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Spirit Review--April 16 Sailing


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I will start off by saying that we enjoyed this cruise, but will not sail with NCL on our next. That is not to say that NCL is not a good cruise line, it's just that they don't offer enough of what we are looking for. When on a cruise, we enjoy the high quality of food, the playfulness of the staff, more activities other than bingo. DH enjoys a cigar or two while on vacation. Other than a small, smelly room, there was no place for cigar smokers. Cigar smoking was prohibited everywhere, even in the casino, but cigarette smokers were everywhere. I don't want to start out negative, so I will begin with the "pros".





We arrived at the pier at 9am because we were driving in from Boston and wanted to make sure we had plenty of time. This was a blessing because as we sat and waited, we met Rich & Karen, who came to sit behind us. We all clicked and we ended up spending a lot of tiem with them during the cruise. We have many pleasant memories of our new friends from New York.


We were the first to be checked in (pre-reg) and sat and waited until 11:45. At that time, we were told we could board the ship. We noticed that the lines for registration were growing longer and more hectic at that point. We went thru xray and was asked what kind of bottles we had in our carryon. We told them we had 3 bottles of wine, as we expected to pay the corkage fee. They checked the bag, one of the guys winked at us and told us "Happy Easter" and sent us on our way. (Don't worry, NCL is making a huge profit on liquor sales, so they wont miss my measley corkage fee. I'll elaborate more on this in the "cons" section).


Embarkment was very smooth and painless for us since we arrived early.



We did the express check out, which means we carried our own luggage off the ship. We were off the ship by 10am and home in Boston by 2pm. Not bad.


The Ship:


The ship is beautiful and extremely clean. The pool area is larger than most ship and the bathrooms/showers are good size.


The Staff:


Hello to BAMBANG and SAVIO at The Galaxy of the Stars. We enjoyed talking with them. They always remembered us by name and Savio made me roses out of cocktail napkins. We even exchanged email addresses and sent them some photos. Our room stewards were great and they always made sure we had plenty of ice. They even provided us with a cooler to keep our water and sodas cold. They made great animal towels too. The main dining room staff did their best to keep up with the demands. I prefer to have the same waiter every night, as we prefer the personal touch. There were times our waiter left with our sign and sail card and then could not be found. We missed the sailaway one day because of this same situation.


Great Stirrup Cay:


Of all the ports, this was our favorite. We took the first tender over to the island. Despite rude, pushy poeple who were actually shoving others off the tender to get a lounge chair, we were able to get 2 lounge chairs. The water and weather was perfect. The snorkeling was amazing. We rented a float ($20) and it was like heaven to float in that blue water. Stringrays swam among us and that was an awesome sight. The food and band were good also. DH parasailed (first time). The cocktails, however, were premade, sitting out in the sun and hardly contained any alcohol. This was by far our favorite day on the cruise. We stayed on the island until 4:30. We didn't want to leave!

CC Meeting:

Another highlight was meeting people. It was fun to meet everyone at the CC meeting. Some of us had been "talking" on the cc boards for 5 months. Anne, Matt & Kim (and of course Princess Sarah, her brothers and aunts), Marsha & DH, Peter, Travelling Sisters...it was so nice to meet you. It was nice of NCL to accommodate our meeting. Anne....see you on Carnival again in 2008????





The Food:


This was the first time we cruised freestyle, which was a disappointment to us. We found the food in the main dining rooms to be just mediocre. We were hard pressed to find a selection on the menu that appealed to us. Once the food was served, it was just ok....nothing to write home about. I can't help but think that the poor quality of food in the main dining rooms is to force you to go to the speciality restaurants and pay more money. The service in the main dining rooms was slow. There were many people waiting for a table, while plenty of tables were left uncleared.


I will rate the restaurants on a scale from 1 - 10 (10 is best)


Windows/Garden 5

Raffles 5

Blue Lagoon 6

Henry's 6

LeBistro 7

Cagney's 7

Shogun 8

Tapanyaki 9


We found Raffles to be your normal buffet. Sometimes the food was cold. The scrambled eggs were like water and the oatmeal was not edible. The french toast was cold and hard one morning. The egg omelet station was good and that is where you can get a real egg. We enjoyed the stir fry station and pasta station. Raffles could become chaotic at times. But at least if you want a drink, you can get up and get it without having to wait like in Windows.


We really ejoyed Tepanyaki and Shogun. The food was delicious and fresh. The sushi was presented nicely. We enjoyed sitting around the grill at Tepanyaki and talking with the other passengers who were having dinner with us.


The food quality at LeBistro and Cagney's was very good. However, you can get the same quality of food in the main dining room on Carnival. So, I wonder how NCL can justify serving less than standard food in the main dining rooms so they can make money on you in the speciality restaurants.


The Blue Lagoon is located in an area where there is a walkway through the middle of it. I thought this layout was very poor....who wants to sit and eat with people constantly passing through. They offered buffalo wings, which were served 3 to a plate. That's not 3 whole wings, but rather they cut the wings in half, so you actually get 1 1/2 wings at a time. I know you can ask for more, but come on! I found the soup to be watery and tasteless. The rice was pretty good.


Henry's was good. The fish was not what we are accustomed to. Small portions, once again (2 fish sticks). Henry's is small and could become crowded easily. Our friends, Rich & Karen, enjoyed participating in the trivia every night at 6pm. We joined them once and found it fun, but no more exciting than bingo.


We did not eat in Trattoria, so I cannot comment. Again, the pasta station in Raffles was very good.


The bottom line on the food: Not the quality we expect to get on a cruise. Why pay extra for food that you've already paid for? We found that we did not like the freestyle. We prefer to sit at the same table every night and have the same waiter. You definitely get better service that way. In order to get a decent meal on NCL, you have to make reservations in the specialty restaurants. So, if you are committed to a reservation every night, then what's the sense of freestyle?

The Cocktails:


A cocktail with one shot of vodka was $8.50....a martini was $9.50. Thankfully, we found a creative way to sneak some or our own alcohol on board.....otherwise, we never would have had a good drink. I think it is shameful how NCL took advantage of the monopoly they have on the booze. They charge outrageous prices for drinks that hardly contained any alcohol. I would happily pay $10 for a cocktail, just make it worth it. It also evident that they encouraged the staff to constantly be in your face about bringing you another drink. One time, I saw a waitress chase down our friend Rich because he was carrying an empty "helmet of beers" poolside. She wanted to bring him more beers, but did she have to chase him into Raffles????? Also, to see the "alcohol police" waiting for you to return from each port. They confiscated water bottles filled with vodka. They are robbing you by making weak drinks and won't let you bring any on board either. People, you need to be more creative in finding ways to sneak booze on board. Use your noodle! I am one to always follow the rules, but when I am be taking advantage of, I look out for myself.


The Activities:


Unlike my prior cruise, I found myself looking for something to do on sea days. Paying $75 to play bingo simply did not excite me. Management needs to put more effort into planning activities for everyone. I almost found myself bored and one day went back to the room to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding for the umpteenth time.




Bring your own. They tell you your own won't work, but they do. I didn't bring mine, but my neighbor did and hers worked fine. Just bring a power strip. It took me 3x as long to dry my hair with the hair dryer on the ship. The handle of the hair dryer got so hot I could hardly hold it. But strangly enough, the air was not that hot once it made it to my head? Go figure.....


Cabin 9207:


This room is located in the aft of the ship. While we expected some vibration from the motor, we did not expect the entire room to shake to the point where we could not sleep. During the first night, the ceiling tiles rattled, the shower doors clanged, the cabinets banged, the entire room shook. I did not sleep a wink the first night. On Monday morning, after my spa appointment and the cc meeting, I went to the martini clinic ($15 for 8 martinis, good deal). After 8 martini's, I was able to get a few hours sleep. My husband went to the front desk to inquire about moving to a new room. He was told that the ship was sold out. After returning to the room, our phone rang. It was the front desk telling us we could move to Room 9055. We quickly packed our bags and made our way to our new room. Although it was smaller, it was quiet, and that's all that mattered to us. Kudos to NCL for their customer service.


Leaving out of NY:


While the view leaving NY harbor was breathtaking, the rough seas really did a number on me. I've never been seasick in my life. Living on the North Shore in Mass, I've spent a lot of time in the ocean. The ride back up the coast on our way home was torture. I saw many people who were sick. I spent all of Saturday nite and early Sunday morning in the bathroom.


I also found that a lot of passengers were rude and pushy. I could not believe how some of the passengers were treating staff. Some of the teenagers followed suit and I witnessed them being disrespectful to staff also. We saw drunk teens in the hallways and elevators. On the morning of disembarkment, a woman was at the front desk advising that her 15 year old son didnt come back to the cabin the night before. She did not know his whereabouts.


Summary: Of course we enjoyed ourselves. However, we were somewhat disappointed with our experience with NCL. How about a 24 hour deli/grill where you can get a good ruben, or a 24 hour pizza place? Why not keep the juice available all day, rather than take it away after breakfast? Why not make lemonade available, rather than just water or iced tea? Create an area where cigar smokers can enjoy themselves without being ostracized by others? Allow the staff to relax somewhat and enjoy the passengers. It was evident that a tremendous amount of stress was put on them to sell those near-alcohol-free drinks. If staff mingled too long with any one passenger, they were spoken to. We saw an example of this, but I won't elaborate because I wouldn't want any of the staff to get that dreaded "knock on my door telling me it's time go to home". The staff is what makes the cruise and I think management should lighten up on them, rather than hover over watching their every move.


For all of you who will respond to this Spirit in anger, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If you are considering NCL, go with the Dawn. I didn't hear a bad thing about it while on the Spirit.

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I'm sorry your experience with NCL didn't live up to your expectations. We have cruised on the Spirit and just loved it. We found the food to be good to very good most of the time and outstanding here and there. We didn't have cold food in the buffet, other than the food that was supposed to be cold. :p We had the opposite problem in the dining room as you, in that we often found way too many things we wanted to order and had to make choices.


In addition we've never run out of activities we wanted to participate in or be onlookers.


You're right: Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I respect that. I'm just saying that our experience on the Spirit was very different from yours. We're sailing with NCL for the 4th time and have no complaints whatsoever.



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It is a misconception that same waiter/table nightly is not doable on NCL. We do this on every NCL cruise. You have to see the maitre d' to arrange it. It's very easily done. It does require you eat by 6 PM or after 8 or 8:30 (forget which).

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Were we on the same sailing????

Bored on sea days? That is a person's own fault. The beauty of a cruise is you can do as much or as little as you want. Activities were offered.

We found the teens onboard to be much better behaved than the Carnival spring break cruise several years ago.

Also, I was pleased that cigar smoking was limited - most nonsmokers don't want to smell that anytime, especially when on vacation. Many drinks were offered in the 5.50 price range - a person did not have to buy the 8.50 or 9 drink special of the day. I traveled w/ a party of 4 and we never felt pressure to buy a drink. They would ask, we'd answer, and be left alone.

Rough seas? Not at all. Yes, the last evening a little movement was felt but it was negligible. I find it's always best to use preventive measures (dramamine). Remember, it is a ship and it's moving. If you're prone to sea sickness (and you must be if you were sick on this sailng), I'd suggest taking a motion sickness pill once/day on a cruise.

I'd encourage you to give NCL another chance.

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I'll be sailing on the spirit soon and if I'm in an outside smoking area I will be smoking my cigars in those areas. I am very cautious of my smoke being in other peoples faces and avoid it. I'm not a cigarette smoker but should have the same rights as them. 3 people standing around smoking cigarettes will put off as much smoke as my cigar. So maybe they should impose a rule that no more than 2 people can stand in one area and smoke cigarettes. They will get an argument from me if they try to enforce that rule. Again, I go to great lengths to get to an area where my smoke affects nobody. If I am told to move by a staff member then it will be my last sailing with NCL as I have never had a problem with NCL or other cruise lines over this in the past.

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Again I sit here amazed reading about NCL food. We loved the food. I wonder what some passengers eat at home every day. Aren't you just happy to have it served to you


Bored on a cruise? I don't get that one We never can fit everything into one day.


I guess to each his own.

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I'll be sailing on the spirit soon and if I'm in an outside smoking area I will be smoking my cigars in those areas. I am very cautious of my smoke being in other peoples faces and avoid it. I'm not a cigarette smoker but should have the same rights as them. 3 people standing around smoking cigarettes will put off as much smoke as my cigar. So maybe they should impose a rule that no more than 2 people can stand in one area and smoke cigarettes. They will get an argument from me if they try to enforce that rule. Again, I go to great lengths to get to an area where my smoke affects nobody. If I am told to move by a staff member then it will be my last sailing with NCL as I have never had a problem with NCL or other cruise lines over this in the past.


You and my husband share the same cigar smoking rules: be courteous of others. On the first nite we went to the casino and hubby had a cigar in his mouth, unlit at this point. He sat down at a poker table where 3 of the players were smoking cigarettes. The dealer told my hubby he can't smoke a cigar. So, he went to the bar in the casino and was told the same thing by the bar tender. My husband became a little aggravated and the next the you know, the Bar Manager appears and tells him that the only cigarette tobacco is allowed in the casino. Be aware: you will not be allowed to smoke cigars inside the ship unless you are in that smelly 12 x 12 smoking room. I am not a smoker at all. But I feel that if you are a cigar smoker and need a place to go, then the Spirit will not meet your needs.

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There are many people, like myself, who are HIGHLY sensitive to cigar smoke. It IS different then cigerette smoke. Although cigerette smoke also bothers me, certainly not as much as cigar smoke. I become extremally ill from it and it can take away several hours of enjoying my vacation as I hang over the toilet. Even courtious cigar smokers can negatively effect fellow passengers. THAT is why there is a special room for them. Now I hear complaints from cigar smokers about how "smelly" that cigar room is.. HELLOOOOO! That's what we non-cigar smokers put up with if you puff away around us. My opinion and STRONG recommendation is this.. If you MUST smoke cigars on your vacation, then choose a vacation that isn't in a confined space such as a cruise ship. There are so many other types a vacations out there that you cigar smokers can go on and puff away without bothering anyone else. Try those. IF you love to cruise, accept the fact that if you have to puff away, do it in the assigned cigar room and stop complaining. To the poster above who said that you will smoke your cigar anyplace you like and will argue with anyone you says you can't... Good thing I'm not on your cruise as I would certianly be complaining about you, NON-STOP! Just be courtious to your fellow cruisers who are also trying to enjoy their vacation. Smoke in the assigned areas only and be happy with that.

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My DH & I enjoyed the Spirit so much when we sailed on her to Alaska 2 years ago that we booked another cruise to the So. Caribbean immediately after we got home. I truly enjoyed the food at Raffles more than the dining rooms. I found more choices I liked. I found the staff, the entertainment and the ship to all be great. To anyone who is sailing on her in the future, I think you'll like her too.

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I'm sorry your experience with NCL didn't live up to your expectations. We have cruised on the Spirit and just loved it. We found the food to be good to very good most of the time and outstanding here and there. We didn't have cold food in the buffet, other than the food that was supposed to be cold. :p We had the opposite problem in the dining room as you, in that we often found way too many things we wanted to order and had to make choices.


In addition we've never run out of activities we wanted to participate in or be onlookers.


You're right: Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I respect that. I'm just saying that our experience on the Spirit was very different from yours. We're sailing with NCL for the 4th time and have no complaints whatsoever.




Hi Hikini, We had the same experience as you on the Spirit and in fact, we rate it as one of our best cruises ever.

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As a cigar smoker, I must add my two cents!

I love to have a cigar with a brandy or a bourbon or some other drink. It is relaxing and enjoyable.

I do know that cigar smoking is enjoyed by very few peopele, including cigarette smokers. That being said, I can appreciate a non-smoker's adverse reaction to cigar smoke more than a cigarette smoker...... because the same way a cigarette smoker reacts to a cigar smoker in a negative fashion, so does the non-smoker to cigarette smokers.


In my opinion, where cigarette smoking is permitted, so should cigar smoking. Otherwise, it is unfair... second hand smoke of any kind is unhealthy and most cigar smokers are not chain smokers. They usually smoke one cigar at a time at different occassions. The chain smoking cigarette smoker poses a greater health risk than a cigar smoker.


In regard for my fellow passsengers, I usually limit my cigar smoking to my balcony, on the open deck, away from others or in the cigar smoking rooms provided on ships. If my cigar smoke traveled "down wind" to a disgruntled cigarette smoker, I would be far less likely to put out my cigar than a non-smoker.


Let us all be courteous to one another!



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> You and my husband share the same cigar smoking rules: be courteous of others.


IMO the only way that can be done is to chew the cigar.


> Be aware: you will not be allowed to smoke cigars inside the ship unless you are in that smelly 12 x 12 smoking room.


And what makes that room smell bad?



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> You and my husband share the same cigar smoking rules: be courteous of others.


IMO the only way that can be done is to chew the cigar.


> Be aware: you will not be allowed to smoke cigars inside the ship unless you are in that smelly 12 x 12 smoking room.


And what makes that room smell bad?





"And what makes that room smell bad?"



Answer: Probably the cigarette smokers that use it.....I personally find cigar smoke and pipe smoke to smell much better than stale cigarette smoke!



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There are many people, like myself, who are HIGHLY sensitive to cigar smoke. It IS different then cigerette smoke. Although cigerette smoke also bothers me, certainly not as much as cigar smoke. I become extremally ill from it and it can take away several hours of enjoying my vacation as I hang over the toilet. Even courtious cigar smokers can negatively effect fellow passengers. THAT is why there is a special room for them. Now I hear complaints from cigar smokers about how "smelly" that cigar room is.. HELLOOOOO! That's what we non-cigar smokers put up with if you puff away around us. My opinion and STRONG recommendation is this.. If you MUST smoke cigars on your vacation, then choose a vacation that isn't in a confined space such as a cruise ship. There are so many other types a vacations out there that you cigar smokers can go on and puff away without bothering anyone else. Try those. IF you love to cruise, accept the fact that if you have to puff away, do it in the assigned cigar room and stop complaining. To the poster above who said that you will smoke your cigar anyplace you like and will argue with anyone you says you can't... Good thing I'm not on your cruise as I would certianly be complaining about you, NON-STOP! Just be courtious to your fellow cruisers who are also trying to enjoy their vacation. Smoke in the assigned areas only and be happy with that.


So you would be complaining about a cigar smoker and not a cigarette smoker? Again, I never smoke a cigar indoors because I know it is a thick smoke. I also usually stand or sit near a railing and look out over the ocean in as a secluded place as I can find. If that annoys anyone then they are the type that looks to complain about anything and everything.

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So you would be complaining about a cigar smoker and not a cigarette smoker? Again, I never smoke a cigar indoors because I know it is a thick smoke. I also usually stand or sit near a railing and look out over the ocean in as a secluded place as I can find. If that annoys anyone then they are the type that looks to complain about anything and everything.


I agree with you einswine. She supposedly has an allergic reaction to cigars, so I guess the whole world is supposed to stop and take notice.


She's also posted this same language in other cigar posts. SAME WORDS. (yawn, yawn). Except this time she forget to add the story about the rude guy that got into the hot tub next to her with a cigar in his mouth and how she was terribly ill for the rest of the year. C'mon, you and my hubby know that's not good social etiquette. That guy was just rude in general.


Hey NCL, just think of the money you could make if you had a designated cigar bar......the profit you could make on cigar sales and bourbon? Don't think that noone will come. Of course there are cigar smokers on our cruise, but they were shunned.


Again, I am NOT a smoker at all. But, when on vacation, there should be a designated areas where cigars can be smoked inside....and not a small room that smells of old cigarettes.


We will go Carnival next time, where they had a designated cigar bar. I didn't see anyone complaining there......

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twinss: First, if your going to quote me, let's get a few facts straight... First, I'm a "HE".. Second, yes I have complained on other posts about cigar smoke, as well as cigerette smoke. But, if you had read each post fully you will see that I have suggested that there be a nice smoking/cigar room on each ship with a bar, etc. Next, I have mentioned that I dislike cigerette smoke also. Next.... I was not ill for a "year" I was ill for several hours after. Lastly, I don't believe that smokers should be shunned (I grew up in a family of smokers). I'm saying (and, if you read the posts carefully you would have noted this) that there should be designated lounges and places on each ship for this.


einswine: What I found really objectionable about your post was not so much that enjoy smoking cigars, but your comment about how "They will get an argument from me if they try to enforce that rule." There is a cigar room for smoking cigars. If the rules are that it is the only place you can smoke a cigar in public areas, that's the rule. Obey it. If you don't like that rule, find another cruise line or ship. Don't take it upon yourself to break that rule and do whatever you like.


Lastly, if either of you had REALLY read my posts you have noted that I did suggest that NCL, as well as other cruise lines, have specific areas for smoking. Complete with a bar, etc. Make them a nice place where passengers who smoke can sit and enjoy a drink, the views and each others company without bothering other non-smoking passengers.


Get your facts straight next time, huh.

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I am new to NCL cruises. I have done 3 Carnival Cruises. I decided on NCL because the limit the cigar smoking to one room. And have areas of Non Smoking. YES I AM A NON SMOKER!. If second hand smoke was not so bad for you why would so many states be non smoking. I am from MA and yes we are a non smoking state. I enjoy being able to breath smokeless air. When smoking is allowed in all areas it makes it difficute for non smokers Smokers can go to a room desginated for them to smoke and the non smokers will stay clear. In my case it is a matter of health. Smoke makes me ill. But if a bar is where people like to smoke cigars than yes the cruise lines should provide one.

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einswine: What I found really objectionable about your post was not so much that enjoy smoking cigars, but your comment about how "They will get an argument from me if they try to enforce that rule." There is a cigar room for smoking cigars. If the rules are that it is the only place you can smoke a cigar in public areas, that's the rule. Obey it. If you don't like that rule, find another cruise line or ship. Don't take it upon yourself to break that rule and do whatever you like.


Lastly, if either of you had REALLY read my posts you have noted that I did suggest that NCL, as well as other cruise lines, have specific areas for smoking. Complete with a bar, etc. Make them a nice place where passengers who smoke can sit and enjoy a drink, the views and each others company without bothering other non-smoking passengers.


Get your facts straight next time, huh.


Logcabin I did not read your other posts and do not know what you said in them. My only point was that smoke is smoke. Cigar smoke certainly is a thicker smoke but if you had lots of cigarette smokers in one area then that is going to produce a thick smoke as well. As far as getting facts straight, I didn't say I was going to break the rule either. I said I would argue my point. If I'm in an area that specifically has a "smoking area" sign but does not say, "No Cigars or pipes", then I will feel free to light up. I only smoke outside in the open air and if I noticed my smoke affecting someone, even a cigarette smoker then I would move so as not to bother them. I'm kind of surprised noone has mentioned pipes either. I wonder if that's because many of the pipe tobaccos have more fragrant smells? I know they produce at least as much smoke as cigarettes. But then I don't see a lot of them around anymore. Anyway logcabin did not mean to offend you or anyone else but I just believe that the smoke from my cigars is very well vented at the locations on the ship I choose. Especially if I'm at the back of the boat and it's moving which is more likely where you will find me... with a bourbon and coke as well. :)

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If second hand smoke was not so bad for you why would so many states be non smoking..


According to two of the finest scientific minds of our time, Penn & Teller, on their Showtime series Bullsh*t! they say the dangers of second hand smoke are BS. http://www.sho.com/site/ptbs/prevepisodes.do?episodeid=s1/shs

They do not dispute that many find it undesirable and have every right to push for laws to ban it.



I am from MA and yes we are a non smoking state. I enjoy being able to breath smokeless air. When smoking is allowed in all areas it makes it difficute for non smokers Smokers can go to a room desginated for them to smoke and the non smokers will stay clear. In my case it is a matter of health. Smoke makes me ill. But if a bar is where people like to smoke cigars than yes the cruise lines should provide one.


I agree with you fully. I don't want to breath, smell or taste smoke any more then I would want a resturant table next to a pile of burning leaves, the dumpster or the bathroom. So I tend to avoid Bar City and the Casino.


I'm from Illinois where we have had the Clean Air Act for 10+ years banning smoking in most places. A smoke free enviuronment has been fantastic. Prior to that businesses would rarely do anything to separate smokers.


Einswine said "My only point was that smoke is smoke. Cigar smoke certainly is a thicker smoke...". I think most nonsmokers, whose olfactory receptors are functioning at 100%, would disagree with you. I have not been around a Cigar recently but as I recall they smell pretty bad.

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I believe what the OP was trying to say was that on other lines there is a designated lounge for cigar smoking, not just a room with nothing but seats and ashtrays. My DH and BF enjoy a cigar after dinner and to have to sit in a place like this won't be as pleasant as sitting in a room that has entertainment and a way to get a cocktail. We thoroughly enjoy the jazz bar on CCL's larger ships for this reason - the room is large enough that those that do not like the smoke "in their face" can still enjoy the jazz trio, it's out of the way enough that the smoke doesn't travel to other areas and those that become ill from it do not have to enter.

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Einswine said "My only point was that smoke is smoke. Cigar smoke certainly is a thicker smoke...". I think most nonsmokers, whose olfactory receptors are functioning at 100%, would disagree with you. I have not been around a Cigar recently but as I recall they smell pretty bad.


Carl, those are the "cheap cigars" that smell bad ;)

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Carl, those are the "cheap cigars" that smell bad ;)


Einswine......all kidding aside, you are correct, there is a difference between the smell of a cheap cigar versus a more expensive cigar!!



I am a non-smoker and have been for my entire life, except for an enjoyable cigar or two on weekends with a nice bourbon or brandy.

I, in fact, enjoy the smell of a cigar (good cigar) much more than the smell of cigarettes.

It comes down to a matter of taste, just as it is with food and restaurants.



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I believe what the OP was trying to say was that on other lines there is a designated lounge for cigar smoking, not just a room with nothing but seats and ashtrays. My DH and BF enjoy a cigar after dinner and to have to sit in a place like this won't be as pleasant as sitting in a room that has entertainment and a way to get a cocktail. We thoroughly enjoy the jazz bar on CCL's larger ships for this reason - the room is large enough that those that do not like the smoke "in their face" can still enjoy the jazz trio, it's out of the way enough that the smoke doesn't travel to other areas and those that become ill from it do not have to enter.


Thank you palmtre2. At least somebody out there can understand what I am saying. If cigarette smoking is allowed, then cigars should be also, even if its in a limited area. At least give the cigar smokers some place to go that has something to look at other than 4 walls.

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As a cigar smoker, I can certainly agree with both twinss and palmtre2 in regards to being able to enjoy a cigar with a drink and some entertainment (jazz trio). I found this on one of Carnival's ship and it was was great and added to the cruising experience. I suppose other cruise lines would have to devote a very good air system into one of their smaller lounges and offer the entertainment. It does not appear feasible on NCL due to the present design of their ships.


I suppose when choosing a cruise, it comes down to your priorities.



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