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Summit Alaskan cruise disappointment (MERGER OF 5 THREADS ON THIS TOPIC)


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I have to disagree with Susan on this. What else could you call a small group of people who were hell bent on ruining everyone's cruise? Those poor vocal unfortunates? The OP WAS on this cruise, which gives him/her the right to call them as they see them. Believe me, if it were me, my name for those people would have been unprintable in this forum. I think the OP's description of the rabble-rousers is more than polite. They could have been called much worse. But as some have said, cruises are a microcosim of our society as a whole, and those who protest loudest, even though they are a vast minority, are heard the easiest.


Absolutely correct. Well said, kitty9!!

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Once someone decides to stalk you on the board it becomes like a virus and its hard to eradicate. The hosts do a great job of monitoring and my hats off to them,, esp since they work pro bono.


But, ignoring the poster normally will solve the problem.... NOT




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While I like them pulling something like a "stalker", I don't like them locking a thread because people are expressing their opinions. I think that's why many fellow cruisers have opted to go to the "otherside" and have joined a new cruise forum........just my thoughts (don't bleep me) :)

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Walt and others thank you for your responses. It has been a bit unnerving but I did report the posting and it was pulled again. At that time I did request that person lose his posting privliges. If that was honored I would hope the "stalking" would cease.


He found the pic on a website some nice folks put together for our TA cruise. I can now see the DANGERS of posting on public boards such as these and the now much talked about My Space for kids.:mad: I, naively, thought this was an adult forum for our leisure and info about a passion we all share of travel and cruising and not a place where malice would take place.


I ,however have enjoyed the knowledge, and postings of other wonderful people enough not to let one person over shadow the fun.:p

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I thought the original post would have been more effective without the reference to "drama queens from hell" .... I find it a bit strong and feel that name calling of any sort is a discredit to the person using it.


I thought it was a most descriptive use of the english language and led to a good read. These "drama queens from hell" seemed a bit over the top from the postings I had read previously.


But, as we all know it is hard to judge without actually being there. It was a terrible situation and it is good to see that there were some who made the most of the situation and didn't have "a glass half empty".

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Well it's good to know that Celebrity won't lose your business. Stay true to the end, no matter what they dish out. For the love of cruising! It must be nice to be independently wealthy and afford cruise after cruise, so that when an itinerary or port is changed you can just go with the flow. I wasn't on the cruise, but I can certainly tell you I would have been very upset with the change in itinerary, especially with Celebrity knowing in advance they have these problems.:eek:

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Well it's good to know that Celebrity won't lose your business. Stay true to the end, no matter what they dish out. For the love of cruising! It must be nice to be independently wealthy and afford cruise after cruise, so that when an itinerary or port is changed you can just go with the flow. I wasn't on the cruise, but I can certainly tell you I would have been very upset with the change in itinerary, especially with Celebrity knowing in advance they have these problems.:eek:


Not independently wealthy - I just don't have a lawyer on 'speed dial' like some do. So I miss a port - being pampered with endless food and a spotless cabin and free entertainment is so irritating, isn't it? :rolleyes:

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Well it's good to know that Celebrity won't lose your business. Stay true to the end, no matter what they dish out. For the love of cruising! It must be nice to be independently wealthy and afford cruise after cruise, so that when an itinerary or port is changed you can just go with the flow. I wasn't on the cruise, but I can certainly tell you I would have been very upset with the change in itinerary, especially with Celebrity knowing in advance they have these problems.:eek:


I think the point is that it's usually a good idea to wait a little to see what is offered before going off the deep end. People who have been on many cruises are aware that there are numerous reasons for port changes and they happen frequently. Being upset is one thing, but ruining the cruise for others is a whole different thing. Obviously not everyone thought it was a horrible experience and they did receive compensation for what happened. There are those who are still not satisfied and they will continue to pursue legal remedies but there is no excuse for some of the actions of the passengers while onboard.

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All of you would have had an entirely different perspective if you had actually been on the cruise, spent the money we spent for this vacation and then lied to continually.

You have no right to judge unless you experienced what we did.


I believe this is what most of them are saying. It is easy to play a Monday morning quarterback, but we can't say what we would do in your shoes.

However, I would have just sat back and let them pamper me. I would have gotten my money's worth somehow. :p


I am going to be upset if my ports get changed when I go to the med, but somehow I will make my glass half full and not half empty.

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I certainly didn't hear ANY reports of anybody stiffing cabin stewards and waiters. In fact, I heard a huge outpouring of empathy as it sunk in that these poor hardworking folks won't be making their tips the NEXT week when they were in drydock... I would be HORRIFIED to hear that anybody, disgruntled or otherwise, had done this...


That raises another point, though. I thought that the 2-hour "open bar" they provided, was also very unfortunate for the bar/wait staff. These poor people had to work five times harder than at any other point in the cruise, and I think that VERY few passengers were showing their appreciation with tips (as they would have had to have been cash tips, because the seapass wasn't charged). I got two virgin drinks (as 11:30 was far too early for me to start drinking), but each time, I gave a buck or two in tip. Many others tipped as well, but a huge number did not.


Beyond that, I don't know that I particularly like the "open bar" concept to begin with. It encouraged binge drinking that was very antithetical to the normal behavior on board. It was the ONLY time I saw (obnoxiously) drunk guests on the ship, and it was SO early in the day! I would have preferred that they had given each passenger some coupons for free drinks (3 or 4 seems fair) that could be used at any time rather than ALL within a two-hour window.


Hi Drew,

As you know, we did take advantage of the happy hour. We thought of the tip situation for the barstaff, but we did go to our cabin to get a nice tip for our Barman. He must have been pleased as he made a point to say hi to us everywhere he saw us, even on shore.


I agree that the free drink coupon would have been a better idea all the way around. We were at the T-Pool so we didn't see how things went in the bar/lounges. I did see a long line at the pool bar at 11:45, but after that our Barman, France, took care of us.


I didn't hear of anyone thinking of stiffing the staff either.

Hope you made it home safely, say hi to your dad.

Carol and Jack

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I believe this is what most of them are saying. It is easy to play a Monday morning quarterback, but we can't say what we would do in your shoes.

However, I would have just sat back and let them pamper me. I would have gotten my money's worth somehow. :p


I am going to be upset if my ports get changed when I go to the med, but somehow I will make my glass half full and not half empty.


Well said, also. I have yet to see a tantrum that wasn't distasteful.

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Hi Drew,

As you know, we did take advantage of the happy hour. We thought of the tip situation for the barstaff, but we did go to our cabin to get a nice tip for our Barman. He must have been pleased as he made a point to say hi to us everywhere he saw us, even on shore.


I agree that the free drink coupon would have been a better idea all the way around. We were at the T-Pool so we didn't see how things went in the bar/lounges. I did see a long line at the pool bar at 11:45, but after that our Barman, France, took care of us.


I didn't hear of anyone thinking of stiffing the staff either.

Hope you made it home safely, say hi to your dad.

Carol and Jack


Another perspective & a valid one. Quite correct, in that the cruiseline employees are the helpless victims in this - and the ones I feel the most sympathy for. :(

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Those who wanted to listen to the "drama queens from hell" did. Those who chose not to, did not attend the meetings. No one was forced to show up, yet over 1200 people out of 1925 people, signed up to be apart of a class action suit. As for those who say, “So I miss a port - being pampered with endless food and a spotless cabin and free entertainment is so irritating, isn't it? Will you turn down a free cruise or a full refund if offered by Celebrity due to the efforts of the “drama queens from hell”? I think not!!!!

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Those who wanted to listen to the "drama queens from hell" did. Those who chose not to, did not attend the meetings. No one was forced to show up, yet over 1200 people out of 1925 people, signed up to be apart of a class action suit. As for those who say, “So I miss a port - being pampered with endless food and a spotless cabin and free entertainment is so irritating, isn't it? Will you turn down a free cruise or a full refund if offered by Celebrity due to the efforts of the “drama queens from hell”? I think not!!!!


Yes, I would. My self-respect is worth more than a free cruise. I need to be able to look at myself in the mirror without disgust at what I've become. Also, ambulance chasers who "cruise" around looking for opportunities for spurious lawsuits (regardless of their success rates), are the equivalent of pimps and drug pushers. :mad:

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Those who wanted to listen to the "drama queens from hell" did. Those who chose not to, did not attend the meetings. No one was forced to show up, yet over 1200 people out of 1925 people, signed up to be apart of a class action suit. As for those who say, “So I miss a port - being pampered with endless food and a spotless cabin and free entertainment is so irritating, isn't it? Will you turn down a free cruise or a full refund if offered by Celebrity due to the efforts of the “drama queens from hell”? I think not!!!!


It was my understanding that nothing was gained...but I could be wrong. I think they offered the 30% discount and cabin credit from the beginning didn't they?


Along these same lines I recall my parents talking about a similare experience with Celebrity a couple of years ago. They were doing the western carribean I think, but a few ports were changed and they had similar problems. Man! They were EXTREMELY pissed (to put it lightly):mad: , but when I asked them about our plans to do X for our trip to the Eastern Med, they said we would love it and that it was one of their best cruises.

So, I guess after it was all said and done they were glad to have done it. They never got any compensation except to give them a bonus on their bar tab.

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Don't you have to sign on for the Class Action to get any of the benefits?


I just received a letter from an attorney regarding a Class Action Suit against Verizon and it said I had to sign the paper and return it to be part of the suit.:confused:


Will be interesting to see if the "drama queens from hell" get a settlement,

then what the others have to say?

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Don't you have to sign on for the Class Action to get any of the benefits?


I just received a letter from an attorney regarding a Class Action Suit against Verizon and it said I had to sign the paper and return it to be part of the suit.:confused:


Will be interesting to see if the "drama queens from hell" get a settlement,

then what the others have to say?


If I received such a letter in regards to a missed port on a cruise, I'd add cat feces to it, enclose it back up in the same envelope it came in, ensure it arrived postage due with the name of the so-called lawyer on the front - and mark it private and personal, for addressee only! :D

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I was on the Summit cruise of 5/7. First I want to say the crew was GREAT. To our waiter Bobbo and assistant waitress Tamera, we miss you.

I have read many of the comments from people calling many of us “cry babies” or “so what if you were at sea, you had a cruise experience”. The first thing I have to say is if I wanted days at sea, I would have taken a “Cruise to Nowhere”, out of New York and saved the airfare to the west coast. How much BINGO can one take at $30.00 a pop per person, twice a day ($120.00 a day) when at sea? How much picturanry, Name That Tune or battle of the sexes trivia can you play? How much time are you going to spend in the pool sailing the North Pacific in May? I have to admit it was funny seeing people on lounge chairs around the pool dressed from head to toe and with a blanket. How many drinks can you down (at 5.95 to 9.95 per drink plus 15% gratuity) a day. I did enjoy the Martini Sampler Special they had twice during the cruise. Six varieties of martinis at 2 oz. each. After a couple of specials you forget about the rest of the day! Did I mention the Wine Auction, the Art Auction or the “diamond and jade specials”, how about the “gold chain by the inch, starting at 99 cents per inch”! If that does not interest you, the Casino is open when we are not in Port.

This cruise was doomed from day one! I was told the ship got in late from Hawaii. When we went to board the ship, we had to go up an escalator and at the top was an enclosed area with a doorway going out to a walkway that led to the gangplank to board the ship. The line backed up and people piled on top of each other at the top of the escalator. People were screaming for help and to stop the escalator. Two people were cut up and hurt pretty badly. Celebrity had no personnel at the top of the escalator. A few days later we were talking to one of the people hurt and they told us Celebrity tried charging them $300.00 for medical care!! After we left port later that night, one of the crewmembers I was talking to told me they had a problem with the ship coming back from Hawaii and that is why they were late. We were to dock in San Francisco on Tuesday at 8 am, but on Monday night the Captain announced we would be docking at 12 am due to some maintenance needed. SF was nice and we were supposed to leave at 6 pm. We sat at the dock in San Francisco till about 7:00, when there was an announcement that it would be another hour till we left. The ship FINALLY left a little after 8:00 pm. Late Wed. morning the Captain announced that due to a bearing problem we would not be docking at Seattle or Sitka because the ship could only due 17.4 knots to be safe instead of 22 knots. Later the Captain stated that Lloyds of London inspected the ship and they were told if they kept the speed of the ship at no more then 17.4 knots per hour they could continue the cruise. The problem with that was at that speed, they could not make all the ports and had to cut time at the rest of the ports. People were very upset and they demanded a meeting. I have to give the Captain credit; he stayed at the meeting until every question was answered. When the captain was asked if he knew about the ship problems while we were in SF, his answer was “I would not insult your intelligence and tell you no”. When someone got up and asked for a show of hands how many people though they should get a full refund, the Captain raised his hand. This was all on video tape. This meeting started about 1 pm PT on Tues. May 10. The same day, at 12:16 pm ET (9:16 am our time) it was posted by South Florida Business Journal; Celebrity will dry-dock Summit and cancel May 20 cruise to Alaska. Passengers will be given a full refund AND a FREE CRUISE!! We did not find out about this until the next day. Celebrity gave us a $200.00 credit per cabin. In Ketchikan we left at 2 pm instead of 4 pm so we had to cancel one of our excursions. We arrived in Skagway late. On May 16th we were suppose to arrive in Hubbard Glacier at 9:00 am and stay till 1:00 pm. We did not arrive until 11:00 am and then we never got near the Glacier. The Captain said it was because there was another ship in there and only one at a time could go in. We left there at 1:00 pm. The only way I could see the Glacier was with a pair of binoculars. On May 18th we were suppose to Cruise the Inside Passage. We did not cruise the first 775 miles of the passage, only the last 225 miles. We arrived at that point of the Inside Passage about 9:00 am. The Captain announced that because of the fog, and that we would not be able to see anything, we would sit in the Bay until 5:00 pm when the fog would lift. By 11:00 am the fog lifted, at 3:30 pm the fog rolled back in. We found out that was a lie, the reason we sat there was because they had no pilot to take us in and he would not arrive until 5:00 pm. At 4:52 pm I was standing on our balcony and watched the pilot boat drop off the pilot. He boarded right below me. Then we took off but you could not see more then 60 feet ahead due to fog. Our dinner was 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. When we left the dinning room the passage was clear so we got to see the Inside Passage for 1 hour then it got dark. There were other things that happened, there were meetings in the grand foyer each day we were out at sea with anywhere from 300 to 600 passengers at each meeting. Over 1000 people signed a petition to join a class action suit. On the last day Celebrity said they were giving us 30% off our next cruise. That means I have to save up the other 70% and the airfare to see what they took away from us.

What are the highlights of a cruise to Alaska? The things you can only see from a ship, Hubbard’s Glacier, the 1000 mile trek along the Inside Passage with wondrous wild life and waterfalls. Spotting whales and orca and just the natural beauty of it all from your balcony or up on deck. If anyone tries to tell me that Hubbard’s Glacier and the Inside Passage are days at sea I must say “no way, those are spectacular sightseeing days”. Why else did we take a cruise? To unpack once, and besides, it’s impossible to drive from town to town in Alaska.

If I had been given the choice of disembarking in SF and taking another cruise, I would have. We saved for 2 years and booked 9 months in advance. I spent 9 months researching as much as I could so that we would have the best experience possible. Unfortunately I did not research Celebrity or the parent Royal Caribbean’s corporate treatment of customers. I hope Celebrity does the right thing on there own without having to file the class action suit.

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Doc, you don't have to continually post the same canned thread about how much you sacrificed for your cruise. We all do to some extent. We have missed ports for various reasons and never got so much as a credit for our port charges.


That is the fact of life about cruising. Granted cruising is not for everyone. If you guys had lightened up and little and tried to enjoy yourselves you wouldn't have gotten so worked up.


By the say, the only one that gets anything out of class action suit, is the lawyer. So he will take many cruises on the fools who want to join the suit.


You're better off suing on your own, you would get more money.


We were once involved in a huge class action suit against a humongous mortgage bank. After four or five years of signing papers and sending them back, we finally got our check in the mail. It was 1.00, that's right $1.00 whole dollar. Wow, it really made me rethink class action suits.

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If I received such a letter in regards to a missed port on a cruise, I'd add cat feces to it, enclose it back up in the same envelope it came in, ensure it arrived postage due with the name of the so-called lawyer on the front - and mark it private and personal, for addressee only! :D

Someone in the legal field sure has put a nasty knot in your knickers...calm down and show the "drama queens from hell" how to stay cool...rather than telling them :D......soothing sailings..Oui :)

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We were once involved in a huge class action suit against a humongous mortgage bank. After four or five years of signing papers and sending them back, we finally got our check in the mail. It was 1.00, that's right $1.00 whole dollar. Wow, it really made me rethink class action suits.



A whole dollar!! :D

We once got a check for 1 CENT!


Since then we have been notified that we can participate in other class action lawsuits ... if you read the fine print the lawyers end up with millions and the participants get pocket change... the lawyers will only sign up if there is a reasonable chance of a payoff for them as they won't get anything if they lose.



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I was also on the Summit voyage with the two cancelled ports. My husband was in the Celebrity theatre when all of the shouting and just poor behavior broke out. He was so embarrassed by the rudeness on behalf of some irrate passengers. Your message was very well written. We chose to have the time of our life. We did have plans to meet family in Seattle but things happen. Mechanical failure has to be a cruise lines worst nightmare. We felt so bad for the excellent crew on that ship. They tried so hard to make everyone happy. Every chance we had we smiled at the workers and made sure that when we saw a captain of a food or anywhere else we would stop and shake their hands and told them we were having a great time and service was excellent. What is so sad that this hand full of people missed the whole journey. Instead of enjoying the beautiful scenery they were having meetings. Their behavior was most disturbing and did make me feel uncomfortable when they would do their chant at the end of their meetings. We did not know how many people were unhappy so we kind of felt like we the few that were enjoying ourselves. I was also disgusted when the free drinks were offered because the guy next to me ordered two glasses of wine and two double shots of liquor. We were sitting at a wine auction and people were complaining because it was not a good time. Needless to say I did not order any drinks. I did not want to be part of this free for all. The wine auctioneer had one of her helpers get a waiter and he took everyone's order with a smile on his face. One lady received her drink and there was pineapple in it instead of what she had ordered and she was furious. I almost died. I can not wait to cruise again and Celebrity will be our first choice. That was our third cruise with them all to Alaska. Magmagee

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