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Will post a full review later. I'm catching up on emails and unpacking but I had a wonderful time. Not a bad thing to mention at all except the weather in Bermuda was lousy except for one and a half days. I really had a great time!

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First off, I have to say, now I know what the phrase "well oiled ship" means. The whole trip, from embarkation to disembarkation was well organized. There was always someone around to help or answer a question.


Ok, first off, the food. I thought the meals were very good. They were not five star but with the exception of the buffet and one pasta dish, I enjoyed everything. The buffet wasn't terrible, it just was, well, a buffet. I think people think they will get the kind of buffet you get such as Sunday brunch buffets at restaurants, when the food hasn't been sitting out too long. The buffet on the ship is just food sitting under lamps; ok, but nothing special. It's good for a quick breakfast or snack but I certainly wouldn't make it my main dinner meal. They did have different food each night such as Oriental dinner one night and deli sandwiches one afternoon.


Meals in the main dining rooms were very good. They always had two soups and two salad choices, and some kind of meat, fish and vegetarian selection, as well as the Cooking Light meals. I thought they were prepared well, tasted well, and presented well. The waitstaff was very attentive and everyone working, knew his or her job and did it.


I did eat the first night in the pasta restaurant and it was nice ambiance and the meal was ok but I ordered fettucini alfredo and it just wasn't the same as I usually get at an Italian restaurant. They didn't have the fettucini pasta so they used spaghetti, and the sauce wasn't really creamy; it was more olive oily. Still tasted ok but not what I was expecting. I never made it to Le Bistro but that's ok, next time.


The chocolate buffet was very good but not as big as I expected. I thought it ran the length of the room but in fact, there were two lines going to different tables with the same items. There was enough chocolate to satisfy a craving but not as much as I thought there would be.


My cabin was very nice and very clean. I was alone so there was plenty of room for me. It was an outside superior and I had a very large window and good size closet and dresser. It did not have a fridge or a hairdryer but I didn't care about the latter as it rained off and on Tuesday, most of Wednesday and Friday, so my hair was getting wet anyway. It did have a safe which I appreciated. The stewards were very friendly and efficient. Always there when you need them but not annoying. They made up the rooms in the morning and then later in the evening they came and turned down the beds, left fresh towels, tidyed up, and also left chocolates and towel animals which I really enjoyed. One night there was a rabbit, another night an elephant, next night a mouse, an alligator and the final night, a monkey hanging from the air vent on the ceiling. That was my favorite and I wanted to take him home, but I needed the towel, lol.


I found the ship to be very clean and well maintained. I did not at all think of it as "run down" or "old looking", as other people have posted. It is not a brand new ship, nor does it proclaim to be so there is going to be some wear and tear but it's nothing to ruin the cruise by any means.


I liked the convenience of having the sign and sail card so that I didn't have to carry money with me everywhere. I kept my valuables locked in my safe and just carried my card with me.


I thought the embarkation and disembarkation went very smoothly and organized. There was a line for disembarkation (for the express which I chose), but it moved quickly and I was off the boat in less than a half hour.


Well, that's what's fresh in my mind. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll answer them if I can.

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I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. We are sailing on July 9th and really getting excited.


The last time we were on the Majesty was 2002 and they had deck parties onboard the evenings we were docked in St. George's. There were different themes on different nights. Do they still do those?


I asked this question a couple of days ago but no one answered so I thought I would try again.


Do you know if the World Cup which is being shown on ABC and ESPN will be available in public rooms and/or in staterooms?



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Glad to hear you had a nice time even if the weather was not good. I am afraid the rain and clouds are going to last for ever. I have never seen this much bad weather in Bermuda in all the years I have taken this ship. I leave in 2 weeks and I am hoping the weather changes. I really do not have any questions just wanted to say welcome back and thanks for the positive posting on your trip...

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Hey Cruisinw/kids


I was on the Majesty 5/28-6/4. They did have deck parties almost every night with themes. They all started at 10:30pm. They also had loads of daytime entertainment by the pool. Sunday and Friday had the best poolside entertainment during sail away.


I did not see any sports being shown around the ship. One of the few TV stations in the cabin was ESPN.


You will have a fabulous time. It was wonderful.;)

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Thanks for the great review. I'm going on the Majesty in October, solo also, and have only one question: no refrigerator in the room? I booked a superior outside cabin as well and it lists both a hairdryer and a refrigerator. I don't care about the dryer, I'll bring my own, but I'm diabetic and need a refrigerator. Did your cabin description list one and it just wasn't there?


Again, thanks for the great review. I love reading positive stuff, especially about a ship I'm going on.

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Thank you so much for the honest opinion, I will be sailing in january, on the western carribbean route. I was going to keep my expectations low, because of some of the reviews, and the fact that I have only been on mega ships, but I think I will enjoy it, I am just looking for a relaxing 7 days with some tasty food, and I am pretty easy to please. Also at the prices that are currently posted for this trip, who would really expect 5 star white glove service.


Glad you had a great time!

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hi Ginny,

I have been in 3 outside rooms on deck 7 on other cruises...I believe 2 were CC's and they had the Fridge,but my last one in the aft of deck 7 was smaller and it didn't have a fridge inside... I'd check it out especially if you need it for your medicine.


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Thanks for the great review. I'm going on the Majesty in October, solo also, and have only one question: no refrigerator in the room? I booked a superior outside cabin as well and it lists both a hairdryer and a refrigerator. I don't care about the dryer, I'll bring my own, but I'm diabetic and need a refrigerator. Did your cabin description list one and it just wasn't there?


Again, thanks for the great review. I love reading positive stuff, especially about a ship I'm going on.



Many of the Sup Ov cabins have fridges.

In any event you should call NCL in advance and advise them of your situation. They will either provide you with fridge or arrange for cold storage for your meds

They might request doc's note to obviate abuse. The Majesty cabins are small. Even so don't see why they can't squeeze small or tiny fridge into every cabin. You can get small portable ones for about $30 but it's apain to carry it around.

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Thanks to all for the refrigerator info. I will call NCL and let them know I'll need one for my meds.


I'm so excited about this cruise--I've been shopping on the internet for summer clothing for weeks now! Keep those positive reviews/bits of info coming!

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Thanks for the great review. I'm going on the Majesty in October, solo also, and have only one question: no refrigerator in the room? I booked a superior outside cabin as well and it lists both a hairdryer and a refrigerator. I don't care about the dryer, I'll bring my own, but I'm diabetic and need a refrigerator. Did your cabin description list one and it just wasn't there?


Again, thanks for the great review. I love reading positive stuff, especially about a ship I'm going on.


I was on the Majesty in April and had a superior outside cabin (as did my sister) and we both had refrigerators... it was listed on our cabin description.. we had cabin #630 & she had a cabin quite close to the casino. My room was much larger than I had imagined...her's was just a tad smaller.

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Hi again. Sorry I missed the other questions. I've been unpacking and doing laundry and catching up now that I'm home. My room was not a superior oceanview, it was a regular oceanview so I think that's why it did not have a fridge. I believe the superior oceanview rooms do have the fridge and the hairdryer.


There were deck parties at night. One night they had a John Travolta contest where the guys had to do the moves that John Travolta did from Saturday Night Live. That was funny. I didn't go to every party so I can't tell you what they had.

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Awesome review! This December will my family's third time aboard the Majesty and we are really looking forward to it.


Can you tell me if they have the Martini Clinic on the Majesty? We haven't paid much attention to the clinic type things before, but reading another cruiser's review of the martini clinic made us want to join in on the fun.

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Not sure if it was called a clinic or more like a tasting but it was with martini's. I did not attend but there was definitely something to do with martini's. This cruise was a bingo themed cruise so they had a lot of tournaments and two for one bingo going on. They also had a couple of different craft classes and demonstrations. I liked the towel animal demonstration the best.

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I was on the June 4 sailing and I was alone. I noticed many women in groups, but only one who seemed to be by herself. Were you the blonde who danced a lot with Fred the dance instructor? If so, I was the brunette.


I'd like to tack my perspective on to your review, if I may.


I agree with you that the ship is perfectly serviceable and clean. Yes, there was some worn carpet on the stairs on Stairtower A, but it was being replaced. And there was painting going on, so NCL is doing routine maintenance. However, it was decoratively the most nondescript ship I've ever seen. There was virtually no artwork anywhere except what they hung for sale at auction. There wasn't a single public room you'd remember for its decor.


I had an inside cabin on Biscayne Deck (Deck 4). Since I couldn't see the weather, I hoped to find it on the TV, but never did. Tried to see through the bridge's Webcam, but the reception was so snowy, it wasn't easy. Many of the channels stayed snowy all week, even in port.


My cabin had no fridge, but it did have a hairdryer and safe. Never could get the safe to work. I had brought a cable lock, so I chained my carry-on to the bedframe and locked it with my valuables inside. I suppose I could have asked for help with the safe, but it wasn't a big enough deal to bother.


The bathroom was so small that I could reach the hair dryer and turn on the sink and the shower while seated on the toilet. One man said he dropped the cap to his toothpaste and had to open the bathroom door to pick it up. Yes, the bathrooms are THAT small.


I found the food fair to middling. I don't think there was a steak on the regular dining room menu all week. I assume you can buy one in Le Bistro for $15. The only good beef I had was a filet mignon at the captain's table on Friday night. I didn't try either of the specialty restaurants.


The courses on menus for Freestyle have been reduced to Appetizer, Entree, and Dessert, I suppose, to move people through their meals faster. (It used to be Hot Appetizer, Cold Appetizer, Soup, Salad, Entree, Dessert.) On our last night (Saturday), one of the appetizers was a baked potato, and an entree choice was macaroni and cheese. This is not dinner fare I would expect on a cruise.


One night I had the "Cooking Light" chicken parmigiana. The spaghetti had the consistency and taste of Chef-Boy-R-Dee. The chicken was dry.


On Saturday night I ordered salmon and it was EXCELLENT. Moist and well-seasoned or marinated.


If you're sailing alone, be careful in speaking to the dining room hostesses. Twice (once at dinner, once at breakfast) they asked me, "How many in your party?"


When I said "one," they assumed I wanted to eat alone and whisked me off to a table by myself. At dinner, it was the worst table in the Four Seasons dining room, right in front of the galley door with the waiters running by constantly. I walked out.


So, be sure you make it clear, "I'm one, but I want to share a table," or you'll be eating your meals in solitary, sometimes at a huge table with all the other place settings removed so you look like a fool.


I thought the food on the buffets was OK, but as MomToPom said, nothing great. The problem was that if you got anything hot, it would be stone-cold by the time you found a place to sit on the windy open deck.


At the Piazza San Marco buffet in the stern of the ship, they serve burgers, hot dogs, fries, and pizza. But no beverages. So, if you don't want an icy cold meal, be sure to get your drink mid-ship before you head to the buffet.


There weren't a lot of kids on this sailing, but the parties on deck at night seemed tame enough for them.


If you drink alcohol, watch your tabs. I had a martini every night before dinner at the same bar (Polo Club). After a few days, they were getting more expensive. When I put my glasses on and read the tab, I saw that the bartender was upselling me on the vodka. When I told him I wanted just the "house vodka," he poured me Absolut and overcharged me again.


On the last night in the dining room, a tablemate ordered the house wine. She was told it they were fresh out, but she could order another wine for $1 more. In my book, if the establishment runs out of something, it should substitute with the next best thing for the same price.


There is a line on the bar tabs to add a gratuity in addition to the 15% NCL automatically charges. I peeked at others' tabs and never saw anyone sweetening the tip. I think the bartenders take care of padding their tips by upgrading the drinks without permission.


As for Freestyle itself, I don't believe the dining rooms or buffets were open for longer hours than you'd find on any other cruise line. Many of the passengers I met seemed to think they'd starve if they didn't have Freestyle. What Freestyle caused in the dining rooms was long lines at peak times as the crew tried to juggle the seating arrangements. So, if the idea of walking right into the dining room to your special seat to be served by your special waiter seems less attractive than standing in line on deck with a crowd before every meal, waiting for a table like you were at Red Lobster, then Freestyle is for you.


Another thing: There are actually TWO optional formal nights, and they occur on the same nights they would on traditional cruises - Monday and Friday. There's no separating those who participate or not. I saw many people in shorts wandering into the captain's welcome aboard cocktail party, and I wondered if they had stopped to shake his hand and have their picture taken, or if they mistook him in his navy-blue formal uniform for some kind of doorman and walked right past him. And I didn't see any free drinks being served at the cocktail party, as NCL used to do.


I met many people on board who think the Norwegian Majesty is the ultimate in cruising, and Bermuda is the only port in the world worth visiting. I guess it all depends on how low your expectations are.


I know this seems like a lot of kvetching, but I had a good time and I'm glad I had the experience, but it's not a trip I would want to repeat.

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Hi Karen,


We did Explorer of the Seas twice, and loved RCCI. This is my second trip on NCL. How did you think the food compared? I know this is a subjective question...


Also, did you enjoy Bermuda as a port? I sensed from your post that you might have enjoyed other ports more...

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Hi, Maria,


The whole dining experience on Royal Caribbean is more upscale than I think you'll find with NCL Freestyle (although I can't speak for the newer ships, I haven't tried any). If I recall, the menus on RCCL are the expanded version I mentioned earlier. I'd say the food is a bit higher quality, better prepared, and presented.


NCL is certainly trying to attract a certain type of passenger, but I think they've shot themselves in the foot. They have created continual chaos in the dining rooms, so food preparation and presentation is suffering. They can only do so much. But if their diminished offerings still please their passengers, they are succeeding.


The dining rooms on Majesty gave me the impression I was eating in a crumby restaurant with pretensions of class, both from the menus and from the rooms themselves.


But to compare Majesty to Explorer of the Seas is apples to oranges. Explorer is a megaship, and the dining rooms have balconies, art, and elegance right down to the table settings. On Majesty, you get two forks and two butter knives so there's never any confusion about which one to use. Since there are only two courses, this is appropriate and certainly cuts down on dishwashing.


I've never sailed on a ship on any other line that was as devoid of class as the Majesty. 24/7, there were people dressed like they just came from Wal-Mart, some toting yellow plastic football helmets full of beer bottles on ice. It's a deliberate strategy on NCL's part that must be working, but it doesn't happen to be my idea of cruising. I became hooked on the lovely traditions of ocean voyages on the Norway (yes, dressing for dinner), and I am very sorry to see them dying because cruise lines think people want them to dumb down. Well, I guess some people DO want that.


I basically liked Bermuda. We docked in St. George's. I walked around and checked it out. Took the bus to Hamilton. The ferry to the Royal Dockyard, and the ferry back to the ship. It's a lovely island. Extremely clean. The people are friendly and speak English. There's nothing to criticize.


But if I had to rename it, I would call it "Caribbean Lite." You get the palm trees, the pink-tinged sand, and turquoise water, but it all seems so bland, lacking energy.


The chef/writer Anthony Bourdain advises, "Be a traveler, not a tourist."


To me, Bermuda is tourist heaven, a place for people who like to think they're going somewhere exotic without really feeling as if they've ever left home. As long as everything and everyone is just like what they're used to, they don't have to push their boundaries.


I know this is going to offend people, but it's not my intent. Personally, when I venture out to see the world (and pay 200% for the privilege of going alone, as NCL charged me), I want to experience new things, from the food to the ports of calls. That's just me.


On the Norway, I had my first taste of escargot, calamari, and foie gras. You can rest assured there's nothing that adventurous on the Majesty's standard menus.


It's all a matter of what you're seeking.

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The bathroom was so small that I could reach the hair dryer and turn on the sink and the shower while seated on the toilet. One man said he dropped the cap to his toothpaste and had to open the bathroom door to pick it up. Yes, the bathrooms are THAT small.



On Saturday night I ordered salmon and it was EXCELLENT. Moist and well-seasoned or marinated.



I know this seems like a lot of kvetching, but I had a good time and I'm glad I had the experience, but it's not a trip I would want to repeat.


Karen, I laughed aloud when I read your description of the bathrooms; it was the same way on the Dream. One woman gave "lessons" on how to shave your legs in that tiny shower; she was very funny. Glad you liked the salmon. You are right, that was a lot of kvetching; I'm sure it is good to get it off your chest. Now tell us about the "good time and glad I had the experience" part.

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Hi, Maria,

I basically liked Bermuda. We docked in St. George's. I walked around and checked it out. Took the bus to Hamilton. The ferry to the Royal Dockyard, and the ferry back to the ship. It's a lovely island. Extremely clean. The people are friendly and speak English. There's nothing to criticize.


But if I had to rename it, I would call it "Caribbean Lite." You get the palm trees, the pink-tinged sand, and turquoise water, but it all seems so bland, lacking energy.


The chef/writer Anthony Bourdain advises, "Be a traveler, not a tourist."


To me, Bermuda is tourist heaven, a place for people who like to think they're going somewhere exotic without really feeling as if they've ever left home. As long as everything and everyone is just like what they're used to, they don't have to push their boundaries.

I've seen many condescending postings on Cruise Critic, but this may be the ultimate.

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Hotspur, I warned you I was going to offend people. As I said, it's just my take on things, and I know many people love everything about Bermuda. Different strokes for different strokes. Not meant to be condescending.


But going back to the small bathrooms, I will mention that there was no sill on the shower. The floor was just slightly recessed, so if there was anything clogging the drain at all, you got instant flood.


In fact, I propped my foot on the toilet to shave my legs one night and flooded the bathroom in no time flat.


What I liked about the cruise was the crew. I've always found NCL's crews to be friendlier than most. We also happened to have a dance team on board, Fred & Elaine, and Fred really brightened things for the single ladies. Wherever there was dancing, Fred was there serving as a dance host.


I had to laugh when I first entered my cabin and saw the bedspreads that people have described as "filthy and disgusting." They were exactly the same spreads used on the Norway. They are striped with a raised bubble pattern. But the background is pale gray, which probably made them look dingy when they were brand-new.

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Hotspur, I warned you I was going to offend people. As I said, it's just my take on things, and I know many people love everything about Bermuda. Different strokes for different strokes. Not meant to be condescending.

Condescending it was, I regret to say. But I suppose putting those down who did enjoy Bermuda made you feel superior to them, and apparently that's important for you. After all, you do watch Anthony Bourdain on The Travel Channel. How sophisticated. Perhaps you should try Mogadishu on your next trip. More exotic, you know.

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just curious to the above poster did you research this ship and read reviews before booking. It seems to me you are not the type of person to take a smaller older ship with less upscale than others. this ship is older smaller and not a high class as some of the others. If that is what you were looking for why would you book on the Majesty. This is a ship that is cheaper and you get what you pay for which is why I always take the same ship. She is cheaper, does not have a bunch of stuffy people on it so that you can feel comfy walking around with a bucket of bud and it is ok to do that. Your right I do take offense to some of what you say but I guess that is your opinion and it is ok I will not loss sleep over it because in a few weeks I will be walking the same decks you walked with my helmet full of beer and be quiet content on eating whatever they are serving then coming home and telling everyone what a great time we had on our smaller, run down older ship. Infact It will be the 9th time on this ship and I am sure I will enjoy it just as much as I did the first time...

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