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Really Cheap Helecopter Tour!


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Has any one been on the Alex Air Helecopter Tour on Maui? They not only are a lot less expensive than the ships tours but seem to be a lot less than anything else I can find on any other Hawaii helicopter tour web site.

Here's the link to the web site I found them on:


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It may be a very reputable company and it may not be.

When we went to Hawaii in 2005 there was a terrible helicopter crash 3 months before we went.


I went with Jack Harter in Kauai which I highly recommend on that island.

Our pilot had been one of the trainers for the Black Hawks. He explained that the family members of those who died in that crash had no recourse at all.

They company was owned by someone in south pacific who malnipulates the insurance etc.... the owner was untouchable.


There are several really good companies on the island but I went with a well established company with a outstanding record.

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Thanks for all the great ideas! I checked out Jack Harter as well as Safari, I couldn't find Island Helicoters. While Jack Harter is probably the most experienced and reputable (in business since 1962) they are also $199 PER PERSON! Safari is better priced at $143 per person with advanced booking. They also seem reputable with their founder having 30 years military and civilian experience. I found one more almost as cheap as Alex Air - Heli USA at $89 a person! This looks like a bigger company with locations in Las Vegas Nevada and Grand Canyon Arizona as well as Oahu and Kauai. Alex Air looks reputable as well being in business since 1972. Unfortunately they are only located on Maui although Im certainly see nothing wrong with Maui! I think for scenery Kauai offers the most unless you want to erupting volcanos and lava in which case I'd pick the big island of Hawaii.For those interested here are links to all those mentioned web sites:

Alex Air http://www.helitour.com/

Safari http://www.safarihelicopters.com/

Jack Harter http://www.helicopters-kauai.com/

Heli USA http://www.heliusahawaii.com/


At this point I'm undecided. I think I like Kauai the most and Heli USA has the best price for Kaui although I'm not ruling out Alex Air on Maui.

If anyone else has had any experience with any of them I'd love to hear about it! Thanks to everyone for your input.

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I’d like to second Merg55’s idea that you check out the company—and the pilots, not just the owner/founder for their safety record and flight training. We usually choose the least expensive option when touring but in this case cheaper is not always better for helicopter tours in Hawaii. Merg55 only provided you with one incident, and it's not the only one by a long shot.

I agree that you would enjoy Kauai or Hawaii more than Maui. I would lean more to Hawaii as it has the waterfalls of Kauai but also the thrill of seeing the volcano in action. Kauai has waterfalls and the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" if you've never flown over the Grand Canyon on the continent than you would be impressed with the colors.

Whichever you choose, you will not be disappointed.

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I’d like to second Merg55’s idea that you check out the company—and the pilots, not just the owner/founder for their safety record and flight training. We usually choose the least expensive option when touring but in this case cheaper is not always better for helicopter tours in Hawaii. Merg55 only provided you with one incident, and it's not the only one by a long shot.

I agree that you would enjoy Kauai or Hawaii more than Maui. I would lean more to Hawaii as it has the waterfalls of Kauai but also the thrill of seeing the volcano in action. Kauai has waterfalls and the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" if you've never flown over the Grand Canyon on the continent than you would be impressed with the colors.

Whichever you choose, you will not be disappointed.

I'd like to suggest that gadaboutgal use a larger size for her messages. This one is just about unreadable and I have pretty good eyesight.

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I’d like to second Merg55’s idea that you check out the company—and the pilots, not just the owner/founder for their safety record and flight training. We usually choose the least expensive option when touring but in this case cheaper is not always better for helicopter tours in Hawaii. Merg55 only provided you with one incident, and it's not the only one by a long shot.

I agree that you would enjoy Kauai or Hawaii more than Maui. I would lean more to Hawaii as it has the waterfalls of Kauai but also the thrill of seeing the volcano in action. Kauai has waterfalls and the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" if you've never flown over the Grand Canyon on the continent than you would be impressed with the colors.

Whichever you choose, you will not be disappointed.

I really had a hard time reading this but I got what you said. Ya, I think The Big Island with it's waterfalls and volcanos or Kauai with it's "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" would be more thrilling. All of these seem to have been in business for a good long time. I'm a student pilot myself right now so I know the cost of just renting a small plane, I do it all the time. I also know a helicoter is very expensive to operate mostly due to maintenence costs. I really don't know how Alex Air is able to be so much lower in cost than the others. The add does say $159 per couple but that was on one travel agent site, on another it say Alex Air prices starting at $299! This will take some looking into. Also Heli USA is almost as cheap with $89! Another one not mentioned before is Air Kauai. They boast a perfect safety record since the early 1980s. it also says 25% off the price if you book through the web site but I looked all over their web site and couldn't find prices anywhere! I'll keep looking before booking anything.

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Sorry about the tiny type. Hope the information is worth your effort to read. I would, also, suggest that you look at Tom Barefoot's Cash Back Tours. They have outlets in all the major spots in all the islands, and I see they are on the internet as tombarefoot,now. Compare their prices and programs;usually are a good source of activities at lesser prices.

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Here is the website for Island Helicopters. http://www.islandhelicopters.com/ They did, however, cancel my 8:10 flight at 7:30 due to weather. I was surprised they canceled so far in advance with no options. I had to scramble to go with Safari and paid more. If I would have booked with Safari ahead of time, it would have been about the same price. I heard if you do Safari's interactive web game, you get a coupon for a free t-shirt after your flight. There is also a coupon for discounted DVD of your actual flight. All said, I would recommend Safari.

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MERG55 - It seems Jack Harter does not have the unblemished record that you have been led to beleive.

I just found this article about a helicopter crash that occured on July 24th, 2003 with Jack Harter Helicopters. It also lists crashes with Tropical Helicopters and Blue Hawaiian Tours.

Word to the wise: Just because their websites say that they have a perfect record doesn't mean they do. They aren't exactly going to advertise that they have had an accident. I would do a search on the Internet and inform yourself first.



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Me again - sorry I hope this isn't too morbid, but it's better to know before than after! We are booking a helicopter tour for our October, 2006 cruise and I would rather have all the facts to make an informed decision.


To address the Heli USA question, here is another article about a crash with that company in Sept, 2005.



In fact, I found this website that outlines up to date ALL helicopter crashes that have occured in Hawaii.


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Me again - sorry I hope this isn't too morbid, but it's better to know before than after! We are booking a helicopter tour for our October, 2006 cruise and I would rather have all the facts to make an informed decision.


To address the Heli USA question, here is another article about a crash with that company in Sept, 2005.



In fact, I found this website that outlines up to date ALL helicopter crashes that have occured in Hawaii.



Thanks for that information! We are going in October too! October 30- November 6. I was wondering on how to get an unbiased report on a companies safety record. I also noticed that almost all the web sites also say that they are the only ones with 2 way intercom communication.

Please let me know which tour you decide on. I'll let you know what I find out.


P.S. I'm really glad my fiance doesn't read this site, I had to talk her into this.

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Here is the website for Island Helicopters. http://www.islandhelicopters.com/ They did, however, cancel my 8:10 flight at 7:30 due to weather. I was surprised they canceled so far in advance with no options. I had to scramble to go with Safari and paid more. If I would have booked with Safari ahead of time, it would have been about the same price. I heard if you do Safari's interactive web game, you get a coupon for a free t-shirt after your flight. There is also a coupon for discounted DVD of your actual flight. All said, I would recommend Safari.


I just looked at Islands web site. Thanks for putting it here. The price is $250 a person! Ouch! However the thing that upset you I actually respect. Cancelling because of bad weather I see as a positive. It tells me they are concerned for your safety, comfort and even though their pilots are probably instrument rated flying through clouds, rain or fog won't do much for your sight seeing. I hope it went well for you on Safari.

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Me again - sorry I hope this isn't too morbid, but it's better to know before than after! We are booking a helicopter tour for our October, 2006 cruise and I would rather have all the facts to make an informed decision.


To address the Heli USA question, here is another article about a crash with that company in Sept, 2005.



In fact, I found this website that outlines up to date ALL helicopter crashes that have occured in Hawaii.



Thanks! This site is somewhat helpful. I tried using the FAA site and although I'm a pilot myself (ok, student pilot) I got lost. I really wanted to find which ones they would recomend. It would seem to me that the FAA doesn't want to stick their necks out. They do have a rewards section though but that seems to be mostly for flight schools and airframe power plant services.

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FWIW, I've always been impressed with Blue Hawaiian - which is why I did my helicopter tour with them on the Big Island. Great reputation overall (yes, they have had a crash before). Most of their pilots are ex-US military copter pilots which I think speaks to their training.



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I just looked at Islands web site. Thanks for putting it here. The price is $250 a person! Ouch! However the thing that upset you I actually respect. Cancelling because of bad weather I see as a positive. It tells me they are concerned for your safety, comfort and even though their pilots are probably instrument rated flying through clouds, rain or fog won't do much for your sight seeing. I hope it went well for you on Safari.


$250 is the price before discount. $149 is the on-line discounted price if you pay by cash, check or travelers check. Plus $16 fuel charge. It was the best price that I found. I understand the safety issues, especially after reading the articles from above. I only thought it was strange that other companies were either taking off or delaying a bit, while Island wouldn't even transport us from the pier over 30 minutes prior to scheduled take-off. Anyway, I think Safari has the same on-line price and they were great for us.

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$250 is the price before discount. $149 is the on-line discounted price if you pay by cash, check or travelers check. Plus $16 fuel charge. It was the best price that I found. I understand the safety issues, especially after reading the articles from above. I only thought it was strange that other companies were either taking off or delaying a bit, while Island wouldn't even transport us from the pier over 30 minutes prior to scheduled take-off. Anyway, I think Safari has the same on-line price and they were great for us.

Thanks, I'll consider both of them.

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I just went with Island helicopters last Friday and they said I had not confirmed my flight when in fact I had call. They would not let me on 8:10 flight but managed to get me on the 9:10 flight. They never did apoligize and just kept saying that I never called. I think they switched people around to work in a l4 person group. I would use someone else.


The flight was great but I got stuck in the middle back and had to look past peoples heads to see out. The right side window wasn't much to see thru, it was a big bubble window that is all distorted.icon13.gif

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Yeah, I forgot about the 48 hour call in advance too. I called the day before after hours on someones cell phone. Remembering to call in advance 48 hours while on vacation is not something I want to think about. It just doesn't seem like customer service is a priority to Island Helicopters.

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$250 is the price before discount. $149 is the on-line discounted price if you pay by cash, check or travelers check. Plus $16 fuel charge. It was the best price that I found. I understand the safety issues, especially after reading the articles from above. I only thought it was strange that other companies were either taking off or delaying a bit, while Island wouldn't even transport us from the pier over 30 minutes prior to scheduled take-off. Anyway, I think Safari has the same on-line price and they were great for us.


I'm a student pilot myself and actually unclear weather is not a safety issue if their pilots are instrument rated. (I'd be very surprised if they weren't). However in terms of getting your money's worth you want to see scenery not fog and haze.

On another note I just read a review of all these Helicopter tours in Kauai Revealed. Acording to the book it is cheap on Island Helicoter Tour If you are willing to sit through a time share presentation when you call them up.

Inter Island is their favorate which flies with no doors and lands at a secluded waterfall (weather permitting) for a quick swim and a deli lunch. It's a bit pricy though at $250 a person.

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OK. I just received the DVD from Safari Helicopters and I feel even more assured of a strong recommendation for them. Instead of getting a “best of” video for the flight with your “wave to the camera” insert at the front, you get the real footage of your flight with your entire party saying aloha to the camera and loading into the chopper. Even though the weather wasn’t perfect, the DVD showed exactly what we saw with multiple camera angles that seemed to change with the narration of our pilot. It’s fun to hear the same music we heard and the dialog between each other and the pilot. A full hour DVD that I think will be even more fun to watch in the years to follow. I don’t think a helicopter ride in Houston would be the same…

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Thanks for all the great ideas! I checked out Jack Harter as well as Safari, I couldn't find Island Helicoters. While Jack Harter is probably the most experienced and reputable (in business since 1962) they are also $199 PER PERSON! Safari is better priced at $143 per person with advanced booking. They also seem reputable with their founder having 30 years military and civilian experience. I found one more almost as cheap as Alex Air - Heli USA at $89 a person! This looks like a bigger company with locations in Las Vegas Nevada and Grand Canyon Arizona as well as Oahu and Kauai. Alex Air looks reputable as well being in business since 1972. Unfortunately they are only located on Maui although Im certainly see nothing wrong with Maui! I think for scenery Kauai offers the most unless you want to erupting volcanos and lava in which case I'd pick the big island of Hawaii.For those interested here are links to all those mentioned web sites:

Alex Air http://www.helitour.com/

Safari http://www.safarihelicopters.com/

Jack Harter http://www.helicopters-kauai.com/

Heli USA http://www.heliusahawaii.com/


At this point I'm undecided. I think I like Kauai the most and Heli USA has the best price for Kaui although I'm not ruling out Alex Air on Maui.

If anyone else has had any experience with any of them I'd love to hear about it! Thanks to everyone for your input.


Being I'm from oahu and have recently returned from my NCL cruise, I have recently been on an air tour with Air Ventures. It is any airplane company at $99 per person for a one-hour flight - it was truly an awesome adventure and views were spectacular! This airplane's whole door is a window made for aerial flightseeing; just like the helicopters. Owner/Pilot is a commerial pilot (over 20 years) and a native of the island. I was very impressed with his knowledge and the love of the island. Tips: For any air tour, when I did my research, you do need a 50-60 minutes of air tour to see the whole island of Kauai. At the price of $89 per person on HeliUsa for Kauai is unheard of (unless it's linked with a timeshare presentation)...make sure you check it's for Kauai and not Oahu and make sure you check the length of time for tour. These are tips that I have found out the hard way. Here's the website to check out: www.airventureshawaii.com. Good luck in your planning!

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I called Island Helicpoters and here's the deal:

If you are NOT on a cruse you can do this. It is a 90 minute lecture before the helecopter tour but the lecture is 8:30am or 11:00am and the tour is after 1:00pm. The problem with cruse ship passengers is that you have to be on the island 24 hours BEFORE the time share lecture. With only a couple of days in port this leaves out any cruse ship passengers I know of. If however you can do this it is only $87.25 but you also can not have attended their companies time share 6 months before then. The best rate I could get without doing the time share lecture was $149 through internet registration.

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