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Ok don't get mad,(I'm 115 now), I haven't read all these messages. I leave mid April & need to loose about 8lbs to be back where I was last year. I also need to tone up, can I do this? I should also say I'm 42, this is important because I know as we are getting older it is harder to get into shape!!!
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Good morning, everyone!

Tami & Patti, I hope y'all are feeling better.

jckvpa0, Hi! You say you weight 115? How tall are you? Sounds to me like you just need to tone. I'm 5'5" and if I weighed 115, I'd look like a stick.;)

I'm really liking my "The Good Carb Cookbook." I've made two recipes out of it so far and we all liked both. One is Mexican Lasagna and the other is Sausage and Shrimp Jambalaya. Very tasty.
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Thanks all for asking, I am feeling much better today. Throat barely hurts and now I am just congested & tired. I found a broccolli & cheese soup recipe on another board I visit and made it last night. If I were to rate it 1-5, with 1 being the lowest, I would give it a 2. It had 20 ounces of broccoli to 8 oz of cheese (velveta light) and was very over powering in brocoli taste. I did force down 2 cups to qualify as my noon meal, and probably should have some more protein, but just can't handle anything else right now. It was filling at least if not tasty.

Weirdeyes - What is your first name? That Good Carb Book sounds like a winner and one I might like to get. Where did you find it at? The mexican lazagne sounds tasty. Would you make it again? I think that is always the success of a recipe, especially if hubby tells me he would like me to make it again.

At another website I frequent, they had a thread on wholewheat pancakes that they claimed were very tasty to be ordered online: [url="https://www.southavenfarm.com"]https://www.southavenfarm.com[/url]. I ordered the whole wheat Quick Bread, whole wheat pancake mix, wheat bran muffin mix, and cinnamon Oat pancake mix. I will report my findings when they get them and I have had a chance to sample.

So far, week 1 phase 2 seems to be going well. I have added 1 good carb & 1 starch to my diet daily. Book says to increase to 3, but doesn't say how many days that should take. I am really going slow here. Monday I had strawberries & oatmeal, tuesday Uncle Sam cereal & strawberries. If anyone has not tasted that cereal, if you like a cereal that gives a lot of chewing this is the cereal for you - not sure if I would buy it again though. Today I had a piece of whole wheat toast with my breakfast of eggs & turkey bacon and let me tell you, nothing tasted as good! Topped it with a little bit of I can't believe its not butter spray and yummy! For my fruit, I think I will have a peach either with snack or dinner.
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Patti, I'm glad you are feeling better. My name is Sheila. :D Yes, I would make the Mexican Lasagna again. It was very good. I topped it with Light Sour Cream and Salsa...yum!! I love Mexican food. I bought the book on Amazon.com. Just type in "The Good Carb Cookbook" and it should pop right up. Also, thanks for the link. Let us know how you like what you bought.
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115 can look very different on different body types. I once saw a picture in a magazine of 10 women all of whom weighed exactly 120 lbs. They ranged in height from under 5 feet to nearly 6 feet, but even the women who were within 2-3 inches of each other looked very different. My daughter and I are nearly the same height. I'm between 5-4 and 5'4 1/2", she's 5'5. When she weighed 115 she looked like a stick. I weighed 113 dressed (no shoes) at my doctor's appt in January, and quite honestly I sure don't look "skinny". I have very thin, small bones, though, and she has a much more normal frame.

Toning becomes extremely important once you get older since we do lose muscle tone quite a bit faster over 40. A skinny arm or leg that is flabby because of lack of muscle tone will not look as good as a tight, heavier one that is toned. Don't get hung up on seeking "perfection", though. I knew some women who got so caught up about the shape of their bodies that they ended up with serious eating disorders or literally got addicted to working out (as I did in my early 40's). Concentrate on the health issues of having a healthy weight and not just on body image. I stick with low carb because I just feel much better and sleep better if I eat only healthy carbs and not the junk.
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Hi all - Back from Phoenix.

Did not eat very well. In fact, haven't eaten well for nearly two weeks, but I am getting back on track! Am craving something sweet and crunchy right now. That is the bad news, the good news is that I have nothing in the house that fits that description so I can't eat it. Yeah! (I think:p )
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could you send me the itinerary for your carnival pride eastern caribbean cruise, I went on it on july of 02 and can not find the itinerary anywhere? please help, we got married on the ship, i know we got to go to st thomas, private island? can't remember the name of it? st martin? could you please post the itinerary for me on here? thank you very much...
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I had one of the new South Beach brand pizzas (by Kraft) for dinner last night since DH was out of town. I chose the 4 cheese variety with the "harvest wheat" crust. I have to warn y'all that it was just awful, IMHO. The sauce was too peppery tasting and the crust was just nasty. It was also very small for the cost, but I disliked it so much I could barely eat half. Good news... it did spoil my appetite so I didn't want to eat anything else. Even on sale it was pretty pricey for what you get, so I thought I'd warn you. I'll stick to making my own little pizzas on low carb tortillas.

2bcrewzen, our cruise was the end of June into early July. Because of rough seas we didn't get to go to Carnival's private island, but docked in Puerto Rico instead for the evening. Our next port was St. Thomas, then St. Martin, then back to Port Canaveral. My mom paid for the cruise for 22 of us for a family reunion, so she had all the paperwork with the specifics of the itinerary, etc. I probably still have the Carnival brochure that I picked up before the cruise, and will check that for you.

Juli, the Walmart in Evansville had some little bags of these crunchy oat and sesame sticks that were wonderfully nutty tasting and fairly low carb. They weren't sweet, but did help with the urge to eat something crunchy. I haven't been able to find them at the WM closer to me, but I've forgotten to look for them the last couple of times I've been up there. I had saved the little empty bag so I could find them again, but DH thought it was trash and threw it away. I'll check again the next time I go up there and let you know what they're called. They may be something that can be found all over, though I had never seen them before.
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Well I already failed with my vow to exercise every day until cruise time. I haven't been home before about 8:00 once yet this week. My DD is graduating this year and I'm on the fundraising committee to raise money for the senior all-night party. Saturday is a craft fair so I'll be there from 6:00 am:eek: -4:00pm. Anywho, the scale said I was up 1 pound, I'm hoping this due to that time coming on. Of course I never know when that is anymore with the onset on
menopause :( .

I'm going shopping tonight with a friend to see if I can find another swimsuit and some coverups. Wish me luck, we live in a small town with a barely big city near, so not exactly a shopping mecca:D
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I've been lurking on this thead for sometime. Just wanted to drop in and say hi. My wife and I started the diet on Jan. 3rd and so far we have been fairly successful. My wife has lost 17 lbs and I have dropped 27. For those of you who are struggling, keep the faith!

23 days to go and we'll be sailing on the Jewel of the Seas!!!!

Regards, Rick.
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Rick~ Welcome aboard! Always glad to have a new face.

Shae ~ I would love the information on the snack. I reach certain times (during the month ;) ) when I am craving snacky, crunchy stuff. Sorry the pizza was so nasty. We just found the cereal and food bars at the grocery store last night. I had the cranberry breakfast bar today. It was really pretty good. I need easy things like that for in the morning because I am awful at eating breakfast. The easier the meal, the more likely I will be to eat it.

Shelia~ You have been working out so hard I bet you are gaining muscle and that is why the scale is not moving. I would start judging by the way your clothes are fitting. Plus, your measurements are going down. Keep up the good work!

Time to get back to work. I have wasted all the time I can today on the board. Everyone have a great day and remember your water!
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Hi everyone!! I weigh myself on Sunday..keeping my fingers crossed for progress.

Congratulations Patti!! You are doing great.

I'll be back in a few days and report on my weight.

Today for dinner I made light kelbasi sausage with sourkraut. It was surprisingly very yummy.

Love the fudgesicles too. Maybe too much.

Sheila, what does CLA stand for? How was the Mex Lasagna?

Be back soon.
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Hi everyone,

Ann - Good luck on weighin. I am right behind you on Monday. I love those fudgesicles and consider it my one treat! I usually have 2 a night, added together they are less than the 75 calories allowed for evening dessert.

Rickster - Welcome to the thread. This has quickly become one of my favorite threads. You and your wife are doing great!

Cindy - Don't be too hard on yourself. You have done wonderfully if you have managed to exercise everyday until now. If I can get exercise in 3 days out of 7 I consider myself doing good. Good luck on the shopping.

Shae - Where in your Wal-Mart have you found that crunch snack? It sounds great. Before SB, I was a major popcorn lover, and am surprised I have been able to do without it. I know it is allowed on P2, but not sure if late at night it is allowed or if you are suppose to have it in place of a normal snack. Also, I think they want air popped and all I have are those mini bags.

Sheila - Yes, but no weight gain either!

I have 2 more days left on week 1 on phase 2, and will be nervous to weigh on Monday. I think it is going well, and I have even managed to go walking some when weather permits. Hope it is going well for everyone. :)
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These boards have really been slow the past couple of days. I don't know if everyone is just busy or can not get on the site. Oh well...

Had a very good day yesterday. Today I haven't done so well because I haven't eaten anything yet. I am SO bad about that.

Patti - You are doing great! Keep up the work.

Everyone have a great day and drink your water! (I should listen to myself:p )
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Welcome, Rick, and congratulations on your success. I've found that this thread is a great way to stay motivated about SBD and keep the weight off. The recipe ideas and tips are really helpful.

I checked my Boonville Walmart again today and could not find those oat sesame snacks that I had found at the Evansville Walmart. I was really disappointed because they were so good. It was a brand I hadn't heard of before, so I had only bought the one little bag in case they were nasty. They were on the end of an aisle in the EVV WM, hanging on one of those little displays. I haven't been back in the EVV WM because it's always such a zoo. They have like 30+ check out lanes, but you're lucky if there are 6 open. I drove past the EVV WM today, and the parking lot was just too full to even attempt to go in and look for those snacks when there wasn't anything else I needed.

Remember not to rely too heavily on the scale. How much you weigh can fluctuate with water retention, etc. and doesn't necessarily reflect any real weight gain or loss. The tape measure is a much more accurate guide.

2bcrewzn, I took all my cruise brochures out of the cabinet and looked through them and could not find the Carnival brochure for 02. I don't know why I would have thrown it out, but it wasn't with all my other stuff. I do have one or 2 other places I can check in case I tucked it away somewhere before I started collecting the other brochures and cruise magazines.
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Hey everyone, been reading your posts from the past and the last two days. I was really pleased to say that all your sharing of losses and coping with hard times helped to get me through today. I've been doing SB - P1 this week and did fine M-W and then yesterday I ate the right stuff but too much so I immediately hopped on the scale this morning and faced instant depression since it was going back up and not down so I was going to say "forget it" and let lose for the weekend but got motivated by all of you and had a great day! Thanks
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Hi all- Life has been nutty the last couple of days and I've been off line. I managed to hit a sale at half price books yesterday and today and bought a Low Carb BBQ cookbook and also the 8 minute workout book. I had been doing the 8 minute thing for a while until one of the kids threw away the cards I'd pulled from a magazine. I started back on that tonight. I haven't had a chance to look at the cookbook yet. I managed to hit 2 different stores in the past 2 days and got some good books.

WOE could be bad today. We had lunch at the indian restaurant. I never know how that will go but today was mostly chicken and veggie dishes. I only had 1 Pakora (small veggie fritter) and 2 small pieces of naan ( flat bread) so it should be too horrible. I did have some kheer (rice pudding) and a gulab jamun (hard to explain-think cake donut hole soaked in syrup) so that could be bad.

I've been getting lots of steps in though so hopefully I can cancel those things out.

I think Grandma is going to get to go home next week on Friday. Let's hope.

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Well, I stepped on the scale this morning feeling pretty good about myself and I lost 1.5 pounds this week!!! I was so excited.
I think I'm going to start checking my measurements next week. I took a starting point measurement when I first started SB.

ColoradoJuli, You are so right about drinking water. I find myself drinking more diet soda than water some days.

Does anyone drink the flavored waters they sell at Wal-mart? The carbonation is kind of too much for me and I have to let them sit open for a bit before I actually drink them...they make me burp (ha ha)

Hi Marianne, this is a great place to find encouragement. I fell off of the diet hard and had to basically start over and knowing I had to come back here and report kind of keeps me honest with myself. It's hard to diet alone. Trust me. Especially when you are working out and dieting and your (my) DH just diets sometimes and loses like 15 pounds in 5 weeks!!! He is driving me crazy!!

Well, I'm off to do my weekend stuff.

Keep up the great work everyone!!!

Only 43 days until I cruise!!
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Ann - WTG on the weight loss. That is wonderful. I weigh tomorrow morning. I will report how I have done. I am also so jealous that your cruise is only 43 days out. I have such a long time to wait. lol. I do not like the flavored water myself, but for me to get my water in I have to drink the bottles. Weird I know, but if I put it in a glass I don't do as well. :D

I look forward to the day my counter goes under 200. Then I will know I am getting close.
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Ann - Aren't men frustrating. DH can cheat like crazy and then drop weight at the drop of a hat. It takes me being very good and exercising to lose any weight. He at least only misbehaves when he is not home so I am not tempted by no-no foods. He did ask me to make my special pancakes this morning and I obliged. He so rarely asks me to make him something special that I decided to go ahead and do it.

Patti - My count clock for my cruise just dropped below 300 days. I think knowing I have the trip in May is helping out. I am also hoping to go to Cancun for a few days in September to celebrate our anniversary. Every little bit helps when you are waiting for a cruise!

Shelia - Sure hope you are having a good time!
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