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Come Join The Valor Voyagers 6/12/05 Western Caribbean


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I can definitely get in line early for tender tickets, and hopefully can get 1-2 other people from my family to go too incase we need extra tickets.

I can't wait to read the reviews from this week and see how Carnival handled the time differences since DST went into effect.
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I agree with you guys! Cave tubing is my biggest source of anxiety for the trip. The earlier we leave, the better I'll feel. It sounds like the mantra of the tour operators is, "We're in good shape as long as the ship's tour is behind us!" Who else is in our cave tubing group besides Sharon & family (5), Marcy & family (4), Debbie & family (3)......
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Sounds like we have a plan. All the worriers will gather 45 minutes before the first tender tickets are passed out - each of us brings an unsuspecting partner to take the place of a non-worrier. We gather all the tender tickets we can, so that no one can leave until 10:00. I'll bring my whole group, thats 5 of us, we'll act like we've never seen each other before. We're good to go! :D :D :D

BTW, how many of us are booked for the cave tubing? My last email about it is in the other room in my notebook and I'm just to lazy to go look! :o
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I know there are 20 in the one van that Kathy put deposits on, plus I think a few others here are booked with Marvin too (I'm pretty sure Michelle is booked with them). I'm sure we have enough worriers here to be able to get enough tender tickets for our group. Maybe if we have extra early tender tickets left over we can sell them to the highest bidder - might be able to get a few extra foo-foo's that way. ;)
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I'll be in line very early for Belize!! I hope everyone is having a great week!! I haven't been on much this week as my wholle family is going to Las Vegas in July and now we are going too!! Yes!! Two vacations this summmer. I knew there was some reason I've stayed teaching for 14 years!!;)
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Lucky you Michelle!! Two big vacations over the summer! :D We've never been to Vegas, but my hubby would love to go there. I am not much of a gambler so it doesn't really appeal to me, but I know that someday I'm going to have to break down and plan a trip there since he wants to go so bad. :o
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Good morning and TGIF everyone!!! We are down to 9 weeks left until we sail away!!! :D I am so excited and can hardly wait. Soon I'll be like an annoying little kid that keeps saying "are we there yet?". :p

Does anyone have big plans for this weekend? Not much going on here - spring has finally arrived and with it comes the urge to do some spring cleaning. I might even clean my carpets while I'm at it.

Whatever you do this weekend, make sure you have fun!!! :)
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The kids are off today (didn't we just have spring break??) as it's the last day of the grading period and this is a day for teachers to do grades and attend educational conferences.

No special plans for this weekend...maybe some spring cleaning...last indoor soccer game...looking for a bathing suit!!

I may go to Alaska again this summer...last year I went alone, without family, in June for a week, came home and then left for our cruise 2 weeks later. How's that for spoiled?? My sister moved to Anchorage last year and since they will only be there for a few years, I'm taking advantage of it and visiting her. It's fun visiting with a "local." On my first day there last summer, the cashier in a store asked if I was an "outsider." I asked if it was my heavy "New Yawk" accent that gave me away. She said, "No, it's 50 degrees and you're wearing a jacket!!":D
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I was chatting with zydecocruiser some more about getting an early tender off the ship in Belize. [url="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=3460975#post3460975post3460975"]http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=3460975#post3460975post3460975[/url]
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Thanks Marcy! So it looks like our plan to have several group members get in line early for tender tickets is definitely the way to go. I'm not so worried about getting an early tender in Grand Cayman, since we are booked with the afternoon excursion with Soto's. I would still like to have some time to go shopping before the stingray excursion, so I might try and get early tickets for that port too.
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Finally able to look at my computer after a very hectic week. Just trying to catch up on all the posts. Went to Idaho for really about a day and a half for my grandmother's funeral. Flew up there with my sisters and my daughter and left right after it. It was very nice and I am glad I got to go. Right back to work and all of the good stuff that goes with it!! So glad it is the weekend and now will be trying to finish up cruise plans. Debbie glad you keep us posted on how many weeks left. Just can't believe it is so soon. Marcy what have you decided about Roatan? I am almost sure we will go with the new zipline and just do the beach thing with them. That is if I can get it for the cheaper price. Anybody else doing it also? I will try and call or e-mail them this week. Looking forward to our big cruise and relaxing in a pool chair, that is if we can find one. Sounds like we will need to get up at the crack of dawn for one!! I'll let my husband do that!! Take care everyone and have a great weekend.
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Rebecca, I think I'm leaning towards booking one of Victor Bodden's drivers for $25 pp and have him take us to the canopy tour ($45 on own), iguana farm, sights, and maybe end up at a West End beach end for a swim. My family is not a big beach family so I don't think they'll want to hang around Palmetto Bay for a few hours.

We are not sun worshipers so we won't be getting up to save chairs. I've noticed that there's not really a shade area around the pool for those that don't like the sun like we've had on other ships. We'll probably find a nice shady area to hang out.
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Good morning everyone!

Marcy - You'll be very happy using one of Victor's drivers! It's great having a personal "chauffeur" to take you where you want to go! I would love to do the zipline but DD has her heart set on visiting the orphanage so that's our plan for Roatan....hope to do the zipline in Belize.

We'll definately be up saving chairs. DH and I always get up early to walk and eat and then head for the pool. Hopefully the chair police won't be to upset with us....we're usually at the pool by 9:30 and stay there all day! I'm probably going to take one of our Disney cruise towels along just so our chairs will be easier to spot.

Another beautiful day in PA...planning on getting out and enjoying the weather!

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Good morning everyone!!! We are expecting a beautiful day here with temps up into the upper 60's. My poor doggies don't know it, but they are getting a bath today! :eek: And we'll be washing the car too, so maybe by the end of the day I'll have the beginning of my summer tan started.

Zydeocruiser posted some great pictures of Tabayana Beach (most of the pics are of him snorkeling underwater). The beach looks beautiful, and that's where I'll be spending my day in Roatan. Here is a link to the thread where he posted his pictures and review of Roatan. [url="http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=160970"]http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=160970[/url]

Hopefully we'll see some reviews within the next couple of days that tell us how the Valor handled the time differences in port after DST went into effect. The only problem is that the April western cruises on the Valor are going to Costa Maya and I don't remember if it is instead of Belize or Roatan, but I'm sure we can figure that out from the reviews.

Have a great day everyone!!! :D
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Good morning all!! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm glad the weather has been warming up for all of you and you can finally get out and enjoy some warm weather.

Well yesterday we added a new member to our family. A six month old Yorkie pup that needed a new home. The kids are thrilled. She's very cute, but not potty trained:eek: . Lucky me!!

As for excursions, I'm still not sure about Cozumel and Roatan. In one of them I have to do the dolphins. I have the numbers to call and compare prices. I've asked questions on the boards. I just can't make a decision. I'd love to do the zipline, but what would I do with my kids? My son (9) would be devasted to see me and my husband do something like them and him not be able to!

Beth, I'll be up early with you getting my chairs. Even if I wwanted to sleep in, I can't make it past 7am:mad:.
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Debbie, do you know why they changed the western itinerary for April? Those were great underwater pictures that zydecocruiser took.

Michelle, my kids swam with the dolphins in Cozumel and really liked it. We booked with other people from our CC group which made it more fun. Is there an age limit for the zipline in Roatan so that your 9 year old can't go??

This week I'm going to call the kennel and cat sitting lady and make reservations for our animals for while we're away. Unfortunately, one cat gets angry at us and takes it out on our rugs!:mad: So, we have to start him on prozac before we go and the cat sitter has to give it to him while we're away. A real pain, but the pill keeps him from peeing on the rug!:eek:
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Marcy - one of the April western sailings was chartered (I think by herbalife???) and they wanted the itinerary changed for their charter. I'm not sure why Carnival changed the other April western sailing - perhaps they had to in order to get Costa Maya to allow them to switch the chartered one??? There was a post last year with people complaining because they got bumped off the one sailing after the whole ship was chartered.
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Hi everyone, seems like everyone is enjoying their weekend. We just came in from spreading the last of 10 yards of mulch. :eek: We started yesterday, but with just the 2 of us to work on it, it took a couple of days. We still need about 10 more yards to finish up everything, but that will be for another time. :o
I'm just getting so anxious for the cruise I can't stand it. I think about it all the time and still have decisions to make for ports and I think I drive everyone crazy with repeating everything I read on the boards. :rolleyes:
We are leaning toward Captain Marvin's glassbottom boat and 2 stop snorkel in Cayman. It leaves at 10:30 for an hour and a half. We've been to the stingrays and I don't sense a lot of enthusiasm from my group to go back although we all really enjoyed it. The snorkel trip is $20 each and goes out to a shipwreck and a reef. Just long enough to get out a little, but not so long that we all burn to a crisp. Cozumel and Roatan are still up in the air - still thinking renting a car in Coz and driving around, but I'm not seeing a lot of choices for rentals big enough to hold the 5 of us.
Enjoy the spring weather, new puppy and dog washing!
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I guess I never checked to see if there was an age limit for the zipline. My daughter can't do it regardless, she's only 6 and she'll be about 8 months post op at that time. The doctor has released her to do everything, but I haven't. Her surgery was done at the base of her head and they had to cut through the muscles in her neck and even though she is doing everything any other child does, I would never think of letting her swing on a zipline. I would really like to do it though. I guess that can be my excuse to plan another Western Carribbean cruise in a few years!! I may just get a taxi and go to Gumbolimbo park and the Iguana farm and then to the beach. Anyone have any other suggestions?
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I just got this information regarding the Valor's time difference in Grand Cayman from someone that sailed last week (after the daylight savings time switch):

[QUOTE]We changed in Miami to Daylight Savings on Sunday Morning, 4/3/05, prior to getting on the ship. The ship stayed on Miami time (now eastern daylight savings) the WHOLE trip. At times we were 2 hours off of the local time. [/QUOTE]

In light of this information, I plan on contacting Soto's and finding out whether they think it would be best to switch all of the Valor cruisers to the morning excursion instead of the afternoon one. I'm afraid that the afternoon excursion may not allow enough time for us to get back on the ship, especially since we have to tender. I'll let everyone know what Soto says when I hear back from them.
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I just booked Victor Bodden's brother/friend Carlos for Roatan. For $25 pp he will meet us at the pier exit gate and take us over to the canopy tour first. Then he's ours for the rest of the day to sightsee where ever we want to go. If me DH and DS want to go back to the ship in the afternoon, he'll take my DH and I shopping. I checked, it will be just our family in a car with AC. Should be lots of fun!
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Marcy - It sounds like you have everything squared away now. Isn't that a great feeling?

Where have the rest of our Valor cruisers been hiding??? :( Come on people - this cruise is getting closer and closer - show some excitement!!! Has everyone else figured out what they are doing at each port? Are you done with your cruise shopping? Did you figure out what your first drink on the ship will be??? Inquiring minds want to know. :p
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I'll jump in - no cruise shopping done yet. :eek: I am the world's worst shopper, in fact I'm an embarrasment to femalekind - sorry. When DD comes home from school she'll help me out.
Sailaway drink will probably be a strawberry daiquiri, its my foo foo of choice. I'm open to suggestions for good, fruity drinks that don't taste like alcohol, not much of a drinker either. Hmmm, maybe I should quit when I'm ahead, I'm finding I'm not good at very much except clock-watching and ... What other hat am I wearing??!! :confused:

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My first drink that signifies the official start of vacation is a pina colada!!

Sharon, you're supposed to keep track of everyone else!! Now it sounds like we need someone to keep track of you and all your hats!:eek:
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