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How Do They Know If Your Child Is Potty Trained?


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May sound daft but if I have a two year old who is in the pool area - how will they know if he is potty trained or not? Im interested to know how this rule is implemented and whether they just take the attitude that if a child is under a certain age they will assume he is not PT?

Do staff actually ask parents if a child is potty trained? Ialso wondered if anyone from England knows what Sim Diapers are - are they the Aqua nappies or the swimming trunks with built in extra protection?

Just curious

Thanks for any responses......


Penny x

p.s. we're travelling on Freedom in october - cant wait but nervous with a just turned two year old!

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May sound daft but if I have a two year old who is in the pool area - how will they know if he is potty trained or not? Im interested to know how this rule is implemented and whether they just take the attitude that if a child is under a certain age they will assume he is not PT?

Do staff actually ask parents if a child is potty trained? Ialso wondered if anyone from England knows what Sim Diapers are - are they the Aqua nappies or the swimming trunks with built in extra protection?

Just curious

Thanks for any responses......


Penny x

p.s. we're travelling on Freedom in october - cant wait but nervous with a just turned two year old!


Penny--I've actually wondered this myself. We are cruising in two weeks with our ds who will be a month shy of 2--we understand the excitement/nervousness!! Ha ha! My ds isn't potty trained, but he has never had a bowel movement while swimming or wearing his swimsuit, etc. so this rule kind of aggravates me. I am quite sure there are potty trained age children who pee in the pool.


As for the swim diapers, in the US they are the diapers that are made just for swimming. They are disposable (like diapers) but don't absorb urine--just hold in any poops. That sounds like your Aqua Nappies. The trunks with built-in extra protection are similar--neither are allowed if your dc isn't potty trained...according to the rules.


Edited to Add: I "googled" Aqua Nappies to see exactly what they were. Those are swim diapers. Aqua Nappies are reusable ones (cloth). At least in the US, there are also disposable versions of these, too.



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hi there, we're cruising in 2 days time with our 20 months old and I was wondering the same. I would rather swim in a pool with a kid in a swim nappy than take my chances on a very excited 2 year old who is potty trained. We've got a very small inflatable pool to use for our lo as she loves the water and don't want to ruin her holiday by just watching the others. Hopefully one of the decks will be quiet enough to position it so no-one else is inconvenienced. Have a great cruise.:)

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The difference is clear when the child is in a suit. A swim diaper is bulky under the suit. If your child is not potty trained they are not allowed in the pool. It's not to aggravate the parents, it's for public safety. I don't want urine in the pool and neither does anyone else. If you know your child is not potty trained then please follow the rule. It's easier to police yourself, rather than have someone else do it for you.

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I don't think urine in the pool is the problem as it is sterile. The problem is bacteria (or is it a virus?) in poop that IS NOT held in by the swim diaper. The aren't worried about "floaters", but illness borne by bacteria. So, whether you think anyone will notice or not, if your child is not potty trained they are not allowed in the pools/hot tubs.

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My 2 year old is just starting potty training. I am not putting a swim diaper on him though as

1. He USUALLY tell me when he wants to pee

2. He gets constipation, and believe me, i KNOW when a poo is coming (obviously I would put swim diaper on him if he became non constipated - sorry couldnt think of any other way to put it without being too gross!)

3. He's 4 year ols brother will be swimming and my life will be hell trying to keep him out of the water!!

Jo x

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Hi Jo

Whereabouts in London are you? I also have a two year old called Harry - we're off on Freedom of The Seas on October 22 - we're so excited !! My Harry isnt potty trained and like yours has never poo'd in the water in all the time i have been taking him swimming- i was just curious as to how they enforce the rule.......we are planning on taking a small paddling pool with us......


Be nice to hear from you



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My 3.5(fully potty trained now, has been for 1 year) has been swimming (with a swim diaper before he was potty trained) since he was about 3 mo old. He has never once pooped in the swim diaper.


I don't get what the public fear about urine is either. I'm sure babies pee in the pool, but I"m sure 5 year olds do to (and heck, 35 year olds, probably). urine is sterile, it has no biological threat to anyone. People get spit and snot in a pool when they swim too but you don't hear anyone freaking out about that (both of which are way more germy than urine is).


anyway, I feel bad for parents who can't bring their toddlers in the pool, it seems a bit odd to me, at least around here all of the public pools allow toddlers and babies in as long as they have a swim diaper on.

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I totally agree!

However, I can see their point of view. When we were on the Disney cruise (lots and lots of kids obviously) someone sneaked a non potty trained kid in the pool and it poo'd (maybe upset stomach?? - Mine have never poo'd in pool either - although it happened once in the bath:eek: - gross!) and they had to empty out the whole pool and no one could go in there for the rest of the day while they drained and disinfected it.

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I don't get what the public fear about urine is either.


Okay, once again, there is no "public fear" about urine in the pool! It IS sterile. The public safety issue involves viruses and bacteria in feces. A swim diaper will NOT contain these. It only acts as a strainer, like a (gross) tea bag. Why don't ya'll get this? I know it would be a hassle to have one child able to swim in the pool and a younger NON POTTY TRAINED sibling unable to swim, but for the safety of all the rest of us, that's the way it is. The public's health and safety trump your difficulty dealing with an upset toddler.


I know I would be somewhat unhappy about this if I were the parent of a non PT toddler, so I'm not unsympathetic. I just think it's selfish in the extreme to say, well MY little rosebud has never poo'd in the pool, and he'd make my life pure hell (what's up with that?), so rules and public health and safety be damned, I'm taking junior in the pool, because it suits ME.

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Yes I have to say that usually I am the champion of parents rights on these boards and I am always fighting for the non parents to cut the parents some slack....but this is not one of those times.


Unlike land based pools, the cruise ships pools are not chlorinated. So there is no way to kill the bacteria in the off chance that the child does poop in the pool.


I have a 2 year old and a 6 year old, who have been cruising many times during their non potty trained years. So I feel your frustration. I personally can't understand why all ships, especially the new ones being built (like Freedom), don't have the infant water spray area like Disney does (Mickey's left ear).


Just bring an inflatable and lots of buckets to keep your toddler busy.

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Hi Penny,


My family will also be on Freedom Oct. 22. We have a DD (11), DS (8), and a DD who will be 14 months. I am just going to bring a small blow up pool. I also plan to carry her through the Splash Zone area (like we are just passing through) so that she can get wet. Hope to see you on board.



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This summer, my COMPLETELY potty trained 3-1/2-yr-old son had an accident in a friend's pool. He didn't get out because he was excited, tired, yadda yadda yadda. It was embarassing, but obviously necessary, to tell them that he'd pooped in their pool. No one got to swim for the rest of the day. I can't imagine having to tell a pool attendant on a cruise :eek: However, my son really understands now why we can't have accident's in a pool. BUT, I can see the benefit of putting a swim diaper on a potty trained kid, just in case. But that's not allowed. Not that my story supported either side of the argument, it's just that, when it comes to kids, you never know what they're going to do...really, you don't...:rolleyes:

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Okay, once again, there is no "public fear" about urine in the pool! It IS sterile. The public safety issue involves viruses and bacteria in feces. A swim diaper will NOT contain these. It only acts as a strainer, like a (gross) tea bag. Why don't ya'll get this? I know it would be a hassle to have one child able to swim in the pool and a younger NON POTTY TRAINED sibling unable to swim, but for the safety of all the rest of us, that's the way it is. The public's health and safety trump your difficulty dealing with an upset toddler.


I know I would be somewhat unhappy about this if I were the parent of a non PT toddler, so I'm not unsympathetic. I just think it's selfish in the extreme to say, well MY little rosebud has never poo'd in the pool, and he'd make my life pure hell (what's up with that?), so rules and public health and safety be damned, I'm taking junior in the pool, because it suits ME.


I didn't realize that cruise ship pools aren't chlorinated, and I will argue that there is a "public fear" of urination (how many times have you seen the "Don't pee in my pool" signs etc?) but I agree that poop, vomit (and other random body fluids) are the only "real" issue as far as I'm concerned. Still, in a chlorinated pool (which I guess cruise ships aren't (???) I find this hard to believe, how do they keep them clean? ozone?) I don't think the risk of getting some fecal bacteria in your system is probably any more than it is when you eat at a restaurant, or shake hands with a stranger, or .... the list goes on.


Either way, it doesn't much matter to me because, like I said, my son's been potty trained forever! :) yippee! But I was just a bit surprised that they didn't allow them because all of the public pools around here allow swim diapers and I've never heard any report of an e.coli outbreak from a pool being contimainated or anything. But then again, we chlorinate our pools. not sure why cruise lines supposedly dont.

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I didn't realize that cruise ship pools aren't chlorinated, and I will argue that there is a "public fear" of urination (how many times have you seen the "Don't pee in my pool" signs etc?) but I agree that poop, vomit (and other random body fluids) are the only "real" issue as far as I'm concerned. Still, in a chlorinated pool (which I guess cruise ships aren't (???)



Some cruise lines chlorinate and some use seawater. It depends on the ship/line.

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Okay, once again, there is no "public fear" about urine in the pool! It IS sterile. The public safety issue involves viruses and bacteria in feces. A swim diaper will NOT contain these. It only acts as a strainer, like a (gross) tea bag. Why don't ya'll get this? I know it would be a hassle to have one child able to swim in the pool and a younger NON POTTY TRAINED sibling unable to swim, but for the safety of all the rest of us, that's the way it is. The public's health and safety trump your difficulty dealing with an upset toddler.


I know I would be somewhat unhappy about this if I were the parent of a non PT toddler, so I'm not unsympathetic. I just think it's selfish in the extreme to say, well MY little rosebud has never poo'd in the pool, and he'd make my life pure hell (what's up with that?), so rules and public health and safety be damned, I'm taking junior in the pool, because it suits ME.


I understand your point. I don't really want my little rosebud to swim in a pool where someone else has pooped either, although I do realize accidents happen.


My problem is that my little rosebud would be completely content with wading through the water and touching it with only her hands and feet. After 10 minutes she would be done, but she would be happy. But it seems she can't do this because she wears diapers.


I also think many of you believe that US Public Health mandates that no diapers/swim diapers be worn in pools on cruise ships. This is simply not true, and there is documentation on the CDC website to prove this. The guidelines state that the water in such a pool for little ones needs to be cycled out at least every 30 minutes. There is not a lot of water in a wading pool; thus, not a big deal to provide one.

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I understand your point. I don't really want my little rosebud to swim in a pool where someone else has pooped either, although I do realize accidents happen.


My problem is that my little rosebud would be completely content with wading through the water and touching it with only her hands and feet. After 10 minutes she would be done, but she would be happy. But it seems she can't do this because she wears diapers.


I also think many of you believe that US Public Health mandates that no diapers/swim diapers be worn in pools on cruise ships. This is simply not true, and there is documentation on the CDC website to prove this. The guidelines state that the water in such a pool for little ones needs to be cycled out at least every 30 minutes. There is not a lot of water in a wading pool; thus, not a big deal to provide one.


Oh, I understand your point too! Most really small kiddos would be content with that little wade and splash. Even though I don't have little ones any more I think it's a shame they don't have such a wading pool. As big as the new ships are, there's no reason they can't fit in even two or three small splash or wade areas - just enough to get them wet and happy!

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I just got off the Freedom of the Seas on 9/10 and I have a 20 month old dd who is for the most part potty trained. She is very regular about when she goes, so I worked around her schedule. She had a blast in the H2O Zone with her big sisters ages 6 & 8! I did bring a blow up pool, but never used it once. I did get asked one time if she was potty trained, but that was it out of a week. There were MANY babies and young toddlers in the pool. Infact, the one day I got asked, there was a little boy about 3 right next to my daughter and he had a regular diaper on and nobody asked if he was potty trained! I talked with one of the counselors at the aqua tots class and she said they will eventually have a toddlers only section in the H2O Zone. Infact, you can see where it will be as it is completely sectioned off from the rest of the play area. It will be recirculated water. They are also working on putting in a nursery so that you won't have to do in room babysitting. We had an awesome time on the FOS. Feel free to ask any questions!:)

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I also don't see why the don't have something for all kids as well - especially since on RCCL - all people pay the same price. So, there should definitely be places on the ship children under 3 can enjoy - including a pool area.

But, until that happens I will take a blow up pool for him along with several other things that will allow my son to have just as an enjoyable cruise as everyone else.

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The public safety issue involves viruses and bacteria in feces. A swim diaper will NOT contain these. It only acts as a strainer, like a (gross) tea bag. The public's health and safety trump your difficulty dealing with an upset toddler.


I just think it's selfish in the extreme to say, well MY little rosebud has never poo'd in the pool, and he'd make my life pure hell (what's up with that?), so rules and public health and safety be damned, I'm taking junior in the pool, because it suits ME.


I have to agree. I don't mean to be disrespectful to any parents here, but I really don't want to swim in a pool with poop or pee, sterile or not! I work in the healthfield and I see plenty of babies and children in with UTI's (kidney and bladder infections), and don't want to be exposed to that! :eek:

And, I don't mean just from babies.....this also goes for adults in adult diapers........

It just makes good sense and is for everyone's protection. THere are plenty of opportunities for the babies/kids to go swimming when the ship is in port at a local beach......:)

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I just have to say, and I mean no disrespect, for those of you "scared" to be exposed to the illnesses of babies - I really hope you don't get in the "adult" hot tubs. I work in the public health field and I can tell you (and back it up with facts) that adults have a lot more scary disease that can be transferred through water in the right environment than children!

That's not to say I want to swim with children peeing or pooping in the water, I don't. But, I have witnessed parents taking older children into the pool to pee because they didn't want to take them to the bathroom - so just because there are no toddler doesn't mean the water is "safe".

And hot tubs are much more germ infested than pools because of the warmth of the water. They are a hotbed of live nasty stuff just waiting for a new host home!

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I just have to say, and I mean no disrespect, for those of you "scared" to be exposed to the illnesses of babies - I really hope you don't get in the "adult" hot tubs.


Don't worry---I won't even stick my toe in those hot tubs!! :eek: :eek:

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And hot tubs are much more germ infested than pools because of the warmth of the water. They are a hotbed of live nasty stuff just waiting for a new host home!


We were on the NCL Majesty a few years ago and a 20 ish young man had fallen of the large rocks at the beach. He was cut and scraped EVERYWHERE. He was in the hot tub.:eek:


A funny story: Took the kids ages 4 and 5 on the Big Red Boat many years ago. On the private island, I was swimming with my daughter (4) who had to go pee. I told her to go in the water. She said I am not going to pee in this ocean. I finally convinced her it was O.K. and she agreed. She then started to take off her bathing suit so she could go.:)

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