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dark suit necessary for formal night...


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Would it be OK for DH to wear a tan colored suit on the formal nights, or is it a mojority of dark colored suits? I would hate for him to have to buy a jacket to wear on the cruise (and probably not again), but I would also hate to stick out...

Any help would be great!



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IMHO, a tan suit is more casual than a navy or black suit, and not really formal. I don't know what line you're sailing, but when we've sailed Celebrity and Princess, the majority of the men have worn tuxes or dark suits.

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I see you are on Carnival Valor and you're leaving soon :) !


My husband always wears a black suit and many will be in dark suits. Your husband, on Carnival, will probably be fine, you do see men that don't even wear jackets, just a shirt and tie (not my favorite look).


Be more concerned that his suit coordinates with how dressy your clothes are. If you are in a ballgown, he will look not so great, same if you are in a floor length fancy dress or a cocktail dress. If you are wearing what I would consider to be Sunday best or not sparkly, he may look fine next to your clothes. You want to blend with each other, not clash. Please notice I did not say match, never, ever try to match.

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I see you are on Carnival Valor and you're leaving soon :) !


My husband always wears a black suit and many will be in dark suits. Your husband, on Carnival, will probably be fine, you do see men that don't even wear jackets, just a shirt and tie (not my favorite look).


Be more concerned that his suit coordinates with how dressy your clothes are. If you are in a ballgown, he will look not so great, same if you are in a floor length fancy dress or a cocktail dress. If you are wearing what I would consider to be Sunday best or not sparkly, he may look fine next to your clothes. You want to blend with each other, not clash. Please notice I did not say match, never, ever try to match.


I agree. Your look should be at the same ''dressyness'' level. I think Sunday best or even a simple cocktail dress such as ''the little black dress'' would be alright.


I don't think your husband needs to buy a new suit he won't wear again. But if you're planning to wear a floor-length dress, you should look into tux rental option for your husband.

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I gather from your other posts you are going on Carnival.


Yes, the tan suit will be OK. No it will never be formal.


IMHO, all grown men should own the following:


1 dark suit

1 white shirt

1 pair black dress shoes

1 conservative tie

1 blue blazer

1 pair grey trousers

1 pair khakis



golf shirts


In some combination of the above they can go anywhere. It's like the male equivalent of the LBD.

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trish1c, You are absolutely right When people will state that they "never" get dressed up, it makes me wonder just how many times they "don't" get dressed in proper attire.


I suppose if you never go to weddings, funerals, awards events, concerts (no, not rock or country :) ) or any other nice events, you don't need those clothes. Most people, eventually, do attend some of the above.


My husband, who rarely wears anything but jeans or khaki pants (or shorts) to work, has a black suit and a sports coat. He may only wear these items a couple of times a year, but they are there when he needs them. He owns a few nice casual shirts for going out in the evening, he has a few pair of nicer slacks that would not be appropriate for work. We don't go out and break the bank on his wardrobe all at one time, he has accumulated these things over time. It's not a big deal to wear decent clothes when the occasion calls for it, men really have it pretty easy in comparison to women.

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Here is a picture of what I will wear on ONE of the formal nights. I am not even sure if this is OK since it is a short dress, and not long. Any opinions would be great!!!

This is the suit he would wear...in the one pic, his coat is on me...obviously :p

Thank you!!


Sorry they are so small, I couldn't figure out how to do this...

cruise critic 2.bmp

cruise critic3.bmp

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I gather from your other posts you are going on Carnival.


Yes, the tan suit will be OK. No it will never be formal.


IMHO, all grown men should own the following:


1 dark suit

1 white shirt

1 pair black dress shoes

1 conservative tie

1 blue blazer

1 pair grey trousers

1 pair khakis



golf shirts


In some combination of the above they can go anywhere. It's like the male equivalent of the LBD.



I also completely agree and have always wondered what the heck DO people wear to these events if they don't own these items?


My DH, as well, does not have to dress for work either.

However, he would NEVER think of wearing anything other than a sports jacket/suit to certain events.... or we would not go.;)

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Thank you to those who have posted suggestions and help.


On the other hand, I am very surprised to see how quickly some people are to judge because someone doesn't own a dark suit that FITS anymore. We have not attended the opera, a concert you have to dress up for, a funeral, awards events, etc. EVERYTIME we go out to a nice restaurant or a show, we have always been dressed appropriately. Any weddings we have been to, we have been part of the bridal party so naturally we already had the "formal wear."


Happyks-"You are absolutely right When people will state that they "never" get dressed up, it makes me wonder just how many times they "don't" get dressed in proper attire." Like I just said above, we have always been dressed in "proper" attire for the events we HAVE gone to. I would hope that you would realize that beacause I obviously cared enough to check on here before showing up to get stared at or even worse, get turned away. DH owns everything on your list, and then some, just not a dark suit. Never been in a situation where he needed one in the past 3 years. (He has one he outgrew, but hasn't tried it on in the past 3 years until now.)


Desperatehousewife- "My DH, as well, does not have to dress for work either.

However, he would NEVER think of wearing anything other than a sports jacket/suit to certain events.... or we would not go.;)" We have always been aware of dress codes, etc. and DH has certainly worn sports jackets when necessary. Can't say we've been in situations prior to this where we needed a dark suit for a wedding, funeral, etc.


Sorry if I am on the "defensive" but I felt offended at some of these comments, like I was getting talked down to because we have not had the need for a dark suit prior to this cruise...sorry we aren't "as seasoned" as others.:(

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Go and have fun! There will probably be no one on your cruise who will be so judgemntal. Formal on a Carnival cruise is not like a black tie formal.


I bet you and your husband will be fine! You will come back home and wonder why you worried so much about clothes.





PS I know how a hubby can get chubby... hehe

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I can see where you have taken offense to the way I responded to the topic, I apologize if I have offended you.:(

It really was not my intent.:o


I have seen for months people responding to threads saying they do not own a suit, tie ar khakis for that matter.

I am thouroughly confused by this and continuosly wonder what they do wear outside everday life?

Really none of my business I am sure... but I do wonder.


I could explain how I feel forever about people who blatently defy dress codes, but it would only get more argument.

I responded off the cuff of other threads that have crawled under my skin lately.

Again, I am not saying your intent was to defy the dress code, as it is perfectly obvious your intention was the opposite.

I am sorry it appeared I was lumping you into that category.. I was not.

I was speaking in generalities... and I CAN see how you would have taken it that way.

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I just signed up for our first cruise and "dress code" was a concern of mine as well. I find it comical that everyone should own a certain style and color of clothing for that special occasion (which in a few years may not come, but the weight surely will!) In fact, I don't own a dark suit, why should I? I still visit the occasional symphony, go out to nice restaurants, etc. and appear to be as well dressed as 80% of the other participants.

Now, 40 years ago this would have not been the case and without a jacket a person would stick out like a sore thumb.......that was 40 years ago.

I also know that typical dress code has a lot to do with where you live, I am sure there are quite a few more suits worn in NY that there are in Oregon and Washington.


I once heard the phrase that "the clothing makes the person" I have to disagree, it is the personality that makes the person, clothing has nothing to do with it.

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after being on over 15 cruises with Carnival, if your husband wears a nice pair of dress slacks, a dress shirt and a tie and then looks around the dining room, he will see his exact type of dress on many of the men. I will agree if you wear a long very formal gown, he may feel uncomfortable, but how many of the persons on this cruise are you going to see again? Go, have a wonderful time........when you and your husband decide to upgrade to Crystal Cruise lines, then think of investing in some of the attire discussed previously, Carnival is a GREAT FUN FILLED vacation and don't let others make you feel uncomfortable. My husband and I have sailed over 50 times with various cruise lines and Carnival is great, so you and your husband get dressed up in your finest and go and have the time of your life. There will be those on board that will be dressed to the 10's, and then there will be others that simply want to get away and enjoy a fun filled vacation. (HINT) take a close look at those dressed in the UPPITY STYLE......now imagine them on QEII, etc......some would make it and others are just show. Just remember it is the person inside the clothes, not the clothes, so go forth and celebrate!!!!!!

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Thank you for all the encouragement...it means a lot to me! I am feeling MUCH better about all of this, and have just started trying to tell myself...we are going to have FUN, no worries!! :)

I agree with most of you, there will always be people overdressed, and underdressed...I just try to say "to each his own," even if I do stare occasionally! :p

Desperatehousewife- I appreciate your apology, and am glad you see my point of view. I also wonder how one can not own a pair of khakis or at least dress pants...interesting topic.


As a "disclaimer" I had DH read all of these posts, and he wanted me to add that he did not put on weight, but muscle from working out and grew out of his jacket. (I have to agree with him here!) :)


Again, thank you all for the encouragement, we are looking to have a GREAT time, tux or no tux!

Have a great evening!!!

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Nothing insulting or mean intended here, but I can't quite picture a tan suit being part of any formal attire. Tan was and always will be a casual color. The men's fashion rule for color is.....the darker the outfit, the more dressy it is. A man wearing this suit would definitely "stick out." Better to ditch the suit and wear dark pants, shirt and tie.

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As a "disclaimer" I had DH read all of these posts, and he wanted me to add that he did not put on weight, but muscle from working out and grew out of his jacket. (I have to agree with him here!) :)



Please tell DH that the disclaimer is duely noted and congrats to him!;)

You will have a great time....Happy Sailing~:)

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Here's my 2 cents...

So first of all "God Bless You", these Fashion Boards are full of well meaning good hearted fashion advice, so take all of that for what it is...

That being said there are two different things going on these boards...

#1 What is technical "appropriate" fashion in general...

#2 What will be appropriate or occur on your particular cruise, cruiseline, sailing, itinerary.

They are two different things.

Now, is a tan colored suit "techinically appropriate" in the fashion world for a formal night? Absolutely not. It's just not ever technically formal. It could be semi-formal, or smart casual, but it's never technically formal.

Will a tan colored suit be "okay" for a Carnival cruise?

Well, it should be fine. It depends on where it's cruising from (homeport), as if it's cruising from LA or NY, then you will find more fashion forward cruisers. If it's Carnival Valor or something else, then there will be people more dressed up (I'm totally a full tuxedo man myself for formal nights), and there will be people in khaki's and a shirt and tie (not even going into how anyone thinks this could be formal, but that is what you may see).

So, if that's his only suit, and that's what he has, on your specific Carnival cruise, he will be fine, he'll be right in the middle.

There will be people way more dressed up, and people less dressed up.

Just be sure to take advantage of the ship's photgraphers, get a bunch of pictures...

Let us know (please report back) on your experience on how he "fit in" on your particular cruise.

So, to paraphrase:

Technical fashion rules: No it's not formal at all.

Reality for your cruise: He will be fine.

Now just my opinion, make sure that you dress in a "complimentary manner" (not matching), and you'll be fine.


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If it's Carnival

So, to paraphrase:

Technical fashion rules: No it's not formal at all.

Reality for your cruise: He will be fine.

Now just my opinion, make sure that you dress in a "complimentary manner" (not matching), and you'll be fine.


Totally agree!

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(HINT) take a close look at those dressed in the UPPITY STYLE......now imagine them on QEII, etc......some would make it and others are just show.


Could you define UPPITY STYLE? Thanks.


Just remember it is the person inside the clothes, not the clothes, so go forth and celebrate!!!!!!


A person's clothing speaks volumes about them. It's the way we all announce to the world who we are. Without words and from across a room our clothes convey to others who we are, how we feel about things and how we feel about ourselves.


We don't have the opportunity to speak to each and every person we see. The clothes we choose speak for us. If you think you've never made an opinion about someone based on what they're wearing, you're fooling yourself. Of course, what's inside counts more - that goes without saying. But how we present ourselves to the work screams volumes. If it didn't, none of us would ever need 90% of the clothing we own, we'd never buy jewelry, accessories, hair products, perfume, etc etc.

And of course, we wouldn't have this board and people asking about what they should wear.:)

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twirler324, I'm sorry if I offended you, I wasn't targeting you specifically, just a general comment. One thing you do have to remember when you are on these (or any) public message boards is to not take anything too personally. But I do apologize to you now.


Curt, Fashion forward in LA :rolleyes: , I suppose you haven't been on any cruises leaving out of the Port of Los Angeles? That you see a lot of fashion forward people in Los Angeles is correct, however, I've been on a number of cruises leaving from there. Many times I see people wearing what I wouldn't even clean the garage wearing, for fear the neighbors or the gardeners would see me.


The exception was boarding the QM2 for our little 3 dayer (to Ensenada of all places). Not only did we see fabulous fashion everywhere, we were delayed boarding by 3 hours and all in the terminal at once. Never have I seen as much plastic surgery in one room in my life! Or, a lot of ladies with very surprised looks on their faces and their breasts way higher and perkier than humanly possible. :D Many of them were with their fathers or uncles ;) .

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