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Hi all- I've been stealing recipes from food network again and found a great spread for veggies or low carb tortilla rollups. I roasted 2 small zucchinis, 2 yellow peppers, and some onion in the oven at 350 for about 45 minutes. Then cooled them and pureed them with some salt, garlic powder, and a block of cream cheese. (I also added a good amount of sriracha hot sauce but that wasn't in the recipe. :D ) It's excellent! If you want the exact recipe it was on Good Eats the other night. The episode was about kids and sandwiches. He also has an excellent recipe for squash soup that I made Monday night. 4 out of 5 family members ate it without complaining and 3 of 5 liked it so I'd say that was a big success! :rolleyes:

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I keep string cheese in the house and never even thought of eating eat for breakfast. I might even do the apple and nutbutter. (Could be more effort than I want to do in the morning). I can't stand bran so that is out. I know, I am a very picky eater. What can I say. As a child my favorite meal was cheerios and hot dogs! I also have not checked out any of the food bars. That is probably my best bet. I've got to go to the grocery store tomorrow to get more rabbit food. I'll check out the food bars. Thanks for the input!
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Juli, why don't you hard boil some eggs ahead of time and just grab a couple on the go? Also, there are some great smoothie recipes in the South Beach book. You could drink your breakfast. As for lunch, DH and I always make enough food at dinner to take leftovers for lunch the next day. Very fast and easy to do. Another thing I do is make homemade chicken salad. We put it on Cobblestone Mill's Whole Wheat (Hearty Recipe) bread. Very good and filling. I boil 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast until down; shred it. I then add mayonnaise, pepper, dill relish, and one packet of Hidden Valley Ranch. It is sooo good and we can make about 8 sandwiches with it. Tami has some great ideas also! Good luck and keep us posted.
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If I'm really running late, I'll grab a handful of nuts (anything but cashews) and a couple of pieces of low-fat cheese. It does the trick if you're rushed.

One of my tricks for a quick lunch out when I'm sick of the salad and lunch meat is to go to Wendy's and have a small chili. It may have some carbs, but they're the good ones and it's low fat. Not perfect I know, but it works when you just can't look at another salad. :o

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I'm a very picky eater, too. I dislike most veggies, like only scrambled eggs or omelets (I can handle a 1/2 a boiled egg in a salad), don't like most cheeses including cottage cheese and ricotta. I didn't have any trouble sticking with South Beach, tho, because I just chose the allowed foods that I do like, and ate them for breakfast or lunch. I sometimes had vegetable soup for breakfast (no pasta and didn't eat the carrots) with a sprinkle of mozz. or parm cheese, or an extra lean hamburger patty left over from a previous dinner and heated in the microwave. Once it was a piece of grilled turkey sausage wrapped in a slice of low-fat American cheese. I recently discovered Total Protein cereal. To me it tastes so much better than Fiber One and most of the other low-carb cereals. The texture of the flakes is still a bit heavy, as with most high fiber cereals, but it's crispy and the flavor is nice instead of tasting like cardboard.

Like you I also had trouble with never feeling hungry and skipping meals (before SBD). South Beach really does work best when you make yourself have the allowed snacks between breakfast - lunch and lunch - dinner. It keeps your glucose levels balanced which is what breaks those cravings for carbs. Also keeps you from overeating at the next meal. I used to set a timer to remind myself to have a snack.

Tami, Holiday World just announced a major expansion is in the works! They've already begun breaking ground. They're adding on to Splashin Safari and to the rest of the park including a second train on the Raven coaster that supposedly will cut the waiting time 70%.

Shelia, y'all be careful going that far into UK country! Those UK fans can be brutal! The so-called big rivalry here is supposed to be IU-Purdue, but there is more heat generated between IU and UK.
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[QUOTE]Shelia, y'all be careful going that far into UK country! Those UK fans can be brutal! The so-called big rivalry here is supposed to be IU-Purdue, but there is more heat generated between IU and UK.
Thanks for the warning, Shae! I think if I can survive going to the University of Tennessee, I can survive anywhere. Talk about brutal fans! Especially now that Alabama and UT are in a "feud" because of all of the NCAA crap. Drives me nuts! Can't we all just get along....geesh! It is only a game. :rolleyes:
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Shae - It sounds like we are a lot alike. I have never found anyone that understands what I mean when I tell them that I forget to eat. YEAH!!! I'm not the only one!!!

I like the idea of doing vegetable soup and just not eating the carrots. Progresso has come out with some new low-carb soups. The couple I have had have been pretty good.

I hadn't even thought of setting a timer, but that is a good idea. I know that I would probably lose more weight if I would just eat consistently. I haven't had a problem losing the weight so far. In fact, I got on the scales this morning and I have dropped another 3 lbs. I am almost half way to my goal!

Thanks everyone for the tips. I really appreciate the information. Is the question that I asked the type of information that can be found on the SB website? I have never been to the site. I have the book, just haven't checked out the website.
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Good morning fellow SB Dieters!
Wow, I didn't know so many on here have family members in Iraq. I pray that they all will return home safely to us.
One thing that does bother me, is people who are against this war. Have they forgotten 9-11??? Like my dad used to say before he died, it's either fight them on their soil, or we'll have to fight them here. 9-11 was proof of that. Nobody likes war, of course, and it would be ideal if we could live in a world without war, but in order to remain free (and to keep terrorists from attacking again) war is necessary. My brother was getting ready to go to Iraq when dad died, so the military let him come home for the funeral. A week after dad's funeral, Ron was on his way to Iraq.

To the other Shelia....I feel really bad for Brodie Croyle. He was really beginning to hit his stride this year...then gets hurt and out for the season. By the way, his dad John Croyle, also a former outstanding Bama player, owns Big Oak Boys Ranch, not far from here.

Eastriggs rings a bell, so yes, I'm sure our band must have passed through there to get to Annan itself. In fact, seems like we may have stayed at a hotel in Eastriggs, but not sure about that. I still have my kilt that I wore in the band, but alas, I don't fit in it anymore!

Oh wow! Lucky you! Going to Scotland and England! I wish I was going with you! Need a tour guide? hehe! Ok...some quick pointers here. While in London, do not miss a visit to Harrods Department Store! It is unbelievable! The store is like 7 floors and takes up a whole city block! Takes at least several hours just to go through the whole store! It's owned by the father of Princess Diana's boyfriend who died in the car accident with her, and the store is a site to behold. Another large department store, which has a typical old English "feel" to it is Fortnum and Masons. I bought a wooden box there with different kinds of herbal soaps in it....those were the best soaps I've ever had! Smelled marvelous!

If you get a chance, do visit the Cotswolds which are stunningly beautiful! It's my most favorite part of England. The villages are so quaint and charming. Bourton-on-the-Water is where my husband and I stayed during our honeymoon while we toured the Cotswolds. We stayed at the Old New Inn there, which was build in like the 17th century or something...really a great place to stay! Lower Slaughter is a beautiful, normally quiet little village that is nice to visit. The Cotswolds are chock-full of charming little villages and towns. It's really beautiful there.

While in York, I would definitely recommend a tour of the Yorkshire Dales. That area was made famous by author and veterinarian, James Herriot. If you've never read any of his books, see if your local library has any. He also has a couple of picture books of the area, which I have both. One is titled "The Best of James Herriot" and "James Herriot's Yorkshire". Both books also has some of his adventures as a Yorkshire country vet in them as well. I went to Yorkshire once and fell in love with the wild beauty of the Dales and the villages spread out there.

Anyway, that's my quick pointers. If you have any questions at all, I'll be more than happy to answer them. I did a lot of traveling around during my time living over there, so am happy to recommend anything from where to go, places to stay to what foods to try! Speaking of foods, try to visit one of the old pubs that has a ploughman's lunch. The Ploughman's is a simple, but very filling meal, consisting of a salad, a chunk of crusty bread, a wedge of REAL Cheddar cheese, pickled onions and usually a pickle relish. The trick is to take a bite of cheese, bread and pickled onion and chew them up together. The taste is out of this world! And don't forget to have an afternoon tea somewhere that goes all out, with cucumber sandwiches, assorted cakes and cookies, and scones with cream and jam.

Now, about the Scottish people! You are right! They are so open and friendly! I love them! While living in England, the company I worked for transferred their home office from Glasgow, Scotland, down to Coventry, England (home of Lady Godiva), where I lived. Everyone in my department at work was Scottish except for me so by the time I came back to the states, I sounded just like them! Great people to work with too. I was Executive Secretary to the Administration Manager of the company...a wonderful Scottish lady who will always be close to my heart. I've never worked for anyone better than her! By the way, if you see any Transfleet trucks (or lorries as they are called over there) rolling down the roadways, that's the company I worked for! They rented and leased trucks all over the U.K.

Wow, how I do ramble on when it comes to talking about England and Scotland! LOL! Can't help it...I just loved it over there!

I do have a diet question now though. I was at the Mall the other day and a hunger attack struck. I THINK I was good...instead of chowing down on a burger or something, I went to Chick-Filet and ordered a Chargrilled Chicken Southwestern Salad. It was delicious and very filling....does anyone know if that's good on the SB Diet? Fortunately, I love salads and can eat tons of them!

I apologize for rambling on....Shelia, any questions about England or Scotland, feel free to ask!

I hope everybody has a fantastic Friday and an even better weekend!
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Actually that was Sheila, not Shelia. I have had to edit my post a couple of times this week because my fingers automatically type Shelia instead. :D

I'll keep my personal feelings towards the war and politics to myself but one of my big concerns at the start was what the soldiers would be treated like. I'm old enough to remember what it was like for guys coming back from VietNam. I'm proud to say that no matter what people's opinion of the war has been that everyone has been really supportive of the soldiers. I'm grateful for that.

Sheila (Whew! Got it right the first time!) My older little brother was in Iraq when our Dad died and baby brother was in Germany. My baby brother was home within 36 hours of the call. He said his CO barely gave him a chance to get packed. :rolleyes: My older little brother was also able to make it home, though not in time for the funeral. The convoy he was in got involved in a huge firefight on the way to Kuwait and got delayed for several days. He was at least able to get there before DBB had to go back to Germany and we got Dad's ashes spread together. The one thing that irritated me was that when OLB was returned to the US they took him into Ft. Hood where he was stationed, not Indianapolis where the funeral was and where he is from. We had to pay to fly him from Texas to Indiana. It was an extra irritation and expense we didn't need at that time. I was already too busy just trying to peel my grandma off the ceiling.

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I went through high school and college eating only one meal a day. NOT good for the metabolism. When I worked at a health club and started training to be a Personal Fitness Advisor it was the first thing my trainer made me change. You really can't build lean muscle on one meal a day.

Once you get to Phase 2 you can add some Breton crackers to have with your soup. They're 6-7 net carbs for 3 crackers. They're a little pricey at the reg. grocery stores, but WM has them cheaper and one of our groceries does have them on sale periodically. The crackers are a nice size, so 3 is satisfying. I found that adding the cheese to the soup really gives you a fuller feeling... and it doesn't take much cheese to do so.

In Phase 2 I also had half a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast instead of eggs. I use Brownberry's Carb Counting bread with 3 grams of fiber per slice, and a low-fat cheese. Grill it in Smart Balance or another no transfat margerine.

Shelia, I have to agree that Tenn. fans are equally "devoted". My daughter lives just 20 mins. from the KY/TN border so there are many Tenn. fans there. They do get rather "frenzied". Have a great time at the UK game. Hope you beat 'em.
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Hey All!
LOL Beth...if we all agreed, this would be a pretty boring world, don't you think? My only concern is that people support the soldiers, no matter what. Like Adoptmom, I too am old enough to remember how our soldiers were treated when they returned from Vietnam...being spat upon like the war had been THEIR fault! Please, just support the troops, whether you agree with the war or not....those men and women are only doing their jobs. I was a military wife at one time, plus nearly every male in my whole extended family has been in the Army at one time or another, so I know how important it is to support them and keep up their morale. Remember, they didn't start the war. They ony follow the Commander-In-Chief's orders.

Wow, Tami, I'm surprised the military had y'all to pay for your brother's transportation to Ft. Hood. Never heard of that happening, as the military normally pays for that stuff. Guess there's a first time for everything, huh? By the way, did you manage to peel your grandma off the ceiling?

LOL...I have to agree here too that the Tennessee fans are just as fanatical as us Bama fans. I have a friend in Tennessee...he's a band director at a high school and his son was in the U.T. band...so my friend is indeed a huge Vol fan!

Guess what! I have great news! I've basically stuck to a diet this week that consists only of the things you can have on the SB Diet. Weighed myself this morning and I've lost 3 lbs.! Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy! Now that is something to cheer about!

Hope y'all have a great Friday evening!
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hi everyone.........Paula from Ireland here sorry about the delay in responding thanks for all the replies ...,tami you must try to come to Ireland its small but charming .I have Started my crash diet because december is looming and im starting to panic I was hoping to win the lottery and head straight to the liposuction department of my local surgeons...so keep your fingers crossed. Maybe i should stick a band aid on my mouth...........arent we ladies crazy ,we are going to roll off the ship anyway..after all the food...ive changed my mind im just going to buy an elasticated dress...that will do the trick ,:p anyway hope you are all well have a nice weekend.........xxxpaula
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Sheila- I did get grandma off the ceiling eventually. She lost my grandpa in February to Alzheimers and my dad in August. We all saw it coming but she was totally blind to it. She'd also lost a son in 1980 to Hodgkins and couldn't face the fact that she was going to outlive both her children. Now we're having trouble because she's been primary care taker for my grandpa and then my dad for so long that she has no hobbies or anything to throw herself into. Plus she had to have eye surgery to repair a torn retina so that gave her about 3 weeks flat on her back to just stew about things.

Her sister, who is 10 years younger, was just back from Arizona last month so we hatched a plan for her. She and Grandpa used to travel all the time but she's only been once in the last 10 years because Grandpa needed to be in familiar places. She tried going to phoenix last year but that's when the retina detached and she was miserable the whole time. SO, even if we have to drag her she's going back to AZ to spend time with her sister this February. Hopefully that will perk her up. She lives 2 hours away from me in a retirement home so I need to know that she's not just sitting in her house 24/7/365. I can't be there every day to check on her.
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Adoptmom, I can certainly understand what you mean about your grandma. It's about the same way with my mom. After dad died in January, she seemed to lose interest in EVERYTHING....except she clings to us kids and treats us like we're still little or something and doesn't want to let us out of her sight. When I went on my first cruise in April, she cried before I left, thinking I would never come back. Now, when my brother went to Iraq, of course, we all cried, but mom worries so much about him...she's already a heart patient. I'm afraid she's going to drive herself into another heart attack. She lives with my youngest sister and her family though, so they look out after her very well, and the rest of us help out whenever we can, like me having mom down here with me for 3 weeks to give my sister a break.
It can be tough, can't it? I wish you good luck in getting your grandma to go back to AZ for a visit...will do her some good, I'm sure.
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I think she's actually looking forward to going because my aunt is the one person she can totally be herself with. My grandpa was a preacher, bishop and district superintendent so they moved fairly often and I'm sure she learned early on that preachers wives make good gossip fodder. She played the part to perfection (with the help of valium) but it cost her most of her true personality. At 88 this month I don't know if she can get that back. I can see sparks once in a while though. I know she stresses about my brothers who are both in the army and my cousin and his family are living in Kazahkstan and that stresses her out too.

At least when my dad finally passed she got herself together and got all her paperwork in order and I know where most of it is. There are only two of us grandchildren who aren't stationed in exotic(?) places around the world and I'm closer by about 4 hours.

Speaking of which, I have to go get a box! My brother's birthday is at the end of the month and I want to mail him some stuff. I can't believe he's going to spend his 21st in Iraq! He requested canned sloppy joe (ick!) and socks, of all things. :D

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The only way to survive is to take it one day at a time. We lost my MIL 5/03, DH 8/03 (3 1/2 weeks after oldest DD got married), DM 1/04 and late hubbys best friend 3/04.
Daughters and I at least have work to fill our time. Both DD have their significant others also ( youngest is getting married 9/05). I am helping her with plans and already dress shopping. Father is, at 86, much at loose ends. I can not talk hime into traveling or joining a sr. citizens group either in my suburb or his (about 15 minutes apart). He is currently complaining about too much on his schedule due to physical therapy 2x/week, excercises from therapy 2x/day, meeting with me or one of hid DGD 1x/weekl. However, when he had less he called every or every other day wanting to do something. He refused to move into a sr. building as they are all old, with walkers or wheelchairs, fall asleep over dinner. I have an 11 room house and work FT. I do get together with him at least 1x/week and help with laundry and shopping as does my oldest DD (she is moving in 4 weeks to be 15 minutes from him).
My current plan is to sell my house after DD gets married- aiming for spring o6 and his condo and get 2 condos in the same complex but different buildings. Close enough for dinner/laundry/ some companionship but having our own space most of the time. Will it work? Frig Mir is the yiddish expression for "f(*&%$ if I know.
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LOL, I love yiddish expressions! They always sound so much more exotic than what they actually mean. :D My cousin lived in Israel during most of the 70's and they remind me of her. Unfortunately they make me want Latke's too. Anyone have an idea of how to "south beach" those?

Man, marvholly, you had a really rough year. It is always strange to me how death of dear ones always seems to come in clusters. The year my great grandmother died we lost 5 family members in 6 months. I remember it clearly because we had moved across the country and it got so that my mom would hardly answer the phone because it kept being bad news.

Your Dad sounds like my Granddad. :) G has a circle of men friends that he drags everywhere. He's one of the few of them who can still drive so he loves to play chauffer. Last year he had cataract surgery via laser and was so happy about not having to wear glasses that he went right down to the license branch and renewed his driver's license even though he had another 6 months before being retested. :D He still gets down alot, especially at this time of year. Granny died Nov. 7, 98. However, I never thought he'd survive a year without her and last month we had to yell at him because he was out on the second story roof making repairs! :eek: Not bad for 88.

Your Dad may have some valid issues with living in a senior building or joining a group. The ones around here are notorious meat markets (so sorry to gross all of you out. :rolleyes: ) There are something like 5 or 6 women to every man and if he can move under his own power then heaven help him. G used to go eat lunch at the center that's about 2 blocks from his house but he got fed up with being hit on. He flat out refuses to go back.

On the subject of WOEs tomorrow should be interesting. I had a tiny piece of cake at lunch but I also ran my first whole mile since 1997! I'm still able to walk too! Tomorrow morning could be a different story though. I've gotta get some better running shoes.

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Good morning everyone! I'm back from Kentucky...had a good time. We beat them 45 to 15! Their fans were very nice and gracious. However, I have a feeling that if we were playing them in basketball, it would've been a different story. They have a great basketball program. I tried staying on the program as much as possible and didn't gain any weight. I firmly believe that all of the exercising I'm doing is making all of the difference.

Sheila, thanks for all of the info about the UK. We will definitely be visiting the Cotswolds. I just don't know enough about the area to determine what to do. I'm going to print out your post and keep it for reference. :D Do you still have your Scottish accent? LOL I say things like my Scottish friends because I just love the way they speak. It is very musical to me.

Paula, I plan to visit Ireland one day also. We just can't fit it into our trip this time. Some of my ancestors are from Ireland so I definitely want to visit. Also, some of the members of my favorite band, Def Leppard, live in Dublin. I've heard that Ireland is a gorgeous country with wonderful people. Can't wait to visit there.
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Hi, All,

Fall Festival has come and gone. We had our "planned cheat" on Saturday. DH and I went really low carb the week before in preparation for it. What I didn't expect was that the sugar rush I got from 1 pork egg roll, a hot dog on a stick (no bun) and some apple slices witha thin caramel sauce dipping sauce. I ate the egg roll as we walked, but we lucked into finding a picnic bench and sat down to eat. We sat for about 10-15 mins since other family members were going back and forth to various food booths. We got up and started walking back towards the rides. I suddenly got extremely lightheaded and woozy, but it wasn't that feeling you get when you get up too fast. My legs and arms felt "twitchy" and my brain felt "fuzzy". Had to sit on a curb for several mins. until the feeling started to lessen. Temps were cool and I had been drinking plenty of water, so I really think it was the sugar that was the culprit. I had promised my daughter I'd share a funnel cake with her, but didn't want to go through that rush again. Son-I-L shared with her instead. Has anyone else had this happen to them, or am I hypersensitve to sugar and didn't know it? I had thought by having the egg roll & hot dog first the sugar wouldn't hit my bloodstream all at once. I'd really like to be able to have an occasional dessert on our cruise next week. Maybe if I load up with fiber first?

The good news was that the episode made it real easy to turn down all the beautiful desserts that the neigbhors brought to our community picnic last evening.

Shelia, congrats. on your win. I'm glad you had no trouble in UK country.
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Shae, I've also had that sugar rush only I get a blaring headache. I try to convince myself that this is a good thing!


I'm bummed because as I figured I'm up a pound this morning after my run. I'm drinking lots of water today in hopes of losing it tomorrow.

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