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Come Join The Valor Voyagers 6/12/05 Western Caribbean


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Amen Sister.

He went to all of them on our cruise last year and I stayed outside working on my tan. When we came back..he was just as pale as before with a tinge of lobster color...and I was nice and bronze. LOL
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Thanks for the welcome. You'd think that enjoying cruising as much as I do I'd be an outdoor kind of person. But I'm not.....lol. I'd much rather be in the air conditioning, sipping a beverage, and perusing some master works. The last ship we were on had an exclusive Dali collection, even a couple of original works. They were amazing.

As far as the Zorro mask, all I can say is..........Ummm....No. 8)

I am willing to get "leid" though.....But only if Crista is presenting the flower....Uh-oh...THAT might get me in trouble:)
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Ok, it's official. The line has been crossed thanks to MY husband. Sorry all!

I hope everyone learned their lesson from me...and will not give this link to their husbands. LOL :o
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My husband wouldn't do this even if I gave him the link!! He believes that I am completely obsessive whenever I get ready for a vacation!! Of course he does enjoy the fruits of my labors, in fact he often tells his friends how much I prepare for our vacations:p

I talked to him last night and he is willing to get "leid" also, so we will definitely be wearing our leis.
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My husband laughs at me too, but I think he really likes having his own personal "travel agent"!
BTW, I think its great to have a man join in -its nice to have another perspective! :p

extra batteries (or battery charger for rechargeable batteries)
$1, many, for tips
different size ziplock bags (for wet suits, ice cubes in a cooler, etc)
collapsible cooler
heavy woods bug spray
plenty of sunscreen
refillable water bottle, to bring ice tea to the pool
water shoes
contact lenses and solution
water wallet
backpack for excursions or tote bag for beach
passports, copies of passports (or birth certificate & drivers license)
card with magnetic strip for safe
wine, soft drinks
lanyard for Sign and Sail card
walkie talkies
camera and equipment
Bungee cord - if you want to keep your balcony door open
Power strip - if you need to plug in more than one thing at a time
prescription medicines
duct tape (never used it, but others swear by it!)
Orange leis (no orange thongs please!!! )
cable ties to lock luggage for flight home
[COLOR=DarkRed]travel coffee mug
sunburn relief spray/ointment/cream
itinerary/port and ship info
reading material
notebook with all travel info-hotel confirmation #'s, limo service #, etc.
hair dryer(like mine better than the ships)/curling irons
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[quote name='Marcys']I see your 15 year old is a boy, I have a 16 year old daughter! Hmmmm! :p Seriously, last year it was just really nice for our kids to go to the teen area/disco with other CC kids so they didn't have to walk in alone. They made their own friends, but it was nice to have a familiar face at first.[/QUOTE]

Hi ladies,
We are going as part of a group that is celebrating our daughter's 15 b-day. There are going to be 23, 15yr. old girls, plus their friends and family. You will recognize us by the ugly red t-shirts with the Happy Holidays logo. I don't know if I'll be able to go meet you guys by the pool because we have a private party etc. Anyhow, there's going to be a ton of teens so they'll have a great time.
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Hello, Gary from the land of the giant orange pumpkins and husband of Crista! Welcome to our Roll Call! You're brave, my husband would never venture onto this site. He does, however, love meeting everyone and having instant friends for the week!

Good addition to the list, Sharon...books!! I like to bring a REALLY good book to read and my favorite author, Janet Evanovich, comes out with her new book June 21!:mad:

extra batteries (or battery charger for rechargeable batteries)
$1, many, for tips
different size ziplock bags (for wet suits, ice cubes in a cooler, etc)
collapsible cooler
heavy woods bug spray
plenty of sunscreen
refillable water bottle, to bring ice tea to the pool
water shoes
contact lenses and solution
water wallet
backpack for excursions or tote bag for beach
passports, copies of passports (or birth certificate & drivers license)
card with magnetic strip for safe
wine, soft drinks
lanyard for Sign and Sail card
walkie talkies
camera and equipment
Bungee cord - if you want to keep your balcony door open
Power strip - if you need to plug in more than one thing at a time
prescription medicines
duct tape (never used it, but others swear by it!)
Orange leis (no orange thongs please!!! )
cable ties to lock luggage for flight home
[color=darkred]travel coffee mug
sunburn relief spray/ointment/cream
itinerary/port and ship info
reading material
notebook with all travel info-hotel confirmation #'s, limo service #, etc.
hair dryer(like mine better than the ships)/curling irons[/color]
[color=darkred][color=lime]highlighter for Capers[/color][/color]
[color=darkred][color=#00ff00]laundry soap in a ziplock bag (don't really plan on doing laundry, though)[/color]

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Hi all!

Francor: I just read your post about the 23 15 yr. old girls being on the cruise and my 15 yr. old DS said, and I quote, "That's music to my ears"! Don't worry, he's a great, cute kid....always makes lots of friends on our cruises. He'll most likely be spending lots of time on the basketball court!

Gary - Welcome! My DH reads all of this but he hasn't posted at all. We went to an art auction on our last cruise for the free champagne and found it quite interesting! I'm with Debbie though, I'd rather spend my time in the sun!

Tara - I called Carnival again today and they assured me that my docs were sent yesterday by priority mail so I should have them by Tuesday. I'd call Carnival directly and push them about the issue, especially since you have air too.

Sharon - So are you doing the "End of School dance?" I envy you...I have too many days to go. OUr last day is the 8th but I have to go back in the 9th for an in-service day. That gives me Friday to get organized for the cruise!!!!! OK, now I'm starting to stress!!!!

Well, DS is patiently waiting to print out his "To Kill a Mockingbird" paper so talk to you all later! I know, Marcy, the nerve of him to do school work instead of letting me hang out on CC!!

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Emilio, is this cruise to celebrate quincineros? (I'm sure I just butchered that word!) The past three summers when we cruised Explorer of the Seas there were always large groups celebrating the 15th birthdays! It was alot of fun to see how excited the girls were and how pretty they looked the night they all dressed up in their white gowns!
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Beth, I am sooooooo doing the end of school happy dance! :D :D I swear the teachers looked more excited than the kids when we went to the buses for the final time! We have a work day tomorrow, but it doesn't seem like work without kids! teehee, can you tell I am excited??!!

Good additions to the list - I am definitely bringing soap to do laundry as needed, I guess we need to add quarters too. :rolleyes: I like mindless smut for reading during the summer - Jackie Collins is just fine. I don't worry about losing my place and remembering the plot - just read and relax.

Everyone, enjoy your day at work tomorrow - I will too!!
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[quote name='Marcys']Emilio, is this cruise to celebrate quincineros? (I'm sure I just butchered that word!) The past three summers when we cruised Explorer of the Seas there were always large groups celebrating the 15th birthdays! It was alot of fun to see how excited the girls were and how pretty they looked the night they all dressed up in their white gowns![/QUOTE]

That's exactly what it is, my daughter, and three of her friends, decided to do this celebration. There are about 23 total girls in the group and it should be fun. It's called Quinceañera, which mean fifthteen's birthday.
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My daughter will be thrilled to hear about all of the teenage girls that are cruising with us!!! Although at her age, I think she'd be even more thrilled to hear that she'll be surrounded by teenage boys instead. :rolleyes:

Sharon - congrats on completing the school year!!! I can only imagine the relief that teachers must feel when summer finally gets here and school is out.
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Well it sounds like everyone here is getting very excited!!

Sharon-you are so lucky!! No more kids!!! I have three days left with kids and two work days after that!! Today we get to leave with the kids so at 1:45 I'm outta there!!

Beth- the computer is definitely [u]NOT[/u] for school work when there is cruise planning to be done:D

Emilio-congratulations on your daughter's 15's!! Have you decided which cavetubing excursion you are going to do?

Sharon- I always bring at least three or four book to read. If I can't get into one I'll read another!!

There are really alot of teens on this cruise!! I hope there are some little ones to play with my kids!! I know my friend that is going has three boys to entertain my son, but are there any little girls to entertain my daughter? I don't want to be the entertainment committee for her:eek:
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Good morning and TGIF everyone!!! Can you believe we only have two weeks left!!! :D

I'm taking a vacation day today. It is finally supposed to be sunny and warm, so I'm going to work on my tan. Tough day, right? :p Then I'm going to Atlantic City tomorrow to shop at the outlets - maybe find some last minute cruise clothes that I don't really need. And probably having a bbq on Sunday or Monday.

What are you guys doing this weekend?
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Debbie, you're up early!!:D Wish I could sit out in the sun, but those nasty moles of mine don't like it. Had several removed that were dysplstic. I DID try to tanning mousse again last night. Much more even thanks to the fashion sisters. A few splotches, but not as bad. I'll try a second coat today. Hope your shopping is "successful!"

extra batteries (or battery charger for rechargeable batteries)
$1, many, for tips
different size ziplock bags (for wet suits, ice cubes in a cooler, etc)
collapsible cooler
heavy woods bug spray
plenty of sunscreen
refillable water bottle, to bring ice tea to the pool
water shoes
contact lenses and solution
water wallet
backpack for excursions or tote bag for beach
passports, copies of passports (or birth certificate & drivers license)
card with magnetic strip for safe
wine, soft drinks
lanyard for Sign and Sail card
walkie talkies
camera and equipment
Bungee cord - if you want to keep your balcony door open
Power strip - if you need to plug in more than one thing at a time
prescription medicines
duct tape (never used it, but others swear by it!)
Orange leis (no orange thongs please!!! )
cable ties to lock luggage for flight home
[color=darkred]travel coffee mug
sunburn relief spray/ointment/cream
itinerary/port and ship info
reading material
notebook with all travel info-hotel confirmation #'s, limo service #, etc.
hair dryer(like mine better than the ships)/curling irons[/color]
[color=darkred][color=lime]highlighter for Capers[/color][/color]
[color=darkred][color=#00ff00]laundry soap in a ziplock bag [/color][/color]
[color=red]quarters (from Sharon)[/color]
[color=#ff0000]smutty books (also from Sharon)[/color]
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Good Morning! Looks like a very nice weekend around here. We'll probably fire up the grill one day, watch the Indy 500 and the Nascar race on Sunday and just chill the rest of the time. We need to go car shopping tomorrow too - love to get new cars, hate dealing with the salesmen part. Next week I'll try to find time to shop. May need to do some hat shopping too! :D
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Hey all! I called my TA yesterday (I booked through a friend of mine who is a TA to help her out, that's the only reason I didn't go straight through Carnival) and she said that mine and my husband's documents were in, but she was just waiting to call us because the docs for my parents and sisters had not come in yet...she called Carnival and they sent out the rest of the docs on Wednesday, so hopefully by Tuesday of next week, I will be able to go pick everything up!

And trust me, if I had called her and she didn't know where my docs were, I would have been a BIG thorn in their side! Let's not even talk about the plane ticket scenario, because I am NOT happy with the flights they gave me, especially since they convinced me to fly out of a different airport than usual.
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Good morning everyone! It's going to be a great weekend here in Ohio so I'm sure we will be grilling out. I am hoping to work in my flower beds, but can't seem to get there. Too much to do to get ready for vacation. :)

We are also doing the final shopping sprees this weekend for the trip. I'm pretty sure I need to stop as I'm sure Gary would agree. :) I'm making him buy a new suit, and he's absolutely THRILLED about it. :rolleyes: I went to the store yesterday to get our leis...guess what??? EVERY color BUT orange. LOL Oh well, I will find them somewhere.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday!! TWO MORE WEEKS!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!
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Oh, one more question...I'm not trying to start trouble here or anything, but so many people keep talking, on this board and others, about locking your luggage...I know that every airport I've flown out of in the past year and a half or so, they X-ray all of your checked baggage, and your baggage MUST be unlocked in case they have to check it for, I don't know, bombs or fingernail clippers or something...is there some way to get around this that I don't know about, and lock the bags?
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In the past, there have been many threads about using TSA approved locks. They (supposedly) have a master key to open the locks and then (supposedly) lock your bags again. Try a search. Personally, I have never locked a bag.

I just went and checked my collection of leis, whew, there are orange ones in the bag! I'll bring extras along. We could change the color, if orange is hard to find. Of course, that also helps the chances that other groups would not be using that color!

Sharon, smutty books and a race car fan??:eek: What else do you have to tell us??
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[quote name='ickletarakins']...is there some way to get around this that I don't know about, and lock the bags?[/QUOTE]
I plan on using plastic cable ties to "lock" my luggage before I get to the airport. Then you just pack a pair of nail clippers in one of the outside compartments of your bag and don't lock that compartment. If you use the cable ties you know something was opened if the cable ties are missing.

I also plan on locking my luggage (probably with the regular luggage locks) before I turn it over to the porters in Miami. Better safe than sorry.

I hope to have time to go to a party store and buy some orange leis, but it is kind of out of my way and I'm not positive that I'll have time to go. If not, I just remembered that I bought a bright orange summer top, so I'll wear that if I'm not wearing a lei. :cool:

Crista - My hubby wasn't too thrilled about going out to get a new suit last weekend either, so you're not the only one that had to deal with a somewhat uncooperative spouse regarding formal wear. But he lightened up significantly when I told him how happy I was that he was getting a new suit, because I knew he was only doing it to make me happy. :)

Sharon - I already bought a few new smutty books, and will be bringing at least one or two along to read during the cruise. ;)
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Sorry for all the questions, everyone, but most of you have cruised many more times than I have...so just one more...I heard somewhere that it is a better deal to buy the drink coupons ahead of time than to just buy drinks when you get on the ship? Comments?
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