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First day of Weight Watchers


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Hi I 've been posting on the roll call board for my cruise in Feb. But today I was looking around and came across this board. I just started WW 5 days ago, so I haven't had mjy first weigh in. I need to loose about 40+ pounds. Every month I continue to get a little bigger and wider now it's to the point I can't stand to touch my flab. I HATE IT. Tacking a Cruise is a great motivator for me. So many people have told me how WW has worked for them that I thought that I would give it a try. I'm kind of an all nothing girl when it comes to dieting, feast and famine aren't working for me any more. So comming to this board is really exciting with other cruise passenges are working on WW too. Maybe this will help me to be more accountable.

I was wondering does any body have a problem with night time eating?? I can stick to it during the day but by bedtime all I want to do is eat, and this keeps me awake all night because I keep getting up and snacking. Does anybody have this problem or advice? Well I guess I'm rambling anxious to join all of you.


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SeaFan..I WILL hold you accountable. :D

When's your cruise? 20 lbs in how much time?

Like I said before, the older I got, the more difficult it is to get off! Very frustrating when you don't see a change.:mad: Then I say, "forget it then!" But this will be great to keep each other motivated!


Happycruisingirl...thanks! I'm not doing a gym, but I have my core secrets to do and I need to start walking. Some day I want to get an elliptical. Really like those..


Belldeb...Good luck!! Well, if I weigh myself here and keep track, this should be good enough for me. I really want to lose before our cruise..and yes, that's a real insentive!


Nalady98...We're going on the Caribbean Princess on Sep. 16th..day before you. Doing the Eastern this time..haven't done that in a long time...going out of FLL. We usually do Carnival...did Royal recently and liked that as well. IN fact, doing Adv. Of the Seas next yr. in Sep. to Aruba for our anniversary...25 years!...(I'm 41 too...married young.:o) So we both have the same time to lose our weight.


WEirdeyes..keep focused!! Just because you "blew it" doesn't mean u need to go back to your bad eating habits.

This is my struggle...get off track and hard to get back on...it's all or nothing for me...not good!!!

This is what I like about WW...I don't feel like I'm suffering so I'm not inclined to "blow it" too bad.


Hardest part is getting going.



Can't say I have a hard time at night. I have some sugar free popcycles that I eat at night for a snack...I think they're by Dreyers...soooo good and refreshing. I think we all have our difficult times during the day/night. Good that you know that and you can work on it.


ok...good luck all!!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!

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Hey and THANKS!!!

Thanks everyone one for your "good lucks"!!!

It worked! I lost 3.4 lbs! I hit 10% tonight....in 10 weeks!

I was sooooooooooo excited!

Now, I'm ready to loose another 10% before my Dec.2nd cruise!!!


The secret to all this is the point counting! I have even started exercising but not adding those points ....and I'm STICKING to my points allowance each day; not eating the extra 35! So, by sticking to 24 per day it is the key FOR ME! I think you have to find what works for you and go with it!


Denise, I'm like you! I think that I am suppose to eat once I get home from work and it has taken me 9 weeks now to learn when to stop eating.

It is just a thing we have always done at night; have a bowl of ice cream. It is like that is part of our daily routine. So, I have found the ww fudge sicles! They are only 1 point and you can't tell the difference between ww and any other brand the rest of your family maybe eating! They are great and ONLY 1 point!! So, eat two or three if you need them. Also, I've found that the little cups of pineapple help me at night...when I want something sweet! It seems to satisfy that "need". Also, I have found this website and you guys help me at night! When I want to eat or get up and look in the refrig I write you guys instead! It works! So, thanks everyone! You are helping me and didn't even realize it!


So, please...keep up the conversations! I just love reading them and they really keep me out of my refrig at this time of night(10:30).


Have a great day everyone and thanks again!!!!

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Hey and THANKS!!!

Thanks everyone for your wishes of "good lucks"!!!

It worked! I lost 3.4 lbs! I hit 10% tonight....in 10 weeks!

I was sooooooooooo excited!

Now, I'm ready to loose another 10% before my Dec.2nd cruise!!!


The secret to all this is the point counting! I have even started exercising but not adding those points ....and I'm STICKING to my points allowance each day; not eating the extra 35! So, by sticking to 24 per day it is the key FOR ME! I think you have to find what works for you and go with it!


Denise, I'm like you! I think that I am suppose to eat once I get home from work and it has taken me 9 weeks now to learn when to stop eating.

It is just a thing we have always done at night; have a bowl of ice cream. It is like that is part of our daily routine. So, I have found the ww fudge sicles! They are only 1 point and you can't tell the difference between ww and any other brand the rest of your family maybe eating! They are great and ONLY 1 point!! So, eat two or three if you need them. Also, I've found that the little cups of pineapple help me at night...when I want something sweet! It seems to satisfy that "need". Also, I have found this website and you guys help me at night! When I want to eat or get up and look in the refrig I write you guys instead! It works! So, thanks everyone! You are helping me and didn't even realize it!


So, please...keep up the conversations! I just love reading them and they really keep me out of my refrig at this time of night(10:30).


Have a great day everyone and thanks again!!!!

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Congrats Debbie!!

Keep it up and stay out of the fridge...well, ok...u can have a ww ice cream bar. :p


When someone says to me, "It looks like you lost weight"...that's MY motivation!!...esp. when they don't know I'm trying to lose. I don't say dieting..cuz this is just a way of eating...and living.

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Belldebb that's awesome...WTG! Keep up the good work. I have to laugh I have the WW fudge bars and love them. Also have the slim a bear ice cream sandwiches...they are so good..


Bigsky I don't always go to the gym. OMG I love the elliptical as well and want to buy one when my daughter moves out..her room will become my workout room...LOL... I love the Biggest Loser workout, Turbo jam and I have a few others.. I love to mix it up..

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Bigsky ~ Thanks for the encouragement! I've been good all week by sticking to my points. It is hard because I'm only allowed 20, but I'm doing it. I've also been to the gym all week. :D


Debbie ~ CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I also find it much easier to lose weight and inches if I don't eat the 35 extra points or the AP's. However, I normally eat the 35 points because weekends are a struggle for me. I usually have one cheat meal a week, which really isn't a cheat meal because I'm using my 35 points, but not all of them. LOL Give yourself a BIG pat on the back!!! :)

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Wow, I have been really busy no time to post, you guy's are doing great.


Denise~Welcome this group is really taking off, literally. I think you will enjoy the support.


Bigsky~Our cruise is not till April of 07 16 days Panama Canal. I gave myself lots of time to lose that 20. Actually I want to lose 30 but will be thrilled with 20. I have stayed pretty much the same for the last month, you know lose a pound gain it back. Been doing well this week so we will see waht Friday brings.


Shiela~Good to see you back here, did I ever tell you your the reason I started on these threads. I used to just read and would seek out yours, you were and are always so caring and sincere.


Belle~Just too cool! Your doing so well. I like the WW 1 point Chocolate Carmel bars. They are small but take care of some of that night time need Denise was talking about.


Well ladies I'm off to work have a wonderful day.



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Dianne ~ You are so sweet to say that! I just like encouraging people because I've been there. You've just made my day!


Sam ~ You hit the nail on the head, you didn't gain! That's something to celebrate. Now, I know you'll show a loss next week. :)

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Hi everyone, just checking in and I see how well everyone is doing this week, congrats to everyone! I weighed in and it showed a .4 gain. I asked the counselor if it mattered that I had just gotten done working out at Curves and she said it most certainly does, so tht mad eme feel a little better. My Curves is 3 doors down from my WW class and this once I got over there before WW opened up for the evening class so I'd gone on in and done my work out, we won't be doing that again, LOL ! I'm not too down about it, I'm doing what I need to be doing and it will show up. You all are so uplifting, I really enjoy this thread, thanks to you all!!

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Hello, Nalady you are really lucky to be so close to curves. I have a terrible time getting myself to excersize ( I hate to Sweat). But I know that it's something that really helps with weightloss and help tone up all those muscles. Today I got myself to walk to church for a meeting and thenhome again. and I survied. so I guess I just need to take little babysteps everyday until it gets easier. Until later


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Hi WW buddies! Today is my weigh-in day and I gained and gained!! I haven't weighed in a couple of weeks because I've been sorting out my workout schedule and trying to get back on WW after taking a vacation. It has been tough to get back on the program, but I've done it. I knew I'd gained some, but didn't realize it would be this much! I weighed 142 before vacation and now I'm back up to 150! :eek:


Here's something to ponder and give me your input, please. I was exercising sporadically and eating my 20 points a day. Some weeks I'd go without exercise. When I don't exercise and eat 20 points, I lose 1.5 - 2 lbs per week. I normally don't eat my AP's. Now that I've joined a gym and working out really hard, I'm gaining while sticking with the 20 points and not eating the AP's. What is your experience with this? Do I need to start eating my AP's?


I don't think all of you know this, but on Sept. 6th I'm having a full tummy tuck with muscle repair. I had an 11 lb baby and have had numerous abdominal surgeries where my muscles were cut. Since I've lost 60 lbs, you wouldn't believe how much extra skin I have and it is just disgusting. So, I'm getting that removed. However, I wanted to be at my goal weight before the surgery. I was 2 lbs away before my vacation. I really need to get to 140 by Sept. 6th. It won't be the end of the world if I dont, but it would be nice. I just need some pointers! TIA!

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Sheila~With your new trainer your probably gaining muscle and losing inches. For some reason when I don't eat all my points I don't lose, I haven't taken the extra points because I haven't exercised enough. Maybe if you eat the extra ones using just protein not carbs???

Sept. 6 is the date, Awesome, I new you were doing it but not sure of exact date. How long of a recovery time does the doctor say. Your going to have to give us reports just in case mine does not tighten up:)


Nalady~I wouldn't even count a .4 gain, don't worry about it.


Denise~Yeah for baby steps I have been doing them for months guess I shoud move into teen steps.:D



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Dianne ~ I'm trying to eat my AP's with mostly protein. My PS said I could go back to work after 10 days with my tummy tuck. It will be a long recovery process for sure. It takes up to a year to fully recover and get the final result. I'm not a patient person so I don't know how I'm going to handle that though. Anything will be better than this "thing" I've been carrying around. LOL

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Hello everyone. Well I peeked at the scale this morning. It's saying 2.5 pounds down! Actual weigh in is tomorrow morning 5 am..hope it sticks.


Sheila - When I eat my ap's I don't lose. And I exercise every day. I think it's really about finding out what works for you. Some people eat all their flex and AP's and they still lose. Hang in there!!!

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Hello everyone. Well I peeked at the scale this morning. It's saying 2.5 pounds down! Actual weigh in is tomorrow morning 5 am..hope it sticks.


Sheila - When I eat my ap's I don't lose. And I exercise every day. I think it's really about finding out what works for you. Some people eat all their flex and AP's and they still lose. Hang in there!!!

Whoo! Hoo! Congratulations!!!


I'm in the experimental phase right now with eating the AP's versus not eating them. I'll let y'all know which one works better for me.

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Hello Everybody, I had my first weigh in yesterday and I had lost 3 pounds. I was really nervous because my scale at home goes all over the place. I can't believe how much your weight can fluctuate during the day.


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Hi all!

Congrat imdasister! I usually weigh on Monday's...but my first time to see what I was at was Wed...so I think I'll stick with Monday to see if anything has changed.

Since I was on WW before, I pretty much know what to do...but I thought I had my books and I don't. Guess I'll have to go online to get the stuff. :rolleyes:

Oh well. I think I have to do 20 pts.

Just thought I'd try and save money and use my books..oh well..will be worth it.


I'm very focused at this point. My boss brings in goodies all the time for each of us. He brought me in a huge cookie and wasn't tempted a bite. Brought it home and they devoured it here.


Congrats Cruisingirl...I hope this is contagious around here.


Does most of you have a digital scale? Would show really exactly what you're losing...but I guess if you go in to get weighed, u don't have that worry...this is the ones that r doing it online.


ok guys...keep it up! We can do it!!!

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Dianne ~ . My PS said I could go back to work after 10 days with my tummy tuck. It will be a long recovery process for sure. It takes up to a year to fully recover and get the final result. I'm not a patient person so I don't know how I'm going to handle that though. Anything will be better than this "thing" I've been carrying around. LOL


I bet you'll have more patience than you realise. I can see you now, purchasing a new cute Bikini and once a week you'll have it on checking out the awesome results. Look at it this way it's only taken you 18 years to get rid of that baby weight I'm working on 35, Damn kids.:D



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Denise, Great job, Mine wasn't that good gained 2 but I deserved to gain5 so I can't complain. I'm back at it, we will see what next Friday brings.


Cruingirl~ let us know how it goes tomorrow, here's hoping your scales are right.


Bigsky~ I needed your will power this week, had some wine with friends and decided I should eat all the food in sight. That cookie wouldn't of stood a chance in my hands.


Going away to Tahoe for the weekend see you Monday.



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Hello Everyone. Okay official weigh in lost 2.4 this week..YAY. So excited. I really want to lose another 15 to 20 pounds before my cruise in October.


imdasister congrats..thats awesome!


Sheila keep me posted. Experimenting is a good thing. That's the only way to find out what works for you. No AP's or Flex for me just can't do it. Keep working at it you'll find what works!!


Everyone have a great weekend!!!

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