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Cruise with Children

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We are traveling on the Explorer of the Seas from Cape Liberty, NJ to Bermuda on July 23-28, 2006. There will be a total of 16 of us, including my 2 year old twin toddlers.

I've been reading a lot of the message boards regarding the kiddie pool and getting a lot of mixed messages. RCCL does not allow children who are not potty trained into the pools. Some of the message boards say that they will not have any problems, that this rule is not strictly enforced, but I'm still apprehensive. Having had to pay 3rd and 4th passenger rates to bring the children with us, I don't want them to have a terrible time on the ship just watching everyone in the pool. :eek: I was planning on the children wearing swimming diapers. But I just don't know. My only other option is to have them wear nothing, and having my husband and I watch them closely for any possible accident. We will be starting to potty train them this weekend.

I'm starting to get very nervous. Has anyone had any experiences with this. Please let me know. Thanks.

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We are traveling on the Explorer of the Seas from Cape Liberty, NJ to Bermuda on July 23-28, 2006. There will be a total of 16 of us, including my 2 year old twin toddlers.

I've been reading a lot of the message boards regarding the kiddie pool and getting a lot of mixed messages. RCCL does not allow children who are not potty trained into the pools. Some of the message boards say that they will not have any problems, that this rule is not strictly enforced, but I'm still apprehensive. Having had to pay 3rd and 4th passenger rates to bring the children with us, I don't want them to have a terrible time on the ship just watching everyone in the pool. :eek: I was planning on the children wearing swimming diapers. But I just don't know. My only other option is to have them wear nothing, and having my husband and I watch them closely for any possible accident. We will be starting to potty train them this weekend.

I'm starting to get very nervous. Has anyone had any experiences with this. Please let me know. Thanks.



Just of Explorer 6/2 sailing and I can tell you that there are RCCl employees in "Deck Patrol" tshirts routinely checking out the pools (and deck chairs) to make sure all rules are enforced. Swim diapers and children not fully potty-trained are strictly prohibited from the pools and hot tubs -- including the children's pools. There is truly no gray-area on this one.


I can tell you that on our Radiance cruise last Thanksgiving the cruise director made an announcment over the PA system when the children's pool had to be closed because someone decided to take a chance by putting their non-potty trained child in the pool -- the CD did not mince any words in pointing out that this family was in strict violation of the rules and far more children's days were ruined when the pool had to be drained and sanitized. He was shockingly blunt about the situation and the impact it had on all the other families' vacations.

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Non potty trained children do not belong in the pools. RCI hasa rule and it is enforced. Buy a small plastic blow up pool. You can bring it on deck and the little ones love them.


I'm a mom of two toddlers and I would not ever consider having their urine mix in the pool. My older two have been strongly warned about the pool and the bathroom.

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Exposing others to the threat of contamination from non-potty trained toddlers is not a trivial matter. If this was a deal breaker, you should have checked with your TA or RCI prior.:confused:


Niedel makes a good suggestion. RCI staff does police this and other passengers will be very vocal as well.

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As Nliedel said... bring a small blow up pool for the deck. I would even fill it with buckets of water from the out door shower by the pool... as this is fresh water and not salt water. I dont know too many little ones that enjoy getting salt water in their eyes and mouths. Please do not take them in the pool... just because you can get away with it. I know I have bent a few rules here and there.... but never any that have put others at risk.

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We are traveling on the Explorer of the Seas from Cape Liberty, NJ to Bermuda on July 23-28, 2006. There will be a total of 16 of us, including my 2 year old twin toddlers.


I've been reading a lot of the message boards regarding the kiddie pool and getting a lot of mixed messages. RCCL does not allow children who are not potty trained into the pools. Some of the message boards say that they will not have any problems, that this rule is not strictly enforced, but I'm still apprehensive.

Our first RC is tomorrow BUT in the past Carnvial trips there was a NO diaper rule! why not just bring a tiny blow up pool?

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So I guess everyone thinks that the kids that are potty trained dont use the bathroom in the pool???? Give me a break!!! And I think your even crazy to even think that some adults dont do it.

I think if your child is in a swimmer there is no problem. If I paid the price I paid for my child to go then they should be able to enjoy something. It is not

like the water you are swimming in is the cleanest anyway....it comes from the ocean!!!

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So I guess everyone thinks that the kids that are potty trained dont use the bathroom in the pool???? Give me a break!!! And I think your even crazy to even think that some adults dont do it.

I think if your child is in a swimmer there is no problem. If I paid the price I paid for my child to go then they should be able to enjoy something. It is not

like the water you are swimming in is the cleanest anyway....it comes from the ocean!!!

I'm assuming you are referring to people urinating in the pools. While it may seem disgusting, it's not the urine that poses the biggest threat. In fact, urine is sterile or nearly sterile.
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And I know for fact that the swimmie diapers do not always hold in "the other stuff". We had to vacate the pool 10 minutes early at my sons birthday party due to swimmie leakie. (the rule was that they had to clean the area and add more chemicals and retest after 30 minutes to insure the safety of the swimmers).

Just because you paid for the child to be on the ship doesnt mean that they get to take part in all the festivities. Children under 18 are not allowed to shoot craps in the casino....

I am just saying that people traveling with children need to do their homework to make sure they know what the children can and can not do before they even set foot on the ship. (that is why there is a gap in our cruising years... had child.. waited til he was old enough to do almost everything and we could all enjoy).

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The no children in diapers or under potty trained age is not a RCCL rule it is a CDC rule that all vessels leaving from U.S. ports for a foreign port must abide by, the cruiselines enforce the rule since it has a direct result on their sanitation inspections. The pools on cruise ships are salt water there is no chlorine to kill and bacteria that leaks from a swim diaper or child in a swim suit alone that has an accident in the pool.


Other CDC Vessel Sanitation Rules include the cleaning of the toys in the childcare center, child sized toilets in the child activity center, assisting children under 6 to wash their hands after eating, using the toilet or touching surfaces that may be unclean. These are all rules for the health and safety of your children. Would you like for the cruise line to ignore these rules as well because they are inconvienent?


You can view the CDC Vessel Sanitation program at the following website http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp/


http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp/operationsmanual/OPSManual2005.pdf is the direct link to the 2005 Vessel Sanitation Operations Manual and lists all of the sanitation measures that cruise lines must ensure and maintain for the health and safety of all passengers.


Below is the exact wording for U.S. Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, Vessel Sanitation Program manual:








Children in diapers or who are not toilet trained are not permitted in the public swimming pools and whirlpool spas.

Please do not interpret this message as flaming...I want children, teens and adults to have a great time on their cruise in a clean, healthy and safe environment. Please look into the other options for young children to splash in water and have a great time on their cruise. The blow up baby pools are a great inexpensive way to provide them with their own splash/swim place.





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Hi.... I want to get something straight. I wasn't told about the unpotty trained children in the pool until I paid for everything and it was too late to do anything. I actually found that and the fact the children couldn't participate in the toddler adventure program out by myself reading all the websites. Had I known, I would have thought twice about it.


I have mixed feelings with some of the replies that have been written. I'm not a bad person for wanting my kids to have a good time, we should get what we paid for. As for as some of the replies that suggest that I should have waited until the kids are older, you probably don't remember what its like to be a new parent of toddlers who were born 2 minutes apart. I'm sure your children when they were potty trained didn't have any accidents.


I'll bring a small blow up pool with us, a good idea. Does RCCL allow this? and is there room for it on the deck? In the meantime, the children will start to potty train. Hopefully they will be trained in time for the cruise.

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We are traveling on the Explorer of the Seas from Cape Liberty, NJ to Bermuda on July 23-28, 2006.


I wasn't told about the unpotty trained children in the pool until I paid for everything and it was too late to do anything. I actually found that and the fact the children couldn't participate in the toddler adventure program out by myself reading all the websites. Had I known, I would have thought twice about it.


In the meantime, the children will start to potty train. Hopefully they will be trained in time for the cruise.


As a parent of 2 grown children myself, let me give you some friendly advice. And please don't accuse me of flaming. If you start potty training today, I highly doubt your twins will be trained by July 23-28, 2006. You'll be lucky if they're completely trained by Christmas.:D Potty training is something that you cannot force on children, they must be ready to do it.


As far as not knowing that the children will be too young to participate in any of the programs, let this be a lesson learned. From now on, whenever you plan a vacation, you'll always have to research and ask yourself "what will the kids be able to do on this vacation, and will they enjoy it?" There is nothing worse then taking 2 kids on vacation (especially when they're teenagers) and they can't find something they like to do. We always had to plan our vacations around the kids, but that's what parenting is all about. Now finally, both our kids are in college, we can plan the vacations just for us!!!!!


Just wondering: To all that advise bringing a small blow up pool (which I think it's an excellent idea), where do you dump it out?

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With the blow up pool: It it's on the balcony just haul it to the bathroom, on the deck? You probably won't have to even think about dumping it. My kids can't keep water in the darn thing.


Clark (short) is correct. I got all excited last week cause Hernie-Roo (just turned three, male and deaf, about 75%) said a badly mangled, "Potty." we went out and got the special diapers he can take on and off, the toilet paper with the dog on it and got all excited. Put him on his potty seat and it sounded like we were killing the child he screamed so loud. He's not ready. The average for girls is 2.5 - 3. Boys? 3.5 and Herne was REALLY early (although they say you can stop preemie adjustment at 2 we have found that for very early preemies this may not be accurate). So we are waiting to do it for a few more weeks.


They have to do it on their timetable or you aren't potty training the kids as much as training the adults to never take their eyes off the kid and learn every subtle signal. My best advice, as a mother of four, is to relax and let them do it when they are ready. I have faith that my kids will do it in their own time and the 9 and 7 year olds did it pretty close to average.

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Hey Clark... to answer your question about the dumping of the pool.... find a place on deck to place the pool... very close to the main pools or hot tubs and also very close to a drain in the floor. Remember, the floor is made to absorb all the run off from the pools and rain. Just be considerate when dumping that you dont go right for peoples shoes or belongings. It can be done... I have seen it. ( i never had to do it because DS was 5 when he took his first cruise). You also dont have to fill the pool to the rim.... water to splash with can be just as fun.


to the OP... sorry if you feel that there has been some flaming on this post. It is a hot topic after all. But if you look through, some of the flames were directed at other posters as well. Good luck with the potty training. And yes, accidents do happen but also keep that in mind when taking them in the pools as well.

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First let me say I'm sure you and your children will have a wonderful time on your cruise! As for the potty training, if they are ready, you can do it! My kids are all young adults now, but they were all trained by 2 1/2. If I can make a suggestion, don't get the kiddie underpants that are actually pull up diapers. The way they learn fast is by having accidents! Buy regular underwear and ask/take them often to the bathroom. You will have to stay home for about a week! Don't make the mistake of putting diapers back on them, except at night. If you have to take them out, make sure you know where the bathrooms all are. I knew exactly where every one was in our local mall! Consistency is the key to teaching anything. If you bite the bullet and just go for it, they will be basically trained in a week. But as someone else mentioned, they do have to be ready for it themselves. Baring that, the blow up pool is an excellent idea and they may enjoy it more anyway since it is smaller and they may feel safer. Have a great trip!:)

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We have twin 2 year olds and they are now potty trained, but when I was looking to book our cruise for next year they stated that for toddlers to use ANY of the pools they must be potty trained and toddlers are not allowed to use swim diapers. And please do not put them in nothing and risk it, bec/if they do then they close the pool and everyone suffers.

You will have a great cruise!

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...I have mixed feelings with some of the replies that have been written. I'm not a bad person for wanting my kids to have a good time, we should get what we paid for. As for as some of the replies that suggest that I should have waited until the kids are older, you probably don't remember what its like to be a new parent of toddlers who were born 2 minutes apart...

mic2sail-Try posting on the family boards. Yes, there will still be disagreement by posters over the swimming pool issue, but you'll find alot more support and helpful info for traveling with toddlers. Good luck and have fun!


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I really did not want to flame anyone if my message is one that is being referred to, I want to get the point across to anyone who searches the forums that the swiming pool rule is not a cruise line rule to be ignored. It is a rule for the health and safety of everyone.


You and your family are going to have a wonderful time on your cruise! Think about it this way, you are going away for 5 days in which you do not have to cook, clean or serve food. That is five days of one on one or one on two time with your children. Without the worry of all the stuff that gets in the way of being with your children!


I am very sorry that you did not find out about the restrictions on traveling with young children until too late. Make the best of it, you will have a grand time. On the family cruising board, I read a post that the parents never actually had to empty the baby pool, their room steward did it and refilled it when it was on the balcony, or one of the crew on the pool deck helped to fill and dump the pool for the parents. I have also read about a toddler play group that is for parents and children, I believe sponsored by fisher price, that is an activity that you can do together.


There is a whole lot of space on the ship to explore! Two year olds love to explore!!! Bring some of their own toys and make up games as you go. You can set up your own scavenger hunt, walk around the ship and find items or places that your kids might find interesting then at a later time play "hide and seek" only they are the seekers and the items/places are what is hiding. You can steer them so that they don't get frustrated and lose interest. Maybe "finding a food they like" or "the statue is hiding" or "the sea is hiding"


You said that there are 16 people traveling in your group, maybe you can exchange babysitting with another group member, or treat yourself to a spa treatment and have someone else watch the kids.


Please do not be upset about your cruise, once you are onboard everything will be different. An activity that you may want to talk with your children about or plan a quiet activity that will keep them busy (turning rubic cube, large beads on a rope, etc) something that will their hands busy and them entertained is the lifeboat drill. They have to be there in a life jacket which depending on how they are they may not like, everyone in your assigned station has to show up if they don't everyone has to wait it can be a long, hot process.

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Children under 18 are not allowed to shoot craps in the casino...


Or in the pool, even with "Little Swimmers" on. I'm with the parents who suggested a small inflatable pool, which would probably make you popular with other parents of toddlers. Also, you could take the children on beach excursions, where they can splash and play (supervised, of course) to their hearts' content.


Please, don't put the children in the ship pool. I would hate for you to be responsible for an outbreak of E.coli because of an "oonchie" swimmie diaper in the pool.

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Please don't feel like your cruise will be ruined. Many of us take our toddlers on cruises and find ways for them to have a blast even without the use of the pool. The inflatable is the best option.


Also, for the future, check out the family board here and ask lots of questions about the different cruise lines. There are some cruise lines that DO allow non potty trained toddlers/babies (with swimmie diapers) in a separate toddler paddle pool that is washed out and sanitized. Disney Cruise Line has one (it's Mickey's left ear at the Mickey pool) and I think that I've read that either CCL or NCL has one as well.


Have a great cruise!

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When my 14 mo old daughter was on Voyager, I went with the understanding that she could not get in the adult pools, but that she could get in the toddler pool. As I found out very quickly (from a polite crew member), this was not allowed. To be honest, DW was more upset than I was. I understood their concerns. They were very accomodating, and did allow me to play with her in the edge of the main pool where there is only a few inches of water, so long as I did not allow her to sit in the water. As a result she was able to stand, and to sit on my lap, and we had lots of fun together.


I guess it goes without saying, but this rule applies to hot tubs also.


To the OP: I can say from experience that this will not ruin your cruise. If you are a working parent like myself, you will love being able to spend the time with your children, and this will likely wind up being only a minor issue. My twins are going with me in November, and although I am well aware that they will not be allowed in the pool, I have no reservations about taking them.


BTW, my oldest daughter will be 3 in August & has only been potty trained for the last few weeks. It will come naturally, with a little encouragement and a LOT of patience.

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By the way...I think the OP said they're traveling on Explorer -- one of the new "family" activities we noticed on our 6/2 sailing was called something like "cry babies theater". The description read that it was an opportunity for parents of toddlers/babies to go see a recently released movie -- but that it was ok and expected that their cihldren would be making noise and moving about the theater (screening room) during the movie. They offered it maybe 3 times on our 9-night sailing...different movie each time.


And, of course, there is the fisher-price aquababies play group. We overheard some parents (and children) in the elevators who really enjoyed this program -- not only did the tiddlers get to play together, but the parents got to meet others who were traveling under the same circumstances.

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By the way...I think the OP said they're traveling on Explorer -- one of the new "family" activities we noticed on our 6/2 sailing was called something like "cry babies theater". The description read that it was an opportunity for parents of toddlers/babies to go see a recently released movie -- but that it was ok and expected that their cihldren would be making noise and moving about the theater (screening room) during the movie. They offered it maybe 3 times on our 9-night sailing...different movie each time.


And, of course, there is the fisher-price aquababies play group. We overheard some parents (and children) in the elevators who really enjoyed this program -- not only did the tiddlers get to play together, but the parents got to meet others who were traveling under the same circumstances.


Yeah there is always the Aqua Babies Program. You will have to stay with them, but it's like a cute mommy/me play program.


And the Cry Baby Theatre...I never heard of it. I think it's great that RCCL is doing this. I know there are lots of movies i would love to see right now with my tot.

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