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First day of Weight Watchers


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I went and picked up some WW deserts for me and they are yummy.


I had the family over for dinner and stuck to plan which is always easier when I'm making my food and can control what I eat:D


Tomorrow we are going out for dinner with friends so guess that will be difficult to stick to plan - not sure where we are going but I don't think I will get DH to sushi for a while which would make it easy for me:D

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Wow that is great and shows me there is hope for me:D


I WI this morning and down another 2lbs, trying really hard to drink my water and need to start working on the exercize:D





2 lbs is fantastic. I think this is the best way. Most medical professionals you talk to say 2 lbs is the MOST you should lose in a week. Most times ( except for the first week or two when it is water) if it is more than two you are losing healthy muscle and not fat. I have been averaging about 1.5 a week. I weigh in tonight. I'll let you know. I dreamt last night that I weighed in and gained 20lbs!!!! Talk about a nightmare. So I am very afraid to get on that scale tonight. I figure it was not a good omen. I don't even own a scale so I can't see for myself beforehand. Wish me luck.



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Thanks for the response I am looking for more traditional recipes as far as (main dish) but either would be fine for side dishes!




I'm new to this thread. Just wanted to say "hi" to all. I've been on WW almost my whole adult life on and off. I met the man of my dreams and let it all go. My weight crept up & up! I'm 5'7" so normally I can carry a little extra weight and not look HUGE. 40 pounds later and well, I looked HUGE!! I also felt horrible. I'm 42 and I felt 62 (aches, pains, tired). I started about 10 weeks ago and lost 12.5 pounds already. I know it's not great but it's slow and steady that wins the race, right?


I can relate to a lot of you that have a goal to lose by a certain timeframe. I did that for so many occasions for years and now I'm saying that is over! I want to lose the weight for good and be a healthy woman! So, this is it. Yes, I do have a 2/29/08 cruise on Celebrity Constellation to look forward to but it's not my goal to lose by then. Whatever I lose by then will be the bonus!


Keep up the good job, ladies!! You are all doing great.


Amber - here in the Northeast most folks eat ham for Easter. It's salty so if you are going to go that route, look for a ham that contains less salt and just have a couple of pieces. Also, we do baked potatoes. Bake a small one for yourself and use Olivio butter spray on it or lo-fat sour cream. Then we also usually have aspargus with it. Sprinkle asparagus with garlic powder, salt & pepper and either grill it on a piece of tinfoil or broil it. Only takes about 5-8 minutes. For dessert, make a WW dessert. If you don't go to the meetings, ask a friend to pick you up a couple of WW cookbooks. They have some excellent recipes in them. I cook 3-4 recipes a week from them and it's kept me on track.


Good luck!



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I lost 75+ pounds on WW a few years ago. While I was losing I never counted on vacations. I made sure to get back on track as soon as my vacationed ended and I would lose whatever weight I gained in a few days, a week at most, depending on how long I was gone. I had been on vacations up to two weeks. I gained about 30 pounds back this past year. Well, I had initially gailed 10 back and then this past year I was so consumed with buying my first house and working way too much overtime that the next 10 came on pretty steadily then the holidays brought 10 more. So I started South Beach on Mardi Gras and I've lost 8 pounds, but I leave on my cruise in just 12 days. Maybe I can lose 2 more if I really buckle down. I think I'll just eat what I like while on the cruise and get back on track when I get home. Last time that I went on a cruise I only gained a pound, I was pleasantly surprised. This time I'm going to avoid alcohol as it makes me sleepy and we're doing the late second seating for dinner. I want to be able to stay up and enjoy everything. I'm also going to work out in the gym as I did last time.

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Hi All,


Weighed in last night and lost 2.4lbs for a total of 60.4. I was very pleased and very excited to hit the 60. That was my goal for my precruise weight and I still have 4.5 weeks till we go, so anything else now is bonus.


Have a great week everyone.



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Wow, great success!! Any tips for the rest of us on how you are doing so great? What do you do for exercise?




The things that I do religioulsy are journal, weigh and measure. As for exercise, I maily walk. I walk between 2 and 3 miles four to five times a week. I have also been doing the WW exercise DVD's on days I don't get out to walk. I have a treadmill but I do find it tedious and too easy to stop. At least I know if I go out and walk one mile in one direction, I have to walk one mile back! Other than that no tricks. I just made up my mind I wanted it and I am a stubborn old nag!!:eek:




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Hi All,


Weighed in last night and lost 2.4lbs for a total of 60.4. I was very pleased and very excited to hit the 60. That was my goal for my precruise weight and I still have 4.5 weeks till we go, so anything else now is bonus.


Have a great week everyone.




That is a great loss, so how are you doing it????

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I can relate to a lot of you that have a goal to lose by a certain timeframe. I did that for so many occasions for years and now I'm saying that is over! I want to lose the weight for good and be a healthy woman! So, this is it. Yes, I do have a 2/29/08 cruise on Celebrity Constellation to look forward to but it's not my goal to lose by then. Whatever I lose by then will be the bonus!


Keep up the good job, ladies!! You are all doing great.




Sorry this made me laugh cause if I was loosing just to cruise I would be thin already - we always have a cruise or 2 or 3 onboard to loose for:D


You are doing great, what are your favorite WW dishes???

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Tomorrow is WI - still being good so hopefully I have a good one:D :D

How is everone else doing this week??


Me too for tomorrow. I wish us both good luck. I'll check in with you then.



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Hello everyone...I haven't checked in here in awhile and was very happy to see all of the weight losses this past couple of weeks. I am so inspired by people who can lose like 50 or more pounds without giving up! I weighed in this past Thursday night and just knew in my heart that I had maintained but was surprised to see another 1.4 gone!! That is a total of 8.8 lbs for me. I am about 4 lbs away from my lifetime member goal again but would like to get down another 5 from that weight. So that makes 9 more to go! Just got back from a ladies retreat this weekend and it would have been so easy to just give in to all of the "red light" foods they had but I think I did my best to avoid them. There were literally 3 tables of junk food on them in case you got hungry in between meals!!! Cookies, cakes, chips, homemade banana pudding and on and on...YIKES!!! A WW nightmare!


Anyway congrats Kim on reaching 60.4 lbs! That is awesome! And to everyone else also that has lost even if it is slow and steady as mine has been. At least we are heading in the right direction and not gaining!!! I know for me it's all about how the clothes start feeling not so choking and uncomfortable. I actually had to pin a pair of pants this weekend so I say to all let's keep on keeping on!


Have a good week all and let us know how WI's go!



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Good morning can I join you???


I'm a lifetime ww too and I've got about 5 lbs I want to lose before our cruise. I do the core plan now but lost doing flex. Would love to know from experience WW cruisers how you prepare for the cruise. I am .2 from my lifetime goal but would like that extra few lbs down so I can relax during my trip.


Great to see there is a thread for us here I hope it is okay if I join in :confused:

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Great thanks for the welcome aboard!


Good job on the loss! I really prefer core now. I always thought that I could never do it. Then last January I started and it is a great way of life. Right now for lunch I'm eating grilled pork tenderloin, roasted veggies (including cherry tomatoes from DH's garden), and bulgar. Leftovers rock!


If you are considering trying Core I say go for it. There are endless possiblities for food. The only problem that I have on occasion is lack of planning time. Planning ahead is really a key element to core success.


What is your favorite part of the WW plans?

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Great thanks for the welcome aboard!


Good job on the loss! I really prefer core now. I always thought that I could never do it. Then last January I started and it is a great way of life. Right now for lunch I'm eating grilled pork tenderloin, roasted veggies (including cherry tomatoes from DH's garden), and bulgar. Leftovers rock!


If you are considering trying Core I say go for it. There are endless possiblities for food. The only problem that I have on occasion is lack of planning time. Planning ahead is really a key element to core success.


What is your favorite part of the WW plans?


I have being doing WW on my own, I have all my stuff from when I was a member but it's been a while so I don't have the core, I thought I would just do it on my own until I reach a plateau or feel the need to go to meetings and then I will join and get the core details.

Once I decide I am going to stick to it I am really good just need to stick to it long term so I can loose it once and for all!!

I enjoy journalling when I am on it and all the food - some days I battle to eat all my points:eek:

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I WI this morning and down 2lbs for a total of 7lbs in 3 weeks.

I am doing the points plan for all the people on core, which do you prefer core or flex???

Great to have all the new posters, the more the merrier:)


I like to switch back and forth, with a little Atkins in there, too. I'll do Flex for a month until I can count no more, then Core until the thought of oatmeal and Splenda makes me gag, then if I am really OOC I will use Atkins for a month to kill the sugar cravings.


I say all this as though I have been dieting for about 20 years, which- hey- I guess I have! I have 5 kids and I gained 75 pounds with the first in 1984. Sooo..... I was an 8 for three years, and the last 18 months has been a STRUGGLE. Stuck at a 14 now, seesawing back and forth between 180 and 185, day after day :mad: . There aren't enough :mad: 's to describe it. The :o thing is that I would be ok if I would just stop bingeing on candy, chips- whatever. DH and I have 8 kids between the two of us, and seven were in residence last week. It's nothing but food, food, FOOD. Pizza, Reeses Pieces, Twizzlers, Power Bars, etc. The difference is that they are either big time athletes or little kids and I am a woman with a desk job!


So now I am back on Flex. Racked up 28 yesterday, 26 today, so tomorrow I'll see if I can pull off the magical 24. Threw my back out overdoing it on the treadmill with my psycho iPod.


When am I allowed to just give up???

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Weighing in today at noon. Don't expect to lose this week. My dr put me on something that tends to cause water retention and weight gain. Luckily it will only be for a few weeks if things to well. I'm still going to the meeting because it keeps me focused and motivated. I hit lifetime in 2003 and I know myself well enough to know stopping meetings = gaining weight back.


I'm trying to come up with various strategies for cruising and not gaining alot. Stairs is a big one. For those of you that have cruised in the past what are some of your suggestions? Any tricks you have learned?

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Weighing in today at noon. Don't expect to lose this week. My dr put me on something that tends to cause water retention and weight gain. Luckily it will only be for a few weeks if things to well. I'm still going to the meeting because it keeps me focused and motivated. I hit lifetime in 2003 and I know myself well enough to know stopping meetings = gaining weight back.


I'm trying to come up with various strategies for cruising and not gaining alot. Stairs is a big one. For those of you that have cruised in the past what are some of your suggestions? Any tricks you have learned?


Ask for steamed broccoli/veg with your dinner instead of the potato etc

Salad dressing on the side and FF if possible:D

I tend to walk a lot on the ship, we are always going somewhere to hang out and always use the stairs.

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Hi, I'm Dan


Well, I've managed to get back up within 10 pounds of my all-time high, and I've started WW again. I have a lot to lose - about 100 lbs. I'm starting w/ the Flex Plan, because I'm not sure that I have the discipline yet to go to Core and because I'm not ready to give up on the increased variety of food possible w/ Flex Points. Today is my third day. Because I'm a guy and because my weight is so high, I have a lot of points - 37 to be exact. I have trouble eating that many, but have managed to get within a point or so the past two days.


I am doing the monthly pass and have access to the E-tools. I really like the new website, although it seems to be down in the moment. That's what led me to find this group - the communal support has been a strong factor when I've done well in the past.


Have a great holiday, everyone



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Hi Everyone,


Welcome to all our newbies. i know you will find the support of everyone here to be a great asset.


Well to the bad news, I weighed in Monday past and gained 2.6lbs!!!! I was in shock!! If I had done anything to deserve it I would own it...it just ticks me off that I was good and still gained...I could have cheated to gain at least then I could say it was worth it!! I did change up the exercise quite a bit so I am hoping for muscle LOl.


This tho brings up the same point all of you have been discussing..the dreaded cruise!!!..I go in 3 weeks for a two week cruise and I think if I gained 2.6 with being true to the program then what is going to happen on the cruise! I dread to think.


Dan I hear you about the points. I have a very hard time trying to get them all in. That is the one thing I did wrong last week. I skipped meals and had 3 days where I did not get near the points I was supposed to have. It is a mindset that is very confusing, but it does work. One thing I have done was to switch from some light or low fat things to regular foods to get the higer point counts. It has worked for me...I too had 100 lbs to lose and am over half way there!


Have a great holiday weekend everyone



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Welcome to all the new posters.


Kim, sorry to hear about your gain, I would try drinking lots of water this week cause it may be sodium etc in combination with missing meals.


I also battle to get to my points and I'm doing the old old pgm so still using the range and batteling to get to the low end most days but a WW dessert helps along the way:D


Monday is WI for me and this will be my 4th so hopefully I will keep on going down:D

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