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QM2 reassurance sought


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We are excited to book the QM2 holiday sailing (Caribbean), but our travel agent is dissuading us. She says Brittania class (that's all that's left) is basically mass market with so-so food. I know reviews of QM2 have been mixed. We're not expecting Crystal or Radisson, but should we be worried about our travel agent's lukewarm review? We are traveling with young kids and have been on many cruises with them ranging from HAL to Crystal.

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Nova1, Do not be dissuaded.

It sounds to me like your travel agent is trying to convince your to go with something more expensive which will increase her commision! Or perhaps she gets a better commision on a different line. (If you sell a lot of a particular line, you get higher commisions!)


OTOH, she may actually feel that way, or not know the ship personally, and be going by hearsay. To hear some people talk on these boards, you would think that the passengers in Brittania are handed oars as they get on board!


Trust me, as a past Brittania passenger, and one who is signed up to do Brittania class cabin again in September (With several others I met on my previous cruise) I think I speak from experience. The food in Brittania is marvelous. I've been on many cruises and a number of cruiselines. You will have a wonderful time, and the food will be spectacular! As for myself, I would want to have my head examined for paying grill prices. I work hard for my money, and I do okay- not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I've had thin times, and some more easy ones. For the money, I could take TWO cruises (Which I would much prefer) for what I would pay in a grill class for a week. Now mind you, this is just me talking, and others think it is money well spent for a grill class cabin. Everyone has their priorities.


Don't let your agent dissuade you. Look through some of the other threads on here, such as the ones about grill class, or food or restaurant. You will find as many opinions as there are posters, maybe more!


I'l give your travel agent the benefit of the doubt and assume she has not been and is not talking from experince.



Who rather fancies herself as a real class act- Of course she also fancies herself as Miss America and thanks you not to burst her bubble!

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Thanks--that does make me feel better. I realize that you get different opinions about different ships, but I've never seen anything like the range you get re: the QM2!

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If you even THINK about cancelling, get yourself back on here immediately!.

And read the reviews of the folks who just came off her- especially the one who almost cancelled, afraid this might not be for her, we all assured her, and last week she posted to thank everyone who convinced her of the wonderful time she would have, and did!

Check this space tomorrow. I guarantee you will get at least a dozen more folks telling you how marvelous this ship is, and what a great time you will have in a Brittania class cabin!

I guarantee it!


Come on folks! I'm counting on you all (not that I have any doubt)



who KNOWS you will have a marvelous time on your holiday cruise on the QM2

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We are excited to book the QM2 holiday sailing (Caribbean), but our travel agent is dissuading us. She says Brittania class (that's all that's left) is basically mass market with so-so food... We're not expecting Crystal or Radisson, but should we be worried about our travel agent's lukewarm review? We are traveling with young kids and have been on many cruises with them ranging from HAL to Crystal.


Your TA knows your requirements better than we do but how well do you know your TA? There is no way (under any sensible criteria) that the meals in the Brittania Restaurant can be described using the epithet "so-so." On the other hand if you want some of your meals prepared at table side or if you want to make off-menu requests, then the Brittania Restaurant is not for you. Presumably you don't intend for your young children to be at your (and others) dinner table, otherwise, and in that case, the King's Court Restaurant would be more appropriate.



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We just did the QM2 and loved the food. We have often selected alternate arrangements at dinner but found the food wonderful in the Britannia. Check some recent reviews on this board of the April 15th crossing.


That TA needs to be shot, unless of course you are snobby, hotsy totsy, never can be satisfied types. (I doubt you are).


By the way, the Britannia is the majority of the ship, and not some small group of steerage class passengers.

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I think the food in Britannia is excellent and the variety wonderful. I'm a vegetarian and found interesting and well prepared choices every night. PLUS I had a separate vegetarian menu if I didn't like what was on the main menu.


I've sailed QM2 twice now (7-Day Caribbean and 14-day South America) and was thrilled both times.


Personally, I think the wildly ranging opinions of this ship stem largely from expectations people develop (right or wrong) based on Cunard history and the almighty Carnival marketing machine. If you go expecting to have a good time and accepting of the fact that nothing is perfect but most people try hard to make it so, then you will enjoy your trip. I'm guessing since you have young children, you are already living this mindset! :D



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Once again Karie is soooooo right!


I too think you should NOT be dissuaded. There's been a lot of discussion of whether Cunard is mass market or not. It sounds like you are not expecting anything unreasonable such as Crystal or Radisson (now Regent). As such I think you should be very fine with Cunard as I tend to place it one more above HAL or Celebrity on the top of the mass market lines. Its just hard to call it mass market when the line only has two ships and it does tend to want to sell itself as a luxury item which accounts for the identity crisis. Still, Cunard surives mainly because of its history - the name is legend and its not like it became a cheap party line either.


Yes QM2 is more appealing to the masses than the older QE2 but its perfect for the modern voyager and is family friendly. Accomodations are reasonable and ranges to accomodate all budgets. The Britannia dining room - the one for the majority who can't or won't shell out for the Grills - is spectacular. Food is very subjective and I have heard mixed reviews on this subject matter myself. I can understand someone like your agent thinkig the extra you pay for the privilege on being onboard the QM2 is not worth the expense but she is not necessarily right and I would argue the point with her if she was my agent. I find this another classic example of an agent basing the decision on her lifestyle and wants but not those of her clientele. I'm not saying she isn't a good agent but just wanted to point out that she should ask you what you are looking for. I think her warning is valid as some people could walk away dissapointed but be prepared to argue back.


Which dates are you looking at? I'm on the December 2 southern Caribbean sailing and there's a bunch of us on the boards who are going on that date. We have an active role call going even though its still seven months away.

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Unless she has travelled on the ship herself dont let her tell you the food in the Britannia isnt good! We have been onboard 3 times and having sampled Royal Caribbean as well- please rest assured that the QM2 is a league above them! We found all meals in the Britannia to be excellent and there is a fabulous choice! You will have a great time- we did a Caribbean cruise in December 05 and there is something very special after spending the day on a beach to come back and get dressed up for a great meal in the Britannia!

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Whoa! Go! We sailed in Feb and will be on QM2 again June 9 - July 3. It is a wonderful experience. The food was delightful. We met and chatted with two young people who help occupy children during the voyage. They were wonderful. You and your youngsters will enjoy every minute of it.

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We thought the food in Brittania was lovely!


We traveled with a three-year-old in our party. We assumed she wouldn't be welcome in Brittania in the evenings, but our waitstaff repeatedly asked us to bring her. (We were in the late seating, so it was too hard on her to do that.) And there were high chairs available.


If you don't feel that your kids are up to behaving for an evening meal in Brittania, but you still want to treat them to a meal there, lunch is perfect for this.


There weren't a lot of kids on our trip to Hawaii, so we never had to make reservations for daycare. The daycare people were great, and she always returned with colored pages, and she mostly seemed to look forward to going.


The children's tea (dinner at around 4) was very nice, and also not crowded. The waitstaff in there (usually 1 person) was very accomodating, and seemed willing to find what she wanted for dinner.


I've heard that some people don't appreciate King's Court, but I found it to be very convenient and tasty.


If the children are a little older, they might appreciate dressing up and attending the formal tea, especially if they're girls.


And I definitely recommend lunch in Todd English. We brought the 3-year-old along, and it worked out quite nicely. And the food in there is to die for...absolutely worth the extra $20. (Get the asparagus and morel tart!)

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BRITTANIA is the way to go. The staff will do all then can to please, and unless

you are a food snob or critic, you will enjoy. Book a table for 6 and also enjoy

your shipmates.

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I was also on the 12/8/05 cruise, and the food in the Brittania was great! We ordered off the menu a few times and had no problem having our requests honored by the staff. Years ago, my grandfather ordered and received a T-bone steak every evening round trip on Cunard! I have the impression that unhappy passengers didn't complain about their problems in the Brittania until they voiced them on this board. Many people don't complain in restaurants on land. Since so many members on this board return to the QM2, it can't be all bad, eh?

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The daycare was divided into two sections, in different rooms, one for the tiny tots and one for the preteen set. In the tiny tot room, there was a ball bounce room, and a lot of toys, and I think the person in charge would have them all color at the same time. I know that in the evening, there was usually a disney film and they usually went in their pajamas. So I guess that would be just daycare? (Can you tell I'm not a parent?)


I know that the older kids had videogames available. And there was a deck area with a shallow swimming pool. I don't know if the kids ever went out on deck though, as it stormed for a great deal of the time we were on board.


I'll have to ask Stellar_Chef; it was her daughter in our group. Hopefully, she was a little more cognizant of the details.

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The daycare was divided into two sections, in different rooms, one for the tiny tots and one for the preteen set. In the tiny tot room, there was a ball bounce room, and a lot of toys, and I think the person in charge would have them all color at the same time. I know that in the evening, there was usually a disney film and they usually went in their pajamas. So I guess that would be just daycare? (Can you tell I'm not a parent?)


I know that the older kids had videogames available. And there was a deck area with a shallow swimming pool. I don't know if the kids ever went out on deck though, as it stormed for a great deal of the time we were on board.


I'll have to ask Stellar_Chef; it was her daughter in our group. Hopefully, she was a little more cognizant of the details.

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I've sailed on QM2 three times now (two cruises and one crossing) and can say that food and service in Britannia is excellent. In fact, after also experiencing Todd English, I prefer the service in Britannia...it's just too bad they don't serve the wonderful, molten chocolate cake that they have in T.E.!


Have no hesitation whatsoever,.....



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Just back from the 4/15/06 crossing and let me jump onboard to say we found the Britannia Restaurant absolutely lovely! We were on the upper floor, right next to a window, port side and enjoyed every moment!


The surf and turf, escargot, roast duck a' la orange, chateaubriand bernaise, all excellent! We had two tablemates and an Irish couple we had met, who did Todd English for dinner and they thought the food was of equal quality as Britannia.


Also, since it was our honeymoon, a chocolate cake with chocolate script of "Happy Honeymoon" was written on a white chocolate "plaque", which was brought to our table the first formal night. They sliced the cake for our table to share and gave us the white chocolate plaque to take to our room. They also had an opera singer come to the table and sing some lovely excerpts for us. (Great for having half the restaurant stare at you!) :o Although, everyone broke out in applause. No one ever tipped the waitstaff off. They did this all of their own accord. I would hardly call that "mass-market" dining.


BTW, We didn't do the Kings Court much and opted for room service for breakfast, (I did mention it was our honeymoon...) :rolleyes: However, the Irish couple loved going there late at night or in the "off-hours" and found the experience a nice, quiet, retreat with plenty of great food options.

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Go for it. Book the QM2.


Tell your travel agent you appreciate her advice but will consider another cruise line after you have sailed on CUNARD.


Then, if you sail on CUNARD and find it perfectly to your liking, consider changing travel agents also.

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To the OP: I've not even sailed yet and the above people have me convinced that I'm in for a great experience. They're all either in cahoots or there's something to it. I suspect both could be true but am counting on the later of the two.

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We are excited to book the QM2 holiday sailing (Caribbean), but our travel agent is dissuading us. She says Brittania class (that's all that's left) is basically mass market with so-so food. I know reviews of QM2 have been mixed. We're not expecting Crystal or Radisson, but should we be worried about our travel agent's lukewarm review? We are traveling with young kids and have been on many cruises with them ranging from HAL to Crystal.


Nova, I'm ashamed of your TA.....


Is it possible she's not getting as good a deal with Cunard as she might with other lines. Perhaps she's dissuading you for her own mercenary reasons????


we've been on QM2 3 times now and each time we've taken our daughter (now almost 4). She LOVED it! I highly recommend the Daycare. Ms. Ann and Mr. Paul are wonderful with kids (she usually heads up the infant to pre K section and Paul handles the section with older kids). There were at least 3 nannys there every time we went. They were very accomodating, friendly and great with our daughter.


They have a bounce house area (padded mats on the floor) a big screen TV they show movies on at night. They have pajama parties, pirate's day (complete with balloon swords), bouncy balls; balloons for balloon day, coloring, snacks, building blocks......and, when the weather allows, they take the children out to the wading pool (no nappys or disposable diapers allowed. But when our daughter was still in diapers on our first trip, they allowed her in with "little swimmers" brand swimming diapers)


I'd highly recommend you make sure your child(ren) have a meal before taking them to the daycare. The daycare offers snacks only (fruit and healthy selections).


Brittania has a children's menu for breakfast and lunch. I recommend it.....it's a lot easier than trying to navigate King's court with a Pre-schooler in tow :p


For dinner, the Chef's galley becomes the "children's tea" from 5-6. It's a pretty decent kid's menu (but get something from the buffet for dessert....I wasn't impressed with the jellies/jello).


If you want to order something else for your child, the waitstaff can usually get it for you. Go to the children's tea earlier rather than later as they set up for the Chef's galley demonstration immediately following and they need to start setting up the tables for it around 5:45.

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