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How do you pack?


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We leave tomorrow, yay! I am in the throws of packing and feeling a little overwhelmed. We are a family of 4 (I have 2 boys aged 2 and 5). Right now I have:


1) large suitcase for me

2) medium suitcase for the boys

3) small suitcase for "stuff" (collapsible cooler, shoes, diapers, toiletries, water toys, beach bag, DVD player, etc...)

4) large duffle for DH

5) Garment bag for tux, dresses

6) One carryon each with toys, snacks, diapers, change of clothes, books, mags, docs)


Seems reasonable, right? Well, my sister only has ONE large suitcase for her whole family! (herself, her DH and her 2 year old son).


I don't get it, am I a massive over-packer, or is she a massive under-packer?


Just something fun to ponder over on a Saturday morning :)

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Okay, my guess is there is a little overpacking AND a little underpacking going on here. You will obviously have more "stuff" with two children than she will have with only one, and a 2 year old at that! I always come home with things I didn't wear and no doubt will again this cruise, but, it's not like you can run to "Walmart" and pick up something you forgot, like you can on a land vacation!;)

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I know the feeling. We leave in 3 weeks with 3 boys. However, they are a little bit older. Each person will have their own suitcase.Plus One suitcase is just filled with tolietries! (Also have room for souvinirs)Each boy can bring a backpack with some stuff in it on the airplane. I have been warned to bring plently of sunscreen as it's very expensive on the cruise ship. I think your going to be alright and just fine. My boys are old enough to pull their own luggage. Don't overwhelm yourself with a lot of luggage and two little ones. I personally tend to overpack myself and the family, but I know we won't run out of anything. We are also going to be gone for 8 days! You will be fine, have a fun and safe trip. Let us know how it went when you get back!!!!:)

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I always overpack no matter where I go. When 3 of us cruised last summer, we had 5 suitcases in varying sizes plus carryon bags - way to much. I know a couple who when they cruise brings 1 suitcase for 2 of them plus a carryon. Don't know how they do it!!

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I just don't know how people can get away with one...two...suitcases for an entire family!! They are either VERY content with wearing clothes over...and over...and OVER again...or they have seriously squished their things in the bag!!! And that bag is HEAVY!!


How do you get casual clothes and dress clothes and shoes all in that one or two bags?!? Toiletries? Not bringing any?? People amaze me!! I don't know how they do it!!


We are a family of 5 and ended up with 7 bags at the end of the trip. A suitcase a piece, one big duffle bag just for shoes and a rolling duffle that we packed inside a suitcase on the way TO the cruise, but packed it full of stuff on the way home!! And of course, everyone had a carry-on for their 'stuff': notebooks/books, coloring books, dolls, DVD players/movies, etc.


Yes, I would agree that most people OVERpack...but I would rather overpack than UNDERpack and end up doing laundry on vacation!!! Plus, if you are so stuffed from the get-go regarding your luggage...HOW are you going to bring home souveniers??


I think that you are going to be just fine! You sound normal to me!! ;) Your sister, on the other hand...I hope she doesn't get crabby and let it ruin her vacation when she is "out" of stuff, doesn't have "enough" stuff or ends up spending her time in the hot laundry room on her vacation!!!!


Have a fantastic time!!

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That is my wife department and she always overpacks. On our cruise I think we had 2 large cases 2 medium cases and 4 carry on. I don't think we wore 25% of the stuff. She will do the same on the next cruise because she says you never know what you what to wear, so I think she packs almost everything. My job is to get them from point A to B

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Thanks guys, feeling a little bit better. I knew you would help :)


I was trying to think all morning about what I could take out of the suitcases, but I don't want to get stuck doing laundry.


Would rather have more than I need than not enough.


Now, I just need to figure out how to let my brother-in-law's smart comments roll off my back when he sees our luggage! (we are sharing a limo service).


LOL! :)


Back to packing

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That is my wife department and she always overpacks. On our cruise I think we had 2 large cases 2 medium cases and 4 carry on. I don't think we wore 25% of the stuff. She will do the same on the next cruise because she says you never know what you what to wear, so I think she packs almost everything. My job is to get them from point A to B


You are cracking me up. My husband is in charge of his own suitcase and he hasn't started packing yet! He just ran downstairs to throw a load of laundry in though.


My job is myself and the 2 boys, along with all of the other stuff - - docs, toiletries, everything. Pretty big job.


He owes me a day at the spa :)

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Now, I just need to figure out how to let my brother-in-law's smart comments roll off my back when he sees our luggage! (we are sharing a limo service).

Yeah....and he better not DARE to come and ask to borrow anything that he doesn't have either!!!! :cool:

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The more I have travelled with my 2 boys the less luggage I pack. Last year on the 7day Miracle, we took 2 large suitcases, 1 small, and a rolling garment bag. MY kids shared a carryon. My dh had camera bag and I had a tote in lieu of a purse.

This year, we are driving to NYC for a 5day cruise. I plan on 1 large suitcase and a rolling garment bag. My kids will share a carryon(stuff for 3 hour car ride), dh may have camera bag, and I will have the small tote. Thats it.

Instead of so many small bags you might want to try a larger suitcase and weigh it.

Now the only souveniers we buy are tshirts. I bring less tshirts as they wear the ones we buy. This time around we are going in summer so I dont need winter clothes to return in and also to fly down in so less room taken.

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We also arent going to beach as we are going up to Canada so no beach toys needed.

Sunscreen is $10 on ship or at least that was price last year.:)

You dont need tons of stuff as there are laundries on board if you dirty stuff. For us we wear bathing suits during day.

Have a great time!

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We leave tomorrow, yay! I am in the throws of packing and feeling a little overwhelmed. We are a family of 4 (I have 2 boys aged 2 and 5). Right now I have:


1) large suitcase for me

2) medium suitcase for the boys

3) small suitcase for "stuff" (collapsible cooler, shoes, diapers, toiletries, water toys, beach bag, DVD player, etc...)

4) large duffle for DH

5) Garment bag for tux, dresses

6) One carryon each with toys, snacks, diapers, change of clothes, books, mags, docs)


Seems reasonable, right? Well, my sister only has ONE large suitcase for her whole family! (herself, her DH and her 2 year old son).


I don't get it, am I a massive over-packer, or is she a massive under-packer?


Just something fun to ponder over on a Saturday morning :)


Is your sister the same size? Maybe she is going to do a lot of borrowing from you, I am going to keep that in mind next time, less luggage to hall around/:D

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If your sister is flying she will want to make sure each suitcase is less then 50lbs or will get charged. I think the charges were $25.00 for 51to70lbs, $50.00 for 71to100lbs and $75.00 for over 100lbs.


My daughter flew last week and her suitcase was at 49lbs:) The lady checking her in said they were getting very strick with paying for each bag over 50lbs.

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Hope you have a great time! We will be on the Miracle in Nov. Will you let me know how your 2 yr old does with Camp Carnival, etc? We are trying to decide if we want to take our 2 yr old or not.


I am the same with overpacking. I pack everything. 1 large suitcase, 2 mediums, 1 carry on, and 1 diaper bag in Feb when we went to Disney.

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If your sister is flying she will want to make sure each suitcase is less then 50lbs or will get charged. I think the charges were $25.00 for 51to70lbs, $50.00 for 71to100lbs and $75.00 for over 100lbs.


My daughter flew last week and her suitcase was at 49lbs:) The lady checking her in said they were getting very strick with paying for each bag over 50lbs.


The airlines ARE getting very strict about weight. Last month, we had a large suitcase that weighed in at 49 lbs. at home and I held my breath when they put it on the scales. When we came back from the cruise, the skycap weighed it at 52 pounds and told me to repack. And I had been careful to put lighter things in there! So there we were on the sidewalk outside the FLL airport repacking our suitcases! He let me slide at 50.5 pounds which was the best I could do. I'm thinking it was more than $25 they were going to charge though.

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1 large suitcase for my wife and myself and 1 small suitcase for each of my kids. One carry on for my wife and I (small) and one carryon for both kids and even then we're almost overpacked. Oh! I forgot one hanging bag for formal wear.

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Yeah, well how much luggage depends not only on how MANY clothes you bring, but also what size they are. I watched a friend's 20 year old (size 4?) daughter pack about as many clothes as I (size18) had. I had a 26" expandable rolling bag. I think her fit in a beach bag. . . .


So I'm trying to reduce the size of my clothes as well as their number. Wish me luck. . . .

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every cruise I bring along a little less than the last one. For our upcoming 8 day Liberty cruise, I plan to use the laundry about half way through for shorts, Ts and underwear. But I doubt that my wife will bring any less than before LOL

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Yeah, well how much luggage depends not only on how MANY clothes you bring, but also what size they are. I watched a friend's 20 year old (size 4?) daughter pack about as many clothes as I (size18) had. I had a 26" expandable rolling bag. I think her fit in a beach bag. . . .


So I'm trying to reduce the size of my clothes as well as their number. Wish me luck. . . .


Yes, Sadly, I can attest to this fact. When my best friend (size 6) and I (Size 22) go camping, she laughs at the amount of bags I bring. Last year, we got a job together working in a clothing store. She commented on how 3 or 4 pair of "normal size" jeans, take up the same amount of space as one "plus size" pair of jeans. How considerate. I told her to keep that in mind next time we go camping. I think my bras and Undies alone take up more room than most peoples casual clothing!

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I pack based on the situation. On our upcoming cruise we are going to Key West for a few days afterwards. I don't plan to do laundry so we'll need more stuff. I think cruises are hard to pack for because you need two outfits a day. I try and select clothes that color coordinate so I can reuse pants but it is still hard. I also like to use suitcases that nest. For instance our adult daughters (21 and 23) are in the adjoining room. They will bring one 26" suitcase and one 24" so that the medium suitcase will fit inside the larger case for storage. We have a rule that everyone has to be responsible for their own belongings. I have one daughter who would bring 20 pairs of shoes if we'd let her.


2 years ago we spend a couple of months in Europe and we flew some European airlines that only allowed 32 pounds per bag and 15 pounds per carryon. We had to pack in the US with less than 32 pounds so that we could still buy souvenirs. You want to talk about packing light and making sure that we would wear every single thing! I was able to put us in accomodations with laundry facilities and we had to wash clothes once a week. It was challenging but much easier in the long run. You can't do that so easily on a ship....

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We leave tomorrow, yay! I am in the throws of packing and feeling a little overwhelmed. We are a family of 4 (I have 2 boys aged 2 and 5). Right now I have:


1) large suitcase for me

2) medium suitcase for the boys

3) small suitcase for "stuff" (collapsible cooler, shoes, diapers, toiletries, water toys, beach bag, DVD player, etc...)

4) large duffle for DH

5) Garment bag for tux, dresses

6) One carryon each with toys, snacks, diapers, change of clothes, books, mags, docs)


Seems reasonable, right? Well, my sister only has ONE large suitcase for her whole family! (herself, her DH and her 2 year old son).


I don't get it, am I a massive over-packer, or is she a massive under-packer?


Just something fun to ponder over on a Saturday morning :)

Several Years ago I got a great packing tip (not sure where from at this point...)Mix the contents of your suitcases, that is intermingle everyone's clothes that are travelling. This way, if one or more of your suitcases goes missing everyone has something to wear...Imagine if your husband's case and your kid's case made it to the ship but not yours....:o


Just a thought that I always use now when packing for travel...

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Oh, Victory2020, you are my hero! I aspire to doing that sometime soon. I have traveled to Greece for 2 weeks with a single medium-sized suitcase, so I know it can be done. I just haven't done it lately. It's all about the planning!

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I am dreading having to pack for our Alaskan cruise, not only are we going to be on board for 7 days we are also doing a 12 day land tour before our cruise. At least 4 of those days we will be doing some fishing and the charter that we have chose in Homer does not provide the gear for fishing so we have to haul all of that also. I do plan on doing laundry, as much as I hate to, but with that many days being gone there is noo way we want to haul that many suitcases around. We did decide to just rent a tux for my husband for our two formal nights and I am leaning toward just bringing a long basic black dress and dress it up with different jackets/ jewelry. I am so trying to get by with only three pairs of shoes but it might be hard. Anyway it really helps reading through the posts on how everyone packs, it makes the job of packing so much easier.

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