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ROLL CALL: 2/25/07 Caribbean Princess


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Gosh I was sure I posted today before I went to school... and poof, it's not there. Da*n this board! :) And here we are at 15 pages - it must be some sort of record Dave.


Phil - and anyone else - heads up on the soda card, it will not work on Princess Cays, which is probably the place everyone wants to use it since it is so hot there...they only have cans on the island, and the card is good for fountain soda. Some people get mighty testy about it according to the regular Princess posters.


Who asked about drinks? My favorite subject. (Tim - love your signature) Princess does have reasonably priced drinks, but with the measured pour - the bain of my existence. I have been told a few well placed cash tips will help with the right bartender. Tom, we will need to find him! In the middle of the cruise, in the middle of the night, they slip that piece of paper under your door with the running total on your charge. It's always best for me to get it before Ralph and not look at it myself. Why ruin a wonderful day at sea :)


Alex - you're back! Core, here too...who has time to count... and while on the ship, I plan to be good up to a point :)


Kevin, by any chance does your partner Larry's last name begin with M?


I guess I shouldn't complain that it was 59 and raining when I left the library tonight. I could never live north again.

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I just had a rummage through the costume cupboard here at the school and found a few treasures that i will have to stuff in the suitcase somehow. Items include a hard hard for construction party and a hat that I need to spruce up with some feathers and ribbons once I arrive in Florida. Add JoAnn Fabrics or Michaels to my list of must visits upon arrival.



Tonight I check out the theatres costumes. MU HA HA HA



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YAY! I've been hoping that the idea of wearing church hats to Church Bingo would catch on. I sure hope y'all do come in hats as a group!! Thanks again for y'all's support.....there's nothing I love more than to bring laughter to people


Paul J.

aka Sister Helen


Paul, loved your act on the Mexico cruise. It was hysterical, even reading it on the schedule before the cruise. I'll be there with my Sunday's best on.



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Phil - and anyone else - heads up on the soda card, it will not work on Princess Cays, which is probably the place everyone wants to use it since it is so hot there...they only have cans on the island, and the card is good for fountain soda. Some people get mighty testy about it according to the regular Princess posters.


yeah, I'm aware of the no can rule. Actually on the diamond, there were a few of the cocktail pimps (aka drink servers) who you could talk into a full can on the ship. The way I think of it, I wouldn't expect my card to get me a free soda in St Maarten so I'm not gonna be too tweaked by it not working in princess cays.


The funny thing about the key card is you get SO used to using it for EVERYTHING on board that I even caught myself trying to hand it to clerks to buy stuff when I was in Cabo San Lucas. My friend looked at me and asked what the heck was I doing... I was so embarrassed (and no, I hadn't been drinking ;) But... I talked to some other friends who had done the same thing and felt much better :)

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Greetings from Northern California,


I can't tell you how much all of your posts have helped me (although it has taken me about 4 days to finally read the whole thing!). My partner Larry and I have never been on a cruise so I booked this one back in October for his 40th birthday....

... All the best from Sonoma, Kevin


Wait... I missed this, Kevin you guys live in Sonoma? How cool, I practically grew up there as my grandparents and aunts & cousins all lived there. Spent most every weekend up there and many summers. Whereabouts in Sonoma are you? My Grandmother lives in Boys Hot Springs.


How cool... all these years and I've never met any "family" from Sonoma.



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Still freezing here in Toronto. Thanks so much for all the info guys. I am still amazed that they don't allow any liquor to be brought on board. Do they go through everyone's luggage with a fine tooth comb or x-ray it? That must make boarding kind of slow.


Anyhow, can't wait for this. My first cruise.


A friend of mine just came back from his first cruise which was with Atlantis. He said he fhad fun but that it was kind of overwhelming since it was a "non-stop 24 hour circuit party." I take it from the posts that rsvp is a bit less extreme.

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Thanks for dropping in Paul. We can't wait to see you on the cruise.


New posters, Howdy! and Welcome!


Ok, Hogthrob gets the award for the most creative fun photo in the directory so far. (Don't ask, you'll see it when you get your copy.)


Have a great cold day everyone!

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the liquor thing is funny.......they're checking in 3100 passengers with 3 or 4 bags each. that's roughly 9 to 12 thousand bags. so , no, they don't open every one. they x-ray them, but they're mostly security checks.

i suppose if they saw a bottle of jim beam in your case and noticed it they might say something, but you can disguise it.

pour vodka in water bottles. manhattans in coca cola bottles....stuff like that......they're not as strict as they could be. the check-in must be OVERWHELMING for them, every time. not only are they checking the bags, they have to deliver them.....to the correct room......big project to say the least........so, just be cool......<g>



and everyone, my best friend came back from the atlantis on sunday.

nice time he said, but overwhelming "circuit".....he'd get up for breakfast around 10:30 and the boys were still on the dance floor....all tweaked and stuff........(that's just not my cup of boullion anymore........<G>)...and it was hugely a very young crowd........it really surprised him.....he knew there'd be some, but he said it was too much for him.......

and he said the ship was just too big........crowds and lines everywhere.....he said he wouldn't do atlantis again.......and he doesn't care for such a big ship......ours is huge also....we'll see....

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and everyone, my best friend came back from the atlantis on sunday.

nice time he said, but overwhelming "circuit".....he'd get up for breakfast around 10:30 and the boys were still on the dance floor....all tweaked and stuff........(that's just not my cup of boullion anymore........<G>)...and it was hugely a very young crowd........it really surprised him.....he knew there'd be some, but he said it was too much for him.......

and he said the ship was just too big........crowds and lines everywhere.....he said he wouldn't do atlantis again.......and he doesn't care for such a big ship......ours is huge also....we'll see....


don't be mistaken there *is* some of this on RSVP, but in general it's a much more mixed crowd and I've never seen anyone party until 10 am. Again... that's the nice thing about RSVP, it is VERY mixed. It's 3100 people... lots of tweaking circuit queens, lots of bears, lots of drag, lots of plain regular joes, lots of everything... a great mix for everyone :)


I do have to say, on the october cruise, the white party was very very circuit-y and there were LOTS of club drugs about. At 3:30 on my way back from skywalkers I walked by the outdoor dancefloor, which had closed at about 2:30, there were still about 4 or 5 guys tweaking and dancing away... no lights, no music, but still just a dancin like there was. Hey, it's their party too, not my thing but as long as they were happy... I suspect the red party will be the "circuit" party of the trip and prolly my least favorite night. I know the white party was my least fave on the last trip. But... even the worst night on one of these cruises is better than the best night at home :)

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The water bottles should work just fine! We are going to try and save two of those large Fiji water bottles to put some vodka in. Ahhhh maybe 3 or 4. :-)


If I could pick a favorite cocktail (based on what I am in the mood for now) it would be a.....


Mangotini! Fresh mango, Kettle One, a little simple syrup and some muddled lime.



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I really appreciate you emailing the schedule...we had a good time reading every detail of it.


Matt, my Partner's last name doesn't begin with M (I think...maybe I should I ask him again! jk). There must be another couple of Kevin & Larry's out there. Hopefully good people.


Phil, I thought that you appeared to be the only person on this post from California and here you have relatives in the Sonoma Valley. We live right in downtown Sonoma not far from the square (although not on the side of town where a 1 bedroom shack is almost a million dollars!). By the way, tourism may have gone up here in town when you said you have family in "Boys Hot Springs" :) (that really sounds like a hot spot) rather than Boyes Hot Springs. Actually we always have to explain to people that there really isn't much of a hot springs left anymore. There are a few of us "family" here in the Valley (I feel like we all know each other since it is a pretty small town).


Looking forward to meeting everyone in person... Kev & Larry (M?)

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Mike, that sounds so yummy! Maybe they can make them on the cruise?!?! Of course they will be $20 each but we just wont look at our bill (eh Matt?)


Wasn't RSVP supposed to post the schedule today? I have David's (Thanks David) but I wanted to see if it contained any changes.


Red shorts came in last night for the Red Party. After Dendren's description of the White Party I don't know if it will be our scene. We love to dance but by 12 or 1 am I'm ready for bed! Ricky is a night owl though and can dance for hours.


I'm so ready to go now. I think I'll start packing so I'll have something to do.

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Kevin, I was just thinking maybe there would be a small world moment. Larry M was my first serious boyfriend in L.A., and he had been living in SF the past few years with his partner, but I heard they moved to Sonoma. It would have been fine, he and I are on good terms :)


About dancing until 10am - you know it's one thing to spend all night and morning tweaked in a dark club, and emerge into the daylight, exclaiming "my god that moon is bright!"....hard to imagine keeping up the illusion of the party when it's bright morning. Ah well, youth.


Only fueled by alcohol, I will be up late, and I hope I am not alone on the dance floor :)


Hogthrob - seconding other comments - don't worry about the odd *well-packed and cushioned* bottle in your checked luggage...if they did for some reason find it, they just take it til the end of the cruise. If you're coming in the day before, wait and buy your bottle here - no airline handling to worry about. In your carryon, you really should use the water bottle trick.

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the liquor thing is funny.......they're checking in 3100 passengers with 3 or 4 bags each. that's roughly 9 to 12 thousand bags. so , no, they don't open every one. they x-ray them, but they're mostly security checks.

i suppose if they saw a bottle of jim beam in your case and noticed it they might say something, but you can disguise it.

pour vodka in water bottles. manhattans in coca cola bottles....stuff like that......they're not as strict as they could be. the check-in must be OVERWHELMING for them, every time. not only are they checking the bags, they have to deliver them.....to the correct room......big project to say the least........so, just be cool......<g>



and everyone, my best friend came back from the atlantis on sunday.

nice time he said, but overwhelming "circuit".....he'd get up for breakfast around 10:30 and the boys were still on the dance floor....all tweaked and stuff........(that's just not my cup of boullion anymore........<G>)...and it was hugely a very young crowd........it really surprised him.....he knew there'd be some, but he said it was too much for him.......

and he said the ship was just too big........crowds and lines everywhere.....he said he wouldn't do atlantis again.......and he doesn't care for such a big ship......ours is huge also....we'll see....


Oh no, what did I get myself into? I booked an '07 Atlantis cruise last Nov. to see why they seemed so popular and always sold out. I hear different

things, both good and bad, and have never been on Atlantis. Anyone have any first hand experience/advice to share?


After looking at pics of RCCL Radiance of the Seas, and Celebrity ships (which Atlantis uses), their interior designs look much more attractive and sophisticated than Princess. They seem to have the "wow" factor and their dining rooms are grand. I found Princess's "small ship feel" public rooms to be disappointing--Savoy dining room, Club (con)Fusion, Explorer's Lounge--all too dark and uninspiring, rather conservative. Anyway, just my observations.



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Wasn't RSVP supposed to post the schedule today? I have David's (Thanks David) but I wanted to see if it contained any changes.


Now they say it won't be posted until FRIDAY! Thank goodness for David!!!!

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Can you bring a cup from your room to poolside? As long as it itsn't glass?

yes, you can.


as a matter of fact, i bring a sleeve of styrofoam cups (with lids) and walk around with them all day....(kind of my trademark in life........LOL)

nobody says anything.........very cool.........


we make martinis before dinner and walk around with them in the styrofoam.......ok, not SO elegant......

but i like them on ice as well as gay and up in the festive glass.........LOL

"this stunt is being performed by a professional....do not attempt this unless qualified"...........LOL

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Thanks for the tip about the plastic cups at the pool....we always travel with plastic wine glasses that look just a little bit too real, maybe just bringing disposable ones would work best.


Here's the dumb question: anyone know how well the cell service (I have Cingular) is on the ship or in port. I hate to even think about getting a call from work, but the fee to call the ship sounds outrageous (like $9.00 a minute!). I sometimes just like the idea that I can be connected which makes me feel more relaxed. It's either that or bring the laptop and check email all the time. Just wanted to have an idea so I can mentally prepare!




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The hat idea isn't getting the Love I was hoping for!


Is this something that more than 4 of us are interested in?


Should I take the non-responses as a "no"?


I'd like to get a show of hands to know if we are going to try this as a group.





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