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First day of Weight Watchers


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Hey Everyone!

So glad to have found this board!

I started WW 3 weeks ago for the reason it seems most of you have started...we have a cruise coming up and we want to look smashing in "that little black dress"! RIGHT!!!!


the first week I followed the points to the "T". Not using a flex point, not doing anything but EXACTLY what I was suppose to do...even down to drinking the water and more!...I ONLY lost .4 lbs!


The second week I used 'some' flex points and I lost 3.6 lbs!!!!


This past week I used 30 flex points and only lost .2 lbs.


So, I have learned that i can use the points but the weight loss isn't as great...I also learned in last week's meeting that if you can average a loss of 5 lbs a month that is great!


So, let's keep this going and support each other!!!


Maybe we need to have a Weight Watcher Cruise!


Everyone have a great weekend and count those points!



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Hello, I have been doing ww for a year now. I have lost 45 pounds, but have plateued for 4 months. It is so annoying. I just keep on going.I went on vacation a few weeks ago and gained 7 pounds(ugh). So I found this board. I am going on a cruise Nov.6. I would like to drop this 7 pounds and lose 30 more, but would be happy with 20. I think after a year I am just getting board plus my friend I was doing it with got pregneant so now I am solo. The cruise is giving that push that i think i need. Any other tips would be great.:)

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I just found this thread. Very happy. I lost about 24 lbs a couple of years ago on WW. I found that online works better for me, I can choose my weigh in day and time. Mid day meetins on Fridays didn't quite work. I started a new position where I work and it is back on.


I belong to gym, but am having trouble getting there, leave for work at 6:30AM, return home at 5:30 to pick up DD and bring her to whatever is going on that night (softball, dance, CCD, etc). I have been getting there at least once a week to meet with trainer. I am also going to be taking my 30 minute lunch at work to walk around the old horse track twice.


I believe the 24 points is correct as well (that is the range I am in).


I need to lose 34 lbs to be at the high end of my weight range. Goal is the end of the summer and I think I can do it (3 months, would be about 10 lbs per month).


As far as the points, lately most people with a large amount of weight to lose have found that they are very successful losing weight if they stick to their points all days but one per week. So I would stick to my 24 points (or lower as it changes) every day. One day I would use maybe some or all of my 35 flex points. Your body gets used to the number of points and your metabolism adjusts (thus not much weight loss). When you toss in a high day, boom it adjusts to burn more. (This is what I have been hearing through WW at work leader, while I am not attending, still stop by to chat since she was once my leader.)


Good luck to all and I would like to "join the thread" and check in on my weigh in day of Monday with my weight.


Also, does anyone have a particular time of day that they have trouble with? I am find during the day and at night but around dusk I get very hungry.:confused:



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Hello Again!

Even though I have just joined this thread I have already read some great tips!

This can prove to be better than my weekly meetings...or as good! I go to the meetings to keep me motivated.

I always stay after and ask questions! It seems to keep me focuses.


my worst times are weekends! That has always been my "cooking" time! I enjoy cooking when someone is home to eat and during the week I am too busy with my job to enjoy the routine of cooking. So, weekends were fun time for me! Now, that I'm on WW not everyone in my family needs to eat like I am; matter of fact, no one needs to eat like me.


Straight from my new books:

150-174 pounds 22 points

175-199 pounds 24 points

200-224 pounds 26 points

225-249 pounds 28 points......


is anyone missing the sweets?

Here is a great dessert that was shared at our meeting this past week:



1 store bought angel food cake

1 large can of crushed pineapple

1 container of fat free cool whip


*cut the angel food cake so that you have 3 layers

*place the bottom layer on a cake plate

*mix the crushed pineapple(with juice) and cool whip together

*spread some of the pineapple mixture over the layer of cake you have put on a plate

*take a second layer of cake and put on top of this...then spread some more of the pineapple mixture on top of this and

*top with the last layer and top off the cake with the last bit of the cool whip mixture!

If you like pineapple Upside down cake...this is the next best thing!!! and a normal slice is only ONE point!


Hope everyone enjoys! Great for a summer dessert!



cut it in 3 equal layers

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Worst time of day for me is when I get home from work and I'm making dinner. I'm wanting to nibble everything in site! I found that eating some protien at that time helps. Some cottage cheese, a couple slices of turkey lunchment... About 2 points worth. And I have a huge glass of water or Crystal Light with that. Keeps me from over-eating at dinner.


Track, track, track! I can't stress that enough. Every time I slack off on tracking, I get lazy and then end up going off plan. It's so easy to undo all that hard work too fast.


I'm going to try the suggestion about eating most of my flex points over one day. I tend to stick right to my points every day or maybe 3 or 4 over some days. I think I'd rather have one "splurge" day a week! Anyone have any suggestions about WHEN during the week works best? Right after weigh-in day... mid-week? My weigh day is Thursday. I guess it would be nice to be able to get "extras" in on Saturday!


Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Be careful at those BBQ's! I'm grilling some turkey burgers and making a few extra to keep in the fridge and warm up over the next couple days. They're great w/lettuce, tomato and mustard!


Be good... Drink, drink, drink your water!

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Debbie~Your right we all want to look good in that little black dress. I only lost .4 two weeks in a row, it was a loss but of course I wanted more. Then the 3rd week I lost 3 lbs that was after I added walking. Great cake recipe I will have to save it for when I have company because I know I would scarf down the whloe thing. I love Angel food cake.


Sam~Great job losing 45 pounds, so you know you can do it. From what I read on the board reaching that plateau can be so frustrating. Sometimes adding different foods or exercises seem to work. Keep at it!


Laura~Welcome, The people doing WW online have been very sucessful I'm sure you'll suceed. Hope you have time to fit some exercise in. That's my downfall, I have the time just basically lazy!


Celeste~Thanks for all the info. Yup, Dusk till about 8:00 pm i'm starving. I start checking out the refrigerator.


Jean~Protein is where it's at, I just stay hungry when I eat to many carbs. And TRACKING is the key, thats why I didn't do well the last week, no tracking.


Hang in there, Dianne

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Okay, I'm with you guys about dinner time!

I think my problem is I just LOVE to eat! I just love to eat! That is my hobby!


so..what I'm understanding here and please correct me If I am wrong...

if you are going to use the flex points...and let's get real...we Love to use those points..

to use our 24 points + the 35 flex points in the same day?????

YEAH...that sounds like a special day to me!

IF I am understanding that correctly!


I think that I will use is tomorrow if that is the case!


Please let me know if I'm reading and understanding that correctly!



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Deb~If I know I'm going out to dinner I try to save my flex points for then because I know I will eat the garlic bread soon as I smell it!! but usually I piece meal them out, if there is a day I have reached my points I know I can use a few if I'm still hungry. It really is a personal choice thing. I know it's paranoid but I never use them the day before I get weighed and of course I wear the lightest clothes possible to weigh in.:rolleyes:


That's Me,


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It's good to plan ahead and save flex points when you know you have a special occasion or something. We're on vacation in a couple weeks and it falls over my b-day. We'll be with a whole group of friends and they always take me out to eat. I'll be eating ALL my flex points for the week on my bday! :D I'll have to be extra careful the rest of the week since we'll be on vacation. We stay at a condo at a resort though and make most of our meals so I'll have plenty of control over my eating.

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Sounds like a GREAT plan!

Happy Birthday early!


I have been using my flex points basically as a safety net. Knowing that if I happen to calculate wrong or not count enough for a food (especailly when eating at someone's home and not knowing how it was prepared) I KNOW that i have those "flex points" to catch me.


But I think that I like your idea better! That gives me one day to treat myself using at least 25 of them and keeping the other 10 in my account for later use!


Thanks for the suggestion! I like it!


Have fun on vacation!



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I wouldn't necessarily do all 35 in one day. But can't say I haven't. I belive the whole box of Pudge Free Brownies is 30 points or so. But then again today I had a cup of ice cream. Couldn't even begin to calculate that evil thing. That was my splurge.


I tend to do my high points day on Saturday or Sunday, I have no temptations when I am working. I also love to cook/bake. DD is now loving stuffed peppers and asks for them all the time. I am snack Mom on Sat for softball game. I am making cookies (3 kinds) for all the kids. If I bake I have no temptation. Have many great WW recipes as well.


I find it easier to control my intake in the summer. With the heat, I don't eat as much and grilling with spices provides variety. I grilled my corn tonight with lime juice, cumin, cayenne and chili pepper. Very good.


Well back to relaxing tonight. Have a great Memorial Day tomorrow. Go to a parade and thank a veteran!

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You sound so me!

I am doing the same thing but for my DD's soccer team!

And, I like you....have no problem during the week when I'm too busy at work to think! It is the Saturday and Sunday's that get me!


And you are right....Let's do thank those Vets and those active military!!!!

Have a great day and be sure and fly your flag and drink your water (add some Crystal Light and let's have Lemonaide!)!!!


Keep counting those points.....



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Hey everyone! I'm gonna do WW online again. I just booked a cruise for 10/07, so I have plenty of time to lose the wieght right and get in shape.


I just have to get focused and stop with the excuses!:D

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Glad that you have gotten back to WW!

Welcome to this location!


Good luck and we will all work together for our fall cruises!

I'm on a ship on 12/2/06!


Let's all shoot for the new black dress shopping in September!!



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Stuck to plan this weekend! This is getting SO easy! Just part of my daily routine! Anyone just starting... just get through that 1st week or so, and you're set!


About eating all your flex points... I normally wouldn't eat all 35 in one day, but I'm just saying IF a special occasion were to come along,... it IS an option. I find myself getting FULL now, where I never really felt full unless I was STUFFED before... So I don't think I could even eat the extra 35 now even if I wanted to! :D Amazing how fast your body adjusts.


Well time to go about my day. Short work week means having to work harder this week. Oh well... The extra time off was worth it.



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Glad that you have gotten back to WW!

Welcome to this location!


Good luck and we will all work together for our fall cruises!

I'm on a ship on 12/2/06!


Let's all shoot for the new black dress shopping in September!!




Not sure how I'll look in a black dress..probably not as good as my wife...:eek: ..LOL


Got a good start this morning...journaling online and even posted on my local board on the WW site. I just have to slowly work in an excersice routine into my schedule and stick to it.!


Thanks for the big welcome!!:D

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Come on Kelz66 you can get the little black dress for you wife, guess you will need to get a new slim & Trim suit! For me I'm going for the new slim jeans with a cool silk blouse!



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Well...day one back on plan went well, but today is the challenge...LOL


I have a salesman who brings in pastries every week coming today...ganna have to look the other way today!


As for a new slim suit...I am hoping to have the problem of needing all new clothes by my next cruise!!!:D

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Okay... I've stuck like glue to plan all week! Today was weigh-in day for me. The scale is not rewarding me for all my hard work! What gives??!!:confused: I'm not going to get discouraged though cuz I know next week will HAVE to show a loss. I pretty much stuck to my points all week and only went over by 3 or 4 on a couple days. I think I used only about 10 of my flex points. Hmmmm.... any suggestions??!! I know I need to up my exercise. I'm going to try to commit to at least 3 or 4 days of cardio this week!


Hope you all are having a great week!


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It happens...you hit a plateau and level off for a while. Stick it out because usually when you DO show a loss after a leveling off it is worth it.:D


No change is better than a gain! Your body is getting accostumed to the changes, you have to give it time.


It probably took a few years to put the wieght on so a couple of months to lose it isn't a bad situation.:cool:

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I think "age" is the issue now too cuz I used to lose super fast! Seems I need to work harder at it now and I know exercise will help. I'm not giving up... Down 32 pounds and hope to shed 43 more. I have to remember where I was and how far I've actually come.


Next week I know I'll have a good report to give as far as loss!


Carry on...


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