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Question for recent QE2 passengers


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In general, is there evidence that Cunard is cutting services on QE2?

Did you notice the same QE2 fine crystal and china in the Grills? We have heard that it has been downgraded or that there is no fine crystal at all.

...Hope just bad rumors.

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In general, is there evidence that Cunard is cutting services on QE2?


Evidence? That's difficult to come up with. Cunard is definitely downgrading its services, although mainly in areas where it isn't noticed. For example the Midnight Buffets are nothing like as lavish as they used to be, but did you ever eat a full meal there? They no longer serve Champagne at the Captain's receptions, just some cheap sparkling wine (although if you ask for a different kind of drink they'll still get it for you).


One place the cutting of service shows is in the staff attitude towards you as a passenger. At one time all Cunard staff were the epitome of polite, well mannered, attendance, now if you ask for something be prepared to be told off or told to do it your self ((not a regular occurrence but it still happens once or twice a trip - read Maria's comments about her CC get-together).


In Cunard's favour you can now get a Grill cabin for only a little more than you were paying for Mauretania 10 years ago. In real terms the prices have come down and I feel what they offer is better value for money, what is missing is that feeling of it being Cunard.

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Evidence? That's difficult to come up with. Cunard is definitely downgrading its services, although mainly in areas where it isn't noticed. For example the Midnight Buffets are nothing like as lavish as they used to be, but did you ever eat a full meal there? They no longer serve Champagne at the Captain's receptions, just some cheap sparkling wine (although if you ask for a different kind of drink they'll still get it for you).


One place the cutting of service shows is in the staff attitude towards you as a passenger. At one time all Cunard staff were the epitome of polite, well mannered, attendance, now if you ask for something be prepared to be told off or told to do it your self ((not a regular occurrence but it still happens once or twice a trip - read Maria's comments about her CC get-together).


In Cunard's favour you can now get a Grill cabin for only a little more than you were paying for Mauretania 10 years ago. In real terms the prices have come down and I feel what they offer is better value for money, what is missing is that feeling of it being Cunard.

Midnight Buffett? What midnight buffet? Oh, well, I guess if you call the food service after midnight that, I suppose. Mostly pieced together from what is left over from other meals during the day- some very weird little sandwich combinations. Nothing like the Grand Buffets where people marched through just to ooh and ahh over the marvelous ice and butter sculptures and incredible decorative bread and pastry items- Bread braids made to look like alligators, cakes that look like Grand Pianos (top raised) with crystal spun sugar accessories, and such.


And if they saw you attacking a particular meal with gusto they would rush to bring you a second helping. If they saw you hesitating between two entrees they would suggest ordering boh,(almost giving you permission to sin) instead of making you feel like you were some fat pig (okay, guilty as charged<G>) if you wanted a taste of something else on your plate with your full entree. They could accomodate, for instance, easily, someone who wanted the prime rib, but also wanted one lobster tail (those two always seemed to be paired- either that or Beef Wellington, which is no longer served, or Filet Mignon) They would simply bring you a "surf and turf"! Not two plates (with vegetables) or dump the whole second entree on you plate, as Maria had happen to her. Likewise, more appetizers used to be made with generous sprinklings of caviar. Now they call three salmon row on top of a whipped salmon pate to be "caviar". (I'm not particularly fond of salmon roe, which is the size of a very small pea and squirts when you bite it, vs. the small crisp roes such as flyiing fish roe, which is slightly smaller than beluga or sevruga- Not that I am some kind of caviar aficianado, but I AM a sushi-holic! <G>)

Likewise, if your cabin steward knew you had alcohol in your room (Hey, even the packs you can buy from Cunard!) they were careful to keep our ice bucket full. Our room steward was delightful and attentive and responsive (they now have beepers, instead of just being omni present in the halls!) but when we got into our cabin, around 4:00 our sailaway "champagne" was sitting in a bucket of ice water! We had to call for ice to ice it down, plus some extra ice. he was there in an instance and very happy to oblige, but really! a bucket of ice water? There are obviously not enough stewards for the number of passengers to give you the service we had in the past.



Who still loved her stewards, and who still had no compunction about ordering two appetizers or even entrees despite the odd stares and harsh taken-aback looks! <gasp>!

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Midnight Buffet? What midnight buffet?


On the QE2?


Where people marched through just to ooh and ahh over the marvelous ice and butter sculptures and incredible decorative bread and pastry items- Bread braids made to look like alligators, cakes that look like Grand Pianos (top raised) with crystal spun sugar accessories, and such.


It was like that every night, now even the Gala Buffets aren't a must see anymore. There was always a crowd outside the Columbia waiting to be let in and take photographs.


And if they saw you attacking a particular meal with gusto they would rush to bring you a second helping.


Now, if they see you eating any meal after your first with gusto they give you a medal:D


The small crisp roes such as flying fish roe


You can buy Flying Fish roe?


If your cabin steward knew you had alcohol in your room (Hey, even the packs you can buy from Cunard!) they were careful to keep our ice bucket full.


Now a days your ice bucket isn't filled until after you've sailed, then it's kept full.


Another thing that's gone - you used to get your bed linen changed twice a day (assuming you'd had a nap in the afternoon); Now it goes for about three days before they change it. Did I need to have my bed linen changes twice a day? No. Do I miss it? Not really. Did it add to the feeling of being luxurious? Yes.

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I'm not sure that there was much evidence of serious downgrading - at least as at June 2006.


Okay, the cut glass has gone (although it is still in the suite bar) but the new glasses are perfectly okay. For machine made that is.....


The pre starter starter has gone. That's retrograde.


Caviar was present on the menu - and extra large helpings came (to me) as standard - the young lady who was serving us was told off by her co-waiter when she gave me the normal helping! - but wasn't there on the one nighter. I would really really miss that - it's part of the Queens Grill experience for me. I'll just have to get used to having it as nibbles with drinks before dinner if that is permanent.


Suite service - impreccable. No change. Completely personal, tailored to what they know we want.


So is anything missing? I think not. Apart from a somewhat useless (willing, but not able, sommelier) I have no complaint about the staff - apart from the usual rudeness from the Tour Office and the usual ineptitude of the Purser's staff.


My first experience was in September 2003, if that assists.

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We are currently booked on QE2 (Queens Grill) thru the Canal, NY-LA. It has been 20 years since sailing on QE2 (Columbia cabin). After the way beyond expectation sailings on QM2 (Princess Grill - We loved the cabin and food and service so much that we purchased a four piece place setting of the the Grill's beautiful china to remember the trips and share dinners with several couples who went with us!!!), the idea of boarding her venerable sister and feeling sad and disappointed does cause one to rethink the trip.

...Difficult decision.

- rjms74 - you have just returned. What say you?

Please share any other ideas.

Thank you!

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Midnight Buffett? What midnight buffet? Oh, well, I guess if you call the food service after midnight that, I suppose. Mostly pieced together from what is left over from other meals during the day- some very weird little sandwich combinations. Nothing like the Grand Buffets where people marched through just to ooh and ahh over the marvelous ice and butter sculptures and incredible decorative bread and pastry items- Bread braids made to look like alligators, cakes that look like Grand Pianos (top raised) with crystal spun sugar accessories, and such.


And if they saw you attacking a particular meal with gusto they would rush to bring you a second helping. If they saw you hesitating between two entrees they would suggest ordering boh,(almost giving you permission to sin) instead of making you feel like you were some fat pig (okay, guilty as charged<G>) if you wanted a taste of something else on your plate with your full entree. They could accomodate, for instance, easily, someone who wanted the prime rib, but also wanted one lobster tail (those two always seemed to be paired- either that or Beef Wellington, which is no longer served, or Filet Mignon) They would simply bring you a "surf and turf"! Not two plates (with vegetables) or dump the whole second entree on you plate, as Maria had happen to her. Likewise, more appetizers used to be made with generous sprinklings of caviar. Now they call three salmon row on top of a whipped salmon pate to be "caviar". (I'm not particularly fond of salmon roe, which is the size of a very small pea and squirts when you bite it, vs. the small crisp roes such as flyiing fish roe, which is slightly smaller than beluga or sevruga- Not that I am some kind of caviar aficianado, but I AM a sushi-holic! <G>)

Likewise, if your cabin steward knew you had alcohol in your room (Hey, even the packs you can buy from Cunard!) they were careful to keep our ice bucket full. Our room steward was delightful and attentive and responsive (they now have beepers, instead of just being omni present in the halls!) but when we got into our cabin, around 4:00 our sailaway "champagne" was sitting in a bucket of ice water! We had to call for ice to ice it down, plus some extra ice. he was there in an instance and very happy to oblige, but really! a bucket of ice water? There are obviously not enough stewards for the number of passengers to give you the service we had in the past.



Who still loved her stewards, and who still had no compunction about ordering two appetizers or even entrees despite the odd stares and harsh taken-aback looks! <gasp>!

Karie, but have you been on QE2?

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Okay, Guilty as charged. I have not been on the QE2 (I'll get there some day!) Only the QM2 twice (and lots of other ships, including the Cunard Crown ships in the early 90s) And no, I whave never been grill. (Glas I wans't this time. Had too much fun with my Brittania Friends!)


And yes, Malcom, you can buy Flying Fish Roe, and it is relatively cheap. Go to a good Asian Market. One which sells to people who might make their own sushi at home. Chinese market sometimes has it too. Last time I bought (admittedly, many years ago) it was about 7 or 8 dollars for a tub that would last forever! (Frozen.) It stays good frozen forever, and doesn't seem to get freezer burn easily.



Bon appetite! (In her best Julia Child Tipsy imitation)

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Karie, I am confused that you responded to a thread specifically asking for information about QE2 from recent QE2 passengers if you have not recently nor ever even been on her?

BTW, Malcolm, I remember the Midnight Buffets on QE2 to be most magnificent also which may be why it took us 2 weeks to rest up after a 10 day sailing on her. It seemed there was no time to sleep!

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I remember the Midnight Buffets on QE2 to be most magnificent


They were. They're not like that now. They are still good, the Gala Buffets are very good, but are poor in comparison to what they were:(


Don't go expecting the Cunard of 20 years ago and you won't be disappointed.

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We were on her last month, the glasses are not cut crystal but are very similar to the ones I use daily at home which are uncut crystal (they still ping) they aren't those dreadful round things with the lip around the edge.


They only seemed to let themselves down badly on the service of the afternoon tea which I was disappointed with because that was something I really enjoyed and remembered from my first QE2 trip, similar problems in the queens room and queens grill llounge.


Service everywhere else (apart from two people in the yacht club who were leaving at the end of our trip anyway) was fabulous, I've just thought of something else, it wasn't too easy getting served on deck at sailaway.


All in all though as Malcolm says it still very good compared to the other lines which I have been on and very good value, I do think that in general (from my experience) that the service on the the QM2 is slightly better, but I think there is something extra special about being on the QE2, it does make me laugh though how everyone regards her as an antique and she is three years younger than me :-(


It is a shame that with over 1000 crew on board who all work very hard and are incredibly pleasant that we only rememeber the two or three who offer less than perfect service.


This last trip was my first time in Queens Grill, the thing that surprised me most was that there were no pre-dinner canapes in the cabin, On Celebrity (on which, as I have often said before, I did not enjoy the food at all) canapes were served every evening, unfortunately they tasted horrible and we often left most of them, they also served breakfast in the cabin on the last day which Cunard do not.


Everything said, I cant wait to go on her again, and will be there like a shot when the right offer comes along.



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They only seemed to let themselves down badly on the service of the afternoon tea which I was disappointed with because that was something I really enjoyed and remembered from my first QE2 trip, similar problems in the queens room and queens grill llounge.


I can't say that this is Cunard's finest hour either. We usually take tea in our cabin, but to be honest if we did a proper afternoon tea we'd spoil our dinner!


I've just thought of something else, it wasn't too easy getting served on deck at sailaway.


Never been to the sailaway - we're always on our balcony. But the champagne is always ready on ice when we get there on the first day!


It is a shame that with over 1000 crew on board who all work very hard and are incredibly pleasant that we only rememeber the two or three who offer less than perfect service.


Quite the reverse. It's the stars we recall, with the (very few) who don't reach the high standard we expect fading away.


This last trip was my first time in Queens Grill, the thing that surprised me most was that there were no pre-dinner canapes in the cabin


You need to be at least Q2 grade for these.


[Celebrity] also served breakfast in the cabin on the last day which Cunard do not.


This is a pity. However the last morning is always an anti-climax and so I don't see this is as bad as it could be. The lack of breakfast goes for all grades - even Q1 - so at least it is fair!


Everything said, I cant wait to go on her again.


Hear Hear!

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Karie, I am confused that you responded to a thread specifically asking for information about QE2 from recent QE2 passengers if you have not recently nor ever even been on her?

Um, Brain Dead? Stupid? <insert other adjective for person with no sense here>

I gather from the responses that The QE and QM are miles apart in many respects.


Sorry. Soon come mon!

I WILL do the QE2 yet!



who is going to walk the plank now

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I gather from the responses that The QE and QM are miles apart in many respects.


Karie - I still find it hard to believe that the QM2 has no midnight buffet. Every ship I've been on has had one (even if it wasn't much and made the QE2's normal offerings look out-of-this-world). I find the idea of a dress code that only applies to the restaurants odd to say the least. That if you don't eat at grill level you must eat at a set time is weird. So yes, QE and QM are worlds apart. I hope that you get on the QE2 soon (she'll be gone if you don't:( ) and then I can look forward to hearing your comparison.

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Karie - I still find it hard to believe that the QM2 has no midnight buffet. Every ship I've been on has had one (even if it wasn't much and made the QE2's normal offerings look out-of-this-world). I find the idea of a dress code that only applies to the restaurants odd to say the least. That if you don't eat at grill level you must eat at a set time is weird. So yes, QE and QM are worlds apart. I hope that you get on the QE2 soon (she'll be gone if you don't:( ) and then I can look forward to hearing your comparison.

Malcolm, when you used the word 'odd' you hit the nail on the head regarding Queen Mary 2. Although I have enjoyed my 2 cruises and will try another, there are many 'odd' aspects of the operation, midnight buffet being just one of them. The whole Kings Court buffet area is oddly laid out in that there are several separate buffet areas scattered over a large area, encouraging people holding trays to wander from one area to the next checking out what is being offered. The dress code is bizarre. On a designated formal night I have seen everything, from tux, jackets and no ties, suits, no jacket and tie, etc. all over the ship. The grills are located just outside Kings Court, so you can have people nicely dressed headed into the grills crossing paths with people in bathing suits (and coverups) coming in from the boat deck and heading into Kings Court. QE2 is truly a world apart and in a category all its own. Looking forward this Tuesday to seeing her when she makes one of her rare appearances in New York!



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I WILL do the QE2 yet!



who is going to walk the plank now


Karie, don't walk the plank...yet...unless it's on the QE2! Better hurry fast as her days, I (we all) fear, are numbered. I would really love to get your perspective on this truly unique ship.



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Yes Karie. I'll be on the QE2 (or hope to considering the flood and the kitchen renovations we are now undergoing - however, we have paid our deposit and still am aiming to go) next August. Don't tell me you won't be there either?


No one wants to hear my review of the ship!



Who should write to Cunard and suggest they change the name of the new ship to Queen Karie!

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Karie, I am confused that you responded to a thread specifically asking for information about QE2 from recent QE2 passengers if you have not recently nor ever even been on her?

BTW, Malcolm, I remember the Midnight Buffets on QE2 to be most magnificent also which may be why it took us 2 weeks to rest up after a 10 day sailing on her. It seemed there was no time to sleep!

Hi karie


I dont know how anyone could address the grand dame of the Cunard board in such a way! you are most welcome to your opinion, like me, I always have the strongest opinions on things I know least about!!


Nice to hear your spirits are high, they certainly were on one of your responses recently, sounded like you had been having a real heart to heart with your gin bottle.


Anyway there's no excuses for you now, QE2 is in and around the U.S. quite a bit next year, get it booked sweetie.




who thought he should write a little thing after his name because queen karie always does!

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You guys are the best. I would have to defer to Maria as qeen of the boards.

No wait, There are wa-a-y too many queens on this board! <G>


True, Malcom, there is no "Grande Midnight Buffet" as such.

More like leftovers from the day. The one nght I went up, there was some kind of Thai Noodles and shrimp (the shrimp were hiding when i got mine) Ziti, and steam pan of bolognese sauce, fried rice with shrimp. salad, some little tiny sandwiches made of STRIPS of lunch meet and cheese (probably what was left on the lunch trays) mixed with mayonnaise, some regular cakes and cookies (no fancy items like I am sure are on the QE, based on what they used to have on the Cunard Crown ships.) Oh yes, and some little pizzas. thjey weren't too bad, as pizzas go- But Pizza on a steam table is not a wonderful thing. Actually, I think they were kept unde a hot lamp. Equally abusive IMHO.


Okay, Hmm, August. I'll have to look, David. Got to make you wear that tux, and August is when my birthday happens (if I decide to have one next year. Or I may just decide to be Dorian Grey!)


I was hoping for the April Westbound. Let me look at where she will be when, after the world. (Still would love to do the Sydney to Singapore, or wherever the leg is that includes Japan. Alas, Only if I hit the lotto! And I don't play!



Thanks all! I've stopped the quivering of my lower lip now. the pout is gone!;)

David. *I* will want to hear your review.

Mark- Who ME? GIN? Why I never!

Make it Bombay Sapphire, please! <G>

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