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Shae- no news on the baby yet. It's to the point now where we'll get a call and leave the same day or in the morning. We'll take the laptop so I'll be able to keep up with everyone and let you know. When you get done with your yard feel free to drive a couple of hours and come do mine. I get really energetic in the spring but by mid - july I'm sick of weeding. I keep a 5x5 patch for tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce but that's about it. I have a friend who laughs at me but she finds gardening relaxing. I find it very stressful even though I love the results. So I'll be mostly supporting the local farmer's markets this year.

Bleh! Yesterday was a bad eating day. We went to a birthday party and I bowled so that was fun but there are a couple of families in my homeschool group who are in serious need of Jo from Supernanny. Nothing like spending time with other people's children to make you realize how much you like your own. :rolleyes: But then again, mine know that if they disrespect an adult they will have to appologize, leave, and their social life will pretty much shut down until they can figure out how to be civil instead of Sybil. I've had to take them each out of something once. Ok, twice for DS, but the second time we only left. A little boy, who the week before had been teasing him about his brown skin, wouldn't leave him alone after DS told him that he didn't want to play with him anymore. DS walked away several times and then got mad and kicked dirt all over the kid and his lunch. At least he didn't deck him. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I forgot to take snacks for me and ended up eating some candy that DD got in her bag that had peanuts in it. Bad TAMI! I should know to take sugar free chocolate when certain kids are invited. I paid for it by gaining half a pound! :mad:

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Hi everyone! Did y'all notice I was gone for a couple of days? I was in bed sick with a migraine. I got two shots yesterday so I'm much better.

Welcome newbies! I see we have two Cindys now!

ck3mcpherson, what is your "real" name? :D

Shae, congrats on ANOTHER grandchild!! I know you are so excited!!! I bet your garden is looking lovely. I need to work in mine this weekend.

Tami, glad your smilies are back. Good luck with hearing from the adoption. I know you are gettin antsy.

Juli, don't worry about your cheat. Just don't do it again! ;)
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Welcome back Sheila! Yes, I for one noticed you were missing. Glad you are feeling better.

We've been fairly busy this morning; guess everyone woke up and realized April 15 is just one week away!

Gotta get back to work. Later.....
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Hey Sheila! I've been reading about the Walk Away the Pounds and knew you were doing this. I gather it is something you do to a video in front of your tv. Can you tell me a little more about it? I usually go to the mall and walk but this might be better; or even do both.

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Linda, I use several of the Walk Away the Pounds DVD's. I use the WATP 3-Mile Super Fat Blaster 3 days a week. I use the WalkBlaster with the Sculp & Burn DVD 3 days a week. I also use the WalkBlaster with the Slim & Tone DVD 6 days a week in the AM (I try anyway.). I also use hand weights to tone my upper body and a stability ball to work my abs, back, and lower body. You do a lot of squats and lunges using the Sculpt & Burn DVD and it REALLY works! I highly recommend them.
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Hi Sheila, glad you are feeling better. Migraine's are horrible.


Whew...I thought that scale was never going to budge again. I actually had to cut back on calories. I was eating too much of a good thing I guess (like the cheese and nuts). I'm not exercising anymore that I was before though, about 3 to 5 times a week for anywhere from 30 - 45 minutes.
Whatever I can get in.
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Had a very good day yesterday. I ended up making a ceasar salad with grilled chicken for dinner. Kraft has a really good ceasar dressing that is part of the SB items.

Have done real well today because I slept really rotten last night and have spent most of today cat napping. Consequently, I have made it to the kitchen yet to eat or drink anything.

DH came home early and wants chinese for dinner. I'll have something good like broccoli and beef.
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Ann, congrats on losing another pound. You go girl! I'm cutting back on calories also. I've been trying to really watch my portions. I went shopping again last night and again, the 10's were too tight and the 12's were too big. I told DH if I could just lose another inch on my abs, I'd fit in the 10's. I looked at the junior clothes because I thought I might be able to wear a size 11, but they looked soooo small! So, there won't be any clothes buying for me until I lose some more inches. I refuse to buy a size 12 that is too big.

Juli, how was the Chinese food? I can't eat it anymore; makes me sick at my stomach for some reason. I blow up like a blow fish also when I eat it.

Have a great day, ladies!
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Sheila, thanks for the info on WATP. I think I will look for the tapes at Walmart either after work tonight or tomorrow, depending on when I can get there.

Ann, congrats on losing the pound!

Hope you all have a good weekend!
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Morning everyone! It's going to be a beautiful day here. We have a family dinner later on but supposedly it's just a deli meat, fruit tray and veggie tray affair. Hope so. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle against bad carbs lately. Tomorrow I'm taking all 3 kids to country music expo which should be really entertaining. I'm hoping I can get away with packing a cooler. I have to admit that I occasionally use DD's food allergies shamelessly. :D However, the last thing I want is a bunch of slimy fair food. Shishkabobs maybe, but the rest of it I really don't care about.

Sheila- Do you have reactions to other things with MSG in them? I wonder if that's what you're reacting to in the chinese food. I have a Cousin in law whom they tested for years and thought she had ulcerative colitis. Turns out it was a severe reaction to MSG. She lives in Kazakhstan now, where there are no preservatives, and has no trouble at all.

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I also started watching my calories after my initial discouragement earlier this week. I got on the scale yesterday and was down two pounds. Woo hoo!

Have a great day! We finally have a nice sunny day so I am headed outside for a walk.
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Good morning all! Thanks...after seeing the scales move in the right direction I'm motivated to work out this morning. I have on my work out clothes right now. I'm going to hit the treadmill for a bit.

You know Sheila, Tami has a good point, MSG doesn't agree with some people. I love beef and broccolli!! You'll be in a 10 in no time!! I don't even fool with those junior sizes anymore. I can't fit into an 11 either, I can't even get an 11 over my hips!! It's has something to do with how they design clothes...obviously juniors have no hips!!!

Tami, tell us how the expo goes!! I'm going to a basketball game tonight with my DH and DS...Wizards and the 76er's.

Hope everyone is having beautiful Spring weather!!!j

The treadmill is calling me!!!
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Well, I made it through the dinner with flying colors! There were fresh baked cookies and bread and I touched neither. I had deli sliced turkey, ham and swiss cheese rolled up with spicy mustard, devilled eggs, celery and ranch, and 4 or 5 dill pickles. Love Kosher Dills! :D For dessert I took some sugar free white chocolate that I got from Trader Joes that has zero net effective carbs. I did try one tiny piece of coconut candy from Thailand but resisted the chocolate macadamia clusters from hawaii and the other fruity candy from Thailand. I'm full, but not too worried about gaining. It's only 5:30 and I already have over 9000 steps.

CME should be great tomorrow. I can't remember who all is there but I know that Trick Pony and Travis Tritt play tomorrow. The kids worked out in the yard all morning picking up sticks to earn money. DS will be in heaven between the "Don't mess with Texas" type stuff and the Nascar stuff. I did find out that I can't take in a cooler so I'm comtemplating my options for DD. I may just stick juice boxes in my backpack and maybe some craisins or something. She can have those and a bunless burger. I'll pack some protein bars for me too.

Cobra- Have fun at the game. My DS would FREAK! He's just developed a thing for following the Pacers. Probably would have happened earlier in the year but they kept replaying the melee from the Pistons game again, and again and again... As if we were all living under rocks and missed the first 100 times they showed it. We have a fairly decent WNBA team in Indy and I'd like to get tickets for them this summer. I think the kids would enjoy it and I'd like to give the women's team my money for a while. The pacers can sell tickets no matter how they're playing but I think the Fever have to work much harder to get people in the door. We'll see how they like watching the Fever and then think about the PAcers. I just never know. I thought they'd really like a hockey game since they like to skate and slap a puck around but they were completely bored. Glad those were free tickets.

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Well, I didn't do so good last night. About the time I finished telling you all we were headed for chinese a good friend of ours called and wanted to go get beer & hot wings. So...I had beer & hots wings for a second time this week.:eek: I really have a hard time resisting hot wings!

I did do good today though. I promise to do better this week. Really:D
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HI Everyone,

Wow! This "cold" has turned into a major illness. It's really knocked me on my butt. It seems to have settled in my chest and I can't stop coughing. My boss sent me home from work on Friday because I lost my voice completely and for the first 2 hours I was there all I did was cough and blow my nose. Yesterday I went to the grocery store and afterward I felt like I'd been run over by a truck. The only good thing is I haven't been hungry but I've been laying in bed for a few days too so I still have the 2+ lbs gain from the cruise.

There's a lot going on right now too--my DD will be graduating in June, she is going to compete in DECA nationals the end of the month, senior prom on May 7th, it's $400 here, $200 there, and we owe taxes this year, yikes!

My mom seems to be going downhill fast. It's so frustrating because the different doctors don't communicate with each other and I feel she's on too much medication. I'd like to pitch it all and start over but that isn't an option with her dementia. I'm going to make a doctors appt. for her but I can't take her until Friday afternnon. I've taken so much time off work I feel guilty about that but on the other hand, I'm the only dependable sibling and managing my mothers care always seems to fall to me. It's hard to figure out what exactly is wrong with her because she has so many complaints and they seem to change from day to day. She has severe arthritis and was on Vioxx but as soon as they took that off the market she has pretty much been in constant pain. We thought it was from the polup in her uterus but that was removed and she's still is complaining. It's a mess and sometimes I don't feel equipped to handle it. Being sick myself today, I just want to crawl into bed under the covers and not think about it.
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Juli- Used to be that you could find wings that weren't breaded around here just deep fried and then dipped in the buffalo sauce. When I was on atkins I loved it because they were totally legal as was the bleu cheese dressing. Mostly now places use breaded ones which aren't as good anyway. You can have my share of beer though :p Never did learn to drink the stuff. Going out sans kids with friends sounds great though. We haven't done that in SO LONG!

Cindy- I say this from very recent experience. You absolutely MUST take care of yourself first. It's so easy to get tied up in trying to deal with the elderly person in your life that you don't realize how draining and stressful it is until you're flat on your back and unable to do anything for anyone. I did that in February. I'm the only one here for my Grandma so I catch all of the crap as I'm sure you do. I had an aunt call me tonight and tell me that Grandma said she hadn't talked to be in weeks (I talked to her 2 hours before) and that she was just laying around in bed all day ( she has 6 hours of therapy a day plus meals, classes and other activites so I seriously doubt it) and a zillion other things that were completely untrue. My aunt didn't really believe her but thought maybe we'd gone to get the baby and Grandma had forgotten. It scares me to think that my grandpa had Alzheimers for about 20 years. Of course he was much younger when his symptoms started. I kept hoping that when she got home from the hospital and had lots of visitors and stimulation that her short term memory would pick up, but I'm guessing this is the new normal. Anyway, Cindy, you're not alone in this.

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Well, we made it though CME with some success I guess. I ended up with a burrito because it was about my best option. However, I should have waited. It was so crowded in the music hall that we couldn't even get in the door after the first act. We ended up leaving about 1pm. I casually brought up leaving early and thought the kids would be horrified but they were glad to leave. I missed seeing Travis Tritt AGAIN! but I couldn't have dealt with another 5 hours. Plus DS and I were both having asthma issues so I was glad to get out of the dust and leftover hay from last week's horse fair.

Ack! Shadow the manic toe licker ( one of my cats) is attacking my feet! EWWW!

Anyway, I did manage over 15,000 steps today. I'm going to shuffle around my low carbing experience tomorrow and see if changing it up helps me get it together again. I'm going to do the GO method. It's basically the same foods as SB, just broken up a bit differently and it requires a probiotic food every day. I keep getting an infection under my ostomy appliance so I'm going to do more probiotics and take an herbal suppliment called Thieves which has antibiotic and anti fungal properties for at least a few weeks. I need to get this under control before it drives me insane. (Like I need help! :rolleyes: )

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Cindy ~ I am so sorry to hear that things are so rough right now. I can understand what you are going through. We have just finished up four very tough years of being financial desperate and during that time I was helping my mother take care of my GM who had alzeihmers. It really is a tough situation to be in. I am also sorry that you are so sick. Unfortunately this cold that is going around the country is pretty nasty. Hang in there, things will get better. Let me know if I can do anything for you.
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Tami ~ We always go eat at Hooters and eat their wings (drums) 'naked' (without the breading). I really do like them and I like them really hot! I'd be thrilled to know that they are legal. I could go eat them with water or diet drink. I do like the beer with it and usually go ahead and drink the beer because I figure that I am blowing it with the wings.
Speaking of hot! I made some awesome chili tonight that cleaned out the sinuses:D Oh So Good!

We had 18" of snow (so far) today so it was a really good day for chili.
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Good morning everyone!

Cindy, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well and the problems with your mom. My mom is having surgery next Monday and I will be with her all week helping her.

Julie, I love unbreaded hot wings, too. I know they are legal on Atkins and I hope they aren't too bad on SB. Some of the low carb beers are pretty good, too. The one that we have found that we like the best is a German import called DAB. Care to share your chili recipe?

Now for my GOOD NEWS. After one week on the Beach, I lost 4.6 pounds! :D :D
Can you tell I'm happy???

Plus today starts my last week at work. Hurray! I'm ready for a break. After this week, I'll only have to come in one day a week. And Maurice--my DH--started a new job Friday; he had been out of work for 13 months. He is a retired school teacher and wanted something else to do and supplement the income a bit.

Time to open the office so better go.
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Cindy, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. Please do take good care of yourself. Good luck taking care of your Mom. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Linda, congrats on the weight loss!!! You go girl!!!

About MSG....I normally request no MSG when I order Chinese. However, I have no idea if they honor that request. ;)

I worked in the yard on Saturday and cleaned house like a maniac yesterday so I got my exercise in....LOL!
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Good morning all! I'm starting my revised version of my WOE today. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Right now I'm waiting for my omlet with capers and creamcheese to cool off. It was supposed to have smoked salmon with it but I forgot to take a package out of the fridge last night. :( This new GO WOE says 65 grams of usable carbs a day, no more than 15 at a meal, and an 8 oz serving of something with active cultures like yogurt, kefir or buttermilk.

Juli- Sounds like your hotwings would be atkins approved. The sauce is just butter and hotsauce and both of those are legal. There are low carb beers too but I have no idea how they taste. About the only use I have for beer now that I can't make beer bread anymore is to cook brats in.

Linda- Congratulations!!

Sheila- One way to be more sure about them MSG is to tell them that it's vital that there's no MSG because you have a serious food allergy. They don't want you keeling over from anaphalaxis on their floor so they are usually better about passing on the message. :D We have to do this with DD all the time. She is allergic to certain items and while her reactions aren't life threatening I don't feel the need to go into the minor details with servers.

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Linda & Tami ~ I have found Aspen Edge by Coors which is a low-carb beer with only 2 carbs per serving. Aspen Edge is an ale so it has more body than Michelob's Ultra. It just tastes like water. I haven't heard of the German beer. I might like that even better. The only low-carb beer that Hooters serves is Ultra, so I just drink that. I guess the wings aren't too bad except for the butter. I can always overlook that.:p

Linda ~ Are you retiring? How wonderful if you are. It is so good to hear that you DH got a job. My DH was out of a job for nearly 4 years. He is in the IT industry and Denver was hit really hard in 2001 with all of the dot com companies going bust. Things are finally picking back up. Our economy was slower to come back than a lot of other cities, but we are beginning to see changes.

The tea cup has emptied and I want some more so I need to sign off. Has anyone tried the Celestial Seasonings Kiwi Strawberry tea? It is so good and it is herbal tea so there is no caffeine. I just love Celestial Seasonings stuff.

Talk to everyone later. Take Care!

Cindy ~ Be sure and check in with us so we know how you are doing.
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