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South Beach Dieters Group Meet Here!


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Afternoon Ladies ~

I guess we ended up losing John. Seems like we can't keep any of the men around.

This 'diet' is rather strict and I already don't like it. The really strict phase is for 3 days. We will see how it goes. I already cheated yesterday because you are only suppose to eat the protein bars for the first 3 days. I can't stand the taste of the protein bars so I had some deli ham yesterday. I'll probably do the same thing today. I just can't see how eating 60 carbs/day can help you lose weight. Anyway, I told DH I would do it and I will do it for the 3 days and then it is back to SB.

Linda ~ Welcome to the group and congrats on the 85lbs. That is awesome!
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Linda- I also switched from Atkins to SB although I've been bad about sticking to anything lately due to family issues. The one thing I did find is that if I get too low in fat on SB I completely stop losing. So, I try to make sure I get a good amount of good fats every day. I use alot of olive oil, canola oil and I just started with flax seeds. I make myself a smoothie alot of mornings and put flax seeds in it.

Juli- From your description of that "diet" on the other page I'm SO glad you've ditched it. I know your DH was only trying to help but I'd like to slap some sense into him! There's no way that could be seen as healthy. You didn't need that on top of everything else you have going on right now. You just have to think of this as a slump. You'll get through it and come out stronger on the other side. There has to be a reason for you to be going through this. Perhaps there's someone in your future that you'll be able to help because you've been in their shoes. Who knows maybe even right now there's someone lurking on these boards reading your messages and ours and getting something from them even though their too shy to post. I'm a big believer in the fact that things happen for a reason even though we may not know what it is. Some call it Gods plan, KArma , the universe, fate, whatever. I just know that it seems like for every thing I've dealt with in life I've met someone along the line later who was able to benefit from my experience.

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Good afternoon ladies!

Whew! I have been reading through all the earlier posts in this thread today (We're not busy at work today) and have only gotten to page 40. But I have enjoyed reading them and will get to the rest of them later. I wanted to pop in to say hi again to everyone and I am already feeling like I know a lot of you from your posts. The encouragement I see from you all to each other is awesome!

We have our annual company dinner tonight and I am planning on having soup, salad, steak, steamed veggies, and a couple of drinks--Jack Daniels and club soda. Tomorrow I plan to go over the SB book and make a grocery list for the Phase 1 meals. Hopefully will be able to start it on Monday.

Thanks for the welcome.
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I am doing better today. That stuff sure tore through my gut. DH still doesn't seem to understand. He thinks it was the vitamins and wants me to try them again. I am VERY leary of them. I really don't want another day like yesterday. I'm back on SB. I don't care if I lose slowly, it has to be better than the stuff I encountered yesterday. I also feel that SB is very healthy. I'll take healthy any day over 'quick' weight loss.

Tami~ I completely agree with you.
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Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

Juli - I am glad you are feeling better.

Tami - I wore my pedometer (is that what it is called?) yesterday just to see as I knew I was going to have a very busy day. At the end of the day it showed over 18,000 steps. I swept & mopped floors, vacuumed, went grocery shopping (2 stores - can never find everything in just one), and cleaned & repapered cubboards. Needless to say, I did not do the treamill.

Linda - Welcome to SB & the thread. Hope your company dinner went well. Congrats on losing the 85 pounds. That is really awesome and something to be quite proud of!

Sheila - I cleaned my desk this weekend and found my old core foods shopping list. It is basically the same as SB with the exception of all the dairy foods are of the FF variety. I like how with SB we can have low fat and not necessarily FF. I think what got me in trouble with WW Core is that you are allowed to have "other foods," for which you count points and can have a total of 35 points per week. Those "other foods" are what gets me in trouble. For example if I eat 1 cookie, then I want 2 or 3 cookies. I do better (so far, it seems) if I don't eat any "other food." I am just starting to introduce good carbs back into my diet.

Ok, more on my popcorn saga. :D I tried using another oil other than olive oil. Don't recall whose suggestion that was, and it was still tough, though maybe not as tough. I had read in another forum about putting popcorn in plain brown paperbag and microwaving for a couple of minutes. I picked up some small lunch bags. For anyone who enjoys popcorn, this worked really well. No toughness at all and was actually tastier than I thought it would be with no butter or salt!

Ok, I am off to do some more housework & laundry. Such fun.... NOT!

(gussle gussle) Drinking water. :D

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Happy Sunday morning! Yesterday was a good day. DH and I spent the day together. We went shoe shopping and out to dinner. I had sauteed crab claws and a side salad. I did very well!

Tami, I totally agree with everything you said. Great advice.

Juli, I'm glad you are feeling better today. Why not have Scott take those vitamins and eat those bars so he can see what you've been through? ;) Yes, I can be a devil. LOL

Patti, I did realize that the WW Core was about the same as SB. I can't stomach fat-free cheese so I'll have to stick to my low-fat or 2%. Thanks for the info.

Linda, I'm glad you are reading the whole thread. I know it will take forever though. I can't wait to get to know you better. Good luck starting tomorrow.
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Patti- 18,000!!!!! Holy cow girl! Did you meet yourself coming and going? They really do add up fast though. Think about it this way, 10,000 is supposed to be equivilent to doing 30 minutes of cardio.

I'm starting back on phase 1 today and incorporating the changes from my book. I have been plateaued for 5 months now and I'm real sick of this. I'm also going to start back in my 8 minutes (I took 4 days off because I hurt my shoulder) and do 30 minutes of cardio 4 times a day. I'll post in here so hold me to it PLEASE!

Today so far I had 3 small eggs for breakfast. Somehow we managed to get all chickens that laid small eggs. I love my home grown eggs though. They taste so much better. Lunch is going to be some tuna salad with celery sticks. Dinner I'm making parmesan encrusted chicken with either coleslaw (my mayo free recipe) or green salad. I have cheese sticks, celery and not much else for snacks right now. I really need to get to the grocery.

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[quote name='WeirdEyes'] BTW, the picture of you and your DS is great. You are so pretty. Are you sure you even need to lose weight?


Sheila, You are too nice. :) I've never actually told my story about why I want to lose weight besides my upcoming cruise of course.

So the short version is that I come from a family of very obese women and I've actually been on a Life Diet. By Life Diet I mean I'm constantly trying to lose or maintain my weight. Everyday. I am 5'1 and I currently weight 147 pounds. When I got pregant with my son 6 years ago I ballooned from 131 to 200 pounds and it took me a year (and a marathon) to get down to 138. That's a nice normal comfy weight for me. So...I wanted to lose 10 lbs to get back to my comfy weight and to just be comfortable in my own skin. I wear a size 10 comfortably right now and my 8's are snug. I don't mind buying or wearing size 10 clothes, I just like to know I can pull out a size 8 and wear it comfortably too.

South Beach has proved to be a very healthy diet for me and I think I'm going to continue to try to stick with it for a while.

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Wow, that whole spring forward thing is hurting my feelings. What a big difference one hour makes. I'm still doing laundry and it's 3pm!!!

Welcome Linda!! OMG...congrats on losing 85 lbs. How great is that!!

I have a podiometer (sp?) that is collecting dust. I bought it about a year ago from digiwalker.com. Maybe I should pull it out and dust it off!! Patti seems to be doing WONDERFUL with hers so I'm starting to get motivated to find that thing.

Juli...so sorry to hear the other diet did such a job on your tummy. I sometimes think I need to switch up to jump start my weight loss again and one time I ate some sugar free chocolate. NEVER AGAIN!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the rest of their weekend. It rained a lot here in VA this weekend.

I'm excited about my cruise! I leave in one month!!

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Did very good yesterday and my tummy didn't have any problems. I just know that SB is so much better for me and I am going to stick very close to it and prove to DH that it does work.

Shelia ~ DH is eating the stuff and taking the vitamins and 'cleansing' pills. He has a rot-iron stomach and can eat anything. I, on the other hand, have a very sensitive system. He is complaining that he is hungry.:p

Doing good again today on SB and will stick very close. Tomorrow I pull out the WalkBlaster and get going on it. I am determined to prove to DH that SB works!
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Ann- That whole Spring Forward thing boggles my mind. I'm from Indiana where up to this point we don't observe DST. Our new governor is trying to get it passed so in June we may be joining you. Mind you, they've been trying to get it done for 20 years. A few people care for business or whatever reasons (mostly golfers I think) but most of the people I know could give a darn. It's not like the cows care. LOL I hope they don't get it done. I can see the arguments with the kids now. "I know it's still light out but it's 9:30, you're up at 6am. Go to bed!" Ugh!

Today I got nothing much accomplished. I granddad sat so I didn't get to go for my walk, get on the exercycle or even get out to work in the yard. Hopefully tomorrow. It's supposed to be beautiful.

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Ann, I can understand why you want to lose weight. We seem to have a lot in common. ;) I'm 5'5" and weigh 155 right now. I wear a size 12 comfortably and some size 10's, but would really like to be a size 10 in everything. With the way designers are doing sizes these days though, I'm not sure we will ever be in actually one size. LOL

I hate the time change thing also. I cannot stand losing one hour! However, I like gaining one in the Spring. I guess I can't have it both ways.

Tami, I never knew that you lived in Indiana. Which part of the state do you live. I've only been to the Southern part...Evansville and Mount Vernon. It is a nice state.

Juli, I hope Scott does well on his "rot-gut" diet....LOL! ;)
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Good Morning Ladies!

Well, today is Day 1 on SB for me. And I just finished reading the entire thread. I feel as though I know most of you already. So I thought I ought to tell you something about myself. I am 55, been married for almost 34 years, no children. I am co owner of a tax preparation business and my DH is a retired school teacher. I started Atkins in August of 2003 and have lost 85 pounds on it--but I have basically been stalled or on a plateau or whatever since before Christmas. Weight has been bouncing around a little, up a few, down a few, but this morning it was at the 85 mark.

I also bought a new digital scale yesterday that weighs to 1/5 pound. Went to take my starting measurements this morning and wouldn't you know it--I couldn't find a tape measure! I'll just go buy a new one on the way home from work tonight. Have to stop and get more lettuce anyway--what they had yesterday looked terrible. Thanks goodness I still had enought to make my salad for today!

Enough for now. I'll check in again later. Have a great day.
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Hi, everybody. Here in the southwestern corner of IN we do have Daylight Savings time, and I love it. I wait anxiously for it to start so I can spend that extra hour outside in my gardens! (I know...what a freak!) Also now my dogs don't wake me up at 4:45 in the morning because of the sunshine peeking through the bathroom windows. Tami, the state of Indiana just boggles my mind sometimes. It amazes me how 17 or so counties can do daylight savings time and the rest don't. 'Course, we're also on Central time down here with most of the rest of the state on Easter Standard all the time, so it gets so confusing to people not used to it. Half the year with on the same time as Indy and other towns closer to us, the rest we're an hour behind.

I really was going to start back on Phase 1 for a few days at least to break the carb cravings, but after spending the day outside (literally... even ate lunch outside), I don't think it will be necessary. The bloating from eating unhealthily while in NJ and last week is just about gone, and the cravings are diminishing without having to de-tox. I need to do a clean sweep of the kitchen and pantry again and get rid of the "goodies" that shouldn't be there. I do plan to get back to the Y, but it will probably not be til Wed. They're predicting 2 nice, dry days today and tomorrow, and then rain Wed. & Thurs. Can't stand to be indoors when it's sunny and I have tons of garden work to do.

Linda, so glad that you're going to give SB a try. My doctor asked how I had lost 15 pounds since my last visit. When I told him SB he said, "Good. As long as it wasn't Atkins. It's dangerous." I'm a fairly small person but I'm staying on SB because of the heart benefits. It's just a healthier WOE. Elizabethtown is a nice town. We lived up near Prospect, KY for 10 years. My kids grew up there and still think of the Louisville area as "home" in many ways.

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Hi Everyone,

Hope you've all been well while I was gone. Glad I took the day off today, I got a nasty cold yesterday travelling home. I got on the scale this morning and weighed the same as before I left but I don't think it's correct. I literally had a candy bar, ritz crackers and a bag of peanuts yesterday, we travelled most of the day and we didn't get fed on our flights and I wasn't feeling well anyway. I really need to get back with the program especially the exercise. I did go the gym on the ship but it was always too crowded. In fact, the whole ship was too crowded. There were 2,400 people and 800 were kids. I hate to say this but we were actually disappointed with the whole expereince. I realize a lot of it had to do with crusing on spring break, but it was NOT a relaxing vacation for the most part.

More on all that later. I'll read the thread and get caught up.
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I think I know the answer to this but I wanted to make sure. Is tomato juice okay as part of my snack? I know the book recommends it or V8 with breakfast so I think it is ok for snacks too, isn't it? Is there a limit of how much of it a day or is it like regular tomatoes and unlimited? Thinking about having some now but will wait to hear for sure that I can.

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Linda, I think you can have 8 oz of tomato juice. Just check to make sure it doesn't have added sugar.

Cindy!! Glad you are back. What ship did you sail on? I'm sorry to hear it wasn't much fun. I hope you start to feel better soon.
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Hello Ladies ~

I had a very good day yesterday and I plan to be very good today. I need to go to the store to get some salad makings and pull some chicken out of the freezer for dinner tonight. DH has agreed that the 'rot-gut' diet wasn't the best thing for me and has quit bugging me about it. He acutually had problems yesterday and contributes it to the 'diet'. I think it just took his system a little longer to have problems than mind did. He too has decided to return to SB.:D

Tami ~ I wish we didn't do the DST stuff. It drives me nuts to get my body to sync up with the time zone. I have problems waking up during the spring time and then during the fall I have problems with my stomach syncing up. Wish we were like Arizona & Indiana and just left well enough alone.

Linda ~ Congrats on the 85 lbs. That is wonderful! If you haven't done it already, I would suggest reading the book and then keep it handy for references. It really helps me out a lot. I also bought the SB cookbook and am able to switch out recipes. It breaks them down into Phase 1, 2, 3, so you know which ones you can have.

Cindy ~ Welcome back! I know what you mean about sailing during Spring Break. We sailed one year during President's week and swore we will never do that again. We usually sail the 1st week after New Years. Kids are back in school and most people do not want to take a vacation right after the holidays. Our last cruise, this past January, only had a handful of kids. It was wonderful for that. The cruise just stunk in general. We are headed back to Carnival this coming January and will be sailing on the 7th. I'd highly suggest this week for sailing. The week right before President's week is also pretty good as kids are about to be out of school the next week so parents don't take them out of school. We have discovered that if there are kids on the ship during the week when we like to cruise, that usually they are home-schooled and very well behaved.
The stomach is calling and I need to go make myself some lunch. Everyone take care and remember to drink your water.:)
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