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Valor review 4/30 - 5/7


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This is a pretty long review. I hope I didn't leave anything out. If anyone has any questions please feel free to post or email me at singjenn at AOL dot com


I also have pictures of our capers.


April 30, 2006

We chose to not park at the pier. We made reservations at CBM Parking deck/lot. I was really glad we made that decision. We arrived at the parking place, unloaded our luggage and was on the way to the peir in 10 minutes! The service there was great. They offer free shuttle. The ride to the port was an adventure...the driver drove like a maniac!!! We arrived at the port and was on the ship within 30 minutes!!! WOW!! I couldn't believe how fast it was. Our rooms weren't read until 1:30, but we took our time eating lunch and looking around. I cann't explain how GORGEOUS the ship is. Ever where you look there are little details that no picture can ever pick up. The theme is heros and heroism, but most of the decor is Amerian History. The floors are red, white, and blue marble made to look like the Amefican flag. Every where you look there are pillars with red and silver topped with a gorgeous gold eagle and backlighting if yellow. Most of that is near the elevators and sliding glass doors. The sliding glass doors are gorgeous, too. They have stars etched into them and when they open, it barely makes a sound.

Our lunch was fantastic. We had pizza. The pizza is the best!!!! They have many kinds but we just ate pepporoni. The offer several things to drink along with punch and tea. The fruit punch is great! I was really surprised. After lunch we walked around a bit then went to our room. Our room is on the Lido deck, on the oppisite side of Rosie's. It is a nice size. We have plenty of space for our clothes and toiletries. We have a refridegarator complete with liquid refreshments. I just overlook them when I get my water out. I really like being on the Lido. It's very easy to just walk out of our room and go get something to eat.

I was so excited to eat dinner. We were assigned the Washington Dinning room, upper deck. This dinning room is at the back of the ship. We have a window table and sit with three other couples. One couple didn't show up, but maybe they will next time. The other couples are really nice. The food was excellent.


May 1, 2006

Today started with a talk about Grand Cayman in the lounge. It was booring so we decided to skip it and head to breakfast in Rosie's. It was soooooo good. I got quite abit, and I enjoyed it all. JR got eggs and grits and cereal. After breakfast I came back to the room for a nap. I was soooooooo tired. JR went around the ship for a bit, but then came back to the room. After our much needed nap we went to lunch. Today was caribbean day and I didn't eat alot for lunch. I did get some cold pasta dish and some slasa. It was fabulous!!!! After we ate we split up. JR went back to the room and I went around the ship to take pictures. I love to take pictures so that was alot of fun. By the time I got back it was time to get ready for dinner. I cut JR"s hair first, then we got ready. Tonight was formal night. We were on our way to supper and we got lost. For some reason they had some areas blocked off, so the way we normally go was not available. We finally made it to dinner. My food was great. JR got the prime rib but said it was bland. He was about stuffed so that is a good thing. My dinner was awesome. After we ate we went to change and then headed to the show in the Ivanhoe Lounge. WOW!!! It was amazing. It lasted an hour long. Way different from lastnigts 15 minutes show. After the show we split up again. I went to karaoke and he went back to the room. He decided to hang out with me for a bit, but then left me and went to a comedy show. We were hungry when he got out so we ate again!


May 2, 2006

Today we visited the port of Grand Cayman. I was really looking forward to this because I have alwasy wanted to go here. This was a tender port. We pulled in around 6am. About 1 hour ahead of schedule. JR and I had an excursion planned for 8:30 with a tour company on the island. We booked StingRay City with Soto's Cruises. We had our directions they gave us that insturcted us to wait in a parking lot across from a Church of God. It was a little fishy to me, but it all worked out. They got there about 8:15. There was two other couple scheduled to be picked up there but only one showed up. They were on the Carnival Miracle and were very nice. The driver took us the the boat. The ride over was an adventure. The driver didn't seem to care about how fast he was going, using the brakes or swerving all over the road. We pulled up to the office which looked like a bunch of condos. I believe it actually was where they live. They lived on an inlet. It was so pretty. They walk out the back door and there is the water!!! After everyone arrived (other people staying on the island) we boared the boat and headed out. It was a gorgeous ride. I was really shocked when they stopped in the middle of the ocean and said " Oka, this isa where wea will snorkel. This isa coral gardensa." I didn't know were snorkeling!! WOO HOO!!! It was so gorgeous there. The water was freezing when we first got in, but it warmed up after about 10 minutes. I put on a life jacket because it was deep water and it was alot easier to snorkel that way. JR got tired fast. He said "fat man gets tired easy." HA!!! When it was time to get back on, of course I was the last one. I didn't want to get out of the water. I forgot our towels so we had to air dry. That was easy becasu we went fast. Our next stop was stingray city. I had heard all about the Carnival boats being overloaded with passengers. WOW!!! They sure were. I don't see how they didn't sink. StingrayCity was gorgeous!! It was this shallow area with 3-6 feet of water. It was so breathtaking. The stingrays were swimming all around everyone. There were some huge ones and there was also a few tiny ones. The smallest one I saw was about as big as a dinner plate. The largest one I saw was the size of a small table. It was an awesome feeling to be able to swim and pet these wonderful creatures. Until........it was time to feed them. They explained to us how to feed them.They said that stingrays eat with a sucking force and that wherever they smell squid they will suck. If they suck anything but the squid it will leave a big hickey. They gave us raw squid and told us to hold it in the palm of our hand or like an icecream come. I opted for the icecream cone way. I put it in my hand and wlaked around looking for a hungry stingray. I held out my squid but they owuldn't come. I was getting agrviated because no one else was having toruble. The tour guide was holding one and I walked over to it and held out my squid. The next thing I know I felt this terrible pain in m arm!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed and dropped the squid. JR thought it was funny until I started crying. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It started turing red and the pain was shooting up my arm and down my hand. The tour guide said, "Oh, youa bea fine." It kept getting redder and redder. The pain was not getting any better. It finally started feeling better after about 10 minutes so I was able to enjoy the rest of our excursion. The area arounf was red and next to that were three parrellel marks where it had sucked off my skin. After we got back to land the driver dropped us off in town where all the shops were....go figure.

We decided to eat lunch at Senor Frogs. I had heard alot about it and wanted to try it out. It's nothing but a big party in there. Drinking, dancing, singing, acting a fool.....that's the place to be if that sounds like you. It was packed but we got a table right away. I had a headache and my arm hurt, but I was really looking forward to their food. I ordered chicken tacos and rice and JR got chicken fingers. He's kind of booring when it comes to food. Hehehehehe It was really good!! They gave me three huge soft tacos. After that we deicded to head back to the ship for a nap.

Today was the reception for past passengers, but I forgot all about it.

Dinner was really good. I love our table mates. We get along great and it seems we have alot in common. They had the best desert I have ever had!!!!!! After dinner we headed to the Ivanhoe Theatre for the nightly show. It was a magic show performed by the host. I can't explain some of the things he did. How did he pour a drink from a newspaper? And how did he pull a dove from a scarf?? I tried not to blink, but it didn't work.

And now for the best part.................after the show I went to karaoke. Karaoke starts around 10, but around 11:30 is when the best part was. They have replaced the talent show with Carnival Legned show. It's a vegas style production with all the big lights and costumes. They have auditions throughout the week for various singers. I audtioned the night before for Gloira Estefan and Aretha Franklin. I didn't want to audition for Arethas but the KJ talked me into it. I sang Respect and for Gloria I sand Anything For You. I didn't get either one but it was alot of fun! Tonight were the audtions for Madonna and Brtieny Spears. I didn't really want Britney Spears and I wasn't sure about singing Like A Virgin in front of a few thousand people. There was only one Britney and she was also singed up for Madonna. Since she was the only one, she didn't need to audiotn for madonna. Me and another girl signed up for Madonna. I reeeeeeeeeeally wanted to do it!! The other girl sang Take a Bow. Kind of a booring song. I knew she was going to win becasue she was a blond and was attractive. I sang Material Girl. I knew that if I wanted to win I was going to have to work it out!!! I sanag Material Girl. I really like that song. I danced and shook my hips. I had a shaw with me and used that too!!! It must have worked becasue I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!! I'm excited, but also nervous. I have to wear a wig and an outfit like Madonna wore at that time. They are supposed to give me and MP3 of the song. I can't wait. I hoipe I don't screw up and make a fool of myself!!! Back to karaoke tomorow to see the other auditions!


May 3, 2006

Today we visited the port of Honduras. We got up and went to Rosie's for breakfast. The pancakes are soooooo tasty!!!! After breakfast we got off the ship to do some looking around and so I could take some pictures. As soon as you get off there are natives dancing on the pier in brightly colored outfits. It was so hot and they had on many layers of clothing. They have busses lined up waiting to take people on excursions. You exit the gate and there is one main street. The area is a poor area but the landscape is beyond breathtaking. There are mountians and the water is crystal clear. We went shopping in a little "mall" to the right of the ship. It was a nice little shopping area. We didn't stay off long because the people were all over us asking if we wanted excursions and tours. All the other port people do that, but this was really bad. After we came back we were tired so we took a nap. After dinner we went to the show. They sure do put on a great show!!! Tonight was the hypnotist show. It was soooooooooooooooooooooo funny!! JR was in it!!! He shook his booty on stage!! One lady fell out of her chair. After the show I went to kraoke and watched auditions. Tonight was Elvis and Frank Sinatra. WOW!! What a stiff competiton. I wanted Jack to win, but the guy that won was still really good.


May 4, 2006

Today we visited beautiful Belize. I think I was most looking forward to this port. This was our final tender port. We got up earfly and ate breakfast. After we ate we had to get a tender ticket because we didn't have a tour or excursion planned. We had to wait about 45 minutes in the Ivanhoe Theatre. It was a loooooooooooong and borring wait. Once our letter was called we boarded the tender boat. It was small and was packed full of people. We started out real slow, then once we got going it was not a fun ride. The boat kepy bouncing up in the air and rocking from side to side. I thought it was going to turn over. it didn't. We arrive safely on shore. belize is gorgeous. It's a town right on the edge of the water...I didn't see any beaches, just peirs and docks. All of the main shopping was of course right as you get off the tender boat. I had my coupon for my free bracelet, so we did that first. I wanted to go out of the gate, but JR didn't. I saw a Pirate Museum that said free admission. It was on the other side of the gate. Into what they call "the city" or also known as the unsafe part. We walked out of the gate and as soon as we stepped out the feeling changed. It felt like you were being watched. Still, I wanted to visit the museum. It was just across the street and not far at all. You had to walk by vender tents that were set up. The Pirate Museum was really neat. It had pictures, and history, along with replicas of a pirate ship. It even had an area where you could practice tying the different kinds of knots. After we were done there we decided to do some more looking around...and I needed more pictures. The town behind the gate was really neat. There wasn't much to see, but what we did see was real neat.

We went back to the ship to get some lunch. After lunch we came back for a nap. The sun kept making us tired so we needed a nap to wake up. After our nap I got up to get some icecream. When I opened the door to walk out I was surprised at what I saw!!! On our door was a star that said Madonna in the middle of it!!!!!!!!! How neat!! I felt like a star!!

It was time for dinner before we knew it. It was tasty, but the least favorite so far. There wasn't anything JR liked but he was able to order filet mignon. My greek salad was the best!!!!!!!! I had to leave dinner early to be at my fitting for my madonna costume. I was really afraid of what it would look like. Cones? Boustie'? I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was conservative, but with alot of little pieces. It's a little big, but I think it will work. It will have to, I don't really have any other options! Hehehehe After a few pictures backstage, I headed back to our cabin. The show in the theatre tonight was Motown Music performed by a singer. it was kind of booring but I liked some of the songs she sang.

The midnight mexican buffet was tonight, but it was actually at 11:15. It was sooooooooooooo good!!! there was music, food, and dancing on the deck. We went to bed around 12:30am. What a great day!



May 5, 2006

Today we visited Costa Maya. I was really looking forward to going back because I wanted to find the cross that I saw last year. We ate breakfast and got ready to go shopping! The first thing I did was look for the cross. I remembered where it was, but when I got there it was gone. Not sure what happened to it, but my guess is a hurricane. The tree had changed alot, but it was still pretty. The Miracle was also docked with us. It was docked closest to the beach so you oculdn't see anything from our ship. They had added a new pier. The walk to the port was still long, but not as bad. We walked around shopping and taking pictures for 2 and a half hours. It's so beautiful here. It was the hottest of all ports. The port was a little crowded in some areas, but the stores weren't bad. This afternoon they showed Just Like Heaven in the Eagle's Lounge. I was so happy because I have wanted to see this movie. It was free and on a big screen!!!! it's listed in the capers as Big Screen Movie: Just Like Heaven. There was no karaoke tonight so we just explored the ship some more and I took more pictures.


May 6, 2006

Happy Anniversary!!!! Today was the only day we slept past 9. We had to turn our clocks ahead 1 hour so we decided to sleep in. This was a day at sea and there was alot of things the ship had planned. Today was my rehersal for the Legends show and tonight is the show!. It was so much fun!! We were each assigned a dancer to show us what to do. The rehersal lasted about an hour and we got to see what everyone would be doing. I ended up not doing any of the fun things that were planned because I got sleepy and wanted to take a nap. I knew we had a long drive ahead of us the next day so I wanted to get some extra sleep. After we ate I had a little time to kill before I had to meet in the lobby for the show. I was really nervous because the arrangment of the song is not the one I'm used to...AND I had never sung this song in public before. Time flew by fast and it was time to go. I put on my stage makeup and headed downstairs. There was only a few waiting so we just talked about the show. I was still nervous. They took us backstage and we got dressed. then they led us to the stage. We wer elined up in chairs behind the curtain. There was a monitor back there so we could wacth the show. It was finally my turn. Eveyrone clapped and yelled for me!! It was sooooooooo fun!! I would love to do it again. After the show they took us down to the lobby and we signed autographs and took pictures. People actually asked for our autographs!!! So much fun!!!


May 7th,

I can't believe it's over. We had such a great time! We got up around 6:30 and got the rest of our things ready. We were in line getting off at 7:10. It was was a long wait but we fainlly were off at 8:30. They had us weaving in and out like crazy. Once we got off it was organized chaos. There were 4 other ships trying to get passengers off so it was pretty crowded.


Each area/room that I spent time in:



By far my most favorite place on the ship. It's gorgeous!!!! The colors are so me! The seats are a light lime green and the tables and lime green with other colors mixed in. The walls are yellow tile and the floors and orange tile and/or yellow, green, and blue carpet. Even the celing is gorgeous!! It's shinny pink with silver. It is two levels, but we only ate on the lower level. It is a huge dinning room. There is always somewhere to sit....either on a lime green chair or deep blue and green padded bench.


Washington dinning room

Wow! This dinning room is spectacular. It's gold and pink with Washington's head on the walls. It's a two level restaurant with a gorgeous staircase. We had a table near the window on the upper level.


Eagle's Lonuge

This was the place where karaoke was held. The celing was silverand looked like feathers. I didn't get the seat color scheme....black and white with square dots. It is pretty large and filled up full fast every night. The stage is gorgeous with a huge eagle on it. Each table had the same eagle on it. On either side of the room are two life sized eagle replicas in a case butil into the wall.


Glory Atrium

Gorgeous......this is what you see when you walk into the washington dinning room. It is a three story area with a huge bird haning above. It is gorgeous colors of yellow, green, red, and blue.


American Atrium

This area is stunning. The stair case is so pretty I could stare at it all day log. The steps at red, tan, and blue marble that looks like a flag. The "white" marble is a shade of light tan or cream. Each color has other color speckles in it. There are 4 elevators that gor from the 3rd floor to the 11th. The bottoms are blue with stars and the tops have the yellow light. There is transparent blue glass in the elevators. The floor is red and light brown wood in the shape of flowing strips of the american flag. There are tables and chairs around for sitting.


Elevator area

This is another favorite part of mine. There are gold eagles on silver and red shiny post. Behind the eagles are a yellow light that reminds me of the flame from the statue of Liberty. There are Libery Bells everywhere you look.

Ivanhoe theatre

This theatre is spectacular. It is huge! Each little drink table has an emblem like a sheild. The curtain is shiny with birght sheils on it. There are hardly any bad seats anywhere. If the show is going to be a good one, you need to be sure and get there early. It is large but it fills up really fast.

Pool area's

We didn't swim but we walked through the area to get to food etc. They are really large compaired to what some other ships may have. I was pleasantly surprised. They weren't very full but there were always people haning around.


Gift shops

They are very nice and large. They have plenty or room so you won't be cramped when you are shopping. They have alot of the same stuff you can buy in ports.



So beautiful!!!!! It's wide and open. There are a ton of placed to sit and watch people walk by. This area leads you to the Eagle's Lounge, Glory Atrium (upper level) Lindy Hopw and other lounges/bars. This is also where they have picture area set up for formal and casual pictures. It can be crowded around dinner times.



The floor in the lobby is breathtaking. It looks like a flowing flag. The piano player is wonderful and he takes requests. There are also plenty on places to sit here.




This first sevral pictures of me and people eating at a restaurant are of my birthday (the 29th).

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Singjenn - thanks so much, your review was timely as I am about ready to book our next cruise. I just returned from Miracle, Belize, GC, Coz. and Costa Maya and was going to book the same cruise only next year we want to take five teenagers with us....yes!!! Five God help us! I have narrowed it down to Valor and Miracle and your review sure helped! Sounds like a great ship (clean) and food and ports....any tips? Did you book with a TA or with carnival? We're really looking forward to it.....I'd appreciate it if I could pick your brain now and again about the ship! Thanks again, Scorpiorose - If you ever go back to Belize boy do I have a suggestion for you....:)

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I was on this cruise with you!!! You were awesome. We watched you perform Aretha, Gloria, and Madonna. I must say you worked it out with the twirling with the shaw. The Carnival Legend show was great I cannot believe how many people showed up. I really enjoyed Darlene in her bit. You and Dennis (Big D) were my favorites. We watched Dennis audition a couple of times as well and were happy to see him win a spot. Anyways, hope you are handling post-cruise depression as bad as I am. =)



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Hey everyone! I am soooo glad you all liked my review. It was so much fun writing it. I wrote it at the end of everyday so that I could remember everything we did. Here are my relies to everyone's post.


scorpiorose: PICK THE VALOR!! PICK THE VALOR!!! You will not be disapointed. It's it absolutely gorgeous. I will post a link to my pictures at the end of this. The pictures don't even begin to portray the beauty of the ship. We used a travel agent. She was very nice and it went very smoothly. Please ask any questions!!! You had a question about Belize?


GatorWop: Wow!!! I can't believe you saw me sing! Thanks for the compliments. I had THE BEST time. That was the most fun I have ever had at karaoke. Everyone was super nice and very fun to watch. Did I actually meet you?? I really like Dennis. I felt so sorry for him. I didn't think he would ever get a spot in the show. It was funny though, because everyone he audtioned for, he "bacame" them. But, I was really happy for him in the end. I am hoping we can make crusing a yearly thing now! This was our first cruise together and my second....my husband was in the Navy so I guess this was his first "fun" cruise. Hehehehe I would go on the Valor again in a heartbeat!!


taxiang: I am glad you enjoyed the review. Myabe you can book the Valor and have a great time like we did!


feistytigger: Who cares about guts!! Just do it. It is soooooo worth it! They gave us a free DVD and photo. CBM was a lifesaver!! It saved us about 30...and they had a free shuttle. The ONLY thing I owuld change is their pick up time. We got off the ship at 8:30 and we weren't picked up until 9:15. The reason is because they only do pickups every hour on the hour and they don't start them until 9.


pmcue: here is a link to capers http://www.kodakgallery.com/BrowsePhotos.jsp?&collid=153527912107&page=1&sort_order=0&favorites=true

I hope that you can see them good.


EVERYONE: Here is a link to all my pictures. I think you have to sign up but you can enter a fake address if you want to. It's really fast and I think it's worth it because I have ALOT of pictures!!! They still odn't show how beautiful the ship is. There are some odd pictures so if you need to know what anything is I don't mind if you ask! Skip the first several pictures, they are from my birthday.


if the link doesn't work please let me know.

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I really enjoyed your review and photos. Thank you so much. Thank you for all the info on the Legends - I have a DD and I would like her to try out for the show but she is only 17 - an accomplished singer and actress but is there an age limit?

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I really enjoyed your review and photos. Thank you so much. Thank you for all the info on the Legends - I have a DD and I would like her to try out for the show but she is only 17 - an accomplished singer and actress but is there an age limit?


Yes there is. Unfortunately it is 18. The reason is because after 11 the lounge where karaoke is held becomes 1 8 and over. They do the audtions after 11 so no one in there is under 18. Will she have a birthday before your vacation? If she does and makes the show she will have time time of her life!!!

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Okay Jenn, I'm tackling all your pictures now! Was this your one-year wedding anniversary?


My fiance and our friends leave in less than a month and we have the exact same itinerary as you so one of the guys in our roll call linked me to here and said you had over 800 pictures so I was like *clickclickclick* as fast as I could!


Thank you SO MUCH for a great and in depth review, you are awesome!

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Singjenn, great review, but I can't access the link to the capers.... it comes up with: "The link you are using is no longer valid. If this link was sent to you in an email and you would like to view the photos, you will need to contact the album owner and have them share the album using the Gallery's share feature."


Any chance you could e-mail those to me?






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I'm looking at your pictures getting SO excited. My fiance and I want to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon next June but everytime I look at your pictures I'm getting so excited for our upcoming cruise that I keep telling him I want to go on a cruise instead! I think he thinks I"m crazy!


Curious to anyone who can answer -- Honduras is a dock port, correct? The only ports you tender in are Belize and Cayman -- is this right?

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I'm looking at your pictures getting SO excited. My fiance and I want to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon next June but everytime I look at your pictures I'm getting so excited for our upcoming cruise that I keep telling him I want to go on a cruise instead! I think he thinks I"m crazy!


They have cruises to Hawaii. Take one for your honeymoon....you'll love it!

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Okay Jenn, I'm tackling all your pictures now! Was this your one-year wedding anniversary?


My fiance and our friends leave in less than a month and we have the exact same itinerary as you so one of the guys in our roll call linked me to here and said you had over 800 pictures so I was like *clickclickclick* as fast as I could!


Thank you SO MUCH for a great and in depth review, you are awesome!


This was our 6 year Anniversary. It was May 6. That was the night of the Legends show. It was a great anniversary trip!! Can't wait to do it again next year. I'm so glad that you liked my pictures. I took over 1200, but I only kept the better ones. My husband oculdn't believe how many I took!!

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Singjenn, Thanks for the great review and photos. Now I want to go on the Valor! Sounds like you had a fun cruise. BTW: You are a young-looking 29.


We did have an aswesome time. ANyone who goes on the Valor will have the BEST time ever!!!! The whole trip was amazing (except for when I fell down and when the sting ray sucked me).


I actually just turned 28 on the 29th. That's what I mean't by 29th.....oooooops!!!!

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What a great review. Mark & I are planning on doing the same thing soon, but I don't think it will be quite as in detail as yours. So, you narrowed your pictures down the the best 800-that is amazing. I'm going to take a look at them, but after seeing the pictures that we saw while at Rosie's, I'm sure they are all wonderful.


Take care,


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We did have an aswesome time. ANyone who goes on the Valor will have the BEST time ever!!!! The whole trip was amazing (except for when I fell down and when the sting ray sucked me).


I actually just turned 28 on the 29th. That's what I mean't by 29th.....oooooops!!!!


You don't look 28 either! Congrats on your 6th anniversary too!

( just in case anyone is wondering, it's just meant as a compliment to Jenn. I'm a married female who just celebrated her 30th anniversary on the Dawn Princess.

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Oh well congrats on your 6th anniversary! My fiance is actually the picture-taker of us, I'm more interested in relaxing and hanging out. He's always like "I'll be back, I need to go get pictures"


I'm so excited! I just filled out our fun pass :) Thanks again Jen!

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SingJenn, I did pick Valor....booked it couple days ago! Now I have a year to plan wow, I'll ask questions along the way and I appreciate your help! thanks for the pictures! I did a great tour in Belize in april on the miracle.....smugglersrunbelize.com with trevor....I think the guys will want to do tubing this time.....did you do that? What did you do in honderes? Any tips on ports? I'll be picking your brain hope you don't mind!:p

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As everyone else said, Thank you for a great review. We're also booked on the Valor, W. Carribean, July 9th. Really looking forward to it, first cruise.


And as already stated, couldn't bring up the Capers. If you could re-submit or email it would really be appreciated.


Thank you.

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