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Sold Out?? Really???

Danny Ocean

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Jill just posted on the RC, it's offical we have been cancelled. She called Captains Club to get the scoop. We have the option of keeping our booking cabin and pricing if we want to do the TA. We'll see what they offer.


Hi Rick !


I put a hold on Coral Princess today, for the 4/18/07 sailing, should our sailing be cancelled. I will still consider the 3/23/07 Constellation sailing, but then I have to re-arrange my entire 2007 vacation time, and that is extremely difficult for me.


The bottom line is, unless Celebrity comes through for all of us in a reasonable way, I simply do not feel they deserve our loyalty right now. We gave them our loyalty, and were burned due to it. BTW, the Coral Princess Cruise is going to cost us roughly $ 2,500 more for 4 people, thanks to Celebrity's mess.


I feel the only way to show Celebrity that we are unhappy, is to book with another line. Will Celebrity care ? Probably not..... but I cannot accept how this whole matter was handled. I have always been extremely loyal to Celebrity, but I cannot justify it right now.


Maybe this whole affair will have a happy ending, and I still feel that it can, but it sure doesnt look that way. Hopefully, something good will happen. We will see.


Lastly, I will say that is that it is time for Celebrity to step up to the plate, and figure this mess out. Please, make some decisions and COMMUNICATE your decision to your passengers. Let us know what is going on !!! I hope they are listening.

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Did this not happen to Host Walt last year with Century. Perhaps if the hosts were not sailing on these ships, this would not happen;):rolleyes:


As a frequent X passenger I agree that X is not very responsive to pax input. I just don't know if the other lines are any better. How do you kick 'em where it hurts (cancel sailings) when someone else is there to take your place?:confused:

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Did this not happen to Host Walt last year with Century. Perhaps if the hosts were not sailing on these ships, this would not happen;):rolleyes:


As a frequent X passenger I agree that X is not very responsive to pax input. I just don't know if the other lines are any better. How do you kick 'em where it hurts (cancel sailings) when someone else is there to take your place?:confused:


Hi Arno !


You are right, maybe they like to do torture the Hosts :)


All kidding aside, you are right about your last paragraph. As I said in my last post, I may not book next time with them, but will X care ? Probably not. I am sure there will be many others waiting to take our Cabins. I realize that Cruising is a HOT commodity right now, and management is probably sitting in their offices saying to themselves that all is well, no worries.


The big question is, what happens if & when Cruising slows down ? It COULD happen. I am not saying it will happen, but it could. Wont they wish their loyal passengers were sailing with them, instead of with some other line ? Why run the risk of losing your best customers ? It makes no sense to me.


Maybe it's just me, but loyalty means a great deal to me. I have many clients that have been with me for 25+ years. I like to do everything possible, to show my most loyal clients, that they are always appreciated. Perhaps that is why my clients are loyal to me. I know I would like the same feeling from Celebrity.


Should it happen ? Yes. Will it happen ? Probably not, and that is not the best way to run a business.

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We are supposed to be on the ta 23 April to take us home to the UK. We are now rebooking on the 16th Brilliance!! Means we lose over a week of our holiday because we have been forced to change our plans!! We are all helpless - these multinational companies don't care about their customers.


Princess is just as bad. After 9/11 we did the ta on the Golden - not many of us on board - that was customer loyalty! Since then, they have treated us pretty badly - even in view of us being good customers!!


They are all the same!! But my dilemma is that if I rebook on the Brilliance before their decision, DO I LOSE ANY ONBOARD CREDIT IF THEY OFFER ONE?????

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You are right about them no desrving our loyalty. Notice next cruise on Princess followed by RCCL. I won't go as far as NCL or Carnival, but Would consider Hal as well.




If you rebook before they offer, you will not get the compensation if they offer it. What I did was put a 7 day hold with no deposit on the cabin I wanted. Iif they don't make up their minds by then, I'll extend the option.


Once the offer is made, I'll cancel the hold and transfer my booking. That way I ensure the cabin and will get the OBC if they offer it.

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Hi Arno !


You are right, maybe they like to do torture the Hosts :)



Should it happen ? Yes. Will it happen ? Probably not, and that is not the best way to run a business.


I am fit to be tied. Right after I read this post I went to the Century sticky posted by Carolyn. I feel so sorry for her and I'm so p*!@#$# that the crew on my favorite ship is mistreating anyone let alone a respected person of this website.


There have been so many people bashing Celebrity for mishaps and so many people defending the X brand just as passionately.

Perhaps you may have read my post when I had an opportunity to raise certain issues with the top brass on Galaxy in May. The incident was like talking to a wall.. They are not listening.


Missed ports



Dealing with Communications

This ordeal with onboard personel... X's strongest claim to the uniqueness of its brand, cannot be ignored. Perhaps only 5% of Celebrity's customers read these boards. But I have 10 cruises booked with them right now. Someone from this cruising community should send a letter in the strongest terms that

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore.

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I am fit to be tied. Right after I read this post I went to the Century sticky posted by Carolyn. I feel so sorry for her and I'm so p*!@#$# that the crew on my favorite ship is mistreating anyone let alone a respected person of this website.


There have been so many people bashing Celebrity for mishaps and so many people defending the X brand just as passionately.

Perhaps you may have read my post when I had an opportunity to raise certain issues with the top brass on Galaxy in May. The incident was like talking to a wall.. They are not listening.


Missed ports



Dealing with Communications

This ordeal with onboard personel... X's strongest claim to the uniqueness of its brand, cannot be ignored. Perhaps only 5% of Celebrity's customers read these boards. But I have 10 cruises booked with them right now. Someone from this cruising community should send a letter in the strongest terms that

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore.



Guess what.. they are all alike. Not one is better,or worse. Cruiselines, that is.

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Well, after reading these posts regarding what's happening with 4/13

sailing, I went on X's web site to look at My Cruise and there it was...

showed I was confiirmend for a 12 night TA crossing with same stateroom.

Think it was either 7 or 8 nights at sea before getting to Southhampton,

I don't want to do this, too many days at sea and that time of the year

I'm sure it's cold.Called my travel agent who was not aware of the situation

and they called X and were told we would be getting news in a couple of

days. They need to contact the people on the cruise leaving 4/23, they

are also affected because the ship will already be in England, they will

probably offer them sailing on 4/13. What a mess! Today should be a

fun day, looking for another cruise line.

Good luck everyone.

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Hi Carol !


You are right about the unanswered questions part. This is just a guess, but I would think that the passengers on the 4/13 sailing will have first shot at the cabins they were originally assigned. Now, I know that sounds bad, but keep in mind that (I believe) the majority of those on the 4/13 sailing will not want to go on a Transatlantic, so many of those cabins will likely be available.


Again, this is all strictly a guess. I doubt Celebrity knows what they are doing right now :). For all we know, things could be back to normal next week. I find it VERY odd that Celebrity has now pulled the 4/13 Transatlantic off of their website, so more changes could be in the works.


For those of us on the sailings that are involved in this mess, all we can do, is wait and worry.

The fall 2005 Millie trans from Barcelona to Ft. Lauderdale was changed due the ship being in drydock. We were originally scheduled to sail Nov. 6. After our trans, the ship was supposed to be doing the Caribbean.

When the dates were changed, the trans passengers were allowed to change to the new date and itinerary keeping their cabins- not the Caribbean passengers.

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The fall 2005 Millie trans from Barcelona to Ft. Lauderdale was changed due the ship being in drydock. We were originally scheduled to sail Nov. 6. After our trans, the ship was supposed to be doing the Caribbean.

When the dates were changed, the trans passengers were allowed to change to the new date and itinerary keeping their cabins- not the Caribbean passengers.


Hi Hajekfam !


Either way, some passengers wont be happy. We will have to wait and see.

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So sorry it is happening again. I really feel for you. This is the third time in as many years that Celebrity has done this!

It's getting so that you really can't plan your vacation until closer to the date. Makes it hard for those who have put in their vacation time at the beginning of the year or earlier in order to get prime time.

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Does anyone know when drydock is scheduled for the Galaxy. I read in one member review that it needs refurbishment. I'm thinking of going on its November cruise, but could wait if I knew when drydock would be and what Celebrity plans to do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, WE are not getting any compensation for the move from the 23rd to the 13th and our booking is being transferred at a higher rate than that first on the computer for the 13th!! They will not consult Redeployment to find out what was offered and are more or less telling me to go to hell!!


We are VERY good customers and stockholders. I am considering going to a stockholders meeting and seeing what Hanrahan and Fain are like out of view of the TV cameras!! I reckon the attitude comes from the top!! I would ask them why their customer relations department don't employ anyone with any commonsense and thus antagonise many customers.


For the first time, I have total sympathy for the Smiths - I feel they were probably driven to get revenge on RCCL!! The treatment I have received is simply APPALLING.


They are not interested . The last girl said she had a headache from it!! Good!! They are being very obstinate - someone has said 'do nothing' on my notes and that's obviously that!!


They are blaming my TA but I don't know what to think. They won't tell me the date the notifications went out to the TA's - in fact, refuse to give me any info.


Can you imagine any other business treating loyal customers this way? It is just amazing - I have always been in PR and am simply staggered that a business could be run this way!!


There seems to be no-one with any commonsense to deal with the customers!! This is a very small dispute and should have been settled immediately and without any animosity!!


Now I phone every day just to get the satisfaction of wasting their hopefully expensive staff time!! And ruining their day as a consequence.


And all because they didn't transfer me from the 23rd to the 13th as promised!!!

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I was on the April 13th cruise that was canceled. I was called by my TA on July 28th and told I only had a day or two to make the change.


I'm sure there's more to this story and sorry to hear about the muff up. But I would take an equal look at your TA as well as X.


I think you are way off base on bringing up the Smith's. First off RCCL and not X. Yes both owned by RCI, but run as seperate companies. Two, murder is a little different than complications over a canceled cruise.

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You misunderstand - they create an atmosphere where it becomes a matter of principle!! I believe it is this very attitude that started the Smiths on their vendetta!! I remember their saying they were passed from person to person and that nobody wanted to hear!! That is what has happened with me over a piffling amount of money!! It is amazingly frustrating!! So to them - well, I now can see how this attitude would have affected them after losing a son!!


I feel CHEATED!! It wouldn't matter if it was only $2!! They refuse to give me any dates of price changes or the date the fax was sent to my TA!! If it was her fault - they should prove it. They are just doing a cover-up job!! They refuse to allow anyone from Deployment to talk to me and advise me why the offer made is not being honoured.


They state 'Our valued partners the TA's' - yeah, well Celebrity, partners are equally liable!!


We cruise a LOT and they admit we are very good customers. I am a stockholder and yet, instead of waiting a few months and booking a Med and Baltic for '07 on board the Voyager, I have booked with Regent and Oceania!! That is how aggravated I feel at the way I am being treated!!


The number I phone answers, Royal Caribbean and Celebrity. If you want to believe they are separate go ahead - as a Stockholder I believe they are one!! One set of profits!!!


As soon as you don't agree with them - the conversation becomes hostile. There is no discussion - they listen but don't hear!! They don't even understand most of the time!!! Just reading a decision made by an anonymous person on a computer. I was put on hold for 25 mins or more many times!!


At the moment I am calling from the UK and it is very expensive - yesterday 2 hours. I will have to stop soon, but will resume when I get to Florida in November and bombard them with calls!!


Everyone has their own limits - they have tested mine - I am now going to make sure that the Company pays, if not in money, but in wasted staff time.


I am sure many will disagree with my attitude - but we are all individual and live in a democracy!!

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Your TA should have the letter regarding the announcement, have you asked her for it or why she did not contact you as soon as it was offered?


Another part of the problem is you booked with a TA, she should be fighting for you. If you make a booking through a TA, but then call X to make a change, they cannot, it all has to go through your agent. So that's where you need to start as anything with any of your bookings will be handled by your agent


You have the right to be upset, but as of now you are barking up the wrong tree. Work with your agent find out when they received the document, ask for a copy of the letter, find out why you were not contacted immediately.


Have your TA fight your battle for you, that's what they are paid commission for. If they are unable or unwilling to correct the situation, I'd look for a new agent. If everything has been handled correctly from their end, then you can be mad at X. But my guess is they did not act as promptly as they should have.

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My Agent has given up with them!! She has given permission for me to speak to them on 'all three levels' whatever that may mean!!


I cannot work out who is telling porkie pies. I have asked her to relinquish the reservations. I can do no more with the TA!!!!


I will not be using a TA anymore - I can do better myself and will have instant access to the cruise line if something goes wrong!! Celebrity claims the TAs are their partnersicon5.gif - what a joke!!!


It is interesting and disgraceful that your TA said you only had a day or two to decide what to do. What if you or your agent had been on holiday? The fact that for 3/4 weeks none of us knew what was going on except that our cruise was first of all soldout - which we all knew was a lie - then not available and then vanished into thin air. Then they have the audacity to give you A DAY OR TWO to make up your mind!! Total arrogance!! All the worry we had -and now I am missing my friends wedding!!


They are completely disdainful of their customers. My brother loves Seabourn and cannot believe the way Celebrity is handling this in our case - as he says, they should be looking after such good customers. Return customers are MOST important!!! But not to Celebrity!!


My memory of the time lines are a little hazy. I seem to remember that as soon as I saw the first offer I got on to Celebrity but was told my TA had to do it. I phoned her and she phoned them and was told she had to wait for the fax. I think that was why Celebrity refuses to tell me the date the fax went out - perhaps they didn't give much of a chance to my TA. Maybe hers was late - who knows. I can't find out!! Tried!! T~hey are just covering for each other - partners against the customer!!!


As I say, I shall have my revenge when I get to Florida. I shall sit on my balcony in the sunshine and hound them with all the free 1800 phone calls!! Cost a lot more in staff time than had they given me my entitlement in the first place!!

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We cruise a LOT and they admit we are very good customers. I am a stockholder and yet, instead of waiting a few months and booking a Med and Baltic for '07 on board the Voyager, I have booked with Regent and Oceania!! That is how aggravated I feel at the way I am being treated!!
You are a perfect example of what happens when a passenger gets scorned:


Abstract: Based upon the previously published works of Jones and Sasser (1995) and validated by Cartwright and Baird (1999), the following classification is used in this paper.

"Apostles" are the most brand loyal customers who also bring in additional cruise passengers.

"Loyalists" are considered highly satisfied customers. They are also repeat passengers, but do not bring in as many additional cruise customers as Apostles.

"Mercenaries" are driven by price. This group is only loyal so long as that cruise line maintains the cheapest price.

"Hostages," is loyal to the cruise line because there is no viable alternative.

"Guerillas" who are Apostles who have been scorned. An Apostle becomes a Guerilla because of an inappropriate repsonse by the cruise line to compliant behavior.


Journal Title: Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing Volume: 15 Issue: ISSN: 1054-8408 Pub Date: 11/20/2003

Are you planning to sell your stock prior to driving share prices down with your "free" phone calls:

I shall have my revenge when I get to Florida. I shall sit on my balcony in the sunshine and hound them with all the free 1800 phone calls!! Cost a lot more in staff time than had they given me my entitlement in the first place!!
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My Agent has given up with them!! She has given permission for me to speak to them on 'all three levels' whatever that may mean!! I will not be using a TA anymore - I can do better myself and will have instant access to the cruise line if something goes wrong!!


I agree about not using a TA, I have never understood why people stick to TAs in the current Internet age, with all information so readily available. It is much more efficient to deal with any company direct as opposed to via a middle man. You get more done faster.


As to this cruise, since you did book via a TA, Celebrity is correct in referring you to your TA. If your TA 'has given up on them', he/she is not doing the job you have been paying for. That's unacceptable and sounds like the easy way out.



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The TA hasn't given up on Celebrity she/he has given up on you! It is her/his job to deal with problems arising from your booking through her. That is what earning the commision is all about. I would say if she can't get satisfaction or at leaast resolution for you then you have not hired a competent TA. I use a TA that will go to all ends to take care of my business. By doing so I have never had a Customer Service problem... never had to call them. Sounds like she messed up to me - missed the fax...didn't make arrangements for substituting the cruise....I feel bad that you have had to deal with such rude and uncaring folks at Celebrity. There is no excuse for that, however, you should not have been the one trying to correct the problem.

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Just had an e-mail from my TA - she has been ill apparently and is concerned


Truthfully, I am never going to find out what happened!! Or who was at fault.


However, as a PR person, I would just have given a VERY good customer, the benefit of the doubt and given the first price on the computer!! Especially since they caused the problem in the first place - I gave a deposit in good faith, months before!!! I am even missing the wedding of a friend, which is upsetting.


Now I really have a bad taste in my mouth re RCCL/Celebrity. I have three cruises with them booked and two more in mind for the summer Med and Baltic. I am seriously considering whether to change lines after our November cruise!!


I have no faith in their helpfulness in the event of something more serious occurring!! These are not 'nice' people!! I couldn't understand why the Smiths were so antagonistic towards RCCL - now I do. They keep you holding on for 20 mins and then accuse you of hanging up - and they know I am calling from the UK. I will send Celebrity the 'phone bills.


I have sent a protest e-mail to investor relations as I feel their attitude is bad for business. And it is a competitive business and I have stock!!

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You misunderstand - they create an atmosphere where it becomes a matter of principle!! I believe it is this very attitude that started the Smiths on their vendetta!! I remember their saying they were passed from person to person and that nobody wanted to hear!! That is what has happened with me over a piffling amount of money!! It is amazingly frustrating!! So to them - well, I now can see how this attitude would have affected them after losing a son!!


I feel CHEATED!! It wouldn't matter if it was only $2!! They refuse to give me any dates of price changes or the date the fax was sent to my TA!! If it was her fault - they should prove it. They are just doing a cover-up job!! They refuse to allow anyone from Deployment to talk to me and advise me why the offer made is not being honoured.


They state 'Our valued partners the TA's' - yeah, well Celebrity, partners are equally liable!!


We cruise a LOT and they admit we are very good customers. I am a stockholder and yet, instead of waiting a few months and booking a Med and Baltic for '07 on board the Voyager, I have booked with Regent and Oceania!! That is how aggravated I feel at the way I am being treated!!


The number I phone answers, Royal Caribbean and Celebrity. If you want to believe they are separate go ahead - as a Stockholder I believe they are one!! One set of profits!!!


As soon as you don't agree with them - the conversation becomes hostile. There is no discussion - they listen but don't hear!! They don't even understand most of the time!!! Just reading a decision made by an anonymous person on a computer. I was put on hold for 25 mins or more many times!!


At the moment I am calling from the UK and it is very expensive - yesterday 2 hours. I will have to stop soon, but will resume when I get to Florida in November and bombard them with calls!!


Everyone has their own limits - they have tested mine - I am now going to make sure that the Company pays, if not in money, but in wasted staff time.


I am sure many will disagree with my attitude - but we are all individual and live in a democracy!!


2ladies, You are absolutely correct in saying that Celebrity can create a situation where it is a matter of principle. Many who have not been in your situation and who have not been totally ignored by customer service, have a hard time understanding how frustrating it can be. Had I not gone through a similar experience, with Celebrity, I would also doubt that any customer service could treat their customers that way. The solution by some on these boards always seems to be "get over it" and "move on". This may be good advice, for SOME, but then the original problem, usually never gets addressed.

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