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New Packing Recommendations needed


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First. do not panic! So far the ban on liquids has ben carry ons. And the ban on carry-ons, will probably lessen as the days go by, However, it is good to have a contingency plan. I was wondering about that myself this morning. Since I do travel with my laptop, camera, etc; I would probably go to the nearest "shipping" store and have them pack and ship my stuff either to my home address, or the hotel I would stay at prior to the cruise.


Yes, I it would cost a fortune, so would the insurance I would buy, but I would know it would arrive intact.


Unfortunately in todays world, this type of event can happen at anytime, so it is best to be prepared. You should always have a back up plan to get you and your stuff home.

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First. do not panic! So far the ban on liquids has ben carry ons. And the ban on carry-ons, will probably lessen as the days go by........



What ban on carryons? Have not seen one in US. The only ban is on British flights at this time. Certainly no ban at Phoenix airport on carryons, according to the news. Nothing about a ban on carryons on the TSA site.

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What ban on carryons? Have not seen one in US. The only ban is on British flights at this time. Certainly no ban at Phoenix airport on carryons, according to the news. Nothing about a ban on carryons on the TSA site.


To reiterate, the ban on carryons is for flights from the UK to the USA. Only liquids, gels and pastes have been banned from being carried on here in the United States. My husband flies out this afternoon (to that terrorist hotspot of Fargo, North Dakota ;) ) so he's been following this story with meticulous attention.


He flies every week for business. When we saw the breaking news late last night, we immediately wondered how we (the USA) would react. Now we know. He'll miss his water, but it's better to be safe than sorry right now.


We're also wondering if the ban on liquids will be permanent. What a pain. We always both carry (and drink!) a liter of water on flights. It's so dry up there! When we had the Olympics here (Salt Lake City), they made us drink from our containers when entering the venues. They also made us snap photos to show our cameras were, indeed, cameras. Maybe the TSA will institute something like that.


There are just so many evil people in our world! It's sad.



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Sorry, I did not mean to cause alarm. Most likely in the next few days, the flights from the UK that have banned carry-ons will relax their restrictions. However, in today's world it always helps to have a back-up plan, because who knows when the next event will happen.

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While people should not panic about what lies down the road for us in airline travel, this is a good time to brainstorm here with fellow travelers and think about how to handle the present restrictions -- and those that may be instituted in the future.


After all, yesterday you could take a bottle of water on a flight from Cleveland to New York City; today you can't.

Restrictions can be levied [or removed] at a moment's notice.


I think it's great that people share their ideas here.

While I am not flying anywhere in the near future, both my daughters will be. I'm grateful for some of the tips that are being shared.


Also, JayS --> the comment about the ACLU was inappropriate in this forum. Leave your politics at the door please.

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I've been trying to get more details of just how the terrorists were going to emplement their plans using the "gels" and "liquids" but haven't seen anything yet. Maybe those facts haven't been released, but here is what I was wondering: Couldn't those same "gels" and "liquids" blow up in the checked luggage in the hold?


Where will all this end? Concievably, some terrorist somewhere will come up with a way to blow up planes using common-looking stuff in his checked baggage. Then what? No baggage at all permitted? We can plan now for dealing with this latest crisis in travel but how can we possible plan for tomorrow's next crisis?


Hmm, I'm not usually this negative, guess I'm just discouraged by how much hatred it takes to commit so much evil.

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I've been trying to get more details of just how the terrorists were going to emplement their plans using the "gels" and "liquids" but haven't seen anything yet. Maybe those facts haven't been released' date=' but here is what I was wondering: Couldn't those same "gels" and "liquids" blow up in the checked luggage in the hold?


Where will all this end? Concievably, some terrorist somewhere will come up with a way to blow up planes using common-looking stuff in his checked baggage. Then what? No baggage at all permitted? We can plan now for dealing with this latest crisis in travel but how can we possible plan for tomorrow's next crisis?


Hmm, I'm not usually this negative, guess I'm just discouraged by how much hatred it takes to commit so much evil.[/quote']


In an extended interview I heard this morning, the plan was rather intricate and sophisticated and involved several passengers boarding separately with individually "benign" items (one a soda, another a radio with a battery, a third with jelly - or what appeared to be standard sandwich ingredients, etc.) that could be combined on board to create an explosive device that would be strong enough to pierce the skin of the aircraft. That would cause a cataclysmic destruction of the entire plane and cause all passengers and luggage to be propelled into the atmosphere. No need to continue the description.

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I've been trying to get more details of just how the terrorists were going to emplement their plans using the "gels" and "liquids" but haven't seen anything yet. Maybe those facts haven't been released' date=' but here is what I was wondering: Couldn't those same "gels" and "liquids" blow up in the checked luggage in the hold?


Where will all this end? Concievably, some terrorist somewhere will come up with a way to blow up planes using common-looking stuff in his checked baggage. Then what? No baggage at all permitted? We can plan now for dealing with this latest crisis in travel but how can we possible plan for tomorrow's next crisis?


Hmm, I'm not usually this negative, guess I'm just discouraged by how much hatred it takes to commit so much evil.[/quote']


Its as Walt said.

The scanners that check luggage in the hold will detect the explosive ingredient needed to make the mix. The scanners are much stronger than the carryon scanners.

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From all I've read and heard, the "ingredients" were to be assembled onboard.

If the items [gels, etc.] have to be put into checked luggage, then the pax have no access to them.

Individually, the items are harmless.


One of these days we'll all be flying in the nude ...

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1. Anything that can be bought aboard ship, at the airport, in route from airport to ship, or during a pre-cruise lay over, should be bought there and then and NOT transported via aircraft in either checked luggage or carry-on luggage. Yes, this may well be a little more expensive and a little less convenient, but it's safer all around and it means you won't have to accommodate the weight in your luggage.


2. Of course we know that this means that smuggling of booze from home to the ship is, effectively, nixed. :D Sure, one can buy at the port of departure and still smuggle aboard, but that's going to be as expensive -- or more expensive -- than buying aboard ship. So ... don't bother.


3. Anything liquid/gel/paste items that you MUST bring with you from home should be backed in liquid-safe packaging and stored in your checked luggage. Even if this means you dig it out once you collect your luggage at the airport and carry it with you to the ship, that's simply the way it will have to be until such time as this changes. I suggest packing anything liquid in liquid safe packages and burring them in the MIDDLE of clothing for added impact protection.


4. Regarding liquid refreshment on flight ... has provision been made for the medical needs of some/many relative to lengthy pressurized flight? For instance, are airlines/TSA providing bottled water that one can pick up when boarding the aircraft? Yes, I know, flight attendants are suppposed to provide in-flight hydration, but it is sometimes the better part of an hour before they get around to us plebes in the back of the plane -- and, then, it's the stingy equivalent of about a thimble full -- and in that length of time medical emergencies can occur if one doesn't have the ability to self-hydrate. If no provision has been made in this direction, but if these restrictions are slated to be continued indefinitely, then some form of legislation should be pushed through congress to require such provision. That may be the only way to address a problem such is this if no other recourse appears possible (and, going how government bureaucracy works, such may become the case).

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Thanks for the thread grannynurse.


I have to say the first thought I had when I heard about this and the specualation that this might become SOP for domestic flights in the U.S. was the college kid routine. By this I mean all the kids that need to get to or return from school and do so while striving to comply with weight minimums, for checked luggage.


Has anyone seen some of these kids? They have so many layers of clothes piled on them they can barely straighten their arms. Once on board, it becomes the "Peeling Onion " show.


While most of us are loath to consider something similar, wearing a few layers might offset the risk of lost or delayed luggage. Many newscasters speculated that carry-ons could also include our beloved handbags, if additional security precautions were deemed necessary in the U.S.


It makes the most sense to me to limit or leave the jewels at home. The most important, of course, is medicine for those that have to take it. I have visions of thousands of people clutching their vials of meds, as they board flights.


BTW, the international airlines, with the best track records for safety, have restricted carry-on luggage for years. They do not compromise passenger and collateral safety with passenger convenience.

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One of these days we'll all be flying in the nude ...



You beat me to that punch line by just 5 minutes!!!!! :(


I fully expect that, by 2010, they will be running US through the hand-luggage scanners, not just our bags. I can see it now, we come up to security and they have us take out our lap tops, etc, and run them through. They then have us lay down and they run US through, too!


"Congratulations, Rev. Neal. You are cleared to fly on American Airlines. Nice underwear, by the way, but don't you think that pokadotted elephants are something of a fashion no-no?????"


"Please step into the next line, remove your clothing, submit to full body-cavity search, and then proceed to dress in disposable paper clothing which we will provide you for the duration of your flight."


"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We will be boarding the aircraft by groups, today. Following boarding, but before we push back from the gate, a flight attendant will be by to administer your injection that will render you comatose for the duration of the flight. A listing of TSA approved in-flight dreams can be found on page 28 of the "American Way" Magazine."

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It makes the most sense to me to limit or leave the jewels at home. The most important, of course, is medicine for those that have to take it. I have visions of thousands of people clutching their vials of meds, as they board flights.

Strange. If Oceanwench is correct and we all end up flying in the nude, I have mental images of guys clutching something else while boarding flights. :eek::rolleyes::cool:;) Terms like "family" and "jewels" come to mind. :D


Good ... now I'm laughing again. That's a good sign.

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You beat me to that punch line by just 5 minutes!!!!! :(


I fully expect that, by 2010, they will be running US through the hand-luggage scanners, not just our bags. I can see it now, we come up to security and they have us take out our lap tops, etc, and run them through. They then have us lay down and they run US through, too!


"Congratulations, Rev. Neal. You are cleared to fly on American Airlines. Nice underwear, by the way, but don't you think that pokadotted elephants are something of a fashion no-no?????"


"Please step into the next line, remove your clothing, submit to full body-cavity search, and then proceed to dress in disposable paper clothing which we will provide you for the duration of your flight."


"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We will be boarding the aircraft by groups, today. Following boarding, but before we push back from the gate, a flight attendant will be by to administer your injection that will render you comatose for the duration of the flight. A listing of TSA approved in-flight dreams can be found on page 28 of the "American Way" Magazine."


Adam and Eve were nekked, looks like by 2010 we might be coming full circle!

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Here's an idea: They could figure a way to take all the confiscated items from people going thru Security and move them to a nice little kiosk for those people getting off the planes.


Sort of a nice exchange. Bring your toiletries to the gate, leave them there and pick up the ones on the other end.


Nothing goes to waste that way!


Just ignore me ... I'm flying out in the morning and I'm in a bit of an anxiety attack:) .

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Strange. If Oceanwench is correct and we all end up flying in the nude, I have mental images of guys clutching something else while boarding flights. :eek::rolleyes::cool:;) Terms like "family" and "jewels" come to mind. :D


Good ... now I'm laughing again. That's a good sign.



I swear I had the "family" in my original post but deleted it to let someone else go for it. We need to keep our sense of humor as it may be all we have.

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Please no flaming, even though it goes against my ideals of cruising... I think I agree with a CC member who mentioned that the cruise lines suspend formal nights for the present while we get through this period of packing restrictions.

I still couldn't give up my smelly stuff but I would use the Elemis products, and pack only one can of hairspray in my luggage.

Another thing, anyone notice that the sundries in the onboard shop run out very quickly. Even though HAL orders months in advance, they could consider stocking more "essentials" in the shops, some shipboard soul could even go to Costco; it would be especially easy in SEATTLE. I know the purchasing Division would have a cow....but it's better than having a ship full of smelly pax having bad hair days.


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Adam and Eve were nekked, looks like by 2010 we might be coming full circle!


Yeah ... but Eve talked to a snake and they both got to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In other words ... they got to have FUN. I don't consider sitting in coach on an airplane in the NUDE while a Islamic Terrorist highjacks the flight FUN.

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Please no flaming, even though it goes against my ideals of cruising... I think I agree with a CC member who mentioned that the cruise lines suspend formal nights for the present while we get through this period of packing restrictions.


This is not a flame, it is a question.

What would be solved by cancelling formal nights for the duration (i.e., forever)? I mean ... when was the last time someone wore a liquid Tuxedo or a liquid dress? I just don't see how one leads to the other? It certainly wouldn't make any difference in my packing.

If your issue is cosmetics -- stinkum, stickum, etc., -- there are other options, including ones aboard ship, for dealing with the issue other than suspending formal nights.

In short ... unless you can show me how it would help, I don't see the need.

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Here's a suggestion for the cruise lines, in particular, and even hotels around the country and world should take note: stock up on more varieties of mini-toiletries for travelers and charge a reasonable price for them in your shops.


It would behoove cruise lines/hotels to do this as it would make travel easier for all, and might even discourage some people from just canceling travel plans for some time to come, which is going to be really costly, I'm sure.


Some people are extra picky about toothpastes, shampoos, etc. But in light of what's going on, how awful would it be to use some other brand for a few days, especially if it's convenient?


If that doesn't work, and if there's time before sailing, for example, rushing to a drugstore that stocks mini or travel versions of some favorite items is an alternative. If you're just traveling to another city, that's easy, buy what you want when you get there.

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Here's an idea: They could figure a way to take all the confiscated items from people going thru Security and move them to a nice little kiosk for those people getting off the planes.


Sort of a nice exchange. Bring your toiletries to the gate, leave them there and pick up the ones on the other end.


Nothing goes to waste that way!


Just ignore me ... I'm flying out in the morning and I'm in a bit of an anxiety attack:) .



Great idea, Heather!;)


I actually had my nail clippers taken away at ATL (my stupidity:rolleyes: ) and the guard suggested looking around at my final destination for replacements!:D


Have a good flight, Heather!

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I wouldn't flame either, because we're all so confused right now. But what would be the point of not having formal evenings?:) The only issue here is liquids and gels that can't be in your carry-on. But all that can still go in your checked luggage. Nothing is really that different.


The biggest difficulty was for the poor people arriving at airports this a.m. with no idea in the world what they were in for. So it was mass confusion. But over the coming days it will all be laid out clearly and will be no different than when we couldn't carry sissors, knives and pointed objects.


Too late for my trip in the morning, but for my next normal domestic flight I'm going to have someone buy me the little travel size things to have at the other end. If you know anyone where you're going you can mail out a little toiletries kit in advance. There are so many things we'll figure out as we go along.


But most of all, we have to continue as normally as possible. We have to live as we have as best we can. We must let these evil people know that we're not wimps, that we can adjust and we ain't down yet. Otherwise they win and that's not acceptable.

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Heck, if we're going to exchange toiletries, why not clothes too? We just disrobe and put them in the proper size bin before boarding, and find something we like when we arrive. But oh oh, just imagine all of us women fighting over the cute stuff! :eek:

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