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Night in Venice Ball QM2


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All in good fun my friend! (I'll take a "stuffy Brit" over a "redneck" most any day)


Tell you what, the first round of XO is on me! (We can VSOP later)




I resemble that remark!


I qualify as a redneck!

Although you couldn't tell it to look at my neck. After spending a week in Florida, the most sun I got was mostly riding to and from the hospital. One day we sat out in the sun for about half an hour while someone else was in the room with Dad.


But those stuffy Brits, now!



Who thinks she shall wear her NASCAR hat for formal night- perhaps the Ascot Ball- After all, in some states, NASCAR caps qualify legally as formal wear... and after all, it IS about racing, you know! Just lotsa horses instead of one horse at a time! (And I actually worked 6 years as a NASCAR scorer!)

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Travel-to-Go: This says exactly what I've been trying to say all along:"Don't you "purists" get what we "devil's advocates" are saying? We are saying that we think it is pretentious, vain, and elitist to insist that others must hie to faux standards, or it will simply RUIN your "holiday!"


It scares me only because of the "better than thou" people all over the Oceania ship we were on. So now I know that it is possible for a cruise ship to actual collect a large number of these people on one cruise. And while we valiently tried not to allow it to effect us, it did have an overall nasty feeling about the cruise.


If you are going to be on the June 9th - July 3rd - we will HAVE to get together. Though I'm not sure one little ocean liner is ready for the likes of two of us on the same ship!:D


I think I've been uninvited to all the snifter and XO parties so I'll have to find a cold beer on my own.

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Karie dearest,


As a Virginian, I recently sent another "Thank you" note to the Govenor of West Virginia (on the anniversary of the Wheeling Convention). IMHO it was truely the best thing that has happened to both states.


(explanation available, if requested, by those living abroad)


"Red necks. What do you do? Can't live with 'em. Can't shoot 'em."

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Karie dearest,


As a Virginian, I recently sent another "Thank you" note to the Govenor of West Virginia (on the anniversary of the Wheeling Convention). IMHO it was truely the best thing that has happened to both states.


(explanation available, if requested, by those living abroad)


"Red necks. What do you do? Can't live with 'em. Can't shoot 'em."


Or as Carl Hiaasen, Miami Herald columnist and multi-book author and cheerleader for Florida Environmental issues says, " If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them" <G>



Who, having grown up in Florida, but norn in Tennessee, agrees- well, but you can leave their money for us!


P.S. Which side were you on in the Wheeling Convention? <G>

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Ok folks....can we get back to the wearing of the masks for the Night in Venice ball? Inquiring minds want to know....I only have 6 months to pack you know....Do they do this on a 7 night Caribbean she asks, as she gently tries to change the subject...


PS...I like having a reason to wear a gown...and see my handsome husband in a tux and I chose Cunard because there was more liklihood of others who enjoyed doing the same for a couple of nights of the cruise. I am not elitist, pretentious or vain and I'm certainly not "holier than thou" or anyone else. I'm a middle aged woman planning a very special trip to celebrate a very big birthday for the man who has made 33 years of my life "An Affair to Remember"..anyone else old enough to remember that movie? And what better place to do it than on a very special ship.


OK, the soapbox is being put away....this is not one of my better evenings...Penny

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Ok folks....can we get back to the wearing of the masks for the Night in Venice ball? Inquiring minds want to know....I only have 6 months to pack you know....Do they do this on a 7 night Caribbean she asks, as she gently tries to change the subject...



Penny, Darling- You know that I was not talking in any way shape or form about you about some people being elitist and such. You are so nice and kind and thoughtful to EVERYone, no matter how nasty we get.

#2- I looked back on some of your old posts. (Trying to remember where you were from-Lessee- just to catch up- We DID go to Haraseeket pound, after exploring Maine byaccident! <LOL>- lady at the hotel gave us WAY wrong directions! Woo! Kinda 'spensive lobster! Not sure when "in season" is, but I always think it should be less in Maine. I rarely get it as Marc doesn't think it is worth the hassle, cracking it and all, and I have yet to get one of our ship waiters to come home with us to do the honors! Marc's family has several camps on Sebago that they've collected over a couple of generations, back when they were cheap. And he grew up in Gorham and Topsfield Mass, after being born in Hawaii! Which part of Maine did you live in? We also stopped bythe DeLorme place in Yarmouth (which is where our friends live that we were going to see) on our way home. And, btw, the other places I've lived was Binghamton and Endwell, New York (Southern Tier) not sure how close that was to where you grew up. And where did you go in Florida? I grew up in Ormond Beach, just north of Daytona. You have a beach house in FL? And now I looked back- SC is where you are now. What part? I used to go over to Shaw often when I lived in Knoxville. 14 miles from Sumter, 50 miles from Columbia


#3 Okay- now- as to your question. I think the Night in Venice is for only the Mediterranean cruise. You should, however, have a regular masked ball which we did on our Caribbean jaunt earlier this year. So get your mask ready! And enjoy your dressy affair! I made the mistake of looking at those dresses in that catalog Maria was looking at. I have more dresses than I know what to do with, since I only usually get to wear them on cruises (can't go to charity balls. Have to save up my money for cruises!) I found a nice one I might get for one evening! I sure don't NEED another dress <LOL>!


Anyway, Hope your Bear is making it through the night. Saw your post about Bear being a certified therapy dog? I assume that is the same dog? Please- I hope he gets well. He is probably a stong fellow. My thoughts are with you!



Who has been nauighty and nasty tonight and will shut up and go to bed now.

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#1. I know you weren't referring to me per se...you are too kind to do that and I know your tongue-in-cheek self by now. You're our cheerleader around these parts! So I took NO offense coming from you believe me. And I thank you for your compliment...don't know as it's deserved and darn, I can't find that smiley face that blushes!!


#2. Glad you went to Harraseeket...bummer on the prices but the poor Maine lobstermen are not having an easy time...gas is killing them, fishing restrictions, overfishing...it's a very hard life and very dangerous too. Used to be they were "cheap" in summer when the shedders were caught but not anymore. I lived outside of Bar Harbor for 15 years...loved it so much, hated the winters. Decided early retirement was best spent in a more user-friendly climate, thus our move last fall to SC...Pawleys Island on the ocean. Friends say we are looking for trouble as both house are in hurricane-land but I need the ocean to be who I am. And thus my love of ships, but especially the old ones. I will learn to love the new when I finally step onboard the QM2.


Let's see, what else did you ask...Florida...we must have crossed paths as we just left there last weekend before the holiday. Our place is on Hutchinson Island, a couple hours below Daytona...what is it with us and islands!!??:) I grew up on the Hudson River in NY but my late sister lived in Sidney, NY and Oneonta, not far from Binghampton.


So...there's catch-up...you read my old posts??? No one could be that bored...now that must have been a huge yawn! You are too funny. And in case you missed the other post, Bear is home and giving kisses right and left. And yes, he's the Certified Therapy Dog. He has a masters degree in kissing and loving. We are grateful for all the support and kindness of "strangers" but then that's not really what you are at this point. So cheers, and have a great one! Penny

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All in good fun my friend! (I'll take a "stuffy Brit" over a "redneck" most any day)


Tell you what, the first round of XO is on me! (We can VSOP later)


"Good grief, Blacksmith, at this rate I will be proposing your membership for the Snifters' Club. At the moment we have no American members as most of the applications have been black-balled by Jonquil Carruthers who is highly suspicious of anyone not born in this Sceptred Isle. But I'll do my best and, as they say, we'll let you know! Of course, once accepted you must vow to oppose strident feminists who drink from bottles and anyone wearing jeans. Incidentally, we are trying to make the Commodore Club a 'men only' venue, but Cunard have to tread warily at the moment as they have a Lawyers' Convention booked on board in July. Still, one lives in hope. Incidentally, mine's a double!"

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" Incidentally, we are trying to make the Commodore Club a 'men only' venue, "



Excuse me??????? After I apologized publicly for my Jonquil fiasco?

Penny-who is not including any "cheers" until this gets cleared up

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Excuse me??????? After I apologized publicly for my Jonquil fiasco?

Penny-who is not including any "cheers" until this gets cleared up


"Ah, the delectable Patwell, what can I say? I shall talk to the committee with a view to making certain exceptions to the proposed constitution. I shall suggest that we allow the following categories of females to access the Commodore Club at specific hours.


a. Elegant ladies of substantial means.


b. Vivacious, sensuous and pouting young soft-porn actresses who may possibly be looking for a father-figure and, er, dancing lessons.


I might add that category 'b' was proposed by Vice-Chairman Basil D'Arcy-Clarke who, frankly, has had a rather sheltered upbringing. So, ladies, it's up to you. But no jeans (elegant or not)"

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the poor Maine lobstermen are not having an easy time...it's a very hard life and very dangerous too...house are in hurricane-land but I need the ocean to be who I am. And thus my love of ships, but especially the old ones. I will learn to love the new when I finally step onboard the QM2.

...Florida...we must have crossed paths as we just left there last weekend before the holiday. Our place is on Hutchinson Island, a couple hours below Daytona... you read my old posts??? No one could be that bored...Bear is home and giving kisses right and left.




Delighted to hear Bear is fine. What a scare~ I am sure many's the patient who will appreciate his coming through okay!


Lobsterman. Never was an easy life- Or any sea-going profession, for that matter- The over-fishing is killing them on the Sound, too. And trawlers dredging up so much that simply gets killed, such as fish they don't want, porpoises, turtles and such. It brings in a larger haul, making more money for those barely surviving, but the end result is less of them CAN survive. In the meantime, fish are being raised in farms (it is SO hard to plant those salmon, you know! And they don't always all sprout, either! <G>!) They are overcrowded and stressed and get more disease. The end result is fewer nutrients, such as the Omega-3's that people are eating Salmon for!


Hmm, Hutchinson Island- We were closer than you know! We drove down to Vero one day to see Marc's Dad and his wife. they will be joining us on our Labor Day cruise. (I wish y'all were going on that with us!) And talk about hurricane hit areas! Hutchinson got hit pretty bad in both Frances and Jean in 2004, I believe. Both of those hurricanes came in around Stuart. They say we are due for a big one up here in New England this year.


As for looking at old posts- Not bored- trying to remember where you lived and which thread it was on. I thought when you clicked on a person's name it onl gave you posts from that thread, but it appears that it gives you all of their posts from CC!


It looks as though you've been holding out on us over here in Cunard land! It seems you are very, VERY knowledgeable about the older ships and history! You'll have to share some memories of what it was like going down to "liner row" (I assume that was in Manhattan?) when you were a youngster. That must have been something! And of course, back then, it was possible to visit ships and see them, when friends were going abroad. I never saw the traditional sailaway with the confetti and such (not living near a port!). It must have been quite romantic, though we always seem to forget that many things were much "ruder" then- and by ruder, I don't mean the passengers and crew, but some facilities. I cannot imagine being on an around the world cruise or something in the Caribbean or Panama Canal or Mediterranean, even, with no air conditioning in the summer in the cabins! I wish I understood how the air systems worked a little more. I have to imagine it wasn't very effiicient and probably soot got drawn into the cabins quite a bit!

Do share some of your rememberences as a girl!



who wishes she had cruised 30 or 40 years ago. We were just poor working class folk in Tennessee, then New York, then Florida. Cruising then was for the wealthy. And we had no need to cross. Dad flew to Europe for work (Engineer with GE). We never could have afforded a European vacation. Again, that was for the wealthy!

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"Ah, the delectable Patwell, what can I say? I shall talk to the committee with a view to making certain exceptions to the proposed constitution. I shall suggest that we allow the following categories of females to access the Commodore Club at specific hours.


a. Elegant ladies of substantial means.


b. Vivacious, sensuous and pouting young soft-porn actresses who may possibly be looking for a father-figure and, er, dancing lessons.


I might add that category 'b' was proposed by Vice-Chairman Basil D'Arcy-Clarke who, frankly, has had a rather sheltered upbringing. So, ladies, it's up to you. But no jeans (elegant or not)"


Hmmph! Well, seeing as how I qualify as neither of the above, I guess I am now personna non grata!


Well, seeing as how I have friends in High Cunard places (including Paul, the evening bartender in the Commodore Club, *I* am now declaring Commodore Club off-limits to anyone who does not pass a preliminary test, ascertaining his fitness to share libations with ladies of the 21st centrury! To whit, and wherefore, anyone still living in the Dark Ages, when men fooled themselves into thinking that they were somehow "superior" to women! :rolleyes:(Poor things. They were SO jealous that they could not compete with us in the truly miraculous pursuits of life! Such as bringing forth the next generation, putting on make-up, being able to shop comparitively and get the best deals, including coupon clipping, and dancing backwards in high heels with someone who may or may not have a clue what he is doing! And probably has two left feet!)


So Penny, You and I will be cherishing our fine cigars and after-dinner cognac at Churchills and the Commodore Club, whle SFT is relegated to the crew bar drinking Red Stripe out of a bottle, and dribbling it down his torn, tattered, and soiled t-shirt. :p Or maybe we'll relax, resplendant in our comfortable designer jeans and sequined tops, with ginger ale in funny martini glasses, having no need to impress anyone, since, after all, we are SO impressive just by being us!:cool:



who is quite miffed with Mr Trot and his stuck-up male friends who hang around horses backsides too much! (You know, the hunting and such!)

Where is my refined friend Phileas and his pheasants in the garden when you need him!

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I never saw the traditional sailaway with the confetti and such (not living near a port!). It must have been quite romantic, though we always seem to forget that many things were much "ruder" then- and by ruder, I don't mean the passengers and crew, but some facilities. I cannot imagine being on an around the world cruise or something in the Caribbean or Panama Canal or Mediterranean, even, with no air conditioning in the summer in the cabins! I wish I understood how the air systems worked a little more. I have to imagine it wasn't very effiicient and probably soot got drawn into the cabins quite a bit!

Do share some of your rememberences as a girl!


In Ye Olde Dayz, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, we threw streamers down to our friends and relatives on the pier as the ship began to move out to the harbor mouth. The idea was to have contact with your loved ones for as long as possible. You ought to try accurately throwing spooled paper rolls down to a specific person on a pier!


I sailed away on the Stella Solaris from Galveston when she was the first ship to visit same. The dockside facilities were not "rude" they were nonexistent. We walked down a bouncing wooden gangway into an open hatch in the side of the ship. Unfortunately, the tide was moving out, the ship was a wee bit low in the water, so we had to duck down and bend at the waist to get into the purser's lounge.


One does tire after a certain point of the Baked Alaska Parade. It is my understanding that this particular tradition is dying out. Thoughts?


Oh you youngsters! You don't know what you were missing! :D


Ruby - Whose gift to society is she has never owned a pair of jeans.

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Hey there...welcome!!! Just shot you off an email and here you are! great minds and all that....;)


Streamers...don't we date ourselves. I remember them well. Standing on the deck of the old Stavangerfjord or Bergensfjord and aiming ever so carefully at my Dad who stayed behind when we sailed. And I remember him catching mine and long after the streamer broke he'd be walking the length of the pier waving to me. I in turn would walk forward to keep him in sight til the last moment...and that's when I'd cry. And when I'd leave Norway the process would repeat with my family there as we tried to hang on to each other just a little longer. So sad they are gone but then with today's restrictions there'd be no one on the pier to catch them anyway!


Baked Alaska!! Now there's a topic we haven't argued about. WOW, something new....how about it folks? :rolleyes: Personally I hate Baked Alaska...so over rated. Now make it a huge creme brulee or a giant tiramisu....and parade them around...that's decadence


Karie...liner row, to me, was grand! All those magnificant ships going to all those great places. I was probably the only child I knew who read the NY Times shipping list on Sunday to see who "was in" and when we'd go to the city I'd know who was there. And my very indulgent Dad would drive me slowly by them as I named them off. Great fun...all of them gone. Well, except for the SS US, Stockholm and the Independence I think it is. But I fear their days are numbered too as 2 of them sit rusting away. I wanted to sail them all someday...never happened. A memory I don't remember thankfully, except as it was told to me when I got older, was when I was 2 1/2 and we had a fire below in the North Atlantic late at night...in late winter!! We sat on deck, in life jackets, at the lifeboats almost all night. Other passengers would take turns holding me, keeping me warm so my Mom and 15 yr old sister could get a rest. What a terrifying night that must have been. I loved those crossings. OK, enough memory lane...I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to big ships.


Quote Karie "maybe we'll relax, resplendant in our comfortable designer jeans and sequined tops, with ginger ale in funny martini glasses, having no need to impress anyone, since, after all, we are SO impressive just by being us!"

...If it's Ok with you can I please do it in that slinky black, clingy gown I just bought? Please? I've GOT to wear it someplace and my kitchen doesn't seem elegant enough. Cheers, Penny

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You have no Americans in the Club? Who pays the bar-bill? We Yanks may not have many uses, but that is one!


Oh, by the by, I think your qualifications for female admission to the Club are spot-on. We let them vote, we let them drive, we let them wear pants and NOW just look at the shape the world is in! (Sorry ladies :cool: )


Now a question for the "All Things Cunard Brain-Trust". We've booked 3 "A1" cabins for a west-bound TA in late August. I've been informed for our agent that I'm "on the list" for an upgrade. Would that be to a "Princess" Level catagory and if so will my wife and I be able to dine with the children and parents in the Britannia?


Thanks so much


Oh, almost forgot to answer a question from the lovely Karie:

I would side with the separatists at Wheeling. Having West "by god" Virginia leave the Old Dominion was the best thing to happen to both places. Ironically, it actually raised the IQ of both States as well!

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Foxy...re the "qualifications" for female entry to the CC...Hmmmm...I could tell you I was an "a"...how'd you know for sure if I was telling the truth. But for sure I'd not select "b" under any circumstances! Guess I'll just stick with Karie on this one....cheers, Penny

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Penny and Ruby,

Thank you so much for sharing those memories!

It sounds grand! Adn Ruby, I am probably around the same age!~ I'll be 52 in August!

I remember my Mom telling about learning the sounds and silhouettes of aircraft (ours and enemy) as a schoolgirl. Their part of the war effort in the 40's. She was pretty good, so I hear. And Penny, you're learning all of the ships at harbor- It's amazing what kids will learn when it is of interest to them. If you had HAD to learn that for school, you would have, no doubt, rebelled!


And yes, dear. If you wish, you can wear that slinky thing to exercise class, never mind the Commodore! After all, We won't have any tacky men to clutter up our Commodore space, it appears, as no one has yet to pass the admissions test! To bad they don't recognize that the sexiest women alive are so, becasue of their strong intellect and strong sense of self-assuredness. And the wealthy ones? Unlike certain men, they stay that way because they don't fritter their wealth away on eye-candy for their arms to impress the other ladies. We do not need such "accessories" the way men do to show the world our value! Our heads held high shows it all. Too bad. I will miss SF and maybe even ...um, what's-his-name. They might have been fun playthings.I guess we'll never know, since they don't seem to be in our league!



who wonders why men think they are the stronger sex. Let's see just ONE of them go into labor without turning into whimpering fools! And then have to get up and feed the little darlings several times a night, all the while cleaning house and cooking and more.

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Oh, by the by, I think your qualifications for female admission to the Club are spot-on. We let them vote, we let them drive, we let them wear pants and NOW just look at the shape the world is in! (Sorry ladies :cool: )


Now you betray yourself blacksmith and all those other 'men' who aspire to this 'manliness' idea - why say sorry? It's your opinion- we allow you to have an opinion occasionally - we ignore it mind but you're easily persuaded!

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Foxy...re the "qualifications" for female entry to the CC...Hmmmm...I could tell you I was an "a"...how'd you know for sure if I was telling the truth.....cheers, Penny


"Well, my dear, when you board the QM 2 you would need to be interviewed by Basil D'Arcy-Clarke, the chairman of the selection committee for access to the Commodore Club. Normally he would need to ascertain that you were, er, easy on the eye, and subsequently he would need to see a copy of your last bank statement. It's as simple as that. Incidentally, the bank statement requirement is waived if the applicant is scantily-clad, nubile and pouting. Interviews for the latter category are carried out by myself in a private room. I shall certainly recommend your application to Basil as your postings seem to have that certain "je ne sais quoi"

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'Je ne sais quoi"...that's me!! Foxy, at said "interview" I shall so dazzle with bunk that the reading of said bank account shall be overlooked....besides, the only party to that document is my faithful Golden Retriever Bear, and like Duke in the baked bean commercials, he isn't talking!! (for our across the pond friends this may be confusing...suffice it to say that the famous Golden retriever Duke is charged with keeping the family recipe secret....In the guarding of my private documents let's just say that Bear far surpasses Duke's feeble baked bean recipe efforts) In short, Basil won't know what hit him!!!

Cheers, Madame Je ne sais quoi

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"Well, my dear, when you board the QM 2 you would need to be interviewed by Basil D'Arcy-Clarke, the chairman of the selection committee for access to the Commodore Club. Normally he would need to ascertain that you were, er, easy on the eye, and subsequently he would need to see a copy of your last bank statement. It's as simple as that. Incidentally, the bank statement requirement is waived if the applicant is scantily-clad, nubile and pouting. Interviews for the latter category are carried out by myself in a private room. I shall certainly recommend your application to Basil as your postings seem to have that certain "je ne sais quoi"

Um, Foxbrain,


You forget you will be BOARDING A QUEEN!


mind your manners now, You are in the presence of a lady



Who can read beads with the best of them... So WATCH IT!

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Too bad they don't recognize that the sexiest women alive are so, because of their strong intellect and strong sense of self-assuredness.


"Dear ladies, if you believe that then you'll believe anything .. and will all male readers of this site please stop laughing .. and that includes you Carruthers"

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"Dear ladies, if you believe that then you'll believe anything .. and will all male readers of this site please stop laughing .. and that includes you Carruthers"


Does anyone hear an annoying buzzing noise coming from over there?



Who is glad she can recognize the true value of most people, and that they don't change or become less attractive to people of class and quality upbringing, just because they get older, less supple, fatter (or skinner) or less shapely (or more shapely, depending on what shape we are talking about!)

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