issues (spent all day getting tests done), my cold, or PMS. Probably a combination. I think partly it was due to the fact that the doctor called at 8am and wanted us to be there at 9:30. (It's a 45 minute drive and I was still in bed.) I grabbed a protein bar at 8:30 and ran out the door, had the guts of an Arby's turkey and swiss at lunch and then not much for dinner. By evening I was just starving. I did better today although I did have some homemade bread with dinner.

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Ok, here's a recipe I stole from the food channel. I can't remember if grapes are legal in Phase 2 (I eat them occasionally but they aren't my favorites.) The grape juice isn't but you could easily substitute white wine if you're not "cooking" for kids. We like this in the summer alot. Today we were just craving summer so we made it anyway. Somewhere I also have a recipe for strawberry soup that uses red wine. I'll have to dig for it.

Grape Gazpacho (4 servings)

1 small cucumber seeded and chopped (1 cup)
1 Granny smith apple cored and chopped
1 cup chopped tomatillos (about 3)
1 Cup chopped toasted walnuts (I use almonds)
1 cup plain yogurt
1 cup white grape juice
1 tsp rice wine vinegar
6 large mint leaves (I leave out- the mint overpowers it all)
Kosher salt to taste

You're supposed to combine all the chopped nuts and fruits and then puree half of the mixture like regular gazpacho. We don't like it that chunky so I puree it all. Stir in the juice and yogurt. Season with salt. Chill for 2 hours in the refrigerator before serving.
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