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Cruising with Teenage sons


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Hi all, I am a single mom cruising with my two teenage boys (15-17) on the valor 4-15-07. Looking to chat with someone who will be on valor for the same dates. I think my boys will be too busy on the ship to chat with me. lol

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Hi all, I am a single mom cruising with my two teenage boys (15-17) on the valor 4-15-07. Looking to chat with someone who will be on valor for the same dates. I think my boys will be too busy on the ship to chat with me. lol

You will be lucky to see your boys for the main dinner. I insisted my son now 16 join us for the main dinner. We have been on the Valor and the Liberty he had a great time on both.


I did have one rule. I asked him to either call the room to leave a message or to check in around midnight so I knew that he was alright. I usually tried to convince him by then that is was time to call it quits.


I also set rules that he was not allowed to go to anyone elses room to socialize. All socialization was to be done on the ship in public area.


He wouldnt be caught dead with a walkie talkie.. during the day I let him know what deck I was sitting on so he could track me down if need be. But I really never saw much of him on sea days. Just gave him a time to return to the room to get ready for dinner..


You will have a great trip and so will they..

we are considering the Liberty for Dec again..

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Thanks for all the info. However, I am really concerned with letting them veture alone lol, call me an overprotective mom but I am a worry-wart. I have walkie-talkies too!!! I guess once i get on the ship and get settled in I will be a bit more relaxed.


We have already planned to do cave-tubing in Belize and Sting-Ray alley in the Caymens.......boys are really excited about cave-tubing!!!!


This will be their first cruise and my second. The last cruise I was on was Celeb. Galaxy to southern carrib. That was a BLAST!!!!


You are planning for the Liberty in dec, is that an older ship? Just curious as to if the older ships are in as good of shape as the newer ones, do they keep them up well, or are they a bit run down and moldy?

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Thanks for all the info. However, I am really concerned with letting them veture alone lol, call me an overprotective mom but I am a worry-wart. I have walkie-talkies too!!! I guess once i get on the ship and get settled in I will be a bit more relaxed.


We have already planned to do cave-tubing in Belize and Sting-Ray alley in the Caymens.......boys are really excited about cave-tubing!!!!


This will be their first cruise and my second. The last cruise I was on was Celeb. Galaxy to southern carrib. That was a BLAST!!!!


You are planning for the Liberty in dec, is that an older ship? Just curious as to if the older ships are in as good of shape as the newer ones, do they keep them up well, or are they a bit run down and moldy?


Hi, the LIBERTY is the NEWEST it came out last Christmas. We were on the inaugural Valor and on the Second cruising of the Liberty.

The Liberty is identical to the Valor except it has a wonderful outdoor movie screen that the whole family enjoyed. This was a popular area for the kids late at night. Since the icecream and pizza were close by. The midnight movie was Rocky Horror Picture show.. what fun. My teen age son really enjoyed this very much. And the sports broadcast on the large screen.


Now I am more of a worrier than you. We nixed any cave tubing because of some of the horror stories.. So I have you beat.


Just make sure you have a system for the boys to check in. I guarantee they will not want to have a walkie talkie with them. We tried that on the Valor for my son's first cruise and after a couple of hours. we gave up. There were multiple MOM"S on each channel so it is hard for the kids to hear if it is you.

And a bit embarrasing if they are in the teen center.. so not cool... not at 15 and up.. so good luck with that. The minute they check out the scene and see noone else with these devices..lol..


I told him to steer clear of kids consuming alcohol or other devices.. and just told him if he is in doubt...GET OUT!!


We had post it notes too that we used on the outside cabin door and on the mirror inside.


Once I got a chair on the deck I would call the room and leave a voice message that told him approx where we were and for how long. This way if he had a need for me he could go to the room to check the messages..


We also always sat in the same location for the evening shows. I made my son come once to see where we would be and we continued in this area for all the shows. He was able to pop in if he needed us.

I also suggest to get the sign and sail holder for your sons. You can buy these in the gift shop on board. Then you can get their cards punched with a hole to attach we also bought my son a soda card. Both of these cards we punched a hole and put it on a chain around their neck. Learned the need for this the first time he lost his card.

If they lose the card tell them to go directly to the Pursers desk to get it replaced before anyone uses it. I gave my son permission to charge $20 a day for the video arcade. He was very good about not going over this. Plus the coin machines in the arcade limit the amount allowed at a time.

this with the soda card kept him totally independent.


Hope this helps..

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Now I am more of a worrier than you. We nixed any cave tubing because of some of the horror stories.. So I have you beat.


I must have heard the same horror stories about caving tubing in Belize! My inlaws and I were just talking about this the other day. :eek:

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I must have heard the same horror stories about caving tubing in Belize! My inlaws and I were just talking about this the other day. :eek:


someone mentioned taking an 8 year old. After friends went thru the experience I would not recommend and child under 14yrs of age. Going thru the caves they said was awesome and calm but after coming out all hell broke loose. They thought they hit a whirlpool of some sort and someone fell off his tube and was under water and their 15 year old 6ft son was with the other part of the group and he also fell off and was under along with a few other people.


someone else mentioned that they went with their two teens and panicked when they lost them in a dark cave..


If it rains the water level rises and the speed picks up..Most operators will cancel the tour but you never know.

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Thank you soooo much for all of the helpful info. Which ship has the outdoor movie screen, Valor or Liberty?


I already planned on getting the soda cards (which I didn't know about until browsing on cruisecritic)!!! Sounds like an awesome deal. Would you know if I would have to buy 2 or can my sons share a card? Doesn't matter , either way is fine.


Sounds like you were very organized with meeting up with the kids. I will probably do the same. Well..................maybe after a day or two, lol. Am I being paranoid? Should I not be worrying sooooo much about a 15yr old and a 17 yr old? I hear all these things happening.....people disappearing.......staff is from all over the place and some are shady characters, etc. I mean they have common sense and are smart kids, but sometimes ya never know.


About Belize, I haven't heard any horror stories as of yet. Hopefully everything will go ok.


Awesome idea about wearing the cards around their necks. My kids tend to lose things easily, lol. Do you know if the soda cards include Smoothies (they love them)?


Hope to hear back from you soon.............Thanks

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Thank you soooo much for all of the helpful info. Which ship has the outdoor movie screen, Valor or Liberty?


I already planned on getting the soda cards (which I didn't know about until browsing on cruisecritic)!!! Sounds like an awesome deal. Would you know if I would have to buy 2 or can my sons share a card? Doesn't matter , either way is fine.


Sounds like you were very organized with meeting up with the kids. I will probably do the same. Well..................maybe after a day or two, lol. Am I being paranoid? Should I not be worrying sooooo much about a 15yr old and a 17 yr old? I hear all these things happening.....people disappearing.......staff is from all over the place and some are shady characters, etc. I mean they have common sense and are smart kids, but sometimes ya never know.


About Belize, I haven't heard any horror stories as of yet. Hopefully everything will go ok.


Awesome idea about wearing the cards around their necks. My kids tend to lose things easily, lol. Do you know if the soda cards include Smoothies (they love them)?


Hope to hear back from you soon.............Thanks


Not sure if smoothies are included on the Carnival ships.. I think they are on the RCCL line.

The Bartenders have the hole punch or at the pursers desk or you can go to the casino when they open and get free card holders.. but they are not too attractive.. Fortunately we have a bit less to worry about with boys.. My son is not into alcohol neither are his friends.. so that is not an issue.. I dont want him hanging around anyones room or balcony.. or near the railings..etc..lol so that is my only worry..


MOVIE Screen is on the LIBERTY...


Go to the Belize forum and read reviews.. it is helpful.

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I was on the Valor last year. Great ship lots of fun. We were 3 single moms with our 10 year old daughters. We also had cave tubing booked in Belize, but our ship was delayed in customs and we were late for the excursion. When we got off the boat there were many soldiers with machine guns and large knives. We were immediately approached by several merchants and tour operators. They said our tour had already left, but they would bring us to them, but something didn't feel right. Weapons were everywhere and it scared the heck out of us. We turned around and got back on the ship. I forfeited my deposit, but at least we were safe. So be prepared when getting off of the ship.


Also, If you stop by the Casino or Camp Carnival on the first day they were giving away free lanyards/card holders for you key cards.

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I was on the Valor last year. Great ship lots of fun. We were 3 single moms with our 10 year old daughters. We also had cave tubing booked in Belize, but our ship was delayed in customs and we were late for the excursion. When we got off the boat there were many soldiers with machine guns and large knives. We were immediately approached by several merchants and tour operators. They said our tour had already left, but they would bring us to them, but something didn't feel right. Weapons were everywhere and it scared the heck out of us. We turned around and got back on the ship. I forfeited my deposit, but at least we were safe. So be prepared when getting off of the ship.


Also, If you stop by the Casino or Camp Carnival on the first day they were giving away free lanyards/card holders for you key cards.

On the Belize chat here they say it is not advisable to wander past the secure port shopping area.. I would take that advice in a snap...

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wow, thanks for the advise. I may have to rethink Belize. We are also going to Hondouras, I am more concerned about there than Belize..............until now. Thanks for the tip on the lanyards.......I will do that. I was thinking that in Hondouras we would just shop for gifts and souveniers, just relax for the day...........

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wow, thanks for the advise. I may have to rethink Belize. We are also going to Hondouras, I am more concerned about there than Belize..............until now. Thanks for the tip on the lanyards.......I will do that. I was thinking that in Hondouras we would just shop for gifts and souveniers, just relax for the day...........

Best advice is to stay close to the port shopping area when in doubt. We dont venture too far.

When we are on an iffy island.

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I heard that on one of the cave tubings a snake fell on some woman. You would probably still hear me screaming.


On one of my cruises, my 16 year old daughter and her friend snuck off the ship even though I had stressed that they were never to do that. Never thought that they would either but they met a couple kids at the teen center and they all went off together.

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wow, thanks for the advise. I may have to rethink Belize. We are also going to Hondouras, I am more concerned about there than Belize..............until now. Thanks for the tip on the lanyards.......I will do that. I was thinking that in Hondouras we would just shop for gifts and souveniers, just relax for the day...........


I didn't feel that uncomfortable in Hondorus. The area when you get off the ship is fenced in and they had some tour operators and taxis available to take you to various locations on the island. This area felt protected and seemed to be monitored to keep away any riff-raff. Pricing of the taxis were also regulated so you wouldn't get ripped off. We took a taxi to a nice beach on the other side of the island. We had a nice day at the beach and got to see the island. I would suggest booking an excusrion thru the ship or one of the tours that are available within the fenced area. I would not wander outside the fence.

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wow, thanks for the advise. I may have to rethink Belize. We are also going to Hondouras, I am more concerned about there than Belize..............until now. Thanks for the tip on the lanyards.......I will do that. I was thinking that in Hondouras we would just shop for gifts and souveniers, just relax for the day...........

One more thing.... The shopping area in Honduras is outside of the fence. I would pick another island to shop at.

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Wow, I think I will have to do lots of planning for Belize and Hondouras. I am sure we will have tons of fun but just need to be more cautious than I thought I would have to be. I really appreciate all the input, gives me an idea of what to expect. I have heard that Belize is a beautiful place to sightsee.............


I check my cruise every week online and call occasionally to see if price went down........the girls at work laugh at me because I do it at work, they say by the time the cruise comes around they will know who I am by the sound of my voice.......lol


Talking about it helps time go by quickly..........drommom how is your cruise planning coming along in dec???

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Wow, I think I will have to do lots of planning for Belize and Hondouras. I am sure we will have tons of fun but just need to be more cautious than I thought I would have to be. I really appreciate all the input, gives me an idea of what to expect. I have heard that Belize is a beautiful place to sightsee.............


I check my cruise every week online and call occasionally to see if price went down........the girls at work laugh at me because I do it at work, they say by the time the cruise comes around they will know who I am by the sound of my voice.......lol


Talking about it helps time go by quickly..........drommom how is your cruise planning coming along in dec???


Had calls from a carnival rep and rccl rep.. cant decide.. leaning towards going back on carnival.. on the liberty so we will see.. need to get a new dog sitter..

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well, whatever you do, you will have a great time. I was looking at the rccl but I didn't find that they had as good of an itinerary as I found with Carnival.............and they were more expensive. That was the decision breaker for me................:)

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We cruised to Belize a couple of years ago. We didn't see any armed police. We took a tour to the ruins that drove out and back through the city and I definitely would not have wanted to venture beyond the "tourist village" right at the dock, and unless it has changed since then, there's just not much at the dock. If I had to do it again, I would choose a beach excursion in Belize - I think there are a couple that go to the smaller islands nearby. My issues with Belize were that it was so unbearably hot out at the ruins, and that the tender ride was soooo looooong. It took us the better part of an hour to tender to the dock, and that little boat was flying. That was kind of unnerving!


My friend was one of the ones that had a snake fall on her!! :eek: I would have had to be shipped home in a box if a snake had fallen on me!!

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lol about the snake tnt!!! I think a box would have been appropriate for me too!!!! I think maybe cave tubing will be all we do in belize. Not sure about hondouras yet. Have to search around for maybe an excursion or just stay close to port.


I feel like there isn't anyone going on the cruise we are. Noone has started chatting yet.


We are going on the Carnival Valor on 4-15-07, people should have started chatting by now..........oh well we'll see...........

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Your boys, at that age, should be fine cave tubing. As someone said, they will cancel the tour if the area receives any heavy rain, and you have the option to wear a life vest (at least it was an option with Yhony's outfit - cave-tubing.com). We had a blast, and I would guess you will too:)


As Fergus said, I would strongly suggest against venturing outside of the gated tourist area though before or after your tour though.

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I guess that seems to be the concensus. Better to be safe than sorry. It is too bad we pay all this money for a cruise and have to be restricted to "safe areas"!! What a shame on such beautiful Islands (from what i hear). Like I said earlier, we will have a good time no matter what. ;)

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