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Tami, Wow! I've encountered several Def Leppard fans on LBYC. :D About gaining a pound after running....sometimes if I weigh right after I exercise, I weigh more. I read somewhere that your muscles hold water after you exercise or while you exercise. If I read it wrong, somebody please speak up. It was a while back. So, now I don't weigh after I exercise.
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Hey all!
Shelia, great win for the Tide, huh? You mentioned their basketball program. I remember "The Bear" in one of his books saying something about basketball being more important to the Kentucky fans than football. Can't imagine why. To me, football is much more spirited and exciting! :D
You'll love the Cotswolds, Shelia. They are so beautiful. If you have ANY questions at all about your trip to the U.K., feel free to email them to me at [email]SheilaInAL@hotmail.com[/email] . I'll be happy to answer any and all that I can!
I hope everybody is having a fabulous Monday!
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I made it through the retreat and ate pretty carb-friendly. I did hit a wall on Sunday night with some bad news and ate pretty lousy. Today I have been recovering from the weekend and news and once again have not taken the time to eat today. Even though I have not been eating I have been lousing weight. So...I know it is bad to not eat but...

Now...to get off the computer and find some food...
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Sheila, thanks for giving me your e-mail address. I will try to e-mail you later. :D DH told me that Bear Bryant quit Kentucky because one season he went undefeated and received a watch. The basketball coach didn't do as well and he received a Cadillac! (I hope I spelled that right.) I forgot to mention that towards the end of the game, some Kentucky fans put paper bags over their heads. It was hilarious! I agree about the football/basketball thing. I don't like basketball at all. Of course, all of us Southerners have a "thing" for football. ;)

Juli, don't worry about the cheat because we all have those stressful days where we need our comfort food. I hope everything works out for the best for you and your DH. Good luck with the job.
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{{{Juli}}} Hopefully today's better for you.

I survived a long Thanksgiving week-end but ohhhhh I've been so bad. Basically we've been eating since Friday and most of it was bad. :o SIL cooked our second Thanksgiving dinner of the week-end yesterday. My poor tummy still feels stuffed. Today's another day and time to start over. I'm not sure what I have in my lunch bag. DH said my options were slim. That always makes it interesting. A surprize lunch. :eek:

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Welcome back, Vicky. Bet you had a great time.

Shelia and Tami, thanks for the feed back about the sugar rush. I had never had anything like that before! I'm glad there was no headache with it.

I still haven't put the first thing in my suitcases yet. I'm waiting for DH to get home from out of town. We always share space in both suitcases in case one bag "goes missing"... then we at least have some clothing in the other bag. Also keep an extra shirt and undies in the carry on in case BOTH bags get misplaced.

Even though I'm really looking forward to this cruise and then spending a few days with my sisters in NJ, I get really anxious before a trip. I'm finding it really hard to eat, so I don't want to cook right now. Also with DH out there's less incentive to cook. I'm glad there was a leftover grilled hamburger patty that I could just heat up.
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Hi all!
Shelia, you're very welcome. I look forward to hearing from you and giving you all the "low-down" on great places to see and do and stay at in and all kinds of neat things I learned while living over there. Did I tell you I even met the Queen once? In Stoneleigh, close to where I lived, every year they had the Royal Agricultural Show and one of the Royals would show up. One year, the Queen herself, along with her husband, Prince Philip, came. After seeing the main exhibition, they came and did a "walkabout" meeting some of the people and stuff. When she came over to me and began talking to me, she said "Ah, you are American" and I replied "yes, your Majesty, but I am married to an Englishman and live here now." So then she went on to ask me how I liked living there, etc, told her I loved it, so forth and so on. Then after she moved on to meet more people, the BBC Radio, who had been right there began interviewing me! LOL...and my in-laws heard the interview on their radio at home! What a day that was!

Another year at the Royal Show, they had this group there that did....get this.....American Civil War Re-enactments! Well, after seeing their first skirmish, I just HAD to meet these people! So, I went over to their "camp" (the Royal Show lasts 3 days and so the group had a camp set up on the grounds). I began talking to the guy who oversaw the whole operation, Colonel Bursell. It was amazing...these people were English, but they talked and acted like Americans! Anyway, Colonel Bursell asked me if I would like to be in the skirmishes with them and I said "Oooooooohhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh!" so they outfitted me and I fought the battles with them over the 3 days of the show. We did 3 or 4 battles a day. It was fun.
On the last day, we marched out onto the field and did, I think, it was the Battle of Shiloh. Afterwards, instead of marching off the field after the skirmish performance, Colonel Bursell had us all line up in rank formation in front of the crowds (about 3,000 people).
He made some sort of speech about one of the skirmish members having a great grandfather who was a Colonel in the real Civil War. He then called me to the front and commissioned me as Captain to my own regiment!!!! (The Virginia Regiment). Then, Colonel Bursell held his hat in the air and when he lowered it, it was a signal for a 21 gun salute for me being commissioned to Captain! I may be living back in the states now, but I stay in touch with them...still call him Colonel Bursell in my letters! LOL!
Anyway, the U.K. is a fabulous place to live and visit! Email me with where you will be visiting and I can give you details of what to do and places to stay, recommend tours, etc. And, if you wish, I can send you pictures of places you'll be visiting!

Hope everybody is having a great evening! Kinda chilly here in Bama tonight...had to turn on the heat.
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[QUOTE]Even though I'm really looking forward to this cruise and then spending a few days with my sisters in NJ, I get really anxious before a trip. I'm finding it really hard to eat, so I don't want to cook right now. Also with DH out there's less incentive to cook. I'm glad there was a leftover grilled hamburger patty that I could just heat up.
Shae, you and I are alike. I don't know what it is, but I ALWAYS get very anxious before a trip. I don't know if it is because I have sooo much to get done or what. I think that is why I lost a good bit of weight right before our last cruise. I couldn't eat much at all. Before our first cruise, and my first time flying on an airplane, I couldn't eat the whole day prior. Isn't that weird? Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful trip and try not to worry about anything. Enjoy spending time with your sister. When do you leave and when does your ship sail?

Sheila, thanks so much for your tips and such. I do appreciate it and I will e-mail you soon. I just have to get my ducks in a row and figure out what we're going to do. ;) Your stories are soooo cool! I would faint if I got to meet the Queen. You sound like you've led a very interesting life. Funny that you've ended up in Alabama. Are you from Alabama? BTW, I'm probably strange, but I know more about English/Scottish history than I do about American history. Sad, isn't it? Take care!
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Hi all,

Just dropping a quick note. Today is very stressful. We found out Tuesday that our homestudy for the new baby is TODAY! :eek: My house was a pit on Tuesday. We are covered in dust because they pulled in all the fields this week, the kids' junk is everywhere and we are getting very close to gutting the kitchen so there are samples of everything everywhere. AAAHHHH!!!!!!

I was so stressed this morning that I gave in and ate one of the muffins my DH brought home for work. They weren't even that good! I need yoga and/ or a margarita and don't have time for either right now. :rolleyes:

Talk to you all after it's over.

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Tami - I agree with Beth. Take a few second to take a couple deep breaths. I am sure the homestudy will go fine. Don't worry too much about the toys. I am sure that they will understand the 'mess' having children and all. They should also understand about the dust. Just remember to breath. Everything is going to work out fine. And I agree that you should have a nice tall drink after the social worker leaves.

I have a South Beach question. Are beans allowed? I made chili last night. I know that the meat and tomatoes are fine. My only question is if the beans are alright. With it beginning to get cold, we really like our chili. I just want to make sure that it is carb friendly.
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Hello All!
It's becoming a rather windy, rainy night here in Alabama. Yuck.

Oh Tami! Good luck on the homestudy and all. Let us know how it all turns out! Take a few deep breaths and say "I can do this!" then after the caseworker leaves, collapse and have a nice, tall, cool one! :D

Shelia, yes I am originally from here in Alabama, but seems like I've lived all over the world or at least traveled around that much, that I'm rarely in Alabama, although I was born and raised here.

I know what you mean about it being a shame knowing more about English/Scottish history than our own American history. My ancestors were from Glen Coe in the Scottish Highlands and fought alongside the MacDonald clan against the invading Campbells, a battle known as the Glen Coe Massacre. In fact, the MacDonald's chief piper (a Henderson....my family), was killed in the Massacre. The redheads in our family also get our red hair from those Hendersons and from another ancestor...get this.....none other than King Henry the 8th himself (yeah, the one who liked to behead his wives! LOL!)

Funny how I learned all that though. My mom lost contact with her family when she was young, due to a family split and stuff. Mom is a retired nurse from one of the hospitals here. When she was still working, she had a little old lady as a patient who's last name was Henderson. Well, mom, just HAD to talk to the lady and come to find out, the little woman was a great aunt to my mom and she started giving mom names and addresses of people in her family. Mom began making contacts, a huge family reunion was planned and we got to meet our Henderson side of the family for the first time ever. Anyway, to make a long story short, one of our relatives is Mormon and you know, they keep FABULOUS genealogy records! Before the next family reunion the following summer, this particular relative went to Salt Lake City, Utah (I think that's where the Mormons keep all the records) and stuff, and she got gobs of information about our ancestors. The next family reunion, she gave us all the info, including the Glen Coe Massacre thing and that we were related to King Henry the 8th, which makes sense in a way because the name Henderson means "Son of Henry".
Amazing the interesting stuff you can learn through researching your family tree.

LOL...I just had a hilarious thought though. Through King Henry, we are also distantly related to the present day British Royals. I bet the Queen would have fainted that day if I had told her we were kin. I mean, here she is, this well-bred, blue-blooded, fine dressed lady and here's me, you're typical, laid-back, blue jeans and tee-shirt Alabamian. Wouldn't be nice to make the Queen faint, would it? Maybe it's a good thing I didn't tell her that. hehe

Hope everybody has a wonderful night!
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Hi all,

Well, our homestudy is over! :D The preparation is much worse than the actual study. Our social worker is adorable. She always tells me she doesn't "white glove" but this time of year the dust is just outrageous because they're pulling in the fields. Plus we had less than an inch of rain in all of Sept and the first part of Oct so it was really bad this year. At least we hadn't started destroying the kitchen yet. That's after Thanksgiving. At least I'll have a good excuse not to make Christmas cookies this year.

i'm zonked though. Yesterday I took my DS to get allergy tested. They tested him for 65 airborne allergens and he tested positive for 60 :eek: No wonder he's a constant sinus infection. To add insult to injury they gave him a flu shot too.

Today was just chalked up to a bad eating day. Hopefully the scale isn't too mean to me tomorrow.

Juli- yes, beans are allowed. That was my main reason for switching from atkins. I made a huge kettle of chili this week too. We have about enough for light supper tomorrow. We're eating out for lunch and Carina and I are hitting the Indian food again.

I'm off to bed.

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So glad the homestudy went well. I know just what you mean about the dust. The farmers have been clearing the fields here for weeks, and we had just .1" of rain in Sept. instead of the normal 3". What a dust bowl! We've had nice steady rain this week. You could almost hear the ground soaking it up!

I'm actually much better about getting ready to travel than I used to be... thank goodness. I'm just one of those people who feels my house has to be in tip top shape when we leave it, so I do stuff like clean closets, vanities, drawers, etc. while I'm getting things ready to pack. Then there are all those extra little errands to run. I ran into 4 stores this afternoon in the hour before I had to pick up my granddaughter at school.

We leave early Sunday morning for NYC. We're cruising on the Grand Princess to Canada/New England. The weather is supposed to be rather cool and there's a chance of rain in most ports, but I know we'll still have a wonderful time. We've got a great pet sitter staying here to watch the dogs, so I know they'll be fine.

For a change of pace you can make white chili with ground chicken and navy or great northern beans.
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Tami, I'm so glad your homestudy went well. Now, don't you feel relieved? :) Enjoy your Indian meal with Carina....you deserve it! I hope your son gets better. I have tons of allergies also so I can relate. I live on Flonase and those neat little pills (Allegra, Zyrtec, etc.). I also have to take Benadryl EVERY night or I can't breathe. Poor little guy.

Sheila, your life sounds very interesting for sure! Or should I say, "my Lady?" ;) One branch of my family is the Garretts (as in Levi Garrett) and they are from England. And another branch is Lipham and I traced them back to Ireland in the 1700s. We traced DH's family back to the 1500s in Kent, England. Can't claim to be related to any royality though. I know all about Henry VIII...I've read so much stuff about him. He was NOT a nice man. I don't think you "take after" him at all. ;)

Shae, your cruise sounds like it is going to be so much fun. I've never been to New England and would love to go. My parents went last fall and LOVED it. Have fun!!!

Juli, you've given me the idea to make chili this weekend. Thanks!:D
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A pot of chili! Now that's a thought. I'll have to make some tomorrow.

Well, did you have that drink? ;) How long do you have to wait until you hear anything?

BTW - that history thing is so true. I know more about American history than Canadian. :o I think most of us up here are the same. I guess it comes from watching a lot of US TV.

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hi,tami shelia,sheila top of the morning to you all....hope all is well ive had a busy week i am a hotel manager and we are really busy at present,well the band aid didnt work,or the lottery didnt happen so what shall i do? do you guys know where they sell willpower in a bottle.......HELP NINE WEEKS TO GO AND LAST WEEK WAS A BAD ONE IM REALLY GOING TO TRY NEXT WEEK ...HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND...LOL PAULA
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Thanks for the information on the beans. I figured it was pretty good, but wanted to check. I'd take the recipe for white chili if someone wants to give it to me. The only challenge will be the beans. DH is very picky when it comes to his beans.

So glad the home study is done. Now it wasn't that bad was it. You lived through it. How many drinks did you have after it?

Another SB question. I know that alcohol (Rum, Wiskey, etc.) does not have any carbs. It is legal to drink or is there too much sugar in it? I just really like to have a Tanguray and Tonic every now and then and I am wondering if I am ruining my WOE. Thanks for the help!
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Paula, if you find willpower in a bottle, please pass some to all of us! ;) I hope you have a good weekend also. I hope I can relax some.

Juli, I have no idea if whiskey, etc. is allowed. DH has been doing SB with me and he drinks bourbon with Diet Pepsi. It didn't seem to affect his weight loss at all. Now, beer....that's a different story. :D I'm sure if you only have a drink every once in a while, it won't hurt you.
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Juli, I looked up the alcohol question in my little reference book and it says that on Phase 2 you can have whiskey, gin, etc. "very limited." You can have table wine (burgundy, claret, red, rose, white, & wine spritzer) every day....in moderation. So I'm assuming that your "every once in a while" would be fine. Enjoy! :D
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Good Sunday morning! Thought I'd be able to catch up with a few quick posts here this morning before church, but boy oh boy it was a busy evening here yesterday! So I'll have to do my reading later this afternoon and then post! So... Just wanted to say a quick "hello" and let you know I'll be back later. Hope you all are having a good weekend and being good!
Time to get in the shower...
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