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First day of Weight Watchers


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Hello everyone!

Hope that you have had a good week of counting points!


Dianne, let me say thanks and you were right!

two weeks ago when I was on I had not lost anything and had followed my points to a "t". Guess what!!??

The past two weeks I have lost 3.2 and 2.8! YOU WERE RIGHT! Now, after 7 weeks on WW I have lost a total of 12.8 lbs!

I have learned to vary my foods and to eat up to my points ...not less than. And I think that for me that is the secret. Before I was not eating my full points a day; thinking that if I ate less I would loose more...WRONG!

AND, I'm eating breakfast which is a total new thing for me.


These are just a few things that I have learned in the past few weeks that seem to be working for me.


If you have anything that you are doing that is working please share!! I'd love to try your ideas!


Happy weight loss...WE CAN DO THIS!



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Hi All, It's been awhile since I have been here, sorry about that. I haven't lost much in the last 2 weeks but it's my own fault. Have not watched the plan closely enough and need more veggies. So i'm back at it. Have really only gained 1 pound, I can live with that.


Debbie~All right!! I'm so glad it turned around for you it can get discouraging if you stay the same too long. Are you exercising?


Barb~Your scales were weighing you 9 pounds heavy!!! Wow what a great thing to find out. With that extra pound your 10 pounds closer to your goal. Good for you using your flex points at the BBQ sounds like you have it together.


Sweetpea~You can do it, the people that post here and on a couple of other boards are the only reason I am sticking to this, so much encouragement I don't want to disappoint them or me. Keep checking in.


Suzanne~Glad your here, I was a lurker for a long time. I am a slow typist and wasn't sure I could keep up. I can't, but every one is understanding. Actually the Hot Dog sandwich sounds good to me. I have heard people get good results when they switch the meals around. I ate left over salmon the other morning. I love fish, so your not so wierd. We know you can lose that weight again why don't you hang up your favorite cruise outfit where you can see it and use it for incentive.


Mo and Jersey, How ya doing???



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Hello and WOW, you all sound so motivated! Just starting WW tomorrow. I am writing down what I am eating every day to keep on track and starting a walking program. It was interesting to read belldebb's post about eating up to her points. I thought eating less points would be a good thing. So I have learned a few tricks reading all your posts and will keep coming back. Trying to lose 20lbs in 3 months. ;)

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Janetz, Welcome your right they can get pretty motivated around here. Glad your joining WW I think they are pretty good. When I first went it was a Tuesday night the leader was really nice but just didn't click with me so I switched to Fridays and has been great. So just remember you can do that if something does not work for you. 20 pounds in 3 months is doable but I think your going to have to make sure you get alot of exercise in. Although you may be one of the lucky ones where it just falls off. I'm not I have been at it for 5 months just made 20 pounds BUT I wasn't good!!! But I'm happy cause it's coming off.

Saw your from the Bershires, I lived in Pittsfield, Ma for 2 years what a beauitful part of the world.


Glad your here!



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Hello Everyone-

So I just found you all....although I used to write on similar pages about a year ago. I am definitely in need of some motivation and support from others and right now I cant afford to go back to WW.


As of January '06, I had lost 20 pounds in 14 months (it took me forever- but I stuck with it). However (and this is the true downside), since then I have gained about half of it back. At that point I had hit my goal and made lifetime, but personal life happened and I couldnt focus on watching my weight.


But now I am back and would like to get back on track...my current goal for myself is 6 pounds off by July 22nd and then I will take it from there.


Hope to talk to everyone soon!

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Dancerot~Welcome, isn't it amazing how life can get in the way of our losing weight. You have done it before so you need to get that mind set back and put yourself first. I don't think alot has changed with WW so you shouldn't have a problem there. For me it's all about planning and I need to exercise more on a regular basis.


Glad your here, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

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Hi Sea Fan,

I am doing great! I only gained 2 lbs on the Victory to Nova Scotia. I weighed in yesterday and lost the "cruise weight" I am so excited! It dosen't ever happen that fast! Well thanks for the support. I was thinking about all of the great tips I got here while I was cruising. I know that your encouragement kept me from gaining 10 lbs. Thanks again.:p

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Hi all,


I'd like to join in here. I have been doing WW for several years - it seems like I get in the "zone" and things are going great and then all of the sudden something happens and I get off track. I recently lost 28 pounds and have gained most of it back. I purchased a year's membership (because of the amount of weight I need to lose) so I guess it's back to the meetings this coming week.


Barb - I didn't see where anyone has answered your exercise question yet. Here's the deal. You can eat the exercise points (only up to 4) It is suggested that you eat the points in protein. Also, the points are only good for that day - then they go away. Good luck.


My sister had done Atkins and 6 week make over and just by listening to those plans, I know WW is the best way to go - just keep lapsing. Hopefully, posting here will help me be more accountable. Looking forward to getting to know you all.



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Jersey~Weigh to go!! only 2 pounds and you have already lost them. I really am impressed. So what was your secret on the cruise and how was the cruise?? So glad this worked out for you stay with it.


Karen~Welcome, thanks so much for answering Barbs question, I didn't know and keep forgetting to ask. I also think WW is great but I also need to get back on track. I haven't gained but no loss either, mainly because I just am not eating right. And I have missed my last 2 meetings I really need to go to those.


Barb, Debbie, Dancerot, Janetz, Mo, Sweet Pea, Suzanne, Where are you guys? How ya doing??


And Sheila (Wierd Eyes) we need you here, you know all the answers.:D



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Hey Everyone!


I'm here! I'm back!

My laptop has been in our college computing center and since it is summer they are SLOW with it! I usually talk with you guys at home and away from the office computer...so, I have been out of communication for 10 days but back now!!!


How is everyone doing!??? Looks like everyone is dropping by the pounds!



I weighed in Last Tuesday....I have lost a total of 14.8 lbs in 8 full weeks!!! I am so excited! The key to my loss is ...let me see what did Dianne say (and I think that Dianne said this, if you didn't I'm sorry!) "if you bite it write it". That is the key for me! And, I have added walking every AM at 6:00. Not doing anything fast or special; just walking 1 mile in 20 minutes. I am getting ready to add another mile but will do that at night.


But, I started dropping pounds just by changing my diet; from fried and chips to furit and veggies. Now, this past weekend...I just wrote "bad day" on both Saturday and Sunday. Now today, I'm trying to get back on track and kick the guilty feeling. We do not have our weekly meeting/weigh-in tomorrow since it is the 4th...so...maybe...I will just squeek by this time!


Welcome to Karen and DancerOT!

So glad that you are joining us!! This is such a good post! Everyone is always so encouraging and it is great just to read everyone's ideas and what is working for them! I have picked up several good tips; this is as good as the Weight Watchers Magazine! I always learn something from what I read!!!

Keep posting!!


Barb--did I read that your scales were weighing you 9 lbs over!!!??? WOW..what a great surprise! That is like finding money in a pants pocket or purse..!! I wish I could loose that much to boost my weight loss......keep doing it!!!


SweetPea-2-----you can do it! it is wanting to that is our first step!!!


Suzanne---you sound like me! The reason I joined WW 8 weeks ago was because the clothes that were hanging in my closet were getting tight and I simply refused to go up to another size. So, here I am still trying to find clothes in my closet that fit...but this time it is going down a size...that is a good feeling!! YOU CAN DO IT!

As for the breakfast food, I'm with you on that too!

Just remember, your stomach doesn't have a clue what time of the day it is..... so eat that hot dog sandwich for 4 points! As long as you are eating something to jump start your metabolism...!!! ENJOY!!


Okay everyone....I have made up for the days that I have been gone...I will get off here now and go find food!!! I'm starved! Thank goodness for summertime and watermelon!


Have a great day and as I was told "if you bite it write it"!!!

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Debbie, I'm so glad your back we need your inspiration!! 14.8 pounds thats so awesome you really seem to be keeping the motivation going. I'm going to try and match just half of it.


Happy 4th or Canada Day or what ever your celebrating!!:)



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oooooooooooh....thanks Dianne!!!

You are my motivation!!!


Happy 4th from this girl from NC!


count those points...today I have had a hard time getting back into the grove but we will make it through the 4th!!!




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Weighed in yesterday. Lost 3.4 pounds for a total of 10.2 since May 20. I know the weekend hasn't caught up with me yet and we went out to dinner last night, so for this week my goal is to stay the same.


Mom went home and DH just left for a golfing weekend so its quiet around here. Have to put together a quilt for a wedding gift the end of the month so i can take it to be machine quilted. Talk about working to a deadline! Lots of coffee in the future....


Beautiful sunny day here in Ontario. Just wish I could be outside instead of sewing. Oh well, should have done it sooner.



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Hi everyone, I've sort of read over some of this thread and thought I'd join in with you guys. I have lost 100.4 lbs. since last March 11th. and I'm still looking to lose more. I've been doing it with WW and I'm here to tell you that it really does work as long as you stay in your point range and be sure to eat all your points. I'm thrilled to see so many ladies here with the same desire I have to learn a new healthy lifestyle. I have slowed down and I began to get discouraged for a little bit and now I am back on track, I want to stay in the solution, it makes me feel so much better about myself!! This journey has been so much more than just weight loss for me, it has been very emotional, and I am gratful everyday for the new life I have now, the physical and emotional balance I'm finding. I applaud all who are on the journey with me. There is strength in numbers and to have support like this is priceless.



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Hi everyone, I've sort of read over some of this thread and thought I'd join in with you guys. I have lost 100.4 lbs. since last March 11th. and I'm still looking to lose more. Martha


Martha Welcome, I have to ask 100.4 since this last March? Is that possible WOW! I applaud any weight loss but am just amazed at this. How did you do that?


MO~3.4 weigh to go! I better get back on track I weigh in tomorrow. Keep that coffee away from your quilt.:D


Deb~So how was your 4th? Staying on track? I had a bit of a bumpy WOE but have been better the last 2 days.


See you all later,



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Hi everyone, I've sort of read over some of this thread and thought I'd join in with you guys. I have lost 100.4 lbs. since last March 11th.




Martha, WOW....you must mean March 2005???

I didn't think that 25 lbs per month was even possible...but if it is...please tell me what you have done other than points!!! There has to be a secreat that I have not found! I'd love to loose like that! Keep it up and Welcome!


Dianne, the 4th was great! I did get off track for two days but back to counting every morsal! I'm just thankful it is summer and I love veggies...and my Mother loves her garden! So, it is a win-win situation! Do you have access to some good summer veggies? And fruit???

How was your 4th?


Will someone share how they cook Tuna? grill? blackened? I love fish so give me some idea!


Have a good day everyone!



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Martha Welcome, I have to ask 100.4 since this last March? Is that possible WOW! I applaud any weight loss but am just amazed at this. How did you do that?


MO~3.4 weigh to go! I better get back on track I weigh in tomorrow. Keep that coffee away from your quilt.:D


Deb~So how was your 4th? Staying on track? I had a bit of a bumpy WOE but have been better the last 2 days.


See you all later,





OOpps, since March last year, it has been over a year in the doing. Weight Watchers all the way!

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OOpps, since March last year, it has been over a year in the doing. Weight Watchers all the way!




so you have averaged about 6.5 lbs per month!?

That is so great! I know that you love looking and feeling thin!


Did you exercise any/much?

I have a friend that has lost 62 lbs and the only exercise she gets is walking her dogs (small dogs) twice a day!


Keep it up, you are definately inspiration to the rest of us!


Please, tell us some things that work for you!

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Martha~LOL, I thought that might be it but then again you may of found a diet trick that we were going to have to stalk you for! 100 pounds is such a tremendous accomplishment you should be so proud of yourself. Don't get discouraged now just because your slowing down you may need to try some new excersise and foods. Shake up that metabolism a bit, how much more do you want to lose? It is an emotional journey isn't it, and getting healthy is the most important but isn't it wonderful when you can get into those smaller sizes.


Deb~My 4th was insane ended up working with my husband trying to get rid of the virus attacking his computers at work. So I went from computer to computer (about 50) booting and rebooting. Lot's of up and down stairs stuff so I got exercise. Did make it to Tahoe for a day and a half so I can't complain. I love blackened or Grilled Tuna, have you tried it with Wasabe and Ginger sauce. No I have only had it at resturants but would love to cook it at home. Haven't had it for awhile so I would have to figure out points and portion control.



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Hello everyone,I put in a post about a little over a month ago. I have finally lost the 7 pounds from my last vacation.I would like to lose 20-30 before my cruise in november.I have been doing weight watchers for 1 year 1 month,I have lost 45 pounds,I plateued for months then went on vacation and gained7 back.Now i am back on track and I dont want to plateu again.Any suggestions would be great. I do work out 7 days a week 1.5 hours - 2.0 hours a day. Ijust love food thats my problem.:D

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Sam73~Hi, yeah I love food also the last month my will power has been wavering only have lost a couple of pounds. I am starting to reread my WW info to try and jump start my head. Also going to join a gym I think and try the trainer route. I wanted to do it with out that but tend to be on the lazy side. You may need to change up you exercise routine and shake up your food a bit. Are you keeping track of everything you eat. It's scary when you do that, I find I am a snacker those points add up quick.



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