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Cunard Westbound Transatlantic Crossing - Fashion


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Good morning,

This is a fashion related question but since I am asking if my outfits would be OK specifically for a transatlantic Crossing on a Cunard ship, I thought the best would be to post here instead of the fashion board.

I'm particularily interested by the opinion of people who were on a transatlantic crossing.

I just bought 1 new floor length dress from e-bay (I hope it will fit me well) and already own 4 other dressy dresses (links below).

I'm planning on taking a Westboung Trasatlantic crossing in the next year or two but I'm concerned about my evening outfits. If I can avoid it, I would prefer not having to buy other long gowns since I never have the occasion to wear them, except on cruise and I don't cruise every year (even weddings are not that formal where I live).

I had to try on my dresses last night and decided to take pictures so you can tell me what you think about them (sorry, I had no makeup, hair not done and tried all dresses with the same shoes :o )

New black long gown: I'm quite sure this dress would be perfect for formal night on Cunard but if you have a different opinion, let me know.

Red tea (asymetrical) lenght dress: I bought this dress last year but didn't get the chance to wear it since. From what I read, I think this dress would be OK too for formal night, what do you think?

Black cocktail dress: I did wear that dress on optional formal night on NCL but do you think it would be OK on Cunard (paired with black strappy sandals and rhinestones)? If you think I will look very underdressed, please tell me.

Colored dress (brown): I LOVE this dress and wore it quite a few times but I don't get tired of it. It is way more shiny than it shows on the pictures. Over the fabric, there is little dots of clear plastic all over the dress and it gives the dress a ''fish skin'' look that is very shiny. I wore that dress for a speciality restaurant on NCL Dawn and got many compliments.

Colored dress (beige with big roses): this dress is the exact same thing as the other one (cut, fabric, shiny) but with roses instead of squarres. I wore it only once to a wedding, with lots of compliments.

Do you think one of the two latter dress would work for informal night? Which one would you recommend?

Here are the pictures:

http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=016&item=260024674611&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1 (the one at the very bottom with big pictures)

The four dresses I already own:



My boyfriend will rent a tux for formal nights but would he be OK wearing dressy slacks with tie (no jacket) for informal night?

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Anyone brave enough to open themselves up for comments on photos deserves plenty of responses.

Here are my humble thoughts.......

New black long gown: this dress would be perfect for formal night (especially if you have a black and white themed ball)

Red tea (asymetrical) length dress: I think this dress would be great for a formal night - ‘bling it up’ with your rhinestones and you will look fab

Black cocktail dress: I think that you look great in this dress. It’s the classic little black dress so in my opinion you wouldn’t look at all underdressed.

Colored dress (brown): I don’t think you need to be told whether or not to wear this dress. You’ll probably pack it anyway!

Colored dress (beige with big roses): This dress is beautiful. It comes over better in the photo than the other – and since you’ve worn it less….. I’d go for this one rather than the brown one

When we went sailed to TA New York, I liked the fact that I had a different dress for each night. You just have to make sure that you do not eat so much that they do not fit at the end of the week when you want to wear them! Enjoy!:D

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Anyone brave enough to open themselves up for comments on photos deserves plenty of responses.


Thank you very much for your comments. I prefer to have comments here on the boards (even if there are comments that recommend not wearing those dresses or that I should be ashamed to post my pictures without makeup :D or anything like that) than to get ''looks'' from other passengers who think I am not dressed properly. Good to hear that you think the little black dress would be OK, it's the one I had to more concerns about for formal nights since cocktail dresses are recommend for informal night in Cunard Dress code.


Opinions from other people are welcomed as well (even if you don't like something, please tell me).

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Hello JP,


Your dresses are very acceptable. I just got back from a westbound TA. I read these boards for months before I left and angsted about what I was bringing. Needless to say everything I brought was acceptable. I wore a formal skirt twice with a different top. No one noticed. Formal does not mean floor length. You'll see all modes of "formal" on the ship. No one is going to judge your wardrobe, believe me. Your boyfriend must wear a jacket on informal nights to dinner. Casual nights he will not be required to do so. DO NOT try to rent a tux on the ship. It was a zoo!

The dress during the day on the ship was, for the most part, casual. Everything from jeans, tee shirts, shorts, running clothes, basketball wear and even bathrobes. Oh my:eek: . There were also a lot of people dressed professionally. Women in dresses or suits, men wearing jackets. You have a vision of how you want to look for this crossing so go for it. It's a trip of a life time. Make it special.



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Your boyfriend might investigate a men's "outlet" or "warehouse" for a tux. My husband bought one about 10 years ago and it paid for itself in a few wearings. He's about to buy another (size is different;) ) for next year's cruise and I expect he can then keep it for another 10 years.

Or check the internet for sales!



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I suspect you would look good in a burlap sack! (gunny sack, whatever) Have you modeled? You have the stance down perfect. (Yes, I did some a LOT of years ago- the only thing I could model now is perhaps tents! <G>)


# 3 and 4- Red tea gown perfectly suitable for a formal or informal night.

Black Coktail- like has already been said- that little black number- Accessorize to your heart's content! Strand of pearls or lovely scarf to add some color- (They sell Hermes on board, you know! Not that I am a shopper or clothes horse, or could afford the tag on a Hermes scarf!)


#1 and 2 aare hard to tell from photos- Very eclectic- especially #1. Looks a bit "vinyl" from the pics. It may go over differently live. I would save those more for the casual, or perhaps informal (semi-formal, I like to call it) nights. The beige with squares I think probably looks much livelier in person. The rose one shows a bit more. This would be marvelous in the disco, I am certain! Really, it's so difficult sometimes to tell the fabric, which can make a dress come alive or fall flat, and judging from your descriptions, these are not dresses that are shown to their advantage by two-dimensional photos.



OTOH, It is your cruise. Of course you want to look nice, but if you always get compliments, and YOU love it, in the end, that is what really counts! Dress to YOUR happiness. While the first two seem a bit less formal in the classic way, define your own style. How boring a world if we all had the same taste!


As I said, You could probably make a bathrobe look formal!



Who wishes she could look so great!

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I have done 5 transatlantics with Cunard Qe2 and will do the sixth on Sept 24th on QM2.

The only dresses I would not wear for foramal would be the two floral ones. They would be good for the informal night. THe others are perfect for foraml and beautiful! You look terrific in all of them.

I wear cocktail length dresses myself as I am short and do not feel too comfortable in longer ones. You carry them very nicely.

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Sorry, that's "casual" with an unnecessary tie to Cunard; for "informal" they require jacket and tie.


Why don't you give him a nice blazer for Christmas? And suggest that he buy himself tux. He can get a nice one for the cost of four or five rentals, or two rentals if he's renting on the ship.



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I suspect you would look good in a burlap sack! (gunny sack, whatever) Have you modeled? You have the stance down perfect.


LOL! No, no modelling whatsoever and never even thought it could be an option! and believe me, I don't always look good and it's very hard to find clothes that look feminine on me (when I was a teenager around 16 year old, people were asking my mother the name of her ''SON'' but I was wearing big pants and t-shirts, skateboarder style at that time). Luckily, some dress make me look like a girl now! LOL

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Sorry, that's "casual" with an unnecessary tie to Cunard; for "informal" they require jacket and tie.


Why don't you give him a nice blazer for Christmas? And suggest that he buy himself tux. He can get a nice one for the cost of four or five rentals, or two rentals if he's renting on the ship.




Thank you for your input. My boyfriend isn't much of a jacket wearer but if he has to, he will wear one, I was just hoping the informal nights rules were a little flexible but if they are not, it's not a big problem.


I looked on e-bay for a tux for him and found that it's not too expensive (for about 150$ I can find something very acceptable), I will buy him a tux and ask him to buy a jacket for the nice pants he already have.


Thanks again!

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Thank you for your input. My boyfriend isn't much of a jacket wearer but if he has to, he will wear one, I was just hoping the informal nights rules were a little flexible but if they are not, it's not a big problem.


I looked on e-bay for a tux for him and found that it's not too expensive (for about 150$ I can find something very acceptable), I will buy him a tux and ask him to buy a jacket for the nice pants he already have.


Thanks again!


Try the Tuxxman on Ebay. Designer stuff and others at prices everyone can afford. I am ecstatic with some of the stuff I have bought DH. NEW $2200 Armani Tuxedo for $350.00. That's a deal in my book.


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I looked on e-bay for a tux for him and found that it's not too expensive (for about 150$ I can find something very acceptable), I will buy him a tux and ask him to buy a jacket for the nice pants he already have.
You could also try the Men's Wearhouse, if there is one nearby. They are fairly reasonable and will tailor it to his measurements. A little bit of tailoring can make a big difference on how a tux wears on a guy.


You look great in those photos and I am sure the two of you will have a good time.



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On my T/A 99% of the men and women followed the dress code. Your boyfriend could wear a really nice black suit on formal night and still be up to code. If you want a tux for him Syms had great prices starting at 150.00 and JC Penney had tuxes at prom time for 99.00.


Your dresses are perfect for a T/A and you will look very glamourous. I noticed women wearing fancy wraps to dress up their outfits and to have some protection on chilly nights.


have a great time,


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On the eBay question, I can't agree more. We have bought two formal gowns (both would have been $150 - $200 retail) for less than $30 each, and I found a fantstic Jhane Barnes tuxedo for $69.


Just take your time and watch what's there for a week or two and you will find great stuff!


- Spike

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On my T/A 99% of the men and women followed the dress code. Your boyfriend could wear a really nice black suit on formal night and still be up to code.


I would prefer if my boyfriend has a tux for most formal nights because I don't want him to be dressed with the same suit for 4 nights (formals + informal) and I don't think he will buy 2 different suits but thank you for the information.

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Definitely look into purchasing a tux on E-bay since you apparently are comfortable with them. My DH did it 5 years ago and has been happy with his purchase. Have your BF try on a tux at a local rental outlet for size, and then start looking. My DH found a classic Ralph Lauren tux with shirts, ties, studs, etc. and paid less than $100 for the lot! Even if he threw it away today, he wouldn't be out any money. We're booking a TA in the next week or so, for Sept. 2007, so I'll need to start looking for formal gowns too, since I have lost weight and what I own are way too big!:D

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We're booking a TA in the next week or so, for Sept. 2007, so I'll need to start looking for formal gowns too, since I have lost weight and what I own are way too big!:D


Congratulations on the weight loss and buying new formal gowns will be a great perk for all your efforts.

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My interpretation of the codes, which seems to apply on QE2, is:


Dress suit for formal - if you want variety as a man then the trick is to vary jewellery or ties/shirts.


Lounge suit for informal - again variety from jewellery, shirts and ties


Blazer with tie for casual.



But then I'm one of those who embark in jacket and tie.

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Definitely look into purchasing a tux on E-bay since you apparently are comfortable with them. My DH did it 5 years ago and has been happy with his purchase. Have your BF try on a tux at a local rental outlet for size, and then start looking. My DH found a classic Ralph Lauren tux with shirts, ties, studs, etc. and paid less than $100 for the lot! Even if he threw it away today, he wouldn't be out any money. We're booking a TA in the next week or so, for Sept. 2007, so I'll need to start looking for formal gowns too, since I have lost weight and what I own are way too big!:D

Good for you to have lost weight. If you don't want to spend the money for new clothes, a dressmaker or tailor might be able to do alterations. But go for the new! Then look into the possibility of donating your old clothes to an organization that provides prom dresses to teenagers who can't afford to buy dresses. There are are a lot of these in New Jersey where I live.

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My interpretation of the codes, which seems to apply on QE2, is:


Dress suit for formal - if you want variety as a man then the trick is to vary jewellery or ties/shirts.


Lounge suit for informal - again variety from jewellery, shirts and ties


Blazer with tie for casual.



But then I'm one of those who embark in jacket and tie.


I'd agree with you on the formal and informal codes. I'd also agree on what's meant by informal, although as most men don't posses a separate jacket informal and casual they tend to wear the same thing.

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My interpretation of the codes, which seems to apply on QE2, is:


Dress suit for formal - if you want variety as a man then the trick is to vary jewellery or ties/shirts.


Lounge suit for informal - again variety from jewellery, shirts and ties


Blazer with tie for casual.



But then I'm one of those who embark in jacket and tie.


I read the Daily Programmes and for casual night, they state ''no jacket is required, collard shirt with slacks is perfectly appropriate'' I think my boyfriend will go for this option. As I said, he's not much of a jacket person but he will wear a tux for formal night and slacks with a jacket for informal night, we always comply to the dress codes. He will be happy to wear something casual a few nights when it's appropriate (where we live, he does attend weddings or other important event wearing slacks and collard shirt but never wear a suit so I don't expect him to wear a jacket on a ship ''casual'' night).

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You don't say whether you are planning to travel on the QM2 or the QE2. I have no experience of the QM2 myself, but we had no 'Casual' nights on the QE2 during any of the cruises I've been on!


No cruise booked yet, both ships interest us, it will depend on timing and cost for the crossing. I think Bruno would prefer a newer ship but I think I would personnally prefer QE2 to feel the old era of Transatlantic Crossing.

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No cruise booked yet, both ships interest us, it will depend on timing and cost for the crossing. I think Bruno would prefer a newer ship but I think I would personnally prefer QE2 to feel the old era of Transatlantic Crossing.


I am sure I saw signs outside the restaurants on the QE2 stating clearly 'Jacket and tie required'.


However, I guess there is always the Lido if you want to avoid the jacket. This does confuse me a little though as I understood that the dress code on the QE2 (and maybe even the QM2) applied to the whole evening throughout the ship :confused:


Bruno may feel out of place if he doesn't wear a jacket of course. I know my husband was reluctant to wear a bow tie until he appeared to be the only one NOT wearing one on a formal night, so we purchased one on board and it looked perfectly fine with just a dark suit. It must depend on the length of the cruise somewhat though, because the first time we went (3 day cruise) there were a lot more people dressed in dark suits and regular ties on formal nights.

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First of all you look fabulous in your dresses. Makeup or no you look good in all the pictures. I think that you will look good and feel great as you enter the dinning room.


I can't speak for the QM2 because my wife and I have only been on the QE2, but the thing that we enjoyed the most was dressing for dinner each night and seeing what everyone else was wearing. We were on the ship for 23 days LA-Sydney. I took 4 different tuxes and 6 suites. My wife took 15 ball gowens. We really enjoyed the formalness of the dinning room.


It sounds like you will have no problem with the ship but if your boyfriend has a problem dressing for dinner each night you might want to think about a different ship. But, what man doesn't want to look good when he is escorting a beautiful woman on his arm.


Have him buy a tux it will be cheaper then renting one on the ship and he will have it for the next cruise. Same with a suit.


Have a wonderful cruise.

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