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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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First of all, Congratulations are in order to everyone who has followed this plan and lost weight! :) I am cruising in May and would like to drop about 20 lbs before then. I just have a quick question.... Many people have mentioned make sure to take your vitamins in the morning to help you suppress the appetite through the workday until lunch. What kinds of vitamins do you take? I would love to start eating those egg white omelettes in the morning they sound delicious!!


Thanks in advance!



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Many people have mentioned make sure to take your vitamins in the morning to help you suppress the appetite through the workday until lunch. What kinds of vitamins do you take?




I take: a multi, calcium & magnesium, beta carotene, e, b1, b6, b12, fish oil, flaxseed oil, soy, folic acid, c, grape seed extract, astaxanthin, evening primrose oil, and garlic & parsely.



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No wonder you don't get hungry for snacks lol


I take: a multi, calcium & magnesium, beta carotene, e, b1, b6, b12, fish oil, flaxseed oil, soy, folic acid, c, grape seed extract, astaxanthin, evening primrose oil, and garlic & parsely.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am going on a short cruise next week and started reading this forum because of it. Found this thread and have just finished reading thru it. So glad to have found it!


I was diagnosed this winter with the above (borderline: high chol., diabetes and blood pressure) and had my silk nails soaked off, joined a gym for women, and now use the nail money to pay for my gym. I have gone faithfully 5 days a week - cardio every day, weights for 3. I have been following a very healthy diet. Have lost, as of today, 25 lbs. and 15 inches since April 3. I was eating 4 fruits a day - low sugar ones but still...and bread (Ezekiel) 2-3 times a day, oatmeal every day (for the cholesterol problem). A week or so ago, I started having fruit only 2X a day (berries and a small banana - potassium, as I am on a diuretic). On Monday, I decided I would only have my oatmeal in the morning. I eat it raw with blueberries and a little nonfat plain yogurt and splenda. I haven't even had brown rice with my two other meals.


I was pleasantly surprised when I got up this morning that I had dropped 3 lbs. Looks like I figured it out and it is so good to see this positive reinforcement. When you have what I have, you have to be so careful.


I will be totally prepared when we go next week. I know that I will be fine. I also am using the gym on the ship -- can't believe that one! I am going to do the bike and the weights. We will also be snorkeling and I also plan on walking the stairs and walking around the top deck.


I go back to my doc on 10/8 and I hope that he will take me off of the diuretic. I would really like to not have to eat a banana every day.


Here are the things I have made this week (using all legal stuff):


eggplant parmesan (no breading and little cheese)

green salad topped with roasted mushrooms, onions, and peppers and a little bit of goat cheese (which is low in salt and cholesterol)

flounder spread with a little pesto and green salad w/tomatoes, cukes, avocado, onion, olive oil and vinegar


I also notice about the blue corn ships. Until Monday, I used a blue corn taco and make tacos w/those chopped salmon patties (all fish, no cookies). They are perfect! I just cut them in half and they fit into the taco perfectly. Add a little salsa, lettuce and cheese, and sometimes a little avocado and hot sauce and wow!:D

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Okay, I'm on board! I'm a carbaholic. And this would explain why I have been unsuccessful losing weight with WW; especially since I learned to be very faithful point-wise but ate them in the form of bad carbs. Seriously though, what should I have on hand to curb my sweet-tooth yet, not cause me to crave more in 2 hours like sugar does? Those of you whose bodies don't cry out for sugar don't understand...there will have to be something to take it's place at least for a while. Simple will power doesn't do it nor does talking yourself out of it. (Don't go into the comparison of an alcoholic or drug addict; they don't have to continue those for sustanance. I still have to eat to live. It would actually be easier sometimes if I didn't!) I'm not a drinker so that's not a problem. Bread is not a problem either. It's the baked goods that get me. I love veggies and could very easily be a vegetarian but do occassionally eat all types of meat. Any advice to get me over this sugar hump is greatly appreciated. BTW, is pumpkin and sweet potatoes without sugar ok? Thanks.

Forgot to add that I'd like to lose 30 pounds.:)

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  • 1 month later...

This doesn't seem to be an active thread anymore but I wanted to update for future reference since I'm the last one who posted about starting this W.O.E.

It's been 6 weeks now and I'm down 10 pounds and have gone down a pants size. But the most exciting thing for me is the way I feel. I'm no longer in a carb induced coma, my stomach problems are gone, and so are my sugar cravings and surprisingly to me I don't miss it. I still eat rice and potatoes so please, don't call this a low-carb diet....I still eat a lot of carbs! I'm amazed because this is the first time I've been able to lose weight in years. I'm cruising next week and I'm not going to obsess about food but believe me, feeling so much better will be the motivation to get back on track when I get home.

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This doesn't seem to be an active thread anymore but I wanted to update for future reference since I'm the last one who posted about starting this W.O.E.

It's been 6 weeks now and I'm down 10 pounds and have gone down a pants size. But the most exciting thing for me is the way I feel. I'm no longer in a carb induced coma, my stomach problems are gone, and so are my sugar cravings and surprisingly to me I don't miss it. I still eat rice and potatoes so please, don't call this a low-carb diet....I still eat a lot of carbs! I'm amazed because this is the first time I've been able to lose weight in years. I'm cruising next week and I'm not going to obsess about food but believe me, feeling so much better will be the motivation to get back on track when I get home.


Kim - That's awesome! I've followed a very similar WOE and lost 24 pounds 3 years ago. I've kept it completely off since then and I can say that, in addition to losing the weight which makes you feel great, overall I feel the best I have ever! Have fun on your cruise!



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I feel as if this thread were written with me in mind. Everything said here applies to me . . . flour and sugar are both my best friend and my worst enemy. But I am ready to say goodbye to them both to not only lose the extra pounds I've put on (20-30) and to feel better. I go into the "coma" every night as I struggle to stay awake to watch tv.


I will read the entire thread, including details, later but for now, I could use some guidance to get started. I am not a big breakfast eater . . and I don't like eggs at all. I do love all fruits, so I thought I'd start with a fruit and a piece of cheese and a slice or two of turkey.


For lunch, I'll eat salads which I love. However, what dressings? (has to be storebought as I'm at my office). Any that say sugar free?


Dinners, I'll stick with grilled fish/chicken/or steak, white or brown rice, veggies, and salad.


Snacks: nuts, fruit, what else? And a ton of water!!


I'd appreciate any advice to get me started. I cruise in 19 days so I'd love to lose a few pounds beforehand just so my shorts, which are now tight, fit better. I will indulge on vacation . . . but I'll also exercise, including taking the stairs at all times. I have already started exercising at home. Then after my vacation, it will be back to the diet full time.



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I think you'll find once you get used to not eating bread, flour, sugar, gluten etc you will lose your taste for it. I ate some gumdrops last night and wanted to vomit, I didn't enjoy it at all.


My theory is why waste good calories on rotten chemical food , when you can eat your own, cook your own, etc. Ever notice how you could have the same meal in a chain restaurant that you can in a "mom and pop" restaraunt and it tastes better at the mom and pop restaraunt?


I feel as if this thread were written with me in mind. Everything said here applies to me . . . flour and sugar are both my best friend and my worst enemy. But I am ready to say goodbye to them both to not only lose the extra pounds I've put on (20-30) and to feel better. I go into the "coma" every night as I struggle to stay awake to watch tv.


I will read the entire thread, including details, later but for now, I could use some guidance to get started. I am not a big breakfast eater . . and I don't like eggs at all. I do love all fruits, so I thought I'd start with a fruit and a piece of cheese and a slice or two of turkey.


For lunch, I'll eat salads which I love. However, what dressings? (has to be storebought as I'm at my office). Any that say sugar free?


Dinners, I'll stick with grilled fish/chicken/or steak, white or brown rice, veggies, and salad.


Snacks: nuts, fruit, what else? And a ton of water!!


I'd appreciate any advice to get me started. I cruise in 19 days so I'd love to lose a few pounds beforehand just so my shorts, which are now tight, fit better. I will indulge on vacation . . . but I'll also exercise, including taking the stairs at all times. I have already started exercising at home. Then after my vacation, it will be back to the diet full time.



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  • 4 weeks later...
I am not a big breakfast eater . . and I don't like eggs at all. I do love all fruits, so I thought I'd start with a fruit and a piece of cheese and a slice or two of turkey.


For lunch, I'll eat salads which I love. However, what dressings? (has to be storebought as I'm at my office). Any that say sugar free?


Dinners, I'll stick with grilled fish/chicken/or steak, white or brown rice, veggies, and salad.


Snacks: nuts, fruit, what else? And a ton of water!!

- Perfect breakfast.

- Make your own salad dressing and bring it in to work. It's the ONLY way to get any w/o sugar.

- The rest is also great, just watch the fruit intake (sugar.) Veggies are better.

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My dressing recipe:


any brown grainy dijon

a little balsamic vinegar

splash of water

extra virgin olive oil

chopped garlic

Italian seasoning

garlic salt

Pappy's seasoning


do everything to taste and your desired consistency. I like mine a little thick, so I use more dijon than olive oil.


This will keep for a week in a jar in the fridge - probably longer, but I use it faster than that.



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Great thread. Posting mainly to keep the thread high on the board.


I did a similar diet for a long time, but eventually... well a traumatic event took me back to bad habits like chocolate... After reading this post I got reminded of how much more energetic I felt at the time. It's probably high time to go back to the diet!


One little recipe that was my staple whenever I am without imagination for a meal (or without many supplies).


I do an omelet with only the egg whites.

Thats how I do it:


I beat two egg whites and add two or more stuffings that you have at hand. Examples:


Chopped Onions or

Dried Onion flakes

Chopped Bell Peppers

Sun Dried Tomatoes


Champignon (any kind of mushroom actually)

Leftover meats chopped small

Smoked chicken breast

Diced cheese (use different cheese for different flavors)


use your imagination (or whatever supplies you have at home)


Spice it up with


Curry or Saffron (will make your omelet look familiarly yellow) or


Those mixed seasonings that come in a pepper grinder are excellent for this.


If I have fresh Onions, I don't mix it with the whites.

Instead I put some oil (olive or canola) on the pan, and brown them, before adding the whites with all the stuff in it. If you like garlic you may add slices to brown with the Onions. (I like garlic with everything!)


When lower side is brown, turn it like a pancakes, and brown the other side.

I can prepare this in less than 15 minutes, it's full of healthy protein and will keep you satiated for hours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please remember, it's different than "NO WHITE".


NO WHITE simplifies it, but this diet is far more specific:


Brown bread = BAD

White rice = GOOD


Don't let yourself cheat with wheat bread just because it's not "white", and while brown rice is better than white, white rice does not equal semolina pasta.


Comprenez vous?

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Just wanted to post again, in response to everyones questions about salad dressing. I work with a woman who has lived this lifestyle for 3 + years. She did it because of rosecea (sp). She is my mentor essentially. Anyhow, Marie's dressing...the Creamy Italian Garlic has ZERO sugar in it! It's the only one she has ever found. It's usually in the produce department of the store.




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I have been doing pretty much the same sort of eating for the past 5 weeks and have lost 10 pounds.. one thing that is really helping me is drinking water.. if I dont drink it I get hungry.. if I drink it all day I dont feel hungry at all... a lot of people mistake thirst for hunger and over eat because of it.. that was "one" of my mistakes.. :D... I remember a weight watchers leader that used to say "nothing tastes as good as thin feels"... lol

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I am off to England for Christmas and New Years..what killed me last year was the to die for breads, cheeses, tea, "clotted cream". I know about the no bread/wheat/gluten thing, but what about the cheese and clotted cream? Clotted cream is sort of a whipped fluffy cream..not like cream cheese..used on the glorious scones, breads, etc. Last year I overdosed on the cheese and the Air Force even shipped some of it home for me (I was on a base). What about Pomengranites? They make a lovely pomegranite juice there I love.


Happy Holidays to all..I've been scarce on the boards because of working and doing some spinal cord research. Menina

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I am off to England for Christmas and New Years..what killed me last year was the to die for breads, cheeses, tea, "clotted cream". I know about the no bread/wheat/gluten thing, but what about the cheese and clotted cream? Clotted cream is sort of a whipped fluffy cream..not like cream cheese..used on the glorious scones, breads, etc. Last year I overdosed on the cheese and the Air Force even shipped some of it home for me (I was on a base). What about Pomengranites? They make a lovely pomegranite juice there I love.


Happy Holidays to all..I've been scarce on the boards because of working and doing some spinal cord research. Menina

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