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Ecstasy Review 10/16/2006


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Ok, I just want to start this review by saying that we had a wonderful time on the Ecstasy! There were ups and downs, but it was my 3rd cruise, and I was definitely not disappointed.

Day 1…..

After a very interesting and scary ride from Houston…major flooding, car problems, a “bug” on the driver (don’t ask, just imagine a car with 4 women and the screaming that was involved:eek: ), running over a yellow plastic gas can and dodging dead pelicans on the Causeway. We finally arrived at port at around 12:30 or so. Checked our bags with a very friendly and helpful porter then proceeded on to the Embarkation process. Embarkation was actually a lot smoother that I had anticipated. I figured that with the storms, it would be crowded and have extremely long lines, but there weren’t.

Finally, on the ship and in our cabin (U209) by 1:15! Dropped off our carry on’s, met our wonderful room steward, Edwin and headed up to the Lido Deck for a burger and DOD (Funship special…yummy).Thanks Nathaniel and Moses for keeping us from having an empty glass!:cool:

After our break, we went exploring. Imagine my surprise when I heard my name being called; turned around and got to meet a fellow CC'er! Renee had seen my picture on web shots and recognized me! She and her DH are two of the nicest people you could ever meet!

The Ship is on the smaller side, but that is great because it is very easy to navigate. I do have a complaint though…..every where we went, there were crew members smiling at us and saying hi! The Ecstasy has the friendliest crew that I have had the pleasure to sail with to date. I have a gold S&S card and everywhere I went I was welcomed back to the CCL and thanked for sailing with them!

By this time we got the call that muster drill would be stating shortly so we went to our cabin and got our fashionable life jackets and proceeded to Muster Station E in the Starlight Lounge. Great place to muster; inside with comfy seats! Muster went rather quickly, but we still stayed in port. We were delayed for ever an hour. I believe it was due to the weather and waiting for those delayed at the airports.

We were supposed to meet fellow CC’ers after muster, but we didn’t run into anyone…probably due to the fact that sail away was so late.

We had late seating dinner in the Wind Song dining room. Our waiter, Marianeto (Mar) and his assistant Armando were the best! They took such good care of us and we were never lacking for anything. After dinner we headed to the Society Bar…another great spot. We spent quite a bit of time here and made a lot of new friends. Society Bar was where the 4 of us would meet up before dinner and spend some time together after dinner.

Piano Bar...nothing really good to say about it. Tyrone was an OK piano player, but his singing was HORRIBLE! He didn’t know the words to songs and he mumbled most of the words. Not to mention the fact that he was scamming drinks off of everyone that he could. If you refused to buy him a drink (double brandy), he got kinda nasty. Maybe this was the reason he forgot the words to the songs…Had to use a separate sheet of paper to attach to the comment card for this one!

Casino… took my $$ but had a good time anyway. Dylan is a great Casino host (cute too;) ) Dylan, thanks for all my OPC goodies!

Off to bed to get ready for day number 2!

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Day 2….

Woke up to really rough seas. It was pretty rocky the night before, but the morning was pretty bad. One of the girls got a nice bout of sea sickness and stayed in bed most of the day:( .

We hung out by the pool on Lido Deck pretty much all day. It was overcast and rainy, but it was still warm and there was quite a crowd out there. All of the upper decks were closed off due to severe weather.

Spent most of the day relaxing and hanging out. And believe me, it was great….Perfect down time for us mom’s!

The afternoon cleared up and we were able to get a bit of sun before it was time to get ready for the Captains Dinner.

The captains dinner was great, the lobster was better than the other cruises that I have been on, which really surprised me. After dinner we had a couple of cocktails in our favorite spot in the Society bar, then went our separate ways.

We decided to make a fairly early night (1:30) out of it since we had an early excursion the next morning in Progresso…..

Day 3 coming soon…..

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Day 3….

This was the day of our Progresso stop. If you are into history and Mayan culture, I highly recommend the Dzibilchaltun ruins. Amazing. We took the tour that Carnival offered and it was great. Our tour guides Cesar and David were the highlight of the trip. They were well educated in the Mayan culture and were very proud of their Mayan heritage. The bus ride was comfortable and it was a fairly short ride. The longest and most boring part of the trip was from the ship to the end of the pier…YUK :o

Back to the ruins….they were amazing. It was very humbling to stand on centuries of history. It really makes you pause and think about how far civilization has come in a relatively short time. I learned so many things about the Mayan Culture. I amposting pictures on web shots (see link below). There is a cenote that you get the chance to swim in. It is believed to have healing properties. One side of the cenote is only about 3’ deep, but the other end is bottomless. Only one of us was brave enough to take the plunge; she said it was wonderful! I only splashed water on my arms and legs…no way was I going in:p ! The water was very warm too.

At Dzibilchaltun there is a gift shop, museum with interesting artifacts and a wonderful open air restaurant. The food was delicious and they had different kinds of cervesa as well as Margarita’s, and for the very brave….Tequila shots:eek:

We ran into CCer Renee and had a nice visit with her here. After a couple of Sol's and Corona’s, yummy chicken tacos and nachos, we boarded the bus back to the pier.

Once at the pier, 2 of our group decided to catch a bus and hit the beach and 2 of us stayed back at the pier to do some shopping and have a cervesa at the open air bar.…mind you we were told by several people that the ship was leaving at 4:00, however that was not the case (always check your capers for the correct boarding time). We were enjoying a couple of tequila shots that some crew members bought us when they said that we had to board the ship by 2:30 because the ship was leaving at 3:00….it was 2:15. Patti and I went into MOM mode. Our 2 friends were still at the beach and they thought they had another hour! We had to do what we could to get them back to the ship. There were a couple of really nice crew members and fellow PAX that went out of their way to help us. They were able to commandeer a bus for us (no more outgoing Taxi’s and the bus runs had stopped) the driver got us to the beach in record time…I gave him a nice tip. We ran the 2 blocks from the bus stop down to the beach and thank the good lord, they were sitting right there. We didn’t know how we would be able to find them if we had to run up and down the beach! We found a Taxi and got them in and headed back to the ship…the time was now 2:40! The taxi driver sped away from the beach as we were yelling RAPIDO, RAPIDO; that got a good chuckle out of him. He got us to the pier at 2:50…10 minutes before the ship was scheduled to leave! We ran through the shopping area; you should have seen the looks that we got….I felt like I was on an episode of the Amazing Race! Whew, we made it to the ship just in time. They were pulling up the ropes as we boarded. A special thanks to all the people on the decks cheering us on:rolleyes: ! We saved our friends from being left in Mexico and saved them the cost of a $200 bus and ferry ride to catch the ship in Cozumel! Patti and I were hereos ;) …We were later told that there were several people left in progresso.

Back to the ship for a quick swim in the pool, a little bit of tanning and a well deserved Drink of the Day. Dinner that night was wonderful again and the shows were awesome.

Bed again early…(2:00) since we needed our rest for Cozumel….

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Day 4…

Day 4 was Cozumel. We scheduled the Dune Buggy/Snorkel excursion thru CCL. Another great excursion. This one was well worth the money. We met our tour guides, Richard and Jesus (Chucho) at the pier and signed in, then waited for others to show up. We then proceeded to the parking area where our dune buggies were located. We followed our guide in a long trail and pulled off at our first stop for an hour of snorkeling.

There is a building that they take you too with a changing room, lockers and bathrooms. They also have a nice swimming pool for those that choose not to snorkel. This is where Patti and I stayed as I ended up getting sick on this trip (head cold):( . The other 2 went snorkeling and enjoyed it. One was disappointed as there was not much to see; only a few fish and hardly any coral.

After about 11/2 hours at this stop, we continued on in our dune buggy’s for a 45 minute drive around to the other side of the island to a private beach for a delicious buffet lunch, swimming, tanning, volley ball and henna tattoo’s. This was the highlight of the excursion. We stayed here for about 11/2 – 2 hours, and had a wonderful time. After leaving the beach, we drove approx. 15 minutes to the PeePee Station…This is a little shopping area in the middle of the island. We stopped there for about 15 minutes. I was not impressed with this place. The prices were high and people were right on top of you trying to make a sale. The prices are much better in the shops by the pier in COZ and you can always haggle a better price where as at the PeePee Station, they wouldn’t budge very much on their prices.:cool:

With the excursion, you get a sticker that allows you a free drink at either Senior Frog’s or Carlos n’ Charlie’s. We ended up going to C & C’s, ordered our free margaritas and then ordered a round of “Mexican Kool-Aid” shots:eek: . After a little bit of dancing it was time to get back to the ship.

Patti and I decided to head back a few minutes before the other two, and we got a kick out of watching a super drunk lady stumbling back and taking a nice fall in center divider of the street, her friends were having a really hard time holding her up right! We followed behind her on the pier a short ways, trying to pass her, but we were afraid she would knock us off! We eventually got around her and got on the ship. Well, Natalie and Irene somehow ended up behind her trying to board the ship and they said she was very belligerent…she wants to show her S & S card to “The Captain” (really only a crew member) and starts getting kinda rough and very pushy. All of a sudden she starts stumbling side ways and right off of the pier! The crew member tried catching her, but he couldn’t hold onto her. Irene threw her a life preserver while the crew member ran to call for help and get another preserver. Finally a small boat pulls up and fishes her out of the water. Luckily the lady did not get hurt, but we found out later that she swears that someone “pushed her”:mad: !!! This will be something to talk about for years to come, we will definately not forget this cruise!

Another delicious dinner in the dining room, great entertainment and then to bed……

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Day 5….

Fun day at sea...definitely quiet. Kind of low key and not a lot going on. I actually was a little bored:o . We hung out by the pool most of the day, played some bingo and just walked around. We also played mini golf…fun, but the wind likes to blow your ball all over the place! I woulda finished at least 4 under if not for that darn wind;) !

After a day of sun and fun, it was time for our last meal in the dining room…so sad. The servers performed a sweet song that was so adorable in their broken English. There were quite a few people dabbing at tears! After hugs and pictures, we bid Mar and Armando a fond farewell…

The Casino was good to us this night! We actually got back what we donated to them earlier in the cruise! I only like to play black jack and we found a great table where there were only 3 of us playing. Once people saw that we were winning, they jumped in and the table turned sour so we cashed our chips in and went to go watch Barry Van Wie and his amazing fiddle. This guy is awesome. I have never seen anyone play an electric fiddle like he did. I was waiting for the bow to burst into flames!

The late night comedian was Tommy Drake and he was hilarious! I got to spend some time talking to him after his set and found out that we are from the same part of CA. He is a genuinely nice and funny guy. I had seen his act on Comedy Central before and was glad I got to see him in person.

After the comedy show, we went out for a last cocktail in the Society Bar. We just sat down and all of a sudden we hear screaming and then the sound of breaking glass at the bar! There was a fist fight going on! One guy was hit over the head with a bottle and had a nice gash in his cheek and they almost went over the railing by the bar (above the dining room) twice...that would have been bad with all that marble and glass down there. IMO, it took security way too long to get there though. Security had been following them around for a couple hours prior to this incident since they were drunk and belligerent all night. They were the last ones off the ship at debarkation and they didn't look too happy. There was also a second fight in Stripes Friday night. Everybody drinking up all that booze they bought in COZUMEL I guess.

After another exciting day, it was time to call it a night…

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All in all this was a good time. The worst part of the whole cruise was debarkation. It took forever to call our color and customs was extremely slow. I don’t know if there were issues or not, but this was the longest I ever had to wait to disembark (with the exception of hurricane Dennis). We finally got thru customs at 1:00 and everyone was extremely frustrated:mad: .

In summary, this is a great cruise for relaxation. There were not as many activities going on as I am used to, but it was nice. The ship is small and easy to navigate, so you get to run into the same people over ad over again…this is both good and bad, especially when you are trying to avoid someone:cool: !

I wouldn’t think that this would be a good cruise for families as there didn’t seem to be a lot for kids to do. Really not a whole lot to do for the ‘tweens and younger teens. I know my kids would have been bored. But it was a perfect cruise for a girls only get-a-way. There was a wide range of age groups on board also.

If anyone has any questions, please ask away!

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Day 5….

Fun day at sea...definitely quiet. Kind of low key and not a lot going on. I actually was a little bored:o . We hung out by the pool most of the day, played some bingo and just walked around. We also played mini golf…fun, but the wind likes to blow your ball all over the place! I woulda finished at least 4 under if not for that darn wind;) !

After a day of sun and fun, it was time for our last meal in the dining room…so sad. The servers performed a sweet song that was so adorable in their broken English. There were quite a few people dabbing at tears! After hugs and pictures, we bid Mar and Armando a fond farewell…

The Casino was good to us this night! We actually got back what we donated to them earlier in the cruise! I only like to play black jack and we found a great table where there were only 3 of us playing. Once people saw that we were winning, they jumped in and the table turned sour so we cashed our chips in and went to go watch Barry Van Wie and his amazing fiddle. This guy is awesome. I have never seen anyone play an electric fiddle like he did. I was waiting for the bow to burst into flames!

The late night comedian was Tommy Drake and he was hilarious! I got to spend some time talking to him after his set and found out that we are from the same part of CA. He is a genuinely nice and funny guy. I had seen his act on Comedy Central before and was glad I got to see him in person.

After the comedy show, we went out for a last cocktail in the Society Bar. We just sat down and all of a sudden we hear screaming and then the sound of breaking glass at the bar! There was a fist fight going on! One guy was hit over the head with a bottle and had a nice gash in his cheek and they almost went over the railing by the bar (above the dining room) twice...that would have been bad with all that marble and glass down there. IMO, it took security way too long to get there though. Security had been following them around for a couple hours prior to this incident since they were drunk and belligerent all night. They were the last ones off the ship at debarkation and they didn't look too happy. There was also a second fight in Stripes Friday night. Everybody drinking up all that booze they bought in COZUMEL I guess.

After another exciting day, it was time to call it a night…

Wow, with fights and people falling off piers you will have quite a memory of this trip :) I have almost seen a drunk person fall into the water, but security caught her just in time.....glad you had a good time! Thanks for the review..

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Wow, with fights and people falling off piers you will have quite a memory of this trip :) I have almost seen a drunk person fall into the water, but security caught her just in time.....glad you had a good time! Thanks for the review..


That's for sure....this cruise will be one for the books!:rolleyes:


We really did have a good time. I guess if we were the type to get offended easily, we would be sailing another line next for the next cruise:cool:.

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Day 3….


This was the day of our Progresso stop. If you are into history and Mayan culture, I highly recommend the Dzibilchaltun ruins. Amazing. We took the tour that Carnival offered and it was great. Our tour guides Cesar and David were the highlight of the trip. They were well educated in the Mayan culture and were very proud of their Mayan heritage. The bus ride was comfortable and it was a fairly short ride. The longest and most boring part of the trip was from the ship to the end of the pier…YUK :o

Once at the pier, 2 of our group decided to catch a bus and hit the beach and 2 of us stayed back at the pier to do some shopping and have a cervesa at the open air bar.…mind you we were told by several people that the ship was leaving at 4:00, however that was not the case (always check your capers for the correct boarding time). We were enjoying a couple of tequila shots that some crew members bought us when they said that we had to board the ship by 2:30 because the ship was leaving at 3:00….it was 2:15. Patti and I went into MOM mode. Our 2 friends were still at the beach and they thought they had another hour! We had to do what we could to get them back to the ship. There were a couple of really nice crew members and fellow PAX that went out of their way to help us.



I'm still looking to do something for my cruise when we get to Progresso. I wanted to know how long was the trip to the Dzibilchaltun ruins. How long did it take in all to go up there and come back? I was also under the impression from the Itenerary that it will stay there till 4p.m. and you actually get to stay in progresso till at least 3:30! Do you know why they change the time you have to be back on the ship? I would like to do some shopping...but i would also like to look at some type of ruins.

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I'm still looking to do something for my cruise when we get to Progresso. I wanted to know how long was the trip to the Dzibilchaltun ruins. How long did it take in all to go up there and come back? I was also under the impression from the Itinerary that it will stay there till 4p.m. and you actually get to stay in progresso till at least 3:30! Do you know why they change the time you have to be back on the ship? I would like to do some shopping...but i would also like to look at some type of ruins.


The ruins were awesome and there is a little shopping area there too. It was about a 5 hour excursion. The drive up to the ruins was about 25 minutes or so, and the guide gives you a guided tour then you are free to roam about the ruins on your own. They have a wonderful little restaurant to eat at while you are there also. Make sure to either wear a bathing suit or take one with you as there is a fresh water cenote that you can take a swim in. The legend is that the water has purifying qualities...I didn't go in but quite a few in our group did.

We were given no explanation as to why there was a time change on the itinerary. According to the original itinerary that we had, like you we were supposed to leave at 4:00. The capers stated 3:00 though (make sure to check the capers daily). There is a little shopping area at the pier and you will find a lot of goodies there as well as a bar and I believe a little restaurant. The prices were much cheaper here than in Cozumel and once the tour bus drops you back off at the pier you should have enough time to shop. Not much else to see or do in Progresso unless you go to the beach and there were quite a few shops in that area too. If Progresso shows up on a future itinerary for me, I will probably just stay on the ship or the shopping area at the pier, JMHO;).

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One thing Serena left out was that in addition to all the excitement in getting away from Progresso, she and her friends were also a part of the evening's entertainment in the Blue Sapphire. They took part in the Guest Talent Show and did a fantastic job! That is the night DW and I got to meet the ladies. The whole talent show was good and it was fun to watch.



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One thing Serena left out was that in addition to all the excitement in getting away from Progresso, she and her friends were also a part of the evening's entertainment in the Blue Sapphire. They took part in the Guest Talent Show and did a fantastic job! That is the night DW and I got to meet the ladies. The whole talent show was good and it was fun to watch.




LOL Phil! That's something best left forgotten:o Although, I have been showing off my ship on a stick!:p

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BTW, a little footnote to my review....the car problems that we had on the way to Galveston were still there when we left Galveston so we had to stop in Houston for a nice little unplanned and totally unexpected 4 hour and $400.00 excursion. We ended up getting home here to Kansas City at about 4:30 am.

We felt like the poster children for Murphy's Law!:p

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Can you tell me if they have a past guest party as well as the Captains party? I didn't see anything about the past guest party...... Thanks in advance.


Yes, they have a past guest party and IMO it was better than the captains party. The appetizers were better as were the drinks plus there aren't as many people so the drinks come around rather quickly. It was held in the Starlight Lounge which is located directly behind the Society Bar.

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The ruins were awesome and there is a little shopping area there too. It was about a 5 hour excursion. The drive up to the ruins was about 25 minutes or so, and the guide gives you a guided tour then you are free to roam about the ruins on your own. They have a wonderful little restaurant to eat at while you are there also. Make sure to either wear a bathing suit or take one with you as there is a fresh water cenote that you can take a swim in. The legend is that the water has purifying qualities...I didn't go in but quite a few in our group did.

We were given no explanation as to why there was a time change on the itinerary. According to the original itinerary that we had, like you we were supposed to leave at 4:00. The capers stated 3:00 though (make sure to check the capers daily). There is a little shopping area at the pier and you will find a lot of goodies there as well as a bar and I believe a little restaurant. The prices were much cheaper here than in Cozumel and once the tour bus drops you back off at the pier you should have enough time to shop. Not much else to see or do in Progresso unless you go to the beach and there were quite a few shops in that area too. If Progresso shows up on a future itinerary for me, I will probably just stay on the ship or the shopping area at the pier, JMHO;).



Thanks for letting me knw! I'm still deciding if I should look at ruins and try to do some shopping or explore the city of Merida! ...at least i have 3 months to explore my options! :rolleyes: (i guess...)

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Thanks for letting me knw! I'm still deciding if I should look at ruins and try to do some shopping or explore the city of Merida! ...at least i have 3 months to explore my options! :rolleyes: (i guess...)


You will have a blast no matter what you decide to do!:p

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I usually laugh at the posts where people want all the details and here I am........:D I don't even get to go until next April, but your post has got me thinking early!


Just a couple more questions if you don't mind? What day was the past guest party?


I noticed in someones pictures that the bathrooms now have little pedestal sinks. So, how does this affect storage space for toiletries and such???



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My husband I unfortunately missed the 10/16 Ecstasy cruise. Here is our story:



We woke up at 4:30am on Monday 10/16 for our first leg of our trip to Houston leaving at 6:47am. Our first flight was fine, no issues, arrived on time, etc. Our second flight was from Memphis to Houston, or it was supposed to go to Houston. You see that was the day the flood gates opened and Houston got dumped on big time. 9+ inches of rain at Houston Intercontinental. That flight from Memphis to Houston was supposed to be just about 1 hour and 45 minutes. We were in the air for over 3 hours in a holding pattern above Texas because Houston kept closing down the airport due too flooding.:( I guess Houston has a bayou system and it just is not designed to handle that much rain, that fast. OK, so we were running out of fuel and the Captain advised that we were diverting to Austin.



We landed in Austin around 12:45pm (mind you, we should have been in Houston at 11:03am). The fuel tanker taxied along with us to the jetway. They let us get off, get something to drink/eat/restrooms etc. We were back in and lined up on the runway to take off at 2:45pm. All of the sudden airport security and local sheriff’s vehicles were next to our aircraft following us. Then we started following them, back off the run way. They ended up parking us on the tarmac next to other jets. The Captain told us that they shut Houston's airport down completely as another surge of rain was falling. We sat there for nearly 2 hours… The Captain was really great through this whole process. He gave us updates like every 15 to 30 minutes. We finally got moving around 3:15pm and took off at 3:25pm.



OK Austin to Houston – short flight right? Wrong!!! All of the sudden around 3:40pm the jet makes a rather noticeable bank to the left. Not enough for all of us to get worried mind you, but enough for us to wonder what is going on. Then here comes the Captain again, “As you may noticed, we just banked to the left. Houston tower has informed us that the airport is closed again to incoming and outgoing flights. The weather is just circling them, getting bad and then clearing up, over an over.” We were asked to be patient; they expected to get us on the ground in Houston very shortly. That they did. At 4:10pm we touched down in Houston. (Remember we were scheduled to get to Houston at 11:03am.) Due to the storms, there was a lightning strike and the jetways were having issues. We did not get off the plane until 4:40pm. We dashed up the jetway and down to the baggage claim.



We found a Carnival representative, only to be told, “The boat is leaving in 10 minutes, at 5:00pm. It is $140 taxi ride, one way and it is about 75 miles away. If you want to go and chance it that they boat has not left, go now, forget about your luggage, have the airline get it to you in the first port.” :mad: We called our travel agent back who we had kept up to date through this saga. She asked us to hold while she called Carnival. While we were standing there, the Carnival agent proceeded to tell us the boat was not leaving until 5:30pm. We decided to go get our bags. That was the only thing that went right all day long. We had our bags in less than 10 minutes. We went outside to find that 7 other people from our flight alone were waiting and trying to decide what to do. After 18 minutes on the phone, our agent came back and said, “The boat just left, don’t waste your money on the taxi.” Why did my travel agent have better information than the Carnival representatives standing right in front of me.



My husband and I went back inside and up to the ticket counter. We spoke to a gentleman at the Northwest/KLM counter who was nothing short of an idiot. We told him that our return tickets were for Saturday 10/21 but we want to go home today since we missed the boat. He went gallivanting off to ask someone else what to do. He comes back and has the audacity to say, “Well, there will be a penalty for changing your fight.” Now my husband is very mild mannered and does not get upset easily. My husband shot back, “WHY?! Your airline got us here 5 hours late and we missed our cruise!” The nitwit behind the counter says, “Oh, it was our fault?!” I finally got composed and followed up with, “Well no kidding it was your fault! The bloody airport was closed down and we didn’t arrive until 5 hours after our scheduled landing time.” He quickly ushered us to another lady to help us. I don’t remember her name but bless her, she got us on flights that night to get home! We got back home Tuesday morning around 1:45am.



Here is my question. If our flight alone had 7 passengers for the boat, how many others missed the boat due to the Houston rain? I know that Serna said the boat left an hour late, but our travel agent said she had been on cruises where the boat waited up to 4+ hours and then left the port very slowly so smaller boats with late cruisers could make it. How full was the cruise? Does Carnival ever post the number of passengers that were on board and or the number of passengers expected?



Our agent is in the process of appealing to Carnival to provide us a voucher to cruise again. She will also try with the airline to get us flights to replace our 9 1/2 hours of flight time that got us nowhere.


Anyone else ever experience something like this? This cruise was to celebrate our Anniversary. This would have been my first cruise. My husband sailed on Princess to Alaska 7 years ago this winter.

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