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Live from the Pride !!!


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Hi Fred!!


Glad to hear you are having a great time. I like the sounds of your aft balcony - we are booked mid ship balcony 7208 on the Pride for Jan '07 but couldn't get the aft.


I'll wait for your full review to get answers to most of my questions - but I do have a specific one...about debarking the ship. I have read the ship begins debarking at 9 am...just wondering what they would consider an early flight - here's our situation We are Canadians travelling direct flight from LAX to Calgary, Alberta departing LAX at 1:30. Would this qualify as early? Must we do self assist to get off early? Can Canadians do the self assist? We have never taken note of these things before as our debarkation has been earlier and our flights later. Thanks if you can find out and if you can't thanks for trying!


Have fun, eat lots, take a zillion pictures - We can't wait for the full review!:)



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Hi Payd

In response to your question...

We just got off the pride yesterday and had a 1:00 pm flight from lax to Portland Or. Here is how it works for debarking the ship ..if you have a flight earlier than 3:00 you meet in the Taj Mahal showroom at 7:30 am on the last day. They then start calling out the first group...all flights before noon...

Then flights before 1:00 and so on...in 10 minutes we were called..got off the ship by 8:20..got to the shuttle and to Lax by 9:00am...we had 4 hours to waste there...so you should have no problem..we actually wished we had booked an earlier flight back!

Good luck!!!!!!

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Hi Payd

In response to your question...

We just got off the pride yesterday and had a 1:00 pm flight from lax to Portland Or. Here is how it works for debarking the ship ..if you have a flight earlier than 3:00 you meet in the Taj Mahal showroom at 7:30 am on the last day. They then start calling out the first group...all flights before noon...

Then flights before 1:00 and so on...in 10 minutes we were called..got off the ship by 8:20..got to the shuttle and to Lax by 9:00am...we had 4 hours to waste there...so you should have no problem..we actually wished we had booked an earlier flight back!

Good luck!!!!!!


Thanks so much for your response!! I have been wondering about this for a while - not full scale worry yet:eek: . Interesting to see that you were off prior to the posted time. Fred - please let me know about timing on your debarkation.


Thanks again!!:)



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Thanks for all the great information. We will also be on the Pride for our first cruise in November and it is really great to hear all the information I am just sitting here imagining I am there too!!!! I hope you have a great time and can find the time to relax while answering all of our questions. Let us all know how the weather is while you write so we can know a little more of what to expect.

Have a great time!!!

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Congrats on the casino!:D Sounds like you guys are having a great time despite the hangovers:p Play these numbers for me, and when you play, put the chips in the right hand bottom corner (on the white line.....that covers 4 numbers)of....8,13,17, 22,28,32 also, try 00. That actually hit when I played, lol. By putting the chips in the right hand bottom corner on the white line where the lines intersect, you cover the 4 numbers all around the chip(s) and increase your chance of winning;) . Who knows, win big enough, and I'll bet your DH can find something nice to be purchased:p Have fun, sounds like you guys are off to a great start:)

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I loved the Shrimpmania slot machines in Las Vegas so it's nice to know they are on the Pride and are apparently paying off. However, I played nickle not quarter machines. Do the ones on the Pride take coins or only paper money, and do they pay out in coins? Need to know whether to bring my rolls of coins or cash them in.

Your real-time review is great! Thanks from all of us.

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Hi Fred: Glad you are having a good time.What's not to like.We had"wee Jimmy" as assistant cruise director a couple of years ago on the Triumph.I thought I heard he was going to be promoted to cruise director. Have you met Santa and Bob yet?Say hi to them from me. Have a great cruise. Diane

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Monday Day 2 Cont.


Lunch was amazing in the Dining room, I had California Rolls (sushi) for starters and then Mongolian Salad, with lots of sirlion steak in it, very yummy, also the Vegi Fajitas was great too, The Ice Tea was nice and cold with splenda sugar. I met 2 couples there at the table, one older couple from Rome and the other from Ontario California, we all had a nice time chatting at the table.

After Lunch I met Shayla at Art Auction, she found out fast that these Picaso art pieces were way beyond her price lol. Anyways we had free champagne and since she signed up for a Credit Card she got a free 650.00 art piece for free, a very nice one even, she only has to pay 35.00 to get it shipped. After 1 hour of the free Champagne, I couldnt just sit there any longer, was getting pretty bored and no one was bidding on anything. They gave away free bottles of champagne and also free art work, that part was pretty nice.

I left Shayla and went into a Public Rest room, this rest room was very clean with lots of soap but no towels, they had the Air Blower machines to dry your hands with. They did have those sanitary papers on the door so you can use one to open the doors with and once outside you can drop it in the basket. One thing they had was kinex tissue, why? beats me, I dont any guy that would use a kinex tissue, it would take a whole box to dry your hands if you used that LOL.

I went up to the Gift shop and asked about the Cigarettes, they only had 2 deals. One Carton for 21.95 and two Cartons for 36.95, They do not sell loose boxes of cigarettes, you have to buy the Carton. I didnt notice any brands like Merits, They had Marboros and that about it. The Clerk also mentioned that they were running low on cigs. One thing about Smoking by the way, on this ship its not too smokey, so far so good, even in the Casino you can walk through there with out chocking.

The Beer by the Bucket is 2 prices. $17.00 for 16oz beers and $13.00 for 12oz beers, these prices do not include the tips

The Water Slide is up and running, will go on it tomorrow for sure. I was watching it from the T.V. in the cabin. They have a Cam facing the Slide and one facing the front of the ship.

Weather conditions are very nice, sunny and hot outside. The waters are choppy, we are moving pretty fast doing around 21 knots.

After I went down to the cabin to check on Wendys hangover headache and she told me she is doing much better, just needed more rest. I went out on the balcony and took a nice nap. At 4pm I went back to Lido to have a HotDog with Onions and some fries, took that back with me to the Cabin. No problems with Chair hogs on this Cruise, I saw a good amount of chairs open by the pool.

I got ready for the Capt. Party, normally we don't attend these since we have been to alot of them, but since we have Shayla and its her first time we figured she would like it and more free drinks on top of that.

After the party we headed up to Dinner, LOBSTER NIGHT !!!!, I met up with our Tablemates and Cruise Critic friends Jan and her dad Bob. Jan told me that her dad enjoyed sitting with us because he can order whatever he wanted. I told him dont worry about us, We come to eat LOL. We all ordered 2 Lobsters and Bob and I had Prime Rib after those tasty lobsters. We took our time eatting again and we had a great time.. I took some very nice pictures of the Lobster and will start a Lobster Thread when I get back. It will make you want to go out and get one. hehehe

After Dinner we went down to the Theater for the show. I was told by the Cruies Director that I had to take my camera tripod down and that I couldnt take any pictures, I explained to him that these were not Flash pictures and he continued to tell me that I couldn't. This is the first time I have heard we couldn't take pictures during the show.. I know they dont allow Flash Photography. Anyway I just packed my camera and headed to the back, he said I could take pictures from back there with no problem. I guess someone may have complained or something since I had great seats up front in the middle. The show was the same typical Las Vegas style show, For those that have sailed with Carnival at least 2 years ago, its the same show. It was Shayla's first show and she truely enjoyed it since she is into dancing.

After the Show it was 11:30pm, Shayla and I remained in the theater to watch the comedian, Stanley Ullman, now I have seen Stanley on 4 cruises so I knew what he was all about, but I never seen him so fired up... He gave us the greatest show ever. Everyone was laughing, Everyone was having a great time, even Shayla couldn't stop laughing. He did good, he is one of my favorites, He is an older cat from New York.

It was 1:15am when we left the theater, I headed to the Casino to donate some money, but I broke even, did pretty good and cashed out at 66.00, Then I headed to the Piano Bar, it was pretty empty, more like 3 couples just sitting around the piano listening to the piano guy sing and play and having a few drinks with their smokes. I left and headed up to Lido Deck for some pizza. Took a break there to reflex on what I did today and take it all in.

They had TEA TIME today and I missed it, I must of been napping, I will check into it tomorrow. No invitations yet to the past guest party, I will have to ask them tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Ribs for Lunch down in the Dining room, cant wait and also Supper Club tomorrow night. More of that tomorrow.





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Weather is nice and warm today, Tuesday, we are close to the Coast and I can see fishing boats etc out there, very beautiful sunny day.


Samm116: I asked and someone told me its just the Carnival Pride Show band, I will find out tonight for sure.


Zandramarie, Last year when I used my Drink Coupons you can order Beer with them also. They also have Jose Cuervo onboard. Some people on Cruise Critic said they were not worth it. So I didnt get them this time. We saw a few Surprise Birthday parties last night during Formal night. or a nice place would be aft on lido deck. I have seen pictures of upper beds with a rail. Start a new thread called "Upper Bunk pictures with a rail?" and someone on Cruise Critic will post a picture for you. I will ask my cabin steward to see if they have any close by that I can take a picture of it.


Pietrowolf, thanks for responding to Payd question, I will add more to it when I return.


Jdleong, I will see Jan and her Dad at Lunch in the Dining room, I will give her the message when I see them.


Louisowner, I saw grace yesterday, I said hi and she just kept walking LOL.. I tell her you said hi. Hardly anyone showed up to the Roll Call.


Bubbles1209, I will give those a try, wish me luck.


DianeF, We met Santa and Bob in the VIP line, she didnt make it to the Roll Call, apparently she cut her foot on the door somewhere and she may be staying in her cabin, haven't seen her since. Hardly anyone showed up to the Roll Call, none of the 20 something people showed up to meet Shayla. I will email you more when I return.


Present, its noon, and Im in the Library about to head to Lunch, some Middle Eastern man was just arguing with the Internet Cafe guy over some freakin Minutes, this guy was clueless, I couldnt concentrate on my typing here so I had to go over and politely tell him to Shut the ----- UP!!!! without really saying that. I told him to take his Screaming to the Purser office where the Supervisors are. He quiet down and everyone looked at me like I was a hero. He left and we are in a nice quiet room again and I can finish this.


See ya all later.



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Fred, I am so enjoying your reviews. Sounds like you are haveing a great time. Tell us about formal night. How was every one dressed. Formal or dressey tops and dark or black pants for the ladies. Did most of the men wear suits? Have a great time and we all will be waiting for your next review.

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Weather is nice and warm today, Tuesday, we are close to the Coast and I can see fishing boats etc out there, very beautiful sunny day.






Thanks for your great updates. It brings back great memories from our cruise on the Pride back in June. I remember Tuesday as being a beautiful day and you could tell we were close to Cabo because of all the fishing boats. We just sat on our balcony waiving to everyone as we sailed by.


Just wait, tomorrow you will be in Puerto Vallarta and one of the first things you will see as you are docking will be the Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. It will also probably be extremely muggy.


Have fun at David's. My husband and I had dinner there on Tuesday night also. It was a wonderful dining experience.

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Thanks for the daily updates, I find I am enjoying them very much!!


I have my new Canon 30D and am practicing with it so I can get some good shots on the Spirit this December. I am looking forward to seeing all of your Pride pictures.


My request is this: Please give lots of details about your Supper Club meals. Let us know everything you each ordered and how much you liked it. Sometimes people just report what entre they ordered, but I enjoy hearing about the appetizers and the desserts as well. Yes everyone, one of my favorite daydreams about our upcoming cruise is going to the Supper Club...... In fact, yes, take pictures of the meal and start a Supper Club thread, yes, that's the ticket!!


Have a great week,


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This is absolutely great!!!! Thanks for all the wonderful information, it just makes me want to be there all that much sooner. Hope you are having a wonderful time and let us know how tea time was and dont forget all the info on Puerto vallarta.

Stay safe and have lots of fun

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told him to take his Screaming to the Purser office where the Supervisors are. He quiet down and everyone looked at me like I was a hero



You go Fred!!!!! Glad you guys are having such a great time:D Good luck in the casino, doesn't sound like you are doing too bad so far:p Here's a hint: the more rumrunners ya drink before ya play.........the more ya win:p Thanks for taking time to share everything with us "wish we could be there" folks:D

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Yep, when I was there in April, it got real HOT and Muggy, especially when the sun went down... It was bad. :eek:

Thanks for your great updates. It brings back great memories from our cruise on the Pride back in June. I remember Tuesday as being a beautiful day and you could tell we were close to Cabo because of all the fishing boats. We just sat on our balcony waiving to everyone as we sailed by.


Just wait, tomorrow you will be in Puerto Vallarta and one of the first things you will see as you are docking will be the Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. It will also probably be extremely muggy.


Have fun at David's. My husband and I had dinner there on Tuesday night also. It was a wonderful dining experience.

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Good morning to every one. I am having a great time reading Freds reviews. I can hardly wait to receive his report today. I give my husband a Fred report each night when he gets in from work. Fred I do not know much about a casino. When you win at a machine, do you win back quarters from a quarter machine that drop into a bucket or do you receive a cash out ticket? Now I know that is a dumb question. Thank you for all of your answers to the questions. I am thinking about you pulling into PV today. I hope you have a beautiful day.

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Good morning Fred and Wendy! I just came off of the weather forecast for Puerto Vallarta today. Is it thundering? I LOVE thunderstorms! Not that I'm wishing you guys bad weather! Just curious if the weather site I use is accurate. I read somewhere that weather forecasts for Mexico aren't always that accurate.


Have a great day!


p.s. you probably already know this....but I've read that passengers on the Pride can see and enjoy the fireworks that the Pirate cruise sets off this evening.

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