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First day of Weight Watchers


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hello everyone, I have not posted in afeww weeks. This past week i weighed in and I lost 3 pound. I am sure i have gained them back. My husbands grandmother passed away Tuesday, so all we have done is eat. I am actually sick of food, right now. Anyways, back on track starting tommorow. Hopefully it wont be to bad come wednesday. Of course then we have Christmas to deal with:D Keep up the good work everyone.

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Face the fact that even if we gain a pound, or only lose a pound, or stay the same.... we are WAAAY ahead of where we would be if we weren't dieting throughout the holidays! Kudos to us for even trying- everyone else is waiting for january 2, 2007.

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I agree! No matter how we do over the holidays, gain, stay the same or lose, we're ahead because we're aware and keeping track. My goal is to stay the same. I will not quit if I have a gain though. I've come too far to go back! Can't wait to see what new things they have in store for us at WW this week. They're releasing the new info to us on Saturday.


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How's everyone doing? Hope you're all ready for Christmas!

I lost 1 lb today and very grateful for that. Having a dinner party tonight, so I hope to have a good week starting tomorrow!:D


Keep Tracking!


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Hello All,


I went to my ww meeting today. I was up, but it was not to bad considering holiday parties and all. I am excited about the new additions to the ww program. I decrease my points by 2. I had great success with that the first time around on ww. When the extra 2 were added a few years ago, I have been up and down trying to get to goal. I am close. So, with the new changes, I hope I will be there sooner!! I hope everyone is doing well during this holiday season!!



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Amy- go with what works, but you might want to try Core. I am truly shocked at my weight loss. For the first three days you eat a ton, but then like magic- the food obsession is gone. You can eat when you want, so you only eat when hungry. I also like WW on line. Last week I weighed one pound up. I knew it had to be wrong, so I weighed myself later that day, cut out salt and weighed myself the next day. Down three, which has been consistent for three days. If I had to walk out of a meeting one pound up I would have been really discouraged.


I started the week before Thanskgiving at 190. I am now 174. Works for me.

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We will be cruising on Crystal in Feb. I have been on core WW since Sept of 2005, and have lost 60 lbs. I know I will relax a bit onboard, but I don't want to lose my stride completely. Does anyone have experience with CORE on Crystal? I am hoping to find some whole grains on board like brown rice, so I don't have to change all my eating habits.

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Thanks for your advice. I am thinking of trying Core, but I am not sure how to get started. Can you give me some hints please, what should I be eating?? Thank you!! Keep up the good work:p Your success on core has helped me make the decission to try it. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!



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Lost 2.2 on Saturday. :D Got my 25 lb ribbon. (total of 26 on WW plus 8 I lost before I joined) I'm thrilled.


Now the challenge begins! 3 family gatherings, Mon,Tues and Thurs. Then New Year's Eve and another family gathering on New Year's Day. :eek: Not to mention visits to friends houses. You know how that goes..."have another ________ (fill in blank with your most favourite food!), it won't hurt you."


Everyone have a wonderful holiday! Hope the New Year finds you healthy, happy and one step closer to your goal!


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Thanks for your advice. I am thinking of trying Core, but I am not sure how to get started. Can you give me some hints please, what should I be eating?? Thank you!! Keep up the good work:p Your success on core has helped me make the decission to try it. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!





Hi Amy- sorry for the delay.


Core is as follows:


unlimited veggies (exception: potatoes), fruits (even canned- no sugar added), oatmeal (no sugar- get the long cooking kind and nuke it for 2 minutes, add cinnamon and splenda or whatever), beans, lean meats, fish, etc., eggs, skim milk and ff, sf yogurt, fake cheese. Tofu- low fat. You can also have applesauce- unsweetened.


once a day: Core cereal (basically high bran, no sugar- I eat mini wheats), potato OR brown rice. Also- 2 t's of good oil (like olive).


You can also eat sf, ff pudding once a day but I never eat it.


No bread, pasta- anything made with flour. No sugar. Nothing cooked in oil.


The usual 6-8 glasses of H2O a day. Excercise.


The deal is that out of a hunger range of 0 (full) to 5 (starving) you have to stay in the 2-3 zone. I might have the numbers backwards there... but just never allow yourself to get hungry or full. Just satisfied.


It really works. You can fool around and make meatloaf with lean beef, oatmeal, eggs and spices but I have just been eating the lean meats pretty much plain. I make Core curry a lot. I just saute tons of veggies and eat those. I also take mini carrots, toss them in a small amount of olive oil and season the hell out of them. Then I bake them in a high oven (400 or more) until they are brown on the bottom. Something happens to them this way- they are so sweet. I will eat a whole bag like that. If I am starving (usually around 4pm) I will make oatmeal, add a banana, and eat that. If I'm still hungry I'll make another bowl. If I were counting points that way I would fall into a major depression knowing I had just sabotaged my whole night. Instead, it makes me full enough that I can eat dinner like a normal person!


Oh, I forgot: you also get 35 flex points to use throughout the week, and you can rack up the activity points the way you do on flex. I have been eating more than 35 flex points and still losing- mainly because of parties and things- where I easily drink those points.


Here's what I posted today on WW On Line:




Compared to last year and all previous years? I did GREAT. Compared to last week and every week since I started Core? Not so great. In fact- I can't think of a single Core food I did eat- oh, melon. Couple of melon balls. But I did not stuff myself by a long shot. I could have eaten an entire cheesecake but... I just didn't want to.


I'm reading the book "YOU: On A Diet" and it's great. There's a lot in there about yo-yo dieting, the myth of "self control" and how fixating on a number (say, points per day) is the worst thing you can do, because- as we all know- it puts the food obsession right there, front and center. Also- how bad deprivation diets are... especially in terms of slowing the metabolism. All signs point to CORE as the way to go.


Anyhoo, can't believe it, but today is my WI day and no gain. I'll take it.




Amy- that's my opinion re: Core. It removes the obsession because you can eat when you want and the range of foods is huge. If you join WW On Line you will also have access to thousands of recipes.


Hope this helps!

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Hope everyone is having a great Xmas!


It's been a rough few days, But I think I might just be able to maintain. We'll see what Saturday brings.


Isn't it great that WW has the two plans? When one plan doesn't work you can always try the other. Personally the flex is perfect for me as I really hate vegetables, oatmeal, whole grains and stuff like that. I could probably do it, but I would not enjoy eating. And boy, do I enjoy eating!! :D 35 flex points on core would never be enough for the foods I like. My biggest problem is portion control. I would eat eat until I'm sick.:eek: So when my points are gone for the day, I know I'm done. It's more visual for me. In my WW class I would say that about 20% of the people are on core. I find a lot of people use it when they reach a plateau to get a quick loss, but then go back to flex.


But finding what works best for you is a very indiviual thing. I think the most important thing is to stick with whatever works.

I find attending meetings is the key for me. I usually buy one of the palns that will keep me going as I have already spent the money.


Have a great day!


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Okay, well- as always- the scale caught up with me. 4 pound gain. Bread and booze- that's the tag team combo with me. Two nights out to eat, munching away on bread, scarfing down the vodka and champagne... plus stuffing three pieces of cheesecake in my mouth two nights in a row: Core? NOT.


My birthday is Monday, 1/1. Told my mother to bring over fruit instead of a cake. Kids can lump it and eat the Popcorn Factory stuff that's still everywhere.


Cruise leaves in 2.5 weeks. Yahoo! Wonder if I can at least get down to the 174 I was a week ago... I will only bring big-ish clothes because I know I will gain on the cruise. At least the damage won't be as bad as the last 3 cruises. There is no way I can ever get into that state of denial again. I hope.

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Hi everyone,


Haven't been on since we left for our cruise.(12/17 till 24th) We had a wonderful time on the Jewel. We went to Miami 2 days early and had a great time. Yes, I am hooked!!! I loved crusing. Don't know when the next one will be. Haven't been back to WW yet. Un fourtanetly while we were gone my aunt passed away.(I was worried that would happen) She was diagnosed with a brain tumor Sept of 2005. So needles to say things have been tough. My sister tried to get us home. but the cruise line couldn't get it done. They were very nice and spent 2 hours with her on the phone. When they couldnt get us home my uncle told my sister not to tell us since there was nothing they could do. So I have been way off track, but am not giving up. I plan to start again and get back to how I was doing before we left. Hopefully next week I wil make it to a meeting and I will check back then.



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Cheryl, so sorry for your loss. I think your uncle did the right thing in not telling you. Your Aunt probably would have wanted it that way as well. I know I would.


I'm glad you had a nice cruise!! It's easy to get hooked. Wish we could go more often, but we need to win the lottery to do that!!:D I still have 14 months to wait!:eek:


I'm sure you will get back on track with WW as soon as things settle down and you get back to the meetings.


Carlalena, I'm sure you'll shed those pesky Xmas pounds before the cruise. Good Luck!


Happy New Year everyone!


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Thank you for the kind words. The whole family keeps telling me to stop beating myself up for not being here. My cousin told me again that they decided as a family not to tell me. I know that is what my aunt would have wanted. I will get passed this and move on. I am planning to get to a weigh in and meeting in the morning. I am juat going to go as if I was starting all over. One good thing I couldn't of gained everything back because my smaller clothes still fit.(just maybe not as comfortable LOL) I will let you all know how things go.


Have a great week and keeep up the good work everyone,



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Hi Amy- sorry for the delay.


Core is as follows:


unlimited veggies (exception: potatoes), fruits (even canned- no sugar added), oatmeal (no sugar- get the long cooking kind and nuke it for 2 minutes, add cinnamon and splenda or whatever), beans, lean meats, fish, etc., eggs, skim milk and ff, sf yogurt, fake cheese. Tofu- low fat. You can also have applesauce- unsweetened.


once a day: Core cereal (basically high bran, no sugar- I eat mini wheats), potato OR brown rice. Also- 2 t's of good oil (like olive).


You can also eat sf, ff pudding once a day but I never eat it.


No bread, pasta- anything made with flour. No sugar. Nothing cooked in oil.


The usual 6-8 glasses of H2O a day. Excercise.


The deal is that out of a hunger range of 0 (full) to 5 (starving) you have to stay in the 2-3 zone. I might have the numbers backwards there... but just never allow yourself to get hungry or full. Just satisfied.


It really works. You can fool around and make meatloaf with lean beef, oatmeal, eggs and spices but I have just been eating the lean meats pretty much plain. I make Core curry a lot. I just saute tons of veggies and eat those. I also take mini carrots, toss them in a small amount of olive oil and season the hell out of them. Then I bake them in a high oven (400 or more) until they are brown on the bottom. Something happens to them this way- they are so sweet. I will eat a whole bag like that. If I am starving (usually around 4pm) I will make oatmeal, add a banana, and eat that. If I'm still hungry I'll make another bowl. If I were counting points that way I would fall into a major depression knowing I had just sabotaged my whole night. Instead, it makes me full enough that I can eat dinner like a normal person!


Oh, I forgot: you also get 35 flex points to use throughout the week, and you can rack up the activity points the way you do on flex. I have been eating more than 35 flex points and still losing- mainly because of parties and things- where I easily drink those points.


Here's what I posted today on WW On Line:




Compared to last year and all previous years? I did GREAT. Compared to last week and every week since I started Core? Not so great. In fact- I can't think of a single Core food I did eat- oh, melon. Couple of melon balls. But I did not stuff myself by a long shot. I could have eaten an entire cheesecake but... I just didn't want to.


I'm reading the book "YOU: On A Diet" and it's great. There's a lot in there about yo-yo dieting, the myth of "self control" and how fixating on a number (say, points per day) is the worst thing you can do, because- as we all know- it puts the food obsession right there, front and center. Also- how bad deprivation diets are... especially in terms of slowing the metabolism. All signs point to CORE as the way to go.


Anyhoo, can't believe it, but today is my WI day and no gain. I'll take it.




Amy- that's my opinion re: Core. It removes the obsession because you can eat when you want and the range of foods is huge. If you join WW On Line you will also have access to thousands of recipes.


Hope this helps!


Hi Carla,


Thanks for the info! I am going to try and get into core. I just stocked my freezer with ww dinners, so I think I will begin after I finish them. Better yet, I will try and do Core as best I can on my upcoming cruise. I sail away on the Pride January 21st! I think it will be easier to stick with core instead of throwing the whole week"overboard"!! I don't think I did very well this week, so I need something to motivate me. Thanks again for explaining core to me. I will keep you posted on my progress:)



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Hey Cheryl! Your smaller clothes still fit. Good work, no matter what the scale says!!


I lost .4 on Saturday. I thought I would be up, because on Wednesday, I was up over 3 lbs!! I think a lot of it was fluid. I really have to watch it as I have been getting away with too many cheats!!


Have a great week everyone!


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Hi All WWers,

I just finished my first week on WW and at my Wi i had a 9.5 lb loss:D


I am doing the Core plan and have a goal of 100 lbs. My goal is to have at least lost 50 by October when we sail the 14 day Repo of the NCL Dawn.


It looks like everyone else here is going great and getting back on track after the holidays.

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I've put myself back on WW, I'm starting with points because it's easier for me having to cook for the rest of the family. So far, so good...its only day 6 and I'm down 5lbs. I've got 2 cruises planned this year, one for work (gotta love that!) and one with the family. I'd like to be down 30 lbs for the first one in April, and then at my goal of 50 by July. I try not to look at the big numbers though, it's too scary. I'm just looking at the scale in 5lb increments, I'm happy when I hit that next big line on it!

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Welcome to the new comers! Sounds like you are of to a good star. Finally made it back to WW. I did gain 6 pounds between the cruise, holidays, and my aunts passing. I think I gained most of it when we got back and found out she passed away. I am getting back on track and am not giving up. I lost 1 of those pounds and plan on a big new start over loss this week. Keep up the good work everyone.



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DW is back on WW and I am kinda going along with her. I am mostly trying to stay below 1800 calories a day and do some walking. Lost about 7 lbs in the last 12 days. I am only looking to lose about 20 pounds so I don't have far to go. The hardest part is to keep eating healthly in south Louisiana. Too much good food everywhere you turn.:o

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I am a bit late but the message is sincere. I have not been around for a bit. Work was crazy before the holidays and then the Holidays hit. We did not have a weigh in for three weeks over the holidays as my weigh in is on Monday.....but I made it thru with a loss of 4.8lbs for a total of 40.6. Weigh in tonight was cancelled tonight because of a snowstorm so another week to wait, just after getting back. Oh well.


Sherri way to go on your first week. I too have a goal of 100 lbs with my short term goal being 60lbs by the end of April for my cruise on the Radiance.


To all the newbies..congrats on taking the plunge. Making that decision was the hardest for me.


Everyone have a great week.



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Hi all,


I made it through the holidays without gaining. So for the past 3 weeks I have been pretty much "practising" being on maintenance.:D Now that I've got that down pat, I should get back to the business of actually losing weight!


Everyone have a great week.



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Hey everyone, hope you don't mind me hopping onto your thread at this late date. I recommitted myself to WW this month after gaining back some of the weight I've lost over the last few years. I know that the plan works -- I just have to actually stick to it.


I cruise a lot for both work and pleasure, and I find myself stalling everytime I board a ship. You've all encouraged me to view upcoming cruises not as challenges, but as motivation to do well beforehand. Thanks!


Melissa B.

Senior Editor

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