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South Beach Dieters Group Meet Here!


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I know. I am SO excited. I really can't wait to get Scott alone for a week. The place does have Wi-Fi, but I think that he will get into the Jamaica lifestyle and will also get caught up in the couples atmosphere and spend time with me (and not with the computer).
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Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like daylight savings time!!!

I wish I was 5'5. I feel like if I was just a little bit taller my weight would fit me perfect!!! :)

It's a beautiful day here. I am cooking boneless pork chops for dinner. The don't have any fat in or around them so I hope they are ok for SB. I am making a salad and some kind of vegetable with it...probably green beans. I can't wait to start using the grill. It will be nice to have grilled fish.

Welcome back Cindyrella. Sorry to hear you didn't have a relaxing cruise. Was it because of all the Spring Breakers or the kids? Will you post a review?

OK, well I've got to get to domestic stuff now.

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[quote name='ColoradoJuli']. He acutually had problems yesterday and contributes it to the 'diet'. I think it just took his system a little longer to have problems than mind did. He too has decided to return to SB.:D

Juli- round here that's what we call Karma kickin' him in the butt. LOL

Hi all- I had my first "it's truly spring" thing happen today! I had a pullover to the side of the highway so a large piece of farm equipment could get by! Woohoo! It was 73 here today and warmer tomorrow.

I finally got it in gear today and got 35 minutes done on the exercise bike plus I walked 11,000 steps. Tomorrow I'm doing power shopping so I'll probably rack up all kinds of steps. We're supposed to eat out mexican food for my sister's birthday tomorrow so I'm planning on fajitas with adobo sauce but no tortillas. Adobo is much better than plain flour tortillas and I'm willing to sacrifice a little sugar carb action for it. The tortillas are just a handy carrying case.

I'm also going to try to hoist it out of bed in time to get on the exercycle before I leave to go shopping. I'll let you know tomorrow if I made it.

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Hello everyone,

This is quite a thread, I have read some but not all so I apologize if my questions have already been asked. Glad to meet all of you. I have been on SB for a week now and was feeling a little discouraged so thought I would join in on the thread. A little history about me, I am 34, lost 40 pounds on WW a few years ago and have struggled to keep it off ever since. I tried Atkins this fall trying to slim down to fit into my wedding dress. I did pretty well, I think I had lost about 8 pounds by the time we left for our cruise in January. Since I have been back, I went completely off the wagon and have been eating terribly and not exercising and gained the 8 pounds back. Decided to try the SB and so far am loving it. I like all of the food and the recipes are great and think I am eating much healthier than I was on Atkins.

My question, the book says you will lose 8-13 pounds in 2 weeks. Well, I am only down 1 so far and am wondering if I am doing something wrong or if this is what I can expect. I only need to lose about 10-15 total so thought the 8-13 number was a little outrageous for that amount of weight but want to hear if anyone else has had a similar experience. I haven't been paying attention to calorie intake, just eating until full, but was wondering if you need to pay more attention to calories at some point.

Also, anyone belong to the website? Is it worth the cost? Thanks!
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[quote name='adoptmom']BTW, Ever since they did that resetting of the boards awhile back I can't get my smilies to work. Where is it that I go turn them back on?[/QUOTE]
Tami, try going under your User CP and click on Edit Options. I think there is a box you click in there to show images, etc. Good luck!
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Anjnshelly, welcome!!! How much weight do you need to lose? I have about 15 lbs and I can do Phase 1 again and only lose around 1-2 lbs. You really can't go by the book to determine what your weight loss will be because everyone has different amounts to lose and lose a different speeds. I know it is very discouraging. I get discouraged all of the time. (You've probably read that on past posts.) Anyway, if you remember reading what Dr. Agatston said that he developed SB to help his patients get "heart healthy." Losing weight was just a "side effect" that he didn't anticipate. I've had to re-adjust my thinking as far as SB goes because when I first started it two years ago, I dropped 7 lbs in Phase 1. It was easy. Now, I'm lucky if I lose 1/2 lb a week. To me, SB is a means to get healthy. The weight loss is just a side benefit. I could do other diets and lose the weight, but I wouldn't stick to them and the weight would come right back on. So, I resigned myself to the fact that it might take me another 6 months to a year to lose the last 15 lbs. However, the weight WILL come off and I'll be so much more healthier for it. ;)

Juli, I have a solution for Scott not getting on the computer while you are in Jamaica....DO NOT TAKE IT! :D

Tami, congrats on working out so much! I'm really proud of you, girl!

Ann, I wish I was taller also. I wouldn't be fat if I was just 3 inches tall...LOL!
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Day 2 and all is well so far. I'm having my morning snack of celery and string cheese at the moment. Having a large salad for lunch and have a pork loin cooking in the crock pot at home for supper.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
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Hi All,

Weigh in Monday was frustrating to say the least. Only a half pound down. I am not giving up though I did not exercise yesterday out of pure annoyance.
I love daylight savings time with the exception of my body adjusting to it. I start my work day at 4:30/4:45 so I can finish by 12/1, and It definitely feels like I am getting up earlier.

Cindy - I am so sorry your cruise was a disappointment. I am not a big authority on cruises, but I have read that the cruiseline makes a difference too. Bet, you are glad to be home and I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Linda - Sounds like you are doing great on phase 1! My favorite snack are the 30 pistasios. I love a snack that lasts! This is a favorite of mine even on phase 2.

anjnshelly - I hear your pain. I didn't do as well as the book claimed either, and that is frustrating. Make sure you are drinking your water though cuz I am convinced that definitely helps. I lost a total of 5 pounds with 2 weeks of phase 1, and I think 4 of it was probably water loss. Don't give up! Welcome to the thread.

Tami - Spring is here today, and it is beautiful out. Should go outside walking instead of using the treadmill, but then I would have to do the hair thing & a little makeup. Don't have to for the treadmill. :p

Hope everyone is having a great day!

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Had a very good day yesterday. I even ate.:D I don't know if you all remember, part of my problem is that I don't eat. I just don't get hungry and I forget to eat. I know that I need to eat regularly to keep the fire burning, but I just forget at times.

Patti ~ Remember that the scale is moving down and not staying the same or going up. Keep your chin up, you are doing great!

Linda ~ You are doing so good. I'm proud of you that you are eating your snacks. That is one of the harder things for me to remember to do.

Shelia ~ You don't understand. I would have to have the computer surgically removed from his body for him to not take it.:p I let him take it anyway because I know that he will get so busy diving and having a good time that he will forget about the computer. It is like his safety blanket. I can't tell you how many times we have dragged it somewhere only for him to not even touch it. Oh well...he is the one that has to drag it around, not me.

Anjnshelly ~ Don't get discouraged. You don't have a lot of weight to lose and it might take longer. Keep to it and it will work.

Tami ~ We had an awesome day here yesterday, but the wind is blowing straight out of the north today. I would bet that we have sustained winds of at least 40 mph with gust of 60+. It is really blowing today and cold. But that is what it is like here. One day can be absolutely gorgous and the next day miserable. I still love living here and won't move for anything.

Off to drink my water and eat. Everyone have a good day!
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Hi everyone! I had a powershopping day today. Bought some new clothes which I'm putting off trying on right now. I did buy a 16W skirt that I'm very happy with. Look Ma! No Stretch fabric! :eek: I did get up early enough to do 20 minutes on the bike this morning before heading out plus I'm going to hit 14,000 steps before bedtime. Only about 100 to go. I can do that by walking my dirty dish to the sink. I just had a bedtime snack of yogurt, a TBLS of sunflower seed butter and some SF vanilla syrup. Yum! I've been making my own yogurt lately. Non-fat and very tart and it has more live cultures than you can shake a stick at.

Juli- We're supposed to get that yucky weather tomorrow afternoon. Bleh! It was so nice today that it was all I could do not to buy some cabbage plants to set out. BUT, I know that we've got at least 2 weeks before all danger of frost is gone so I'll wait.

Shelia- Thanks for the tip! My smilie is back! :D It's really hard to be a smart@$$ without them. :rolleyes:

Patti- I didn't get out to walk today because I needed to leave early. The great thing about living where we do is that when I walk I rarely see anyone except the occasional farmer driving down the road. Also, the road beside us is conveniently broken by cross roads at the 1/2 and mile mark. No wondering how far I walked. This time of year though they're a bit dangerous. Soupy and full of potholes.

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Good Morning!

How is everyone today? I weighed this morning and am down 1.6 pounds from Monday morning! :)

I made the Rocotta cream last night and boy was it delicious! I added Splenda, vanilla, and a little DaVinci SF vanilla syrup. Yummm

Time to open the office. Have a great day and I'll check in later.
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Mornin' everyone!

Well, I tried on my clothes last night and I'm only taking back one thing. They all fit, I just didn't like the one pair of capri pants when I took them out of the bag. They're red and when I got them out of the flourescent light it was kinda washed out looking. So I'll trade them in on something else.

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Hi, I am new to this web site but have found it so helpful for information on my cruise. I am going on the Caribbean princess in June and would love to lose atleast 20lbs. I have done SB before and was successful. I need to get back on it and stick to it. I have found it very difficult to get started again. I need motivation.
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I only lost 4lbs on phase one of SB...and then if you've read some of this thread, you know I fell off the wagon and gained 3lbs back. So, I finally lost those 3lbs again as of this morning!!! It probably does depend on how much you weigh and how much you want to lose and how close you stick to the diet. I had a hard time, and then again I only wanted to lose 10 lbs. Congratulations on your recent weight loss and I know you will get a lot of support from this thread. Everyone is very kind.

Linda KY,
You are doing great!! Keep it up!!!

You are doing wonderful with all that walking!!! Whew..I get tired just seeing the number of steps you are able to do in one day!!! That is so awesome!! It must have been fun shopping for clothes. I love to shop, but I find myself buying more and more on line. It's just so much easier and there is no hassle with returns and no nasty customer service person asking you for your life history. Besides that I hate waiting in line for returns and our post office now has an automated mailing center and I can just walk up and put my box on the scale and pay the machine...get my postage...drop the package through the magic door and walk out!! I love technology.

You know, losing 1/2 a pound isn't bad. You are still making progress!!! Are you doing the same exercises everyday? Sometimes if you vary your routine you can increase your weight loss...but I'm no expert...I just read those fitness and self magazines. They motivate me to get moving sometimes. And today is such a beautiful day!!! I'm going to work in the yard for a while I think.

I totally believe SB is about being healthy...I am s l o w l y losing weight, but I have a lot more energy and I feel better.

One question for everyone...I am a starbucks fanatic...I get a grande skim latte or a Venti ice skim latte at least every other day. I'm sure there is more than one serving on skim milk in them. Could too much dairy stall weight loss or should it be just the opposite? I also eat a yogurt or cottage cheese in the morning and then I probably have one or two string cheese during the day for a snack. Being a woman I was thinking dairy would be a good thing...especially for the bones but I think I need to start monitoring my servings a day.
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Good Morning Ladies ~

Yesterday was another good day. Have any of you discovered the SB snack bars from Kraft. They only have 2 carbs and taste fantastic. One tastes like a Butterfinger and the other like a Million Dollar Bar. I highly suggest them. It feels like I am cheating when I eat them, but I know that they are fine.

Cobra ~ I don't have the answer to your question. I start my morning out with a glass of 2% milk each morning. Not sure if that is slowing my weight loss or not. I just can't handle V8 juice first thing when I get up. Heck, I can't handle it anytime of day unless it has a dash of tabasco sauce and vodka in it.;)

It is much prettier here today. There was a lot of damage yesterday around town because of the high winds. I couldn't believe how the winds were howling yesterday.

Off to work. Everyone have a good day.
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Hi everyone. I am back on the beach myself.. Last year I went from 144 lbs to 127 lbs. This summer, I stupidly allowed myself to put the weight back on and now I am very uncomfortable.. I leave on a cruise to Bermuda in September, and a trip to Florida this May. I really hope to be back in shape for both !!

Good luck to all..

Cindy :)
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Welcome Cindy! Good luck on being back on the beach.

I just started SB myself Monday. I went to Bermuda last Sept on a cruise, too. When are you going and on what ship? Have you been to Bermuda before? It was our second time there.

We are going out to eat tonight. I will be careful and stay on program. I think we are going to Rafferty's.

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Well it's official. I gained 2 lbs on the cruise. I'm surprised it's not more because I really didn't watch what I ate that much. I did watch the carbs a little bit, but ate lots of desserts. One thing I did right was ALWAYS take the stairs. Our cabin was on deck 2 (cheap seats) and I took the stairs even it it was to deck 10. I need to get back to my exercise program but I've been feeling so crummy. The cold has settled in my chest now and I'm coughing constantly. I HAD to go back to work because I'm in charge of a community event coming up in about 2 weeks. Hopefully I can start the Walkblaster by the weekend. Thanks so much for telling me about it, Sheila.

Sounds like everyone is doing well. Who is cruising next?
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Welcome, newbies. Once you get past Phase 1, SBD is pretty easy to stick with. Not only will you lose weight, you'll probably feel much better, too.

Welcome home, Cindy. I know what you mean about the crowds on board. My first cruise was a Caribbean cruise during one of the busiest weeks of the summer. The ship was so crowded. We had a nice time, but felt we had to wait on line for everything.

Shelia, you're cruising at the end of May, right? DH and I are cruising back to Alaska in early June. Now I'm really starting to get excited. It seemed just too far away before this.

More exciting news for us on the grandparent front. Our DD and S-I-L drove here the day I got back from NJ and announced that she is expecting her first child in early Dec. That means we'll have 2 new grandbabies by Christmas! We're so excited. DGD is thrilled with the idea of having a baby brother or sister in early Oct. and a new cousin in Dec. (She has one cousin on her mother's side.)

Tami, any news about your new baby's arrival date yet? I know you must be getting so anxious to get him home.

I think I've come up with a new diet plan that I'll call "the Iris Diet". The start of my bloom season is just about 2 weeks away, so I've been spending as much time as possible getting the yard fixed up. A dozen or so people have said they really want to stop by this year and see the blooms. We live down a fairly long drive and most of the gardens can't be seen from the street. Since DH has been traveling this week it's been easier for me to just run in and grab some turkey, cheese, grapefruit, or other low carb food and then head back outside. Being out and away from food temptations has been very helpful for keeping the weight off. (DH didn't let me throw out or give away all the Easter candy.)

I noticed that my grocery store is discontinuing many low carb foods like the Mission tortillas shells, some snack items, etc. I also read that more than 50% of the people who were on a lower carb diet are now off, and that the "trend" has been declared "over". I find this is really bad news since a lower carb WOE has so many health benefits besides weight loss. Has anybody else seen this happening near them? I shouldn't be surprised about it here since Evansville is always on the "heaviest cities" list.
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Shae ~ I have actually been seeing new low-carb products on the shelf here in Denver. We recently got the SB cereals, cereal bars, and snack bars. I hope they don't get rid of low-carb items. If so, I will be in trouble!

Didn't do so well last night. Got a hankerin for beer and hot wings. Couldn't resist and went to Hooters. I already have chicken thawed out for tonight so I promise to be good.
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Afternoon everyone,

Yes, Shae, I have noticed that too--my Kroger no longer has a lot of the lc stuff it used to have. Just when I find brands that I like, they quit carrying them! :mad:

I stuck to the plan at dinner last night and brought part of it home to have for lunch at work today.

It is raining and yukky here today. Don't mind being stuck in the office in this kind of weather. Sure am glad tax season is almost over :D !
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