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QM2 cabin 5023 B3


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Hey folks,

While looking at the excellent photos someone posted from CruiseAddicts, I was checking my Sept booking to see if his cabin was the one I'm in (over the Zodiac) Although I haven't made final payment, it appears I have been "upgraded." The question is, do I want this upgrade?

I have been assigned a B3 (hull hole cabin) 5 deck cabin 5023. It is Starboard side, aft (hmmm, long walk to the Commdore and the library, short walk to the Brittania and the Golden Lion Pub- I intend to be at each at least once a day!) The center of the ship has some inside cabins and a lot of "blank space" It appears to be near a stairway and those odd lifts at the rear of the Brittania. It appears that the space in the center may be the galley space to the Queens room and other restaurants? It looks like that is where the stack is from the galleys, all the way through the decks.


Anyone familiar with this area? Noisy? Thrumming? Vibration? Not withstanding hullhole vs. Obstructed balcony, which I chose the cabin specifically for it's location over the zodiac, which is hardly obstructed at all! Should I beef about this? Turn it down and risk a TRULY obstructed? See what I can get? Any thoughts from anyone who has stayed anywhere in that vicinity?




who doesn't wish too look a gift horse in the mouth... unless it has bad teeth and horrid breath! Then she REALLY prefers to look elsewhere!


P.S. Maria- check your booking, too!

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By the way, I just checked our actual booking in Cunard/Princess booking engine. It says attire - 1 night formal, 1 night casual.... For a four night cruise! I guess we go naked the other two nights!


Well, our pre-cruise docs show a Black and White and a Masked ball (both formal) Damn! No Ascot again! What do I do with all of these fine chapeaus?


Well, I think I shall bring only two outfits, a casual and a formal and wear my birthday suit the other two (I'll have it sent out to be cleaned between, of course- and pressed- at my age, it gets SO wrinkled!<LOL>)



who is amazed at Cunard's inability to make two documents for the same poeple match!

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I have been assigned a B3 (hull hole cabin) 5 deck cabin 5023.



Karie, just to check, 5023 (Starboard side, most forward balcony)?


(and if you're on the same september crossing as me, you can borrow my iron after I've finished ironing my "suit", tho I'm certain you don't need it)

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Karie, just to check, 5023 (Starboard side, most forward balcony)?


(and if you're on the same september crossing as me, you can borrow my iron after I've finished ironing my "suit", tho I'm certain you don't need it)


Sorry, Pepper,

I'm on the 2 Sep 06 QM2 Labor Day to Nova Scotia.

Would love to "trade suits" with you, except yours wouldn't fit me, I fear- Or be stretched out in all the wrong places, and not stretched enough in others!!!



who would love to do the crossing with you!

(And I always say the fat fills in the wrinkles! Ya gotta look on the bright side! If I lost too much weight, I'd look like a bassett hound! I have the Parker Jowls, which would look sad indeed, if they had no cheeky fat to lift them up!)


OOPS! Right you are!


What is the word for dyslexic with numbers! (Not even!) IT IS 5213!!!!! And I can't change the subject!


Thanks for pointing out my idiocy, Pepper! AGGHH!!!! Proves I shouldn't post at 3 AM! I have to go to bed so I can go to work where I am appreciated so much tomorrow (today?)

Gawd I feel like a total boob! <G>

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Sorry, Pepper,

I'm on the 2 Sep 06 QM2 Labor Day to Nova Scotia.

Would love to "trade suits" with you, except yours wouldn't fit me, I fear- Or be stretched out in all the wrong places, and not stretched enough in others!!!




What is the word for dyslexic with numbers! (Not even!) IT IS 5213!!!!! And I can't change the subject!


Thanks for pointing out my idiocy, Pepper! AGGHH!!!! Proves I shouldn't post at 3 AM! I have to go to bed so I can go to work where I am appreciated so much tomorrow (today?)

Gawd I feel like a total boob! <G>




I was only hinting, suggesting, the smallest oversight, I wouldn't dream of pointing anything out to the writer of some of the funniest and most enjoyable posts here. And I assure you, you are very much appreciated here (not just at your work).


I will come back to you later if I think of anything to add to your own observations re: position (of the cabin).


So then, we've established that Cunard now have FOUR different dress codes for us to keep up with; Formal, Casual, Informal and VERY INFORMAL.


You're very hard on yourself. I'm sure none of it is true. As for trading suits, not certain how practical that would be (I consider myself to be a body double for Jabba the Hutt and having seen a picture of you in a red frock on another thread (now then, I know it was you)) as you could put my "suit" on and stil have room inside for a party.


Dear reader, If, unlike Karie, you have a weight problem, remember


A diet coke with a candy bar cancels the calories in the candy bar.

To look slim, fatten up the people around you.

At the movies, the hot dog and chips have no calories because they are all part of the entertainment package.

Eat lots of fruit, ie another olive in the martini or slice of lemon in that 2nd Gin and Tonic.

If something says it has "half the calories" that means you can eat twice as much.

Get in shape, round is a shape.

and finally...


STRESSED spelt backwards is DESSERTS.

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My cabin is 8058. I refused an upgrade this time because I was told I could be put on deck 4. Would rather be up than down.


Since this cabin is close to the B elevator, I figured it will be easy to get to the Golden Lion for trivia. Also, the Salon and library are just up the corridor. Although I may not have hair by the time of our cruise.:rolleyes:


Now that your on the phone, I am signing off



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Hi Karie,


We were in cabin 5217 in January 2005. There was a door right across the hall from our cabin which was used by the crew. However, it was not a problem for us. Since you are two cabins away, it would not be directly across from you. We did not experience any noise from above or below nor did we experience any vibration. We would have no problems taking this cabin again. In 2004, we stayed in a cabin on deck 6 and did experience some noise from the Kings Court above. Good luck.


How's your dad?



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You guys are the best.

Well, let me get the easy part first. I spoke to my father last night. He insitsted he was getting out today. From all I had heard,(and my impressions talking to him) he was not being cooperative. He sounded like an old crumudgeon! (Geee, he would fit right in with a couple of us here! And warning as I get older. I AM my father's daughter! <Teehee!>) I was concerned they were letting him out because it was a waste of their time efforts and his money/insurance if he wasn't working on his health and learning how to use a walker and steady himself. Well, He was discharged today. I called and spoke to his care nurse as they were getting him ready to go. I felt much better after that. They felt they had done all they could for him. He was fed up with being in a hospital. He needs to practice what he's learned at home. They sent him home with a home health aide to start, and one will be visiting frequently. His wife has worked in a patient care setting of some sort. I think something along the lines of a patient advocate or something. So she is caring (maybe too much so- he needs to be responsible for himself more!) and in much better health than him (Slightly younger than him I think) but she can't be helping him out of chairs and beds every time he needs to get up. Heck, I don't think *I* could do that for him. Anyway, it looks like things should be okay. They've rearranged the furniture to make it easier for him to get around. I will try to get down there as soon as we can, and he feels up to it. I figure two or three weeks from now. I don't want to push it, I want to give him time to get comfortable using the walker and such. Thanks, everyone for asking, and keep us in your thoughts. You folks really have helped me get through all of this. Thanks, Beth.


Now, as for the cabin. I didn't get a chance to call Cunard today. I fear I have lost the really good cabin I had chosen (over the smaller zodiac boat) and if I ask to be put back in my obstructed view, I will get one which is REALLY obstructed! I may try to see if I can get them to bump us up to a glass balcony on 10 deck, or one of the forward ones which are not obstructed on 8 if they can't put me back in the cabin I chose. They did not ask me if I wanted to upgrade, indeed, did not even tell me that had done so! So we shall see. I would hate to say no to an upgrade and miss something really good, but I am not toally sure I consider a hull fgrom a glass "slightly obstructed" to be an upgrade! I'm holding out for the tow-story apartment. Shall I hold my breath? <G>


Now- As for you Pepper, you darling man! I suspect we might very well be able to trade birthday suits wth none the wiser except for a couple of misplaced bumps and lumps here and there! <LOL> I'm sure many of you did not know that I was used as the model for Jabba! Well, it was in Jabba's younger days before he had let himself go. And didn't he have a bunch of instruments in 6 or 8 arms? that's me! Well, yes, of course that was me in that dress in the Penneys catalog dear. You've found out my deep dark secret! You see, women hate me for my slim svelte figure and perfect lines. I don't want them to think less of themselves, so I try to put them at ease by pretending I am Plus sized! Sometimes I even wear my fat suit for an entire cruise, just to show people that their prejudices against those fat people are silly! I'm still the same person I was when I was skinny! So yep! you're onto me! That was really me in that dress!


Now then, about that bridge in Brooklyn you were thinking of purchasing from me? I'm afraid it has to be cash. small bills if you please. You know, so I can tip my waiter and steward! I promise I will deliver it when you leave on your cruise! It will be there! Honest!



who WISHES she could fit in that dress- And I love Pepper/Jabba all the same! We're all just people. some of us are simply more people than others! And I like your diet philosophy. and BTW, broken cookies also have no calories. They leak out when the cookie molecules are released in the break. And food eaten while preparing it doesn't count. They are tastes of an unfinished product and as such, have not had their calories added in yet.

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I like your diet philosophy. and BTW, broken cookies also have no calories. They leak out when the cookie molecules are released in the break. And food eaten while preparing it doesn't count. They are tastes of an unfinished product and as such, have not had their calories added in yet.


Karie, another tip, if no-one sees you eat it, it has no calories.


Can I also wish your father well, being new here I was unaware that he had been ill.


You said that they had up-graded you without asking? Have I got this right? When I've made bookings they've given me cabin numbers but asked "would I accept an up-grade?" "depends on what it is, but yes" Now I'm worried that they will change my carefully selected cabins and put anywhere! Can this be correct?


Karie, you are the darling here, I always turn to your posts first so I start the day with a smile and laugh. You are the best.


Very best wishes

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Oh, Pepper! You're buttering me up! I fear you're coming in for the kill! And oh, what a kill it will be! <G>


Yes, it is true, they can bump your carefully chosen cabin. And there is not a whole lot you can do about it. Will they? Good question! In this case, because the obstructed view, to most people's thinking to a hull, is not necessarily an upgrade (depends on how you feel about each type! And which cabin you had picked out!) On the other hand, we are cruising in September, up to Canada- It could be quite cool... Or not! I've been in Maine a week AFTER labor day in 90 degree weather and still air. You just never know. We were in Maine about a month ago and it was beautiful! Then I've been there many memorial day weekends and nearly froze to death. (The beer didn't keep us any warmer, but we didn't care! We set the sections of the dock up against some trees for a wind break, built a bonfire down on the beach and drank up all the beer and told great stories, some of which might have actaully been true!<G>)


Another point in favor of the hull holes is that they are bigger! I suppose I could bring my MIG/TIG/Arc welder with me and simply cut a bigger hole in the side to let more sun in. Then again, those pesky new sprinklers they've got....And I'm not sure where the MIG/TIG/Arc welder would sleep if Marc and I have the King Sized bed. I'll have to see if this room as the sleep sofa in it! <G>


Well, thank you for your wishes with my Dad. I think his downhill started when he took a face first fall down the length (or height) of a flight of stairs from the Lido Deck on the Zuiderdam. Ever since,he has been unsteady, and has taken falls, the last one of which was either preceded by, or led to a stroke. I spoke to my older sister tonight. He went home yesterday. We shall have to wait and see how he makes out.


So Pepper. I figured you were an old timer resurfacing! You seem to know a lot. Did you say you were retired Royal Navy? One post a thread or two back, you mentioned something. Me I just fix Cingular's cellular network... when they want me to!



Who hopes to keep keeping that network strong and not end up flipping burgers somewhere! <G> "Ya want Fries wid dat phone?" <snap,snap>

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"Buttering you up" me? Never! (well... ).


Didn't realise that they could just "up-grade" you without your agreement. I suppose 99% of passengers would say "great, wow" and fit in with Cunard's plans. However, were they to try and bump me I would have to be very impressed with the new cabin before I'd agree/give up without a fight. So, for example, on my QM2 crossing later this year, if they want to move me from my carefully chosen hull hole, they can... to anything outside on decks 9 or 10. Or to any cabin overlooking the stern (:) :) :) ). I can see why, if you've selected a well chosen cabin behind the smallest boat, you don't consider going down a few decks an "up-grade". I suppose that the larger cabin balcony is a plus, and, in cooler climes, it will be more sheltered. I've never looked at booking an obstucted view, but I fully understand the choice of those that do. I love the idea of you bringing your MIG/TIG/Arc welder (steel cutter?) with you. Once you've converted the balcony Cunard will be able to put yet another grade of cabin in! And think of all those who'll book it knowing "that's where Karie stayed" ("AAA" grade, "The Karie Suite") why they didn't put a lower area of glass in these hull holes to match the open area above the rail, I don't know, there are big glass windows even lower in the hull. As for the sprinklers, given how small the showers are in Britannia Grade cabins, get the shower gel out and enjoy. As you say, if you and Marc are in the King size, the only place for the welder is on the sofa.


I again send all best wishes to your father, my parents are elderly and don't enjoy the best of health so I understand your concerns (my mother also recently had a fall (not as serious as you father's) and badly bruised the whole of her face and broke her nose, a while later I asked how her nose was, before she could answer my father said "still sticking it's way into other people's business". How they've stayed together for coming up to 60 years is beyond me, mine didn't last).


"An Old Timer resurfacing" well, although I'm old enough to remember when god was a boy, I've never thought of myself as an "old timer". Let's just say I was a teenager (just) when man landed on the moon and leave it there. I don't "know a lot". I don't know much at all. My IQ is exceeded by my shoe size. I got out of the gene pool when the lifeguard wasn't looking.


(Remembering this is a cruise ship forum not a bio forum, and boring for everyone else, further questions to pepper@royal.navy.org.uk ).


I'm sure you won't end up "flipping bugers" somewhere, can't see you in any job that involves a paper hat.


So, getting excited by my QM2 crossing later '06 and at least 1 cruise QE2 '07.


Take care Karie

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They didn't notify you? They always fax me and give me 24 hrs to decline!


It's possible they faxed the agency, but the owner hasn't called me. They usually save any faxes for us until our next meeting unless we call them and tell them to faxt them to us. until recently we were all outside agents. If I think of it, I'll call Doug or the office tomorrow and ask them to pull it. I didn't get a chance today, as it is Marc's birthday! (52!) He's got 2 1/2 months on me..I turn 52 in August


I still haven't decided. I may hold their feet to the fire and tell them if they're going to force the upgrade on me, they can move me to deck 10 or 11 in an A1, thank you! It could work! But then I'd have to see about getting Maria upgraded to!


Or maybe I could just ask for 6065, and have a ready-made roommate! (Don't know where Marc would sleep! Do ghosts sleep?)


Karie, Who will see if I can get upgraded to grill class! (Yeah, right!<G>)

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"Buttering you up" me? Never! (well... ).



(my mother also recently had a fall (not as serious as you father's) and badly bruised the whole of her face and broke her nose, a while later I asked how her nose was, before she could answer my father said "still sticking it's way into other people's business". How they've stayed together for coming up to 60 years is beyond me, mine didn't last).


Sorry about your Mom. Sometimes, it's the grudgin battling love they have for each other that keeps them together. They say things they know they can. It's a kind of code- They're comfortable with one another. Just shrug your shoulders and accept it. As long as it isn't abusive, figure they have made their own way of dealing with each other over the years, and there is some kind of love in it.


"An Old Timer resurfacing" well, although I'm old enough to remember when god was a boy, I've never thought of myself as an "old timer". Let's just say I was a teenager (just) when man landed on the moon and leave it there. I don't "know a lot". I don't know much at all. My IQ is exceeded by my shoe size. I got out of the gene pool when the lifeguard wasn't looking.

Well, by old-timer, I mean someone who has been on these boards, hasn't been around for a few months, and maybe is thinking of their next cruise and start keeping up again. Truthfully, it sounds like we are about the same age. My father worked for GE in the Apollo Ground Support Department. We lived just north of Daytona Beach at the time (Where he lives today, in fact) I watched Neil Armstrong step on the moon from under the coffee table with m neighbor, Randy (who is now Communications officer/lifer in the US Air Force in San Antonio) whose Dad also worked for GE. We liked to tell people we were makign ou t under the coffee table while our parents watched the landing. Wehad a "Moon Walk Watch Party" It was pretty exciting! I, too was a teenager.I like to tell people my father helped bring Apollo 13 back from the moon, but he can't figure out how to email me!


can't see you in any job that involves a paper hat.


Oh, I don't know. If I can put a big purple ostrich feather in it and wear it to the Ascot ball! .....



Who is "older than you think!"

OR as Jimmy Buffett says, "growing older, but not up!"

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They didn't notify you? They always fax me and give me 24 hrs to decline!


We haven't been asked either before upgrading. We can find out when our tickets arrive (or possibly from their voyage updater), but it's not unknown to find out about an upgrade once you're at your original cabin!

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ie. Karie, who is older than her fabulous youthful looks would suggest, I'll bet.


I dpn't know Pepper! I swear you're zeroing in for the kill! You flatterer, you! Should I leave Marc home when I go on the Labor Day cruise? <G>


BTW, Dad is back in the hospital. Word is he has Sepsis. I talked to the nurse tonight (I don't have the new PIN, so she couldn't tell me much, and truly, they don't know much yet.) Aparently a Urinary Tract infection (how this whole thing started before the fall, and the medicine he was taking for that, that may or may not have had anything to do with anything) has now spread to his blood. they said he is stable, and he isn't in the most restrictive unit, so I guess tht is good news. His wife is going in to see the Doctor at 8 AM, And her daughter is driving up from Lake Okeechobee to arrive around 9 AM (Her daughter is a nurse) so hopefullly I can call his room about 10 AM and get a report.

I know that is off- topic, but thanks for letting me share my burden with y'all. I feel like you are all my friends here.



Who's had a roller coaster week- Without the fun part!

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I feel like you are all my friends here.



Who's had a roller coaster week- Without the fun part!




I'm sure I speak for all your many friends here when I say that our thoughts are with you.

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I join Pepper in saying that we are all thinking of you and wishing your Dad a quick recovery. Do keep us posted. From one Southern gal to another - Bless yore lil' pea picking heart!!!




Thanks, y'all.

I wasn't going to get online. And I certainly wasn't going to post.

I appreciate your support. It has been a rough day. Almost booked us on a flight out tonight. My sister drove down (from Waycross Georgia) They haven't spoken to the doctor yet, but Dad had an MRI today (for which they had to sedate him, so he's been sleeping the whole time she's been there- which is good, as he hasn't been sleeping) The infections is NOT systemic. So it looks like he should do okay (I hope) and we can go down next weekend, instead of trying to do this on Memorial Day weekend, and start of the summer season. No decision yet.


On top of that, the guy who came to work on our water tretment system left the door wide open (after I warned him about it) and let one of our strictly indoor cats out, I think. Either that or he is hiding somewhere. I found one of them in the garage. <sigh>


Rough day, rough week. I feel like I am being selfish reading about cruising and looking forward to mine!



Who is greatful for caring friends!


P.S. Beth- Your "pea-pickin' " statement made me smile! Thanks. I needed that. Done a lot of crying today!

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Done a lot of crying today!




I am sincere when I say that my (and I'm certain, many others) thoughts are with you. Your posts here are full of humanity and humour. Your writing is a joy to read. We feel we know you because your comments are so real, immediate and open. I'm sure that Marc is doing all he can to comfort and support you. It's frustrating for us when we can do no more than send you and your father our very best wishes for a full recovery. Your true friends are all here for you.

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Sorry I'm late today getting on this thread. Of course you know my prayers are with you and your Dad. Usually when someone developes sepsis they receive massive doses of antibiotics. Perhaps they are doing this for your Dad now and hopefully when you call tomorrow you will receive better news.


Thank you for thinking of me with the upgrade thing. But as you know I picked cabin 8058 early on because it is between two lifeboats and also near the B elevators for ease of getting me around while walking with the silly cane of mine. (how many times did I forget it in the pub after trivia and the martini of the day?) Also, I refused an up grade, so doubt Cunard would even consider a change for me at this point.


This cabin does have the third berth in the sofa bed. Your new cabin does not have a sofa bed. It does however have a connecting door to room 5127. Sofa beds are indicated by a little plus sign in the room on the ship schematic.


Well, just a little funny note about loosing my hair. I feel like Pigpen in the Charlie Brown comics. Everywhere I go there is a trail of falling hair behind me. I must say I feel a lot lighter lately, and have lost 2 pounds. Could I have had two pounds of hair? I don't think so!


Maria - just call me light headed <LOL>

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