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Jori ~ I'm sorry you've been discouraged. I've been there and done that. When you least expect it, the weight will come off. You just have to keep plugging away. Thanks for the prayers. They are working!!!! I used to work in a hospital also and I gained 30 lbs while there! :eek:

My FIL nodded yes to me when I visited him earlier this morning. They are going to try and remove the ventilator on Wed. :D
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Shelia, I was so very glad to hear that your FIL has improved! We're thinking of you and your family.

Jori, Two weeks til Alaska! You'll have such a wonderful time on your cruise and land tour. (We leave in just over 4 weeks). Just be sure to pack layers of clothes, and some rain gear. We only had one rainy day out of 13 days, but you just never know. If you're ready for it the rain won't bother you at all. Where are you going on your land portion? We did Fairbanks, Denali, Mt. McKinley Princess, and Anchorage the last time. This time we're going to Copper River, Denali and Anchorage. What are your ports and what do you have planned for each?

Juli, You can still skip the bad carbs at most fast food places. Just take your chicken or burger off the bun (or ask for no bun... Wendy's is good about that), get salads or chili, etc., NO fries. Skip the soft drink and get water or unsweetened tea if they have it. If you can bring a cooler out to the house you can take cold cuts, cut fresh veggies, and things like that. (DD finds that most cold cuts have too many nitrates that trigger migraines, tho, so be careful about those.)

Tami, did you have a frost up there this AM? We just missed it out here in the woods, but still dipped down into the 30's. Our average frost free date is April 15th.
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Good morning everyone! I missed yesterday because I went to visit Grandma. I spent quite a bit of time going through her house and pulling more paperwork to go through. She's going to have to move in 2 months and I really want to have all the financial paperwork out of there before anyone else comes to help DH and I. Things are a little wierd on that side of the family and I just get the feeling that no one needs to know what kind of assets she has sitting out there. Some of the younger family members were already using her as the "First Bank of Grandma" which would be ok but they never pay her back.

My eating was horrible this weekend and I gained back 2.5. I've already gotten rid of one of those and I've made the commitment to exercise every day in May. Let's see how that goes. I may go back to phase 1 in a couple of days if this weekend weight hasn't gone away.

Sheila- glad to hear the news about your FIL!

Shae- yes, we did have frost. Have had for the last couple of days. I feel bad for all those people who jumped the gun and started planning. There's a reason they tell you not to plant tomatoes up here before May 1st. I'm hoping that I can get mine in this weekend. We're supposed to be up to 76 by Saturday. :D Normally I really like the colder weather but this year really sucked the energy out of me with all the Grandma drama. I'm looking forward to when we can open the pool!

Juli- One of the reasons I like making my own yogurt is because if I let it go for longer it gets very thick like sour cream. The texture of the grocery store stuff is funky. You should try some greek yogurt sometime. It's better.

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Morning all!

Just stopping in to say hi. We've got plumbing problems--AGAIN. Plumber will be here this afternoon. Meanwhile, we can get water in, just nothing will go out. Drain is plugged somehow. Everything flushes up and back into floor and tubs! :eek: :eek: Not good!!!! So I am trying to limit water intake this morning--don't want to have to visit the neighbors too often or have to go to a store in town for that!

Sheila, glad your FIL is improving.

Have a good day everyone.

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[size=2]Hi everyone,

Well as most of you know, the pressure is on! I'm going to be packing this week for our Alaska cruise! I'm so excited!

Shae-We are doing the inside passage cruise on the Princess Coral. We dock at Whittier and bus it to Anchorage. We then fly immediately to Fairbanks and trek down to Denali, McKinley Princess, and back to Anchorage. It's our first trip to Anchorage and aside from a brief cruise to South America on the Crystal Harmony (it was a reward trip with my husbands work, the only people on the ship were his fellow coworkers) this will be our first real cruise. We've got a good turn out on our Roll Call so were pretty excited. The Copper river itinery looks great too! We were surprised at how popular Alaska has become, we struggled to get a trip during the time frame we were looking at and we booked in January!

Juli-I know what you are going through with your grandma's affairs. Be thankful you are taking care of it now. When my Nana (my mom's mother) passed away, her three daughter had to sort through so much of her stuff! She lived next door to my parents in a house they had bought, but there was still lot's of fighting and hurt feelings over how her stuff was divied up. So much so, that they still haven't decided or agreed upon (or maybe even talked about) putting up a head stone at her grave site! She passed away in 1998! It's so sad, but it woke my mom up! She's already been trying to declutter and settle things. My mom had 6 kids and two of us (me and my brother) are their executors to their estate. I still know it's going to be awful when they pass on! I'm so not looking forward to wading through years of collecting antiques and junk! I encourage her to get rid of it now, reminding her what she went through! I know what you mean about planting. Because we'll be gone the last 2 weeks in May, my husband wanted to plant in April. I had to remind him that we needed to wait til after mother's day and since we'll be gone that means we'll have to wait til June! It's 34 degrees right now, so I think he realized I was right. I told him we'll find plants even in June.

Juli- I subscribe to SBD online and they have a great link of information on what to eat at all of the fast food restaurants. Let me know if you want me to look up the different places for you. The great thing about SBD is that it's realistic and doesn't deprive you of living and eating in the real world (ie. tells you what are the healthier choices to make when you have to do fast food!) Specifically, they suggest having a small chili at Wendy's w/ a side salad or the grilled chicken minus the bun. For McDonald's they suggest any of the salads minus the bacon bits or the McChicken sandwich minus the bun. If you want more ideas, let me know!

Hope everyone is doing ok. I weigh in today and I'm exactly where I was this time last week, at least I got rid of the 2 pounds I had gained through out the week. Still disappointed, but my husband consoled me by saying that I've gained muscle! :p Talk to you soon Jori

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Not a lot of time today. I am really busy trying to get packed etc for moving and the trip to Jamaica. I was very agitated yesterday and am pretty sure it is because of all that is going on.

I did buy some Atkins shakes yesterday. The carbs are really good, but I didn't know if the fat content was too much. How much fat grams are we allowed each day?
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Jori, you are going to have such a great time!! Alaska gets more popular each year. We booked our trip 11 mos. in advance. The Coral Princess was the first Princess ship we cruised on, and the first cruise we took alone without family. We just loved her, which is why we booked her twin, the Island, for our trip this year. We did the southbound cruise after our land portion. We enjoyed the White Pass RR in Skagway, did whale watching and Mendenhall Glacier museum in Juneau, and just did our own thing in Skagway (mostly shopping). This time we're going NB. I think we're going to the eagle preserve in Ketchikan (DH keeps changing our excursions). We'll do the whale watching again in Juneau, but not the glacier, and we're going to ferry over to Haines when we dock in Skagway. The best days onboard were cruising Glacier Bay and College Fjord, tho. Have your camera ready when you fly out of Anchorage. We got great pictures of Mt. McKinley from the air on our way up to Fairbanks. We went to the Fairbanks (Riverside) Princess Wilderness Lodge, Denali PWL, Mt McK PWL, and then back down to Anchorage. Mt. McK PWL was our favorite. (I hope Copper River is as nice.) Mt. McK peaked out from the clouds several times during our stay. AWESOME!

DH and I love Princess, but find that their desserts look better than they taste. That made it a whole lot easier to skip them. Everything else was really good. I don't like fancy sauces, but never had any trouble with having my entrees served "plain". I'll be so anxious to hear what you think of the trip. BTW, we met some really nice people on our land tour who we hooked up with again onboard. We still stay in touch via email.

Tami, I've always made it a point not to plant anything til after Derby Day because even down here we do get those flukey cold nights.

Linda, hope you get your plumbing problems fixed quickly. It's such a hassle...worse than no electricity, I think.
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Morning all,

The plumbing is working again !:D What a relief!:D

Jori, have a great time on your cruise! I have been thinking about joing the SBD online and wondered if it is worth it. Do you think you get your money's worth?

It looks like we will have good weather for the Derby this time--much better than last year.

Mama went back to the Dr for her 2 week checkup yesterday and everything is doing just fine and healing like it should. That is great news. Plus there was no sign of any cancer anywhere. The Dr. didn't think there was any but she had biopsies done anyway.

Have a good day. Later.......
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Hi all! I've really had a bad week so far. My poor mom is now in ICU with pneumonia. DH is covering his dad and I'm covering my mom. I hope mom is moved to a private room today. We almost lost her.

I'm trying to be really good this week. I gained 2 lbs, but now have them off. I'm back on Relacore to relieve the stress and it really helps. I doubt it works for weight loss though. Anyway, I've been eating right and exercising. It is hard to get it all in, but I'm managing. My cruise will be most welcomed! Please continue to keep my FIL, Harold, in your prayers and now add my mom. FIL is still the same, but they are now concerned with his lungs. They were going to try to take him off the ventilator today, but now have postponed it. He also now has shingles. Poor guy.

Jori ~ Sorry to hear you're having so many problems with plumbing. We used to have all sorts of plumbing problems in our old house. We built a house and so far, no plumbing problems. One Christmas morning we woke up to a bursted pipe and we were out of water for days. Good luck!

Juli ~ I know you're under lots of stress. Step back and take a deep breath. Don't forget to take your medicine. ;) BTW, I'm not sure about the fat grams per day. I really don't count fat, but try to keep everything low fat. I good rule of thumb is to keep fat grams below 30 - 40% of your caloric intake. Shae, this is right, isn't it?

Shae ~ How's your irises looking? My daylilies are blooming and they look so pretty.

Linda ~ Glad to hear your mom is improving. I know you are relieved.

Tami ~ Good luck getting everything with Grandma situated. You should be nominated for "Granddaughter of the Year!"
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Did anyone see Dr. Angaston on the Today show this morning? I was glad to hear him put the emphasis back on SBD's health benefits, especially the cardio, and not just talk about the weight loss part of it. Losing weight is a big part of being heart-healthy, but not the only part.

D-I-L goes in for her ultrasound tomorrow. Hopefully, we'll find out if she's having a boy or a girl. I think we'll all be surprised if the doctor says it's a girl. I think DD will have a boy, too, but she's a couple months away from being able to find out. DGD gets to leave school about an hour early so she can see the ultrasound with Mommy and Daddy.

Shelia, I'm so very sorry about your mom. Of course, we'll say our prayers for her, too, and for you, so that you can stay strong. What caused your mom's pneumonia? You are doing incredibly well with your WOE under the circumstances. My irises have been confused by our wacky weather and aren't following their normal bloom patterns. I do have enough of my favorites in bloom already that I'm a happy camper, and there are lots of fat buds yet to open barring any more freaky circumstances (like trees falling on some last year with those 110 MPH straight line winds from a storm cell.) When things settle down for you I'll be glad to share some pics with you. I'm trying to capture every one with the digital this year.

Juli, I try to keep fats below 30-35%, and try to make those the "good fats" that are rich in the Omegas and none of the trans-fats.

Jori, are you packed yet??

Linda, I'm glad to hear your mom is doing well. Even after 18 years away we still miss Derby Week. When we moved here my kids were shocked to discover that the rest of the world doesn't celebrate it they way we did there. Have a great weekend.

Tami, your grandmother is so lucky to have you. I'm sure she realizes that.
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Hi everyone, I'm hanging in here. I had to go to the asthma doctor and get medrol today. I'm having some kind of reaction from all the dust at Grandmas or the fact that this is plow season up here. Bleh! A week of steroids, but last time I lost weight while taking them so I guess there's a bonus :confused:

I still am on my exercise track. Yesterday my chest was too tight to do cardio so I did some strengthening exercises like pushups, leg lifts, and crunches. It wasn't much but it was the point of the matter that I didn't ditch the whole effort. Today I was able to do 20 minutes on the bike and my 8 minutes work out. The nurse practicioner who saw me today showed me a picture of her that she carries for patients who need a kick in the butt to lose weight. She showed it to me because she noticed that I had lost weight since I was in during December. She lost 50 pounds by doing weight training 4 days a week and cutting down on portions. She looks great now and I'd have never known. She promised to give me a push now and then. :D

Linda- So glad to year you have plumbing again! We had some septic problems a while back and it really SUCKS!

Shae- The problem with Grandma is that she doesn't realize anything. :rolleyes: We talk about things and then 5 minutes later she's completely forgotten. In some ways that actually makes it easier. I'm waiting now on a letter from her doctor that says that she can no longer take care of her financial needs. That and my POA will pretty much give me the ability to do things I need to do like dispose of her car or access her stock portfolios if she needs money quickly. Frankly she won't need to touch the stocks for a couple of years unless something major happens but she was actively trading up until last November. I don't want her broker to call her with a tip and have her bet the "farm" because she doesn't have a sense of risk any more. My cousins are no help. One doesn't ever respond and the other is in Kazakhstan and realitively unreachable for most of the year. Also my brothers are way too immature to make those kind of decisions.

Juli and Jori- I wish I were going with you! I need a break so bad!

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Hey everyone,
Shelia, I got a good laugh when you asked me how my plumbing was (I thought you were referring to my bowels!:eek: ) Actually I believe it's Linda who is having plumbing problems!
Shae-ARRGH, No I'm not packed yet! I'm working on it though. I've been accumulating things and putting them in our guest room. My husband moved our luggage into there so I can start packing things. I also have some irises planted, the leaves are up but no blooms yet.
Hope everyone is doing well, I've supposedly lost .5 of a pound. It's not enough for me! I want a bigger weight loss!:rolleyes: Oh well, I guess I'll take what I can! Jori
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Started a post earlier today and then got busy with work and lost the post. Oh well...

Shelia ~ The one thing I always remember to do is to take my meds. I did call my Dr today to see if has any suggestions for something for me to take so I can calm down. I am almost paralyzed with all of this stress!

Linda ~ Glad the pipes are back to normal. I was at my mom's house one time for my cousin's wedding and the hot water heater went out. We had 11 people in the house that needed to take showers!

Shae ~ Thanks for the help. I always forget which fats are good and which are bad.

I blew my knee out this afternoon. The knee cap went way over to the side. The thing is now swollen and hurting. I can barely walk on it so packing is out of the question! This is really not a good time for this to happen since I am headed to Jamaica to take long walks on the beach in 10 days!

Had one of the Atkins shakes today. It didn't take long for me to be hungry soon after drinking it. It was only 2 carbs, but they aren't even worth it if it doesn't hold back the hunger.

Speaking of hunger...time to find some food!
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Jori ~ I'm sorry I got you confused with Linda. :o I hope you're "plumbing" is working also. LOL

Juli ~ I HATE that you hurt your knee yesterday. You poor dear. Your luck is about as good as mine. I hope your doc can give you something to help relieve the stress. I started back taking Relacore because it helps me with the stress. Do you have a knee brace you can put on your knee? If not, you need to get one. It will help you stay mobile. Good luck, honey!!

Shae ~ I'd love to see pictures of your irises. Our normal temps are below average also for this time of year. We're suppose to be back in the 80's this weekend though, which is normal.

Tami ~ I hope you start feeling better soon. You really deserve a break. Your luck is like mine also. Any news on the baby front? At least that would be helpful.

I'm being good this week, but only have been able to exercise twice so far. My mom was put in a private room yesterday afternoon, but she is still so sick. The doctor said she would be in the hospital for a while. My FIL is having a trach put in as I'm typing this. The doctors feel confident that this is the best choice for him. The neurosurgeon said that his head injury is healing nicely. Only time will tell what damage it did. Thanks for all of your prayers. They are really helping me cope.
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Mornin' everyone! I brought my breakfast into the office this morning. I'm having plain yogurt with peanutbutter and low sugar blueberry preserves. Pretty good if I do say so myself!

Juli- Oh no! :eek: Try to rest, ice and elevate that knee as much as possible now. Maybe you can get away with nice afternoons on a beach chair the first couple of days and then take your walks. I forget, which part of Jamaica are you going to? We were in Negril 2 years ago. Beautiful!

As for those atkins shakes, they don't fill me up either. I buy the powder and throw in some flax seed and ice to make it thicker. The flax seed is great for omega fatty acids, which you need, but they also are complete fiber so they thicken the shake, give it some staying power and also add to that needed fiber count.

Sheila- How's your mom doing today? I'm already feeling better. I hate taking the medrol but I don't get any side effects from it at all. Thank goodness! Last time I took prednisone I ended up in the hospital with a reaction to it.

Well, I need to go run the kids to the library before homeschool group today. It's our first park day of the year and it's gorgeous. Can't wait to run some energy off those kids!

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Tami ~ Mom is feeling a little better, but they found a "spot" on her lung. She had a lung scan this morning and we're waiting on the results. Can it GET any worse for us? I went see my FIL at the 10:00 AM visit and he actually opened his eyes and looked at my MIL for at least a minute. I was so excited. The doctor says he is where he should be at this point...whatever that means.

Great idea about adding the flax seed to the Atkins shake. I might have to try that.

I'm glad you're doing better. :D
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Hey-de Ladies ~

Doing better today.

Shelia ~ Yes, the doctor put me on some meds. I don't seem to be so uptight, but time will tell. I did get 5 boxes packed last night even with my knee. We also got the news yesterday that we have approval from the underwriting group for the loan we are just waiting on the appraisal. We have no worries about that because we are going to be stepping into the house with about $40k equity. The loan officer said that he would try to have the final commitment for the loan done before we leave for Jamaica so my mind can be at rest about that. I thought it was really sweet of him. He too has been to the same place that we are going. Couples Negril. Should be a really good time. Especially if we can have the loan paperwork out of the way.

Tami ~ Yes, I do have a brace. I put it on my knee yesterday and it really seemed to help it feel stable. I woke up this morning and it seems to be doing significantly better. It feels pretty stable. I will more than likely put the brace back on this evening when I start packing again. I haven't stepped at a weird angle where it creates any pain and was able to walk down the stairs pretty normal this morning.

I need to go pull steaks out of the freezer so that I can behave tonight. Had meat lasagna last night. It didn't taste that great, so it wasn't worth it. The salad I had was very good!
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Sheila- Honestly, don't ask if it can get worse. As I found out with Grandam this year, it can. Hopefully not in your case though. My Granny always had spots on her lungs whenever she'd have an xray. She never smoked and didn't have cancer but she had TB as a young woman. The scarring always showed up and freaked the doctors out. She kept an old copy of her xrays so she could show any new doctor that it really had always been there. From what I understand some kinds of infection, including pneumonia can show up as a spot.

Juli- Glad your knee is doing better. I posted you a note on the other board about ARnica for swelling.

Our news today is that DH is going to have foot surgery May 26. He has an extra metatarsal that is irritating his tendon. He's had the problem all his life but suddenly it has hit critical mass. It's really giving him fits so he decided to get it done before it really messes up his knee and hip. He won't be weight baring on it for 2-5 weeks but he'll be mobile and back to work in a little over a week. It happens to fall in with some holdays so he won't have to take too many sick days either. I'm glad he's getting it done. It will be a PITA for a couple of weeks, but he's not sleeping and his back and hip are in constant knots.

Well, I'm off to bed.

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Tami ~ Sounds like DH does need the surgery. Thanks for the tip. Things are in such a disaray in the house that I will have to ask you the information again once we get settled. Things are just too topsy turvey right now.

I spent 9 hours packing today and have made only a small dent in it. Boy! Why do we have so much junk?

I was really rotten last night. We went out with some good friends to celebrate her and my birthday. We decided to go for sushi. It was SO good. I do miss having sushi. We then went over to their house and sat in the hot tub and drank beer until 2 in the morning. We really had a good time. But none of it was legal. Oh well...I guess that is what birthdays are for.
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Good morning everyone! Hope everyone's mother's day is going well. We're headed out to a cookout in a little while. I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst foodwise. At least I know there will be meat and cole slaw that I can eat. AT least the weather is fabulous and I'm wearing shorts! :D

Juli- I'm also a sushi fan although I prefer the kind with all cooked ingredients. Small amounts of raw are ok, but I don't like to bite into a big ole chunk of tuna or whatever. We get some really good crab sushi rolls around here. I eat it at least once a week because I figure the amount of rice I'm getting in 5 or 6 pieces (which fills me up these days) is half a cup or less. I just make sure on those days that the rest of my diet comes from protein and veggies. I really do think sushi is good for SB because you get a small amount of moderate impact carbs, probably some of the best sources of protein and healthy fat and some low impact veggies. If I could afford it I'd do sushi 3 times a week. I've occasionally made my own too but that was hysterical. I still haven't gotten the right balance of "sticky" on the rice. My last 2 attempts completely fell apart. :D

I know you've got to be crazed by now with all this packing and getting ready to travel. This time a year ago we were on the plane to fly to Tampa to leave for our trip. I'm really ready to go somewhere but so far, the call hasn't come to go get our new little guy. It could be a long summer waiting for that call.

Well, I need to go bag up my Aunt's birthday gift and my mom's T-shirt that the kids made. We also bought a strawberry pot for her and filled it with all sorts of flowers yesterday. DS wasn't really interested in it so the DD's picked out all pink and purple "flowders" as the youngest calls them. :D It looks very nice although I must admit to being dubious about it. The pot has huge strawberries painted all over it. DM will love it though because it came from them.

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Hi everyone! I was bad again this weekend. :o I told DH last night...NO more cheats or I won't be able to fit into my new clothes! It is so hard to stick with SB eating on the run though. I did buy some more SB cereal bars for a quickie. I really like the chocolate ones. YUM!

Juli ~ Glad to hear your knee is better. Good luck finishing up on the packing.

Tami ~ I sure hope things don't get worse!! I don't know how much more I can handle. I sure hope mom's spot is nothing, but the pulmologist doesn't seem to think so. He's doing a scope on her just as soon as the pneumonia clears up.

Have a great day!
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Tami ~ I like your thoughts about sushi. I just love it and hate not being allowed to eat it. We had such a good time with our friends and enjoying the sushi.

I got 38 boxes packed this weekend. We are about 60% done with the office. I am hoping to finish that up today. It is a little bit of a challenge because I need some of the stuff to stay out so I can work. I am guessing that I will have one final box out of this room on move day with my necessary items.

The rest of the weekend's eating didn't improve any. I made spaghetti for dinner on Saturday and then on Sunday we had burgers for lunch (TGI Fridays YUMM!) and then chicken paramagana for dinner. I know, I know. I did buy a huge thing of romaine hearts at Costco on Sunday. I got them home and then realized that we leave in 5 days! We have 6 heads of lettuce to eat before we leave. I think we will eat really good this week. We'll just be having meat and lettuce.

Shelia ~ Still praying for both you mom & FIL. My dad has been sick on and off since December. They are now beginning to wonder if his pulmanary circular system has some sort of problem. They have him taking all sorts of tests over the next couple of weeks. We are praying that everything is fine and that he has just had one very long and returning cold.

Need to get to work on work and the packing. Have a good day everyone.
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Hi all - Just a quick post for now and then I'll catch up later. A friend emailed the following to me:

The USDA food pyramid for humans 10% protein 29% fats 61% carbs
USDA food pyramid for fattening Cattle 15% protein 25% fats 60% carbs

Just thought it was interesting.

Sheila- Did the pulmonologist say how soon he thought he could do the scope?

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Hi, everybody. I ate poorly on Mother's Day and have been paying for it with nasty joint pain since late Sunday afternoon. Hopefully a day or two of Phase 1 type eating will take care of it. I've read that fish oil and other Omega 3s will help, too.

D-I-L found out Thursday that she is expecting a boy. We're all delighted. DD had an OB appt. this morning and heard her baby's heart beat for the first time. She, too, wants to know if she's having a boy or a girl, but it will be another 8 weeks or so before they'll do the ultrasound. DGD had her first t-ball game on Saturday. It was a lot of fun to watch. Some of the other kids are so tiny.

DH and I picked up our Alaska cruise docs this afternoon. Somehow having tickets in hand always makes it seem more real. Our TA put a 24 hour hold on a Scandanavia-Russia cruise for this August because we received a really good offer from HAL, plus the airfare was good. We were hoping one of my sisters and B-I-L would join us, but we have conflicts with the dates. The deal is excellent, but I think we'll probably decide not to go. It's a 12 day cruise that would use up ALL the rest of DH's vacation and personal days except for one.

Shelia, I hope your mom and F-I-L are improving, and that your mother's spot on her lung is something very treatable. I can imagine how difficult it has been to wait to find out.

Juli, good luck with your packing and moving. I'm sure you're so ready for a vacation.

Tami, my son was born with 6 toes on his left foot complete with all the tarsals and metatarsals. He had the toe surgically removed when he was 4, but he does still have some of the other bones left in his foot. Luckily, it doesn't seem to bother him, and he can wear the same size shoe on both feet. Before the operation his left foot was 2-3 sizes wider than the right. We'd have to buy "split size" shoes which cost a fortune.
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