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Part 4: Review of Naples and Marcello

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Continuing with my review…




We, along with our friends Janet, David, and Cory, toured with the much-discussed Marcello (pronounced Mar-chello) Maresca. There has been much debate on the boards recently about the tour and services he provides. First, let me start by saying that we had a wonderful day. Our day started off shaky…We began our tour one hour late due to Guest Relations telling us that passengers were not allowed off the ship, even though we could see people leaving (see Part 1 of my review for more details). Due to this, Marcello recommended that we tour Pompeii in the afternoon to avoid the huge bus crowds. This was fine with us, so we set out on our drive. The Amalfi Coast is amazingly beautiful. There is no other place like it on earth. Marcello took us to places that tour buses couldn’t dream of reaching…and it was refreshing to not be surrounded by crowds and tourist shops. Along the way, we stopped at a roadside market, and Marcello let us sample some of the sweetest, freshest cherries I’ve ever had. He also let us smell all of the wonderful herbs and produce that are grown in the region. A nice touch…


Our little group decided that we wanted to try Marcello’s favorite restaurant…the one we’ve all read so much about. Because we had a late start, and because we wanted to make sure we had enough time in Pompeii, our group opted to go with the “light” lunch. All I can say is…if that was the smaller meal, I cannot even imagine what the larger one is like. It was by far the best meal I had the entire trip. Everything served was grown or made locally. First, we had platters heaped with bruchetta, roasted eggplant and zucchini, 3 different types of cheeses, fried cheeses, 3 different types of ham…and that was just for starters! For the main course, we had 2 huge bowls of homemade pasta…one served with a creamy sauce of olive oil, garlic and fresh clams and the other with fresh tomatoes and herbs. To drink, we had one pitcher of white wine, and one pitcher of red wine. Both were wonderful. Then came dessert…two different kinds of cake. Finally, we were served 3 different liqueurs…one lemon, one melon, and one that tasted like licorice (I can’t remember what it was made out of). We were stuffed!!! The best part was that Marcello got so excited about the food that he actually took the food to our tables to serve it to us and make sure that we tried absolutely everything! We got all of this wonderful food for 18 euro per person!


After lunch, we headed to Pompeii to end our day. (I think that we all needed some exercise after that meal!) We reached the site at around 4:00. It was very sunny, but not too hot. Marcello offered to hire us a guide in Pompeii for 100 euro, so we decided to combine our group with his driver’s group so we could split the expense. We ended up spending 10 euro each for a guide, so it was definitely worth it. The guide did an excellent job and spoke English very well. The only complaint I have is that I wish we had more time in Pompeii. There were things that David and I wanted to see that we didn’t have time for. We could have trekked out on our own, but we didn’t want to risk getting lost or running late. Pompeii is so huge that 2 hours isn’t nearly enough. It is an incredible place.


Now, let me tell you about Marcello as honestly as I can. Simply put, he is extremely passionate about his job and his country. He doesn’t hate tourists (obviously…that’s how he makes a living). And previous posts that suggest this are unfair. What he doesn’t like, however, is the effect that the huge increase in activity is having on the area. Being from Orlando, which is a huge tourist destination, I guess I’m somewhat sympathetic. It’s a double edged sword…without income from tourism you have less jobs and less money. With tourism you have pollution, a reduction in small, local businesses, and over crowding. Marcello is extremely vocal about this. He doesn’t like tourist traps. He doesn’t like pricey shops that take advantage of visitors. He doesn’t like that 200,00 visitors are all crammed into 2 city blocks. He is very outspoken, intense, and proud of this fact. I will admit that he can get carried away at times, but I think this is part of his charm. He had us laughing several times because he is such a “character”. :) This being said, he would probably benefit from talking more about the history and region.


For those considering booking with Marcello, here’s what I’d recommend. If you want to shop and spend time in more touristy spots, Marcello wouldn’t be my first choice. I don’t want to imply that he can’t or won’t do this kind of tour…In fact, he offered several times to take us shopping, etc. However, Marcello’s true talent is exposed when he can take you to the places “off the beaten path”. He will show you villages untouched by time (or tour buses). I absolutely recommend him to anyone looking for something completely unique.


Here's what we spent:


1. Tour with Marcello for 2 - 200 euro plus tip

2. Lunch for 2 - 36 euro

3. Pompeii admission for 2 - 20 euro

4. Pompeii guide (split between 10 people) - 20 euro

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I have just booked a tour with Marcello, actually his "driver". Can you tell me anything about him? Do they go together?





They (Marcello and the driver) don't actually follow one another. But, Marcello likes to personally meet each of the guests that have booked with him, so he tries to meet the other groups at either Pompeii or the restaurant. Most likely, you will be meeting him sometime during the day.


In our case, the other group arrived at the restaurant around 15 minutes or so after we did. At that time, Marcello made recommendations to them on what items to order, etc. He also served their table, and there was fun for all! Since we were planning on sharing the cost of a guide with the other group, Marcello made arrangements for us to meet them at 4:00 in Pompeii. It worked out very well.


The people from the other group said that their driver was wonderful!

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We also have booked with Marcello's other driver later this month. I am looking forward to it! The "lighter" lunch sounds like much too much already that I can't imagine what the other lunch would have been like. How did you decide to do the lighter lunch? Was it only because of time constraints?

What towns did you see off the beaten track?

Thanks for any additional information!


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Thank you so much for your wonderful review. I am truly enjoying it! My husband and I will be sailing on the Millenium this September, so this information is most useful.


I am also booked with Marcello. I am looking forward to it BECAUSE he goes to small towns and villages off the beaten track. I would love to know, however, if you have the opportunity to explore these small villages, or do you just get to drive through?


Thanks again!

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How did you decide to do the lighter lunch? Was it only because of time constraints?

What towns did you see off the beaten track?


We decided on the lighter lunch mostly due to time constraints. Looking back, the bigger lunch probably wouldn't have taken too much longer. Also, we started our tour 1 hour late, so that cut into our time as well. The meal was fantastic! I couldn't have eaten another bite! Marcello had to help me out on my dessert because I couldn't finish it!!!


As far as the towns go, I can't even remember their names. They were really small. There are numerous little villages that line the coast, so it's hard to keep them all straight. Some of them are so small that they look like a few houses scattered about. Marcello pointed out that you can always locate a "town" because each town has a miniature nativity scene that the locals build and keep up year round. Really beautiful things, really...


Hope this helps!

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I am also booked with Marcello. I am looking forward to it BECAUSE he goes to small towns and villages off the beaten track. I would love to know, however, if you have the opportunity to explore these small villages, or do you just get to drive through?


Because the drive is so long, most of the villages you just drive through, or stop to take pictures. One village you will get to explore quite a bit, and it is gorgeous! The people who live there are still working and living exactly how they have been for years! The views are amazing! And the air is so clean and smells like the lemon trees that are growing everywhere...


You will see, soon.


Have a wonderful time, and tell Marcello that Jennifer said "hello".

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Thanks for the update on the lunch! It sounds heavenly no matter what we eat. I am going to have to diet the rest of the year to take off all of the weight I will probably gain on this trip!


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Donna, let me tell you...none of my clothes fit right anymore. It's terrible!


In my last post, I forgot to mention that Marcello will stop anywhere or in any village that you want. All you have to do is ask him.

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Thanks for your great review. That is exactly the type tour we are looking for, a little off the touristy track. I am so glad to hear that they have a lighter lunch option. The larger lunch seems so overwhelming and time consuming. I have just confirmed our tour with Marcello for our October cruise!

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Thanks for your great review. That is exactly the type tour we are looking for, a little off the touristy track. I am so glad to hear that they have a lighter lunch option. The larger lunch seems so overwhelming and time consuming. I have just confirmed our tour with Marcello for our October cruise!


Have a great time! I'm jealous! :)

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Several of my favorite pictures from our time with Marcello on the Amalfi coast are of those little nativity scenes before the towns, where Marcello would stop the car to let me take the shots. He is a great guy, and as I have said before on other threads, he laughs that one lady called him a "veritable erupting volcano". I found that to be very apropos of his demeanor. I liked him, my daughter found him hard to take because she likes "quiet" when doing a scenic drive. I can take anything, but by the end of the day I like quiet, too. Marcello was quite intent on getting us back to the port on time, and it was a challenge because of the traffic, and we were there in off-season in mid-September! Our ship had a last tender at 4:30, but Marcello managed to get us there for the last one!

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Your post says continuing with #4 of your review but I can't find the other ones. Can you tell me anything (date posted or whatever so I can read them.

Thanks, Patsy


Hey Patsy!


Last time I checked, the posts were on page 3. They all begin with "Med Cruise Review...". Part 1 has a thumbs up sign next to it. The other two have those bright green arrows next to them, so they're a little easier to spot.


The next cruise I review, I'll definitely combine all of the parts into one post to make it easier.


Let me know if you still can't find them. :)

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I was going to write up a review of our day but with Marcello but I would be repeating everything you said. We had a carbon copy of your day and enjoyed it thouroughly. I would like to see Marcello relax a little and not defend his agenda so much. The beauty and the wonder of his tour speak for themselves. It is so great not to be in crowds and seeing such amazing things. Keep up the good work Marcello! Hope to see you again! Ciao, Peg.

The lunch was a highlight of our cruise. Such fun!

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I am very interested in booking Marcello for upcoming

Brilliance of the Seas cruise , Aug 16th...


This is a return trip to Napoli ...last I was there I was

an exchange student (25 years ago!), and would like to

host one or two of my long lost friends for lunch...


Would like to do: Pompeii,Sorrento and Capri for the day.


How do I contact Marcello?


Does he have a website, or email address?


Pls advise. Thank you.

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My wife and I were with Plank and absolutely agree with the assessment of Marcello. He never stops talking so if you can't turn him off once and a while you may get frustrated, but he provides a wonderful tour. We saw a large portion of the Amalfi Coast and had a small amount of time to shop. The lunch was wonderful and very reasonable. I did not think we wasted too much time eating. My wife and I would "highly" recommend Marcello but if you are not looking for a quiet drive along the Amalfi Coast you may not want to book Marcello. Marcello if you read your posts, Hello from Colorado and thanks again for the wonderful tour. Phil

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Colorado, Hope all is well. Say hi to your awesome athletes! I am finally getting back to reality! Have slept alot, but now back to exercising and eating light! Lots of warm fuzzy memories! Hope Rome was great for you two! We loved it! Lots of great pics so far! Peg

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We toured with Marcello's driver, Adriano. He was wonderful. We stopped and shopped in Amalfi, Ravello and Positina. We also lunched at the restaurant with the larger meal, but it sounds like the smaller meal was as big as the larger one. It really was a treat. Marcello talked with us at the table while we were eating. He is a very nice fellow. And he does worry about what people think of him and his agency. I don't think you could do any better than Marcello (or his driver). The Amalfi Coast is just beautiful. To see those towns on the hillsides is just magnificent. We didn't got to Pompei because we had gone there on a previous trip so I guess we had a little more time than people who went to Pompei. It was truly one of our best days on our Med cruise.

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We toured with Marcello's driver, Adriano. He was wonderful. We stopped and shopped in Amalfi, Ravello and Positina. We also lunched at the restaurant with the larger meal, but it sounds like the smaller meal was as big as the larger one. It really was a treat. Marcello talked with us at the table while we were eating. He is a very nice fellow. And he does worry about what people think of him and his agency. I don't think you could do any better than Marcello (or his driver). The Amalfi Coast is just beautiful. To see those towns on the hillsides is just magnificent. We didn't got to Pompei because we had gone there on a previous trip so I guess we had a little more time than people who went to Pompei. It was truly one of our best days on our Med cruise.


Ginny C.

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We toured with Marcello's driver, Adriano. He was wonderful. We stopped and shopped in Amalfi, Ravello and Positina. We also lunched at the restaurant with the larger meal, but it sounds like the smaller meal was as big as the larger one.




What was served in the larger lunch? Do you remember the cost? How long were you in the restaurant? Sorry for so many questions but wondering if the larger lunch would be too much or take away too much time for the sites.


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