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Need some help-Carnival????


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I posted on the Carnival board, but am sure I will be blasted, so thought I would try here.


I would really like to go on this cruise. http://www.friendentertainment.com/oldies_cruises.php


I am disembarking the QE2 in FLL on Jan 10. Will I be in for too much of a shock?


I tried Carnival once-early 70's. It was too much paaaarty for even a college kid.


Call me the old curmudgeon, but I still think cruises should have some kind of decorum. And formal night MEANS formal-with all the goodies.


I can't stand walkie talkies, cell phones or rowdy drunks. Belly flop contests disgust me.


I have slack time in January (have to be in South America no later than Jan. 20). So flying out of Miami makes this cruise work really well. I would really like to go on the cruise-I LOVE Kenny Vance (Jay and the Americans, "Looking for and Echo"-recent release.


I have been to the promoter's concerts in NY/NJ. Most people are pretty dressed up, especially the concerts with dancing. Very reminiscent of late 50's/60's-guys at least in sport coats and ladies in fancy cocktail dresses. I love doo wop-really the only thing I listen to with regularity. But am I going to blow my "doo wop image" on this cruise? Can't picture someone in sloppy shorts listening to a concert. Thanks for the help.



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Hey :) Looking at the dates of the cruise (I believe it says February 11-18), I think you might just missed the mid-winter break a lot of schools have, so that should significantly lower any children onboard. Also, the special theme of this cruise will also narrow down the passengers in my opinion. I can't give you too much info on a theme cruise or what people will wear to the concerts, but with the age group it attracts, I think perhaps you will be in for a more reserved than normal Carnival crowd! Don't quote me though!


Also, from what I've heard, Carnival has changed immensely from the 70s, and I've seen it change very much even from the early 90s. Not to say they are a luxury line, or ever will be, but I think they've come a long way.


On to the not-so positive side of things:

Being Carnival, they're probably still likely to have belly flop contests on board, as it is standard for the line. Also, like with any of the non-luxury lines (I can't comment on luxury ones), you will probably see some dress-code dissenters in the dining room. I've seen it on all my cruises, not just Carnival. I did however notice a higher percentage of people changing out of formalwear after dinning on Carnival than on any other line. That could change though, depending on the demographics.


My overall thoughts are to go for it, if you really love oldies. Don’t let other passengers, the cruise line, anything take away from your enjoyment of the music, and try to keep an open mind. Best of luck to you :D

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I say go for it! Get a Cat. 9A with the huge aft balcony and enjoy. You don't have to attend the belly flop thing and, in the diningroom, you may ask your waitstaff to let you know when the after-dinner hoopla will begin, so you may exit and do whatever.


There are areas on all Carnival ships that cater to adults and there are also quiet places. Our first cruise was on the Miracle and we had a great time. We didn't play any games, hang around the pools for the "contests" or do the bar crawls. Our cruise was in October and we didn't see a single soul who was falling-down drunk, nor did we experience any insane behavior. The majority of the pax were dressed to the nines for "formal" nights. Carnival is not a ship loaded with heathens. There are people just like you on Carnival, believe it or not.


Carnival is what it is...relax and enjoy.

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If you go into the cruise with a good attitude looking for the postive and expecting to enjoy and have a great time, you probably will.


If you go with a "holier than thou" attitude looking for the negative, then most likely Carnival is not for you.


It is a mass market cruise line...you are not going to get "catered" to in the manner you may be accustomed to, although I've always found the service to be excellent.


Don't compare apples with oranges...take Carnival for what it is....a GREAT time for a GREAT price. If your good time depends on what other passengers are doing or wearing, you're in for trouble. You will find a little bit of everything on a Carnival ship. You will see jeans on formal night right along with people dressed beautifully. If you choose to mingle and meet fellow passengers, you will find some of the most interesting people you'll ever meet from ALL WALKS OF LIFE.


You can't judge a book by it's cover.

Good luck and enjoy.

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I'll go out on a limb and predict that you may get many of the same people on this cruise as you see at the concerts you attend. But, unless the whole ship is chartered, you will also get a mix of all other pax as well.


It will definitely be a big change from QM2. We've only been on QM2 once for a short cruise, but it has been, by far, the dressiest cruise we have taken. Even on the casual nights, many women were in cocktail dresses and the men in sports coats and ties. The formal night was awesome, so many beautiful gowns and tuxes.


The cure for all the stuff you don't care for on a cruise, like belly flop contests is, don't go. We've been on enough cruises to know pretty much what to expect at the pool, in the lounges and showrooms. We prefer the quiet parts of the ship, usually all the way foreward or aft for sunning and reading. We like a quiet lounge with a piano bar. We like to stroll the decks at night while everyone else is clubbing, gambling and watching the production shows. You can only tolerate so many of those shows and comedians.

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I think you need to have the right expectations re Carnival.


Having cruised with them 3 times over 15 years, including a new ship in 2005, I know for sure it is not the line for me. It was really crowded and really smokey and I found the long everywhere and packs of roaming kids annoying. Because the ship had so many passengers for its size, it was hard to find a quiet spot in the sun.


I did not care for the food, service, dining room noise, decor, etc. It was LOUD on every count, as least for my taste.


On the plus side, I read six books and spent most of my free time on my balcony. :)


But for me personally, I know it is not a good fit and I would never opt for Carnival again.


Different strokes...

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I think you need to have the right expectations re Carnival.


My expectations are low. I'm not a foodie, could care less about the food quality, so long as it is edible. Presentation should be good, however, even with crappy quality food. Really don't care much about service-so long as I get clean sheets and a clean bathroom, I'm OK. I'm no diva.


However, I don't think I can tolerate a cruise, especially a doowop cruise, with people in t shirts and jeans/shorts in the dining room or at the concerts. We personally live in levi's and t-shirts. I own a glorified trucking company and DH is an electrical engineer at the US largest nuclear plant. DH says if he has to put on the tux (or suit), so should everyone else. Dressing up is really special for us. I can't wear all the beautiful clothes I have on the docks in NY's Hunts Point Market or the LA produce market.


One big reason we have stuck with Celebrity and Cunard is decorum. If it states FORMAL, formal it shall be. Not kinda formal or this will get by formal or wear what you feel comfortable in but FORMAL.


I cannot find out if this ship is totally chartered. I have called the promoter AND the cruise agent. No one seems to know, EXACTLY. Looks to me like they are selling the cabins as is and if the ship is full with "doo wooper's", then it is a charter. If it is, I have no worries. If not, the date is just before President's Week, so maybe not a lot of kids. There is no roll call for this cruise, so I could get a feel for the other pax.


DH states "one more cruise where people show up for formal night in "whatever" and it will be the last cruise we take. I don't want this to be the last cruise I take. He is even more adamant than I am-if he has to drag around the tux, so should everyone else. It's his vacation too.


I know I sound like a royal b*** or total snob. I really am not. Cruising to us is not about the ship and vary rarely about the ports. It really is about the experience.

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I think you need to have the right expectations re Carnival.


Having cruised with them 3 times over 15 years, including a new ship in 2005, I know for sure it is not the line for me. It was really crowded and really smokey and I found the long everywhere and packs of roaming kids annoying. Because the ship had so many passengers for its size, it was hard to find a quiet spot in the sun.


I did not care for the food, service, dining room noise, decor, etc. It was LOUD on every count, as least for my taste.


On the plus side, I read six books and spent most of my free time on my balcony. :)


But for me personally, I know it is not a good fit and I would never opt for Carnival again.


Different strokes...


I wouldn't sail on Carnival again if it were free, for all of the above reasons, bur most especially inferior service, garish decor, smoky public spaces, and too many passengers for the amount of space.

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My expectations are low. I'm not a foodie, could care less about the food quality, so long as it is edible. Presentation should be good, however, even with crappy quality food. Really don't care much about service-so long as I get clean sheets and a clean bathroom, I'm OK. I'm no diva.


One big reason we have stuck with Celebrity and Cunard is decorum. If it states FORMAL, formal it shall be. Not kinda formal or this will get by formal or wear what you feel comfortable in but FORMAL.


I cannot find out if this ship is totally chartered. I have called the promoter AND the cruise agent. No one seems to know, EXACTLY. Looks to me like they are selling the cabins as is and if the ship is full with "doo wooper's", then it is a charter. If it is, I have no worries. If not, the date is just before President's Week, so maybe not a lot of kids. There is no roll call for this cruise, so I could get a feel for the other pax.


DH states "one more cruise where people show up for formal night in "whatever" and it will be the last cruise we take. I don't want this to be the last cruise I take. He is even more adamant than I am-if he has to drag around the tux, so should everyone else. It's his vacation too.


I know I sound like a royal b*** or total snob. I really am not. Cruising to us is not about the ship and vary rarely about the ports. It really is about the experience.


If your food expectations are low, you will be fine. Grease and salt and volumes of food are the order of the day.


Do not expect decorum on Carnival. The pax were amongst the worst dresses I have even seen anywhere, land or sea. Ball caps, old Ts and tanks and denim shorts in the dining rooms at dinner, bare chests and feet while strolling thru the lobby and public spaces in their wet bathing suits and silk PJs at breakfast. It was my idea of hell all the way around:mad:.

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I far as I know this cruise is NOT a charter. In order to see any doo wop shows and participate in any activities you must book through the specified agent.


This ship still has the normal shows. If you check the internet TA's you will see this cruise is available to book.


No idea how people will be dressed. I would go for the music and entertainment and forget how people are dressed. Some shows may even be in the afternoon so you will see shorts and T shirts.

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After reading more of your interests for cruising, it seems the most important thing for you is how the other passengers are dressed.


Carnival is not the cruise line for you.


I find the food, service and entertainment to be great. Carnival is a very affordable cruise and you will find people on board who can not afford more expensive cruiselines and can not afford long ball gowns they will wear one time. You will also find people who could afford any cruise line they wanted, but choose Carnival because it's so much fun.


I can't imagine caring less what other people are wearing on their vacation, much less letting it effect my good time. But everyone is different. I have sailed Carnival many times, as well as many other cruiselines. I always have a great, carefree time and meet lots of really fun people. It's relaxed and casual....not the atmosphere you seem to be looking for.

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greatam, your posts make me chuckle. While I don't completely share your feelings, I do know what you are saying. We like to dress nicely (although I can't talk the DH into a tux, only a black suit!), even on casual nights. We do notice what others are wearing and cannot believe what some will wear :rolleyes: , we don't let it come in the way of our enjoyment. We've also met some wonderful people in not so wonderful clothes.


I would only add, as a suggestion, that your husband not pack his tux for this cruise and you downgrade your clothing choices as well. Consider this cruise for the musical experience, not the glamour of a more well appointed cruise.


I don't price out a lot of cruises, but when I do price out cruises from my home port (LA), Carnival always comes out to be the most expensive choice of the mainstream cruiselines. While I've only cruised Carnival once, it would be my last choice of cruise lines. The ship experience is about the same, the food, entertainment, et al. I just do not like the appointments onboard, too garish for us. Give me understated elegance any time.

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I am soooooo glad we didn't experience any of this on our one Carnival cruise. ;)



If your food expectations are low, you will be fine. Grease and salt and volumes of food are the order of the day.

Do not expect decorum on Carnival. The pax were amongst the worst dresses I have even seen anywhere, land or sea. Ball caps, old Ts and tanks and denim shorts in the dining rooms at dinner, bare chests and feet while strolling thru the lobby and public spaces in their wet bathing suits and silk PJs at breakfast. It was my idea of hell all the way around:mad:.

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I am soooooo glad we didn't experience any of this on our one Carnival cruise. ;)


I found myself doing double takes many times during the cruise:(. I really just could not believe the attire and the food, well, the Specialty restaurant was the only saving grace.


We also had a racial incident onboard resulting in injury to someone in my group and more obnoxious drunks than I have ever seen at one time on any cruise I can remember. They trashed my hospitality desk and I would have to clean up the mess several times a day. One guy started to put a used ice cream dish down while I was sitting there, and I told him to please take it with him, my desk was not a garbage can, and he told me to F*&^ off. Just a delightful group of folks onboard all the way around.


I have heard Miracle is a better ship (that is the one you cruised I believe) but nothing I can imagine could get me on another Carnival ship.:eek:

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WOW! Yes, that would've done it for us also! :eek:


I found myself doing double takes many times during the cruise:(. I really just could not believe the attire and the food, well, the Specialty restaurant was the only saving grace.


We also had a racial incident onboard resulting in injury to someone in my group and more obnoxious drunks than I have ever seen at one time on any cruise I can remember. They trashed my hospitality desk and I would have to clean up the mess several times a day. One guy started to put a used ice cream dish down while I was sitting there, and I told him to please take it with him, my desk was not a garbage can, and he told me to F*&^ off. Just a delightful group of folks onboard all the way around.


I have heard Miracle is a better ship (that is the one you cruised I believe) but nothing I can imagine could get me on another Carnival ship.:eek:

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I found myself doing double takes many times during the cruise:(. I really just could not believe the attire and the food, well, the Specialty restaurant was the only saving grace.


We also had a racial incident onboard resulting in injury to someone in my group and more obnoxious drunks than I have ever seen at one time on any cruise I can remember. They trashed my hospitality desk and I would have to clean up the mess several times a day. One guy started to put a used ice cream dish down while I was sitting there, and I told him to please take it with him, my desk was not a garbage can, and he told me to F*&^ off. Just a delightful group of folks onboard all the way around.


I have heard Miracle is a better ship (that is the one you cruised I believe) but nothing I can imagine could get me on another Carnival ship.:eek:


I think this made up my mind. Guess I'll go to the concerts instead. Those aren't really vacation, as I have to be in NYC for work anyhow and DH hardly ever goes to NYC with me.


DH repeated himself again last night-"if there are rowdy drunks or the dress code gets dissed in the dining room, it will be the last cruise I go on with you." Thanks, everyone, for their input.

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I find the food, service and entertainment to be great. Carnival is a very affordable cruise and you will find people on board who can not afford more expensive cruiselines and can not afford long ball gowns they will wear one time. You will also find people who could afford any cruise line they wanted, but choose Carnival because it's so much fun.


Carnival is NOT one of the cheaper cruiselines, as Happy ks pointed out and this cruise was pretty darn expensive in the scheme of things. Just to book with the specified agent and enjoy the entertainment, the cruise price was $300.00pp over just booking the same cruise, same cabin with any agent. I am only paying slightly more (less than $900.00 for two) for the 8 night QE2 transatlantic.


And I won't buy into the theory that people can't "afford" formal evening clothes. Between Ebay, consignment shops, and end of season sales, most formal wear can be purchased as cheap, if not cheaper, than a lot of stuff people buy. I just purchased an absolutely georgeous, fully beaded gown here for less than the pair of Levi's I bought at Sears two hours later. http://phoenix.citysearch.com/profile/1635291#editorialreview

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Since you prefer Cunard I have a feeling youwill hate Carnival. Cunard is carnival Corp.'s top of the line cruiseline and Carnival is their "Budget" line.


Carnival is a good budget line but that is what it is a BUDGET line. No frills, crowded and congested etc.

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I agree formal type clothing can be purchased cheaply, but maybe people just don't feel like buying clothing they are going to wear one time. Also, some people are just not the "formal" type people. Maybe they just prefer or feel more comfortable in more relaxed clothing. I agree they shouldn't go to the dining room, but choose the lido buffet when dressed casually, but I can't say it would ruin my evening if someone dressed less formally than myself showed up at my table.


Why on earth do you care so much what other people are wearing?


But the point is....you do care, so you should probably stick with cruiselines where people dress more to your liking. You will find people in jeans and tee shirts on Carnival having the time of their life at the hairy chest contest. This would probably ruin your entire day.

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If your food expectations are low, you will be fine. Grease and salt and volumes of food are the order of the day.


Do not expect decorum on Carnival. The pax were amongst the worst dresses I have even seen anywhere, land or sea. Ball caps, old Ts and tanks and denim shorts in the dining rooms at dinner, bare chests and feet while strolling thru the lobby and public spaces in their wet bathing suits and silk PJs at breakfast. It was my idea of hell all the way around:mad:.


The Miracle was no better - this describes our observations exactly!

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