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Questions and Comments about Paradise Beach Two


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Tom, How early does PB open? We arrive at 7am December 27th. And what kind of temps should I expect for Dec? We can't believe we are coming back so soon. Christmas present from my mom!:)


Staff gets here around 9am but you can hang out before that...gates open around 7am (CST). Nice present, nice Mom!:D

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Tom.....she's right! There's quite a few of us planning on spending the day with you. I believe last count was at least 11 from our roll call. We'll be there on 1/8/07.

I heard a rumor that you like Twizzlers......true?


See you then!


Alright! Bring it ON! Ahhh yup,...Twizzlers are good!:)




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My husband and I went to PB last spring and it was wonderful..the beach is so clean and clear. The staff is constantly cleaning up. The waiters are great and attentive. The food is wonderful (esp the guacamole!). The drinks are cold and reasonably priced also.

The bathrooms were clean and they have clean fresh water to rinse off in.

It was a perfect relaxing beach day... we are going back in January and I can't wait.


Our next stop (after Cozemel) was Costa Maya and we paid for a beach excursion at a "new beautiful beach" -- ha! It was dirty and disgusting! I was so put off that we left and spent th day on the ship.

I paid much less for drinks/food/taxi to PB and it was MUCH BETTER!

Kudos to PB staff and Tom for creating a fun and clean beach :D


Hey, thanks so much for all the compliments! Glad you had a great time and hope to see you again in the future!:)




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We were at Paradise Beach 20OCT06 and I have to say with 19 people (7 being ages 5 and under) there was something for everyone to do...and, we felt completely safe to allow the kiddos go out and play in the water while the adults watched from our lounge chairs or played in the water with the kids. There is food for all ages and the youngest who was 1 1/2 years loved the guacamole! I personally spoke to Tom and got to meet Luka...see photo. Even my son and Tom became "best friends" after my son got an attitude adjustment (he's 32 and sometimes carries a chip on his shoulder). Tom thanks for the conversation and napkins!:p


The Saints and Sinners Part Deaux were at Paradise Beach the same day and Tom had a section set up for them...there was still plenty of room for other people. Yes, there are rocks as you enter the water on part of the beach...one just needs to take care and walk down to the section of beach where there are no rocks. We will go back and I will refer my clients to Paradise Beach. Did I say the food was great?!? Two thumbs up for our group of 19...;)


I have never felt that Paradise Beach misrepresented themselves and if one reads the CC Boards one will find Paradise Beach as described.


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All in all I loved Cozumel and woudl like to go back there again and spend some more time. This and Jamaica were my must do again islands!


So glad you had a great time on the island. Come back and stay for a week next time! Prices get even cheaper on Sundays when there are no cruise ships in town LOL!:D




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Hi Tom,


My family and I will be visiting PB on February 1st on Voyager of the Seas. We are looking forward to experiencing all the fun. What time does PB open? We want to make sure we are there early. There are several from our roll call that are coming and our party alone has 8. Not to mention the rest on the roll call. Wondered if you were a fan of OSU?


The staff rolls in at around 9am but you can get here earlier and hang out, gates open around 7am!

OSU? Ummm....I'm assuming that's a U-niversity. Ohio South? Omaha State? Sorry, I'm A Canadian living in Mexico LOL!:D Of course, if that's some kind of local beer, yeah! Bring it on! :D Hasta la vista!




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Tom, write Pam and Charlie on your hand for November 4th arriving on the Inspiration. We'll see you there around noonish. I have been talking this up to my wife and tellling her how great it will be. She doesn't read these boards and has to hear me telling her about what people have to say. Hopefully she will enjoy our visit and............... she loves a good margarita.....:) Looking forward to meeting you.


So I don't have to go back and read all of the posts, what was the usual taxi fare for two people to PB?


Nov 4th, gotcha down in the daytimer! One-way taxi fare for 1-4 people, will cost $12USD from the 2 southern piers and $13USD from the downtown piers. Same on the way back, plenty of cabs available at both locations. Oh...and confirm the price BEFORE ya jump in! Hasta la vista:)

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Hi Tom,

I'll be seeing you in 3 days, and i'm bringing alot of friends with me. We have a huge group (approx 100) traveling with us, and I know at least 30 of us are heading to pb, soooo get ready. Only two ships in port that day, so we figure we will have to start the party and keep it going... no problem. I have never been to p.b. , but have visited cozumel many times. I have heard wonderful things about it and can't wait to see it and enjoy it. We are a big group from Louisiana celebrating the cruise industry returning to New Orleans, we know first hand how a storm can destroy your home. we hope to drop a few dollars into your economy on Sat, to continue your "re-building" process! See ya soon




Love the name! Look forward to meeting y'all and find out exactly what it is you do! It's actually my day off this Saturday, but I have to swing by there anyway so I'll pop over and say hi. Probably be after noon though...hasta la vista y'all:D




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Hey Tom.. Kelly and Matt reporting in from Canada... Just wanted to say what a fantastic time we had at PB.. you took care of all of the SSII grope.. (I think there were about 50 of us):eek:


yup, that was a pretty wild day with you SS2'ers:eek: !! How's your throat? Hopefully you're giving it some rest along with the sunburn LOL! It was good meeting all you "new" guys and hope to see you again on the ricky and Lucy tour...oh and....GO HABS GO!!!:D




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Pineapples and coconuts, that means I have to have at least two drinks, oh wow, cant stand the thought:D :D :D



This is one time that I am glad I am allergic to coconut....two drinks like that would probably do me in!!!


I will be trying the pineapple in December though....thanks for letting us in on this coooollll drink!!!


December 23rd...here we come...thanks Santa!!!

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I don't work there and I am not a cheerleader. I am simply someone who has exposed a supposedly grown man with a cut who chose to completely misrepresent the situation and libel a good company.


That pier is constantly referenced by many local operators when they say "meet us at OUR pier at Paradise Beach"....which is why I "questioned" who owned it. I never said Paradise did not own it and never said they did.




Sorry an 18 wheeler dared to interrupt his vacation that day. No power means no pumped water. It was the entire area south of Puerta Maya, not just Paradise Beach. Sorry that a grown man walked on a pier that has hand rails, scored rocks for more traction and cleaned daily and still managed to fall and cut himself.


But for him to make libel statements (false statements causing damage to one's reputation) like "everyone was falling"....is inexcusable. Thank goodness there were other people who posted that walked on that same pier that same day with no problems. Funny that you did not care that he wasn't being truthful...


And then to come on here and make a blanket statement that Paradise Beach is not safe for families , because he can't manage to walk down a set of steps and figure out that a stone under water might be a little slick is irresponsible.


Thankfully, people will see this for the isolated ( and completely misrepresented ) incident that it was. And if you don't...then so be it!


Uh uh....HERE is what YOU said, quickly putting him down...he was not all that mad in fact, YOU are wrong to make it like he was libeling this place


We have been to Paradise Beach many times and I would imagine that the pier to which you are refering is not owned by Paradise Beach. The piers and docks in Cozumel are probably like any other municipality and are owned by the ruling powers in Cozumel. They just happen be near Paradise Beach. And many companies (from snorkeling charters to scuba etc) use these docks.


and then you said :


You seem to be completely unwilling to admit that Paradise Beach probably does not even own that pier and therefore is not responsible for its upkeep or accidents that result there in.

Once you learned that they do indeed maintain the pier, you never admitted that or paid it any mind..you found other ways to discredit this guy

Paradise Beach is still extremely safe for any family. And you are irresponsible to imply otherwise. These notes are not being defensive. They are protecting the good name of a company who has worked hard to earn it.

Sorry, but mature adults can deal with a power failure. Life happens. No one held a gun to your head and made you stay there.


Yes, and mature adults can read a bad review of a restaurant or a movie they happened to love and not try to discredit the person who wrote it.


I do not think the guy was "libeling' PB>>> he was telling what happened to him...you tried various ways to deny him the right to his opinion.


"Exposed" him?? I don't think so.


You exposed yourself as you tried in every way to negate his experience,


I live in an area where the power goes out : have been in restaurants on generators right after a hurricaine. If someone hurt themselves and was bleeding I think a waiter should show some concern, send over management, offer to help, especially since they DO maintain/own/control that pier


You say you have a "special needs" child, I am sure you ask for and expect and perhaps deserve extra attention for them, and if you don't get it I am sure you would complain. Should people deny your experience or feelings??


You refuse to simply admit that this ONE day or ONE waiter dropped the ball...also to laugh at or put down someone who falls is pretty wrong IMHO







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Are the prices on the PB menu in US funds? If not, what is the exchange rate?


In the past the prices were in pecos, but when we were there this month, the menu is in American dollars. I have always used the 10% rule for the pecos to American. Of course that will be off by a little, but not much at this time.

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I think everyone got their feelings out about the pier incident.....so let's move on and get along! :)


Tom, good to see you posting.....and the photo is great! Hope the weather's being nice to you guys down there! It's getting cold in the states!

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Hi Tom,

I'll be seeing you in 3 days, and i'm bringing alot of friends with me. We have a huge group (approx 100) traveling with us, and I know at least 30 of us are heading to pb, soooo get ready. Only two ships in port that day, so we figure we will have to start the party and keep it going... no problem. I have never been to p.b. , but have visited cozumel many times. I have heard wonderful things about it and can't wait to see it and enjoy it. We are a big group from Louisiana celebrating the cruise industry returning to New Orleans, we know first hand how a storm can destroy your home. we hope to drop a few dollars into your economy on Sat, to continue your "re-building" process! See ya soon




geaux: I knew that was "cajun" spelling. Have a great time at Paradise Beach. We are also doing our best to help New Orlean's economy. We are so glad that the cruise ships are returning. We are cruising out of there in December and are driving in a day ahead to see just how much I can "help" .

Omni Royal Orleans...here we come!!!

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I think everyone got their feelings out about the pier incident.....so let's move on and get along! :)


Tom, good to see you posting.....and the photo is great! Hope the weather's being nice to you guys down there! It's getting cold in the states!




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Lord knows that the SS2 grope didn't leave much on the shelves when they blew through last week!!:eek:



We shouda warned you about that group!! Several are friends of mine that can really "hold their own"!! You should see them at karaoke!!!


Lots of fun and great people....

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My husband and I were at Paradise Beach, for the 7th or 8th time, the beginning of Oct. As usual we had a great time!!! My husband went parasailing, rented a jet ski and after a few trips to the bar he even got a henna tatoo. He is by no means a kid but something about Paradise Beach can bring the kid out in a 63 yr. old man. What a place!! I guess the main reason anyone, young or old would like it is how great you are treated. Tom, has the best employees!! The Foo Foo drinks don't hurt either. Marie and Dave


Marie: If you don't find me asking...how long did the henna tatoo last?? I have been so tempted but not certain I want one to stay on for months...

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Thank you for for your kind words and special attention on Friday, 20OCT06m when my friends, family and I visited Paradise Beach. My son really enjoyed talking to you once he got a change of "attitude". Luka is adorable and did bring a big smile to my face (I will post a photo I took of Tom and Luka). For a people friendly place in Cozumel...Paradise Beach is still on the top of my list!:) Hope to see you on our next cruise!


There were 19 of us that visited on Friday...12 adults and 7 kiddos. The childre were ages 5, 4.5, 4, 3.5, almost 3 and almost 2, and 1.5. There was something to do, eat and drink for everyone. The 1.5 year old loved the guacamole...


Oh my goodness what a crew. What a joy for so many families to get together for such a day of fun. You are starting those little ones off right!


Please be sure to post that picture on here for all of us to enjoy!!!

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Hope the weather's being nice to you guys down there! It's getting cold in the states!


Talk about a shock to the system. A couple of weeks ago I was in a heat wave and now I am sitting at home with a fire in the fireplace.


Think warm fuzzy thoughts about December!! Thanks Santa!!

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We'll be there the same day! Have fun' date=' see you there!:D[/quote']


Since we are the same day and the same ship, give me a holler. I'll either have a Bengals or Cubs cap on. See you on the beach.


Gotta go for the drink in the pineapple or coconut....;)

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Oh my goodness what a crew. What a joy for so many families to get together for such a day of fun. You are starting those little ones off right!


Please be sure to post that picture on here for all of us to enjoy!!!


Will do...my 3 year old grandson was a "streaker" that day. Couldn't keep clothes on him!:eek: Guess he thought he was part of the S&S2 group;)




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LHP, I got a henna tattoo on my ankle while at PB Oct. 13th and it still looks good. It has only faded a little. Think I was told it would last a week or two. And the guys do an excellent job. You can either choose something out of the books they have or describe what you want.

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Will do...my 3 year old grandson was a "streaker" that day. Couldn't keep clothes on him!:eek: Guess he thought he was part of the S&S2 group;)



Oma: You are so blessed. Those little ones are adorable!!! Was this entire group your family or family and friends?

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