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Patti ~ that was Tami that gave you the suggestion about freezing your pancakes....great idea, BTW. I freeze mine also and it works out great.

Tami ~ so glad to hear that your taking your GM home today. I know that is a great relief to you. Now you have more time to devote to your working outs!!

Juli ~ how are you doing? Started using the WalkBlaster yet?

Cindy ~ have you started packing yet? When does your cruise leave?
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Stepped on the scale this morning and it was 2 pounds lighter!:) So happy!

Shelia ~ I felt absolutely rotten yesterday. I barely made it off the couch all day so I haven't used the WalkBlaster yet. Hopefully today, I just need to make sure that the asthma is under control.

Cindy ~ Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful time!!!

Tami ~ Awesome news about GM. So glad she is finally getting to go home. How is her mental state?

Shae ~ Where are you?

Patti ~ It also only took me one cruise to get hooked. I am working on my 6th one. I just need to branch out a bit more from the Caribbean. I love it so much that I just keep going back there. At least I am on a cruise.
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Hi Everybody,
We fly out tomorrow, set sail on Sunday. I just got back from running errands, will start packing tonight. I didn't reach my goal of 10 lbs, but close with a 7 lb. loss. Actually the exercise made a huge difference. I tried on a dress I bought for the cruise in January today and it's a little big! It will work but wow, was I surprised! I can wear some 8's now, not consistently though.

I got those single crystal light drink packets to use with bottles of water so I won't drink pop on the ship. I also bought an over-the-door shoe hanger for extra items as suggested by this board, anyone use them?
Everyone have a blessed Easter!!
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Have a great trip Cindi!

Well, I got Grandma back down to the retirement community where she lives. It took her all of 30 seconds to forget where she was, but oh well. Hopefully when her friends start showing up tomorrow she'll be able to re-orient herself better.

I was gone all day and got in 13,000 steps by 8pm so I think I'm gonna call it a day exercise-wise. I'm tired.

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Cindy - I used the over the door shoe rack on our cruise and I loved it. I am even using it now as well, only here at home I am putting - well shoes in it. On the ship I put lots of stuff in it. & pounds is good, and a size 8 is even better.

Tami - Thank you for the tips on the pancakes and forgive me for being confused this morning. That is what I get for coming to this board instead of working like I was suppose to be doing. Glad things went well with your mother today.

Juli - Congrats on the 2 pounds. That is wonderful! As for the caribbean, that is where our first cruise was. Not only are we going back to the caribbean for our 2nd cruise we are cruising on the same ship! We loved it that much. Least the ports are different all except St. Maartin, which we loved for shopping. I am already trying to plan our third cruise so that we can book it while onboard and save 200.00 each. The only problem I am running into is, I am not finding many cruises for 2006 yet.
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Can anyone please help me and My DH get started I need some ideas for breakfast and dinners i don't fill like i do these diets right I have done them before and i'm not losing i have a daughter getting married may 7th and a cruise may 21 please help me i'm so stressed over this wedding all i wan t to do is eat and had a car accident last may and had a operation Jan 5th on my back so can't exercise alot I don't like eggs alot but can deal with them.
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[quote name='patti2297']Tami - That is a lot of steps. How do you do it?[/QUOTE]

Patti- I actually did it two days in a row! Ack! Friday was all the running around getting Grandma settled in to her new room at the Methodist home. I made several trips back and forth through that building. That was probably responsible for at least 1/2 the steps. Plus getting her out of the hospital and doing some easter shopping for the kids on the way home. Yesterday was the grocery store and getting ready for a game night. You don't really think about it but cooking takes alot of steps. That's why I love the pedometer. It keeps me honest about how much ******** I do. I know if it's 5pm and I look down and have only 3-4,000 steps so far that I'm gonna have to step it up or walk laps around the house at night. Some days I do have to but most days anymore I get in at least my 10,000 easily.

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[quote name='sweetjem']Can anyone please help me and My DH get started I need some ideas for breakfast and dinners i don't fill like i do these diets right I have done them before and i'm not losing i have a daughter getting married may 7th and a cruise may 21 please help me i'm so stressed over this wedding all i wan t to do is eat and had a car accident last may and had a operation Jan 5th on my back so can't exercise alot I don't like eggs alot but can deal with them.
Hi sweetjem! First thing you need to do is buy the South Beach book. Also you might want to buy the cookbook "The Good Carb Cookbook." It is very good with a lot of great recipes in it. Please visit Prevention's South Beach message board for great tips and advice. You can find it at: [url]http://forums.prevention.com/category.jspa?categoryID=8[/url]

You need to fill up on protein and lots and lots of veggies. There is a veggie quiche in the South Beach book that is great. You can also find lots of recipes at the link I just posted above. Good luck and come back and visit. :D
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Sweetjem - Sheila is correct, you really need to read the book. SB is very easy to follow, and there can be alternatives to eggs.

Tami - I am impressed. My problem is I spend the majority of my day sitting at the computer because of my job, and I was relying on good weather to get out and walk for my exercise.

Today was weigh in and no weight loss, but no gain. I have been slacking in the exercising department and I readily admit it. I made a vow with myself today, that I would use the treadmill for at least 30 minutes a day if I am not able to get outside and walk. I have no one to blame, but myself on that aspect.

Second, went by store to get a few things and I found the Southbeach cereal & high protein cereal bars. The box of cereal is a wee bit small, but I decided to try it along with the chocolate cereal bars. I am going to have one of the cereal bars for afternoon snack. It looks good, but we know looks can be deceiving.

Bet Cindy is having the time of her life! Hope the week is starting out good for all. Picked up a TON of water at store today so I will be drinking my water. :D
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Patti ~ The SB cereal bars are really good. I have had all 4 flavors. The chocolate is the best, but if you like peanut butter it can really help your cravings.

Had a really busy weekend and was unable to get on the boards. Did really good on the WOE even with the party on Saturday night...well...if you don't count the beer, then I did really well.;)
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Hi, everybody. I missed y'all, and welcome Sweetjem,

I'm glad everyone is doing so well. I'm sure Cindy is having a great time. Sweetjem, if you get sick of eggs on Phase 1 try eating some of the leftover meats and veggies that you had for dinner the night before. I made a lot of omelets using various veggies and meats, but I only used one egg yolk usually, and often added Eggbeaters. I don't really like those plain, but mixed with real eggs you can't tell the difference. DH and I ate a lot of sugar free Jello, too.

When I left Nashville last Tuesday it was raining, but quite warm. Some trees were in bloom, and spring had definitely sprung. Wed. morning in No. NJ it started to snow. It didn't start sticking til afternooon. They predicted up to 9" for where we were, but we ended up with "only" 4 and a half. DH had laughed at me for putting the fleece lining in the jacket I'd worn, but I was SO glad to have it! Returning to Nashville I packed the lining in my suitcase. Good thing... it was 70 degrees and sunny.

The days in NJ were full of highs and lows. It was great to see my 3 sisters again. We so rarely can all get together. My youngest didn't arrive til late Friday afternoon, but at least we got to visit a while. It was very hard packing up my mom's stuff, and my dad's train layout was still together in their basement, so I had to take that apart carefully and pack it up. It brought some of the pain of losing them back again, but it also was comforting to know that I could "help them out". My mom had gained a lot of weight her last few years, but she never lost her love of beautiful clothes. As I packed up her stuff I pictured her smiling from heaven, a size 6 again with no pain in her hips, heart or anywhere else. I imagined she was actually glad to see her bigger clothes get packed away and shared with the less fortunate. The work we did should have really bothered my back, especially with all the bending, lifting and carrying, but my back didn't bother me at all.

While we were there my 2nd sister got some more bad news about my B-I-L's cancer. It was good to be there to help comfort her in person and to lend a hand with their business. They had 2 big fish n chip church functions booked for Good Friday. One of my sisters and I, and the other couple we cruised with in Jan. formed an assembly line and got 660 little plastic cups of tartar sauce filled, packed into totes and refrigerated and 460 servings of cole slaw. (My niece had already done 200 before we got there.) I wish I lived close enough to help them regularly. Hopefully, I can get there to do that before their biggest festivals this summer. Sadly, we all really doubt that B-I-L will be healthy enough in 06 to go on a Med. cruise.

DS and I tried to stay on SBD for at least 2 meals a day. We did have Chinese food for lunch one day, but then just had lean burgers and veggies for dinner. The day we had NJ pizza for dinner we ate very low carb for breakfast and dinner. I didn't gain any weight, but also did a lot of very physical work. I'm not sure how I'll do this week... I brought back some really tempting stuff for the kids and DH from Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's also carried Sesame Stick snacks that were very similar to the ones that I got at WM but can't find again. The TJ ones are whole wheat flour, soy and bulgar. The sesame seeds give them a nice nutty flavor. The ones from WM had oat flour.

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OK, so I know you are probably thinking that I am not serious about losing weight but I really do want to loose weight, not gain. In the past 7 days I managed to gain 3 pounds back. Still exercised 4 out of the 7, but I obviously consumed more calories than I burned. I didn't stick to my food diary and I totally ate a bunch of chocolate on Easter Sunday. I stepped on the scale this morning and felt REALLY BAD. So, is there any hope for me I ask myself? Just to loose 9 more pounds before I cruise in 35 days??? Who knows??? All I know is that my will power is weak and my stress level is way high (work, school and taxes). No need for excuses though...I'm still down 1 pound right...I guess that's the bright side. I know I can do this, I just need to focus on it one day at a time.

You are all such a great group of people and I feel so horrible to come back and let everyone down, and myself most of all, after all of you gave me your support and were so nice.

So, I am going to do some soul searching. My cruise docs came in the mail today so I guess if that's not motivation nothing will work!!!

I did have a wonderful Easter and I reallly enjoyed watching my son hunt Easter Eggs. I just regret all the food I ate.

I apologize for the sob story, but I just needed to get it out.
Thanks everyone,
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Good morning!

Juli, I'm glad to hear you were good over the weekend. ;)

Tami, you are really doing well getting all of your exercise in with everything that has been going on. Good job!!! :D

Shae, I'm happy to see you made it home safe. I'm sure you had a lot of emotions on your trip. Here's a big {{{HUG}}} for you! And yes, I'm sure your mom is looking down on you from heaven with a big smile on her face. It really helps to visualize that when we miss our loved ones. I often think of my grandmother doing that when I miss her so much it hurts. I'm glad you enjoyed the time with your family.

Ann, I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. I've been there and really am there right now. You really just have to put it behind you and look towards the next day. Remember, you CAN DO THIS! Just think....."Nothing taste as good as skinny feels!" I have to think of that often before I put something in my mouth. I'm sure those 3 lbs were just water weight and they'll be off in a couple of days. Just be patient....I know it's easier said than done. I really need to take my advice! LOL
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Shelia, thanks for the big smile. I could feel it coming right out of the computer screen. You're a doll.

Ann, you're being too hard on yourself. And odds are that you DID NOT gain back 3 pounds of fat in that short a period of time. Carbs cause bloating and/or water retention, as does salt, so your scale is reflecting that. Remember, go by what your tape measure tells you, not just the scale. Even eating just the "good carbs" we'll all have run-ins with those temporary "gains". Also, don't forget that muscle is denser than fat so your weight may appear to go up even if you have a lot less fat on you. I did recently read something that said that is a myth, but I know it's true. When my son was in high school he gained 18 pounds. We teased him that he must have gained some fat with that even though he was on a fairly intense weight lifting regime at the time. A second body fat test by the professional at our club showed that he had actually LOST more body fat, so had gained about 22 pounds of muscle.

It's an absolutely gorgeous day here and I am so anxious to get out and work in my gardens, particularly the iris gardens, but there is a repairman fixing the hole in our laundry room ceiling. We had a leak due to a faulty roof cricket. We had the roof repaired in December, but they wanted to make sure the repair was done correctly before fixing the ceiling. Hope you all have this great weather, too, and get out and enjoy it. I know I'll go out later!
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I have been coming on here for over a year and never thought to look for a board like this. I am so excited about this and so happy to find some support for my diet.

Let me give a little background.....

Dh and I are 50/48 respectively and live in a small town in the center of SC. We have been married for 25 years and have 3 grown children; ages 30, 29, and 24, and 3 grandchildren. Dh is the manager of a commercial laundry and I work in computer technical support. We are big cruisers and have got #9 scheduled for October. One of our favorite things on the cruise is the food and we have always enjoyed everything we ate.

Both of us are at least 50 lbs over-weight and have never been concerned with that. That is until last year and dh started having problems. He was diagnosed as diabetic about 4 years ago and watched his sugar count and never had any problems. Then last year, he started having problems with his eyes and sugar count going up, then he had 2 TIA. One occurred in November and one in February. So the doctor has put him on the South Beach Diet.

Neither of us are big dieters so could use any advice that ya'll can offer....

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Hi Deena! Glad to see you found us. You've come to the right place for support. We'll try to give you all we can. ;) Congrats on making a life-changing decision to change your WOE (way of eating). Are you doing Phase 1 right now?
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Deena - Welcome! This thread is a wonderful one and everyone is so helpful & encouraging.

Shae - We had a nice day too (no rain for first time in 4 days), but it was very very windy. But, that is okay, as SPRING is here. Once Spring goes we all know how fast Summer flies by. Then it will be fall and time for my cruise. :D

Tami - You are my inspiration. I figured if you can do 10,000 to 13,000 steps a day I can get my butt on my treadmill. So far 2 days now, only 30 minutes, but I will work my way up to 45 minutes in about a week. After 30 minutes, and just over 1 mile would you believe 2700 steps? You are awesome to be doing 10,000 - 13,000.

Ann - Don't be so hard on yourself. We are all human and we are going to mess up. Recognizing it and getting right back on track is the key. Drink plenty of water and you will have those 3 pounds off soon I bet.

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Shelia, Shae and Patti,

You all make so much sense:) I feel like the little steam engine saying I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. More water...one day at a time...lay of that Easter ham that I know is making me feel bloated, and get back on the treadmill!!

I still have almost 5 weeks to do something.......

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Patti- Good going with that treadmill. I used to call mine the Dreadmill. Hated it. But then, it was a cheapo, loud, crummy one. I traded it in on an exercise bike that I used for a while but it made my legs go to sleep. We sold it and I bought an elliptical machine which I have a love-hate relationship with. HAte to get on it but love how I feel afterward. We also bought a recumbant bike which I like. I just haven't had the time this winter to devote 30-45 minutes straight unless I do it very late at night. Then I can't sleep. That's why I started using the pedometer. Now that I'm not having to run around the hospital/nursinghome/rehab unit every day I'm hoping to get back into more of a routine. I'm doing the 8 minutes in the morning, although it's usually not morning by the time I get it done. Sorry Jorge! I didn't do todays though. It's upper body and I've hurt my shoulder. Not really even sure how but I think it was grabbing for a cooler that was way over my head. It went SPROING! I did yesterday's pushups and other exercise, but today it really bugged me. Not sure if I really hurt it or it was reacting to the horrible pullout bed we slept on at the hotel last night. (It had a distinct sag in the middle and it was all we could do to not roll down into it. If it hadn't been hotel carpet I'd have slept on the floor!)
Book reccommendation![/COLOR]

Anyway, I read a low carb book during the trip that I borrowed from my SIL this weekend. IT was called "How I quit my low fat diet and lost 40 pounds" by Dana Carpender. I LOVE THIS BOOK! and wish I'd found it a year ago. I found at least 4 things I need to be doing differently that explain why I'm still having so many cravings. I'm going out to buy myself a copy tomorrow. Now I'm confident that I can get this train back on track.

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Deena, welcome. I'm 55. I found that SBD was the only way I was able to lose the post-menopausal/post-back surgery weight. Maintaining a good weight had always been fairly easy for me before that since I was always very active, and I've always been a picky eater. I've only been on this WOE since August, but I think I'll be able to stay with it long term since DH and I find it's a much healthier WOE. Both of us had significant improvements in our blood sugar levels and cholesterol even though we only had 10-15 pounds to lose.

Tami, Thanks for the book suggestion. It does look like a very good read. I saw a book written by the guy who designed the Zone Diet. It was about what he called "silent inflammation". I think I may have to get it next time BAM has a sale. I've noticed an improvement in my sciatica and other aches and pains shortly after starting on SBD. This book seemed to have a logical explanation about why that happened.

Ann, a little trick of mine when I feel like it's harder than normal to stay legal on SBD is to watch as little TV as I can. It's amazing how many commercials there are for foods that really are bad for us, and, of course, the commercials make them look and sound so very appealing. I also make sure I eat just before going to the grocery store, and I don't go down the aisles where the cookies and cake mixes, etc. are.

Shelia and Patti, I'm glad that you got to enjoy a beautiful day, too. I got quite a lot of weeding done in my special "nursery" iris bed. It's my only fenced garden, and it's where I grow my iris seeds and grow other baby plants until they're big enough to be transplanted into other gardens. We have so many deer, rabbits, etc. that the "babies" need extra protection. I can't use any kind of chemical weed protection because it would inhibit the germination of seeds I've planted.

Julie, I'll have to look for those SB cereal bars. They sound good.
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Hi ladies! It is now Day 3 for me on Phase 1. I feel soooo bloated! Don't know why cause I don't have a TOM anymore. :rolleyes: I normally start to feel thinner about now, but not yet. I wonder if it is the water weight I gained over Easter? Why can't you eat one cheat meal and not gain 3 lbs? I find that that is the only drawback to SBD. As Drew Barrymore said, "If you don't eat any carbs and then eat some, you blow up [..........THIS..........] big!"

Deena, how are you doing today?

Tami, great job, as usual! :D

Ann, are you feeling any lighter today?

Shae, you'll have to posts some pictures of your irises. I bet they are gorgeous.
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